#edit: replies have told me this isn't in the manga! so it was a 98 thing
shenyaanigans · 1 year
so one thing that i think is interesting, and i've said in tags somewhere is like. in 98 i know for sure vash spikes his hair because rem did it for him. and nai's hair is different because he cut it himself. i don't know if this was added in 98 or was also in trimax—but either way, i think it's a great subtle characterization detail that speaks to how rem is an important figure in vash's life and his identity. so applying that logic to tristamp then makes things really interesting, because the twins as kids both have very similar hair cuts, just bangs in the opposite direction, with an undercut—so in this version, what rem contributes to vash's identity through his hair is the undercut, not the spikes.
this becomes really fascinating to me because vash isn't the only one to keep the undercut. nai keeps it, too. so although vash and nai grow apart, and the top part of their hair reflects this (vash still opting for bangs while nai has a vague quaff), they both keep an aspect of rem with them: they both keep the undercut.
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