#don’t say burmashave
mwittier · 2 years
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I finished these a year ago, but I refused to install them in a dirty run, and last time I cleaned, I forgot about them. But today, the crabby poetry risers are up! The Ladies are, as always, unimpressed. Made with masking tape stencils and spray paint.
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rjwright-blog1 · 4 years
Politics 2020
Choosing Harris as VP.  - August 18, 2020
I thought that Susan Rice would be a better pick for VP as she has eight years of Whitehouse administrative inner workings, but without elected campaign experience I can I understand why ultimately she was not chosen for the role.  It does appear though that she was highly thought of as she was one of only 2 black finalists for the role, with Kamala Harris selected.
Biden did well to choose Harris.  She stepped up to the challenge immediately with a strong acceptance speech and she is not afraid to call out Donald Trump for how she sees him – a predator.  Strong words from a strong woman.
Harris spoke well at the Democratic National Convention and told much of her personal story that brought her to this point in her life.  She seems to be a good balance to Biden.  Smart, talented and experienced, she should be able to appeal to a range of voters.  How well she will do with the black community is to be seen.  Her Presidential bid did not see a lot of traction with black voters.  Harris seems to be slightly removed from many black grievances and her education and job history squarely puts her comfortably alongside urban white, west coast elites.  It will be interesting to see her outreach to the black community, especially what inroads she can achieve with them to get out their vote.  
Biden’s Showcase For A Return To A Decent America.  - August 21, 2020
The democratic National Convention, in its new online, virtual format was more advertorial then tradition Burmashave convention.  But its main themes were very clear, especially the desire to return to a more normal, decent political environment under the Democrats and the Biden/Harris ticket.
It’s hard to be against decency – unless of course you are Donald Trump who has clearly demonstrated over his first term that he is incapable of acting in any way that resembles normalcy and decency.
However, most people would find it hard to be against normalcy and decency and will probably respond, when asked, that they will vote for Biden and the democrats.  But don’t be a surprised if a substantial number of these same voters do end up voting for Trump and the Republican ticket because they see Trump delivering on traditional Family and Religious conservative values that many will have as core values.  
It really should be unsurprising that people would be embarrassed by Trump.  But that does not mean that they don’t like his agenda and how the United States would look after 4 more years of his Presidency. Expect the unexpected.  Democrats should concentrate ON THEIR CONFIRMED VOTERS.  “Get out the vote” has never rung truer.  
I would personally love to see a democratic wave of unseen proportions.  In my opinion, it would reflect well upon America.  But in todays polarized world, where even wearing face masks in an epidemic has been politically weaponised to look like a draconian form of government control, there should be no surprises….  
With the peculiarities of the US Electoral College, it is very possible for Trump to be re-elected.  The battle for Senate control would seem an enormous victory for Democrats if they could regain house control.  I would not want to bet the farm on that one.  It will be a door by door, vote by vote battle unlike any election seen for decades.  Democrats, prepare to work hard, like you have never before.  Every vote counts!
Yes.  But not until he has destroyed all faith in the democratic system.  Recently when asked of Qanon, he did not explain it away as a concocted fairy tale.  Rather he said he didn’t know much about it other then the people who follow it like him.  He went as far as to say that if these people think he can save the world, well that was a good thing – and he would try to do so. It is unbelievable that an elected President would not immediately dispel this crazy conspiracy theory and half-baked untruths of such a misguided group of people.  
But it suits him. It aids his chances of more voters helping to get him re-elected, regardless of the crackpot conspiracy theories they believe.  It was his duty to them the truth.  His failure to step up and to tell them the truth is again, the measure of the man.  
But if he cannot get the votes to win the election, he will surely contest it.  But if all fails his best place to continue his contention will be on TV where he is in his element, where he can build foment and continue on as a president in exile.
If the Democrats win this election it will not be long before those elements of their party that believe they helped secure victory – will come demanding immediate change, implementation of their particular agendas and a leftward swing in official party policy. Expect this.  Biden and Harris will be overwhelmed with a vocal contingent within their own party for more leftward change.  How this is handled may well create the opportunities for Trump to attack and create further division.  
The Democrats may only have a two year window before mid-term elections to implement real change.  Assuming they can win the election in dramatic fashion and control all Congress and the Whitehouse, then they better use this time to implement the foundations for an America that has a reasonable chance of reassuming its place in the world.  
If Democrats fight and bicker and lose the moment, they might let Trumpism come storming back.  They will need to act and act quickly before the alternate reality President demands, and gets a ‘re-do’ of his term.
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