#dollception replies
struungout · 8 years
@11ar i've been spending too much cash on clothes for myself and faceups this year to have the energy to get more dolls before the year is out. xD still have a pile of dolls that need new faceups. OTL
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struungout · 9 years
@crescentbunny said: I thought it might be the stringing too but it turns out its those little hip bits that jut out at the top of the legs, they are keeping the legs from moving up high enough for them to sit a little better without leaning so much.
bleh, i see. x_x i guess they must have screwed up the shaping with those pieces or something on the m-lines. that sucks. D;
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struungout · 9 years
kawaiimon said: Lol i just got that email too.
and naturally it was sent the day before their long weekend OTL
likely won’t be getting a shipping notice until next thursday ahahahHAHAHAHAHAAH
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struungout · 9 years
giddychildes-dolls said: you mean a best
nuuuuuu i’m trying to save up for a new ipad i shouldn’t be plopping 200 bucks on doll shit D;
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struungout · 9 years
taconacho said: i saw that too OTL It’s so annoying, I’m feeling less excited about my kikipop the more and more I wait ugh :<
ino that feel bro. D; been half tempted to cancel my order but i also don’t want to because she’s cute and at this point i’m just like “if i cancel then they win”
who are they
what do they win?
i dn’t fucking know but gdi i will get that fucking doll so help me
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struungout · 9 years
taconacho said: when are we even supposed to expect them though XD like some places were saying July, some say august, some say september and some just say fall :\ On a happier note, which Kikipop did you order ^.^?
It depends on which preorder set you got into. Mine should be coming along sometime this month, but Amiami doesn’t have an exact date posted.
I ordered the red haired Kikipop in the basic hoody/shirt/shorts outfit. c:
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struungout · 9 years
taconacho said: ive been itching for my kikipop too long too now lol I just hope the yen will get at an even better rate by the time its ready to pay >o>
i kept forgetting i even preordered a kikipop for a good portion of this year because the wait has been that long. XD
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struungout · 9 years
kawaiimon said: I’m hoping it’s later rather than earlier cause I’m $100 short right now! DX
ooh noes Dx i have enough money for mine, but i’m also kinda hoping it comes along sometime after i get my next paycheck so i won’t have to possibly dip in to my savings account
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struungout · 9 years
Tumblr media
malaryush-dolls replied to your post: “oh yeah like i’d miss jumping on this bandwagon. XD gawd priita, you...”:
51... XD
xD I uploaded a different picture of her and it claimed she was 23 or 24. pfff
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struungout · 9 years
bellasdolls said: Which book? XD
valor's choice by tanya huff (the first of her confederation series). x3 there's marines...IN SPACE. 8D got a real nice mass effect-y vibe. = w= gonna start on the next book over the weekend since i finally get to meet the lead character's future pilot boyfriend HNNNG SO EXCITED
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struungout · 9 years
soenatte said: Ohhh! That’s so exciting! Can’t wait to see them all put together!
yaaaassss i can't wait either! ; w ; unfortunately, i don't think my shepard's head may be back home with her faceup until after all the clothes get here.
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struungout · 9 years
curiosityatwar said: what clay do you use? I have to make a figure for my project and was wondering about the material you used :)
i've been using DAS air-dry clay. a while back i got a bug up my ass to do some sculpting and i just got what was at the store while grocery shopping, and since i still had an unopened package of it left, i decided to use it for my headback project.
it's pretty nice to work with, though you need to get your fingers/sculpting tools wet fairly regularly so it'll smooth onto what you're working on nicely. really easy to carve into too with an x-acto knife once it's dry. it does have a bit of an odor to it when wet, and that smell really sticks to your fingers even after cleaning them off. x 3x;; Creative Paperclay is also another air-dry clay you can get a hold of, or even Sculpey if you'd prefer something you can bake dry. I'm not really an expert on sculpting materials though... xD;
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struungout · 9 years
sugaredmuffin said: My Akubi was a hybrid on Doll Chateau body but I hated it and got him a Unoa body instead and it was awesome. The Unoa bodies are really adorable <33 (maybe that’s why I have 3 unoa right now…)
ffffff yeah they are ; A ; ugggggh i just love their hands and legs. *FLOPFLOP* blerp, i already got some things set up to spend money on next, so it might be a while, buuut i might just try starting to save up for an unoa. here's to hoping by the time i have the money that there will be one on the marketplace at a price i can handle (or at the very least, the seller offers layaway xD). ahahahahahfuck
but until then, body sharing! (assuming i can succeed at making a junk!headback)
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struungout · 9 years
giddychildes-dolls said: oh my god, right. I got lucky the last two times, one faceplate came with a headback and Buff had some in stock the other time. i just bought another faceplate and i might actually try and sculpt one!
yeah, i got my b-el with a headback, but i can't really use his because i got gabe's wig glued to it and that'd just be a pain in the ass to have to redo whenever i want him as a whole doll. = 3=; i'm on the list to get a headback from buff when she eventually gets enough orders to get more cast, but who knows when that'll be? D; and absolutely nobody on the marketplace that has a faceplate with a headback for sale is interested in splits. FFFFFFF *flips table*
i've been hella tempted to try sculpting a junk headback to be a placeholder until i can get my hands on a nicer one. x_x;
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struungout · 9 years
kawaiimon said: yay! I’m working on a trade at the moment to get a bully faceplate.
nice! :D i just love all the extra unoa faceplates with all the different expressions. x3 i've been tempted to hunt down a winking one too. >.>;;
giddychildes-dolls said: yay for getting more unoa faceplates! XD
pfff yeah really. if only i could get a hold of another headback...then i could actually use them. D;
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struungout · 10 years
aggressivelybicaptainamerica said: This is why I unfollowed the anon confession blogs, especially doll ones.
pffff i don't follow any of the confession blogs either, but that doesn't stop me from ending up seeing them on my dash because people i DO follow reblog confession posts fffff
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