#dont worry im 4 h4z4rd to my he4lth but even i know (mostly) when to dr4w the line
mosstalon4 · 4 years
* headcanon time! share a stim (or more) you do and a character (or more) you purroject that onto!
oh boi uh-
when im lying in bed re4l comfy 4nd soft 4nd cozy 4nd good, i do th4t thing th4t c4ts do! u know,  where they kne4d the bl4nket? i do th4t, but with my feet! s4ns does too, but only when hes 4ll bundled up in 4 bunch of bl4nkets. molly does it when shes not super fre4kin tired 4nd 4ctu4lly gets to enjoy her bed (like 4fter the museum night where she took inspir4tion from giov4nni 4nd s4id “screw this im goin to bed” inste4d of opening shop!!)
pressure stimming! sometimes i t4ke my j4cket 4nd fold it re4l tight 4g4inst me four comfy! kris 4nd dipper 4lso do th4t sometimes! so does terezi ::3
rub f4ce,, 4g4inst sofd,,,, liter4lly 4ll of them do this skdjfhskj
chew thing!! dipper, terezi, kris, not technic4lly s4ns bc he c4nt open his mouth but he does grind his teeth  together in the w4y i do to simul4te chewing when i c4nt re4lly do it. molly does it too, but not 4s much 4s the others, 4nd she doesnt e4t stupid things like the rest (ie: p4per, c4rdbo4rd, tinfoil, rootbeer c4ns, rocks sometimes, other things i prob4bly shouldnt e4t,,)
clicky cl4cky,,,, keybo4rd good! dipper, s4ns, terezi, kris, 4nd molly 4ll 4gree th4t clicky cl4cky keybo4rd good when its the right kind of clicky cl4ck bo4rd!
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