wpdariacutnes Β· 1 year
me: ok ok i'm getting up because I don't think he will leave me ( is not a run get kryzisam das get me staws a Real so im can be 2 side same time)
elina the blond hedgehog i.e. maria ver/series a furry and that's it but if i want my critique then go ahead and have balls you knows a not like o well let go gets kid a cut head because more popurar
And finks das a self stand joke a joke a dys joke a self call someone creppy and someone not stol stupid oc a someone make same palette corors a skin and say o das me blond oc stole corors das pefetyw lie you knows a wery esly like a be cut edgy
normally I'm willing to shoot such people but as soon as I could and there is no such rule so I just find such people asshole
And saying it's an au doesn't rule out criticism baby gril~ (it will be soon, but she's already gone, after all, you wanted to bis, after all, she will only come back under a different nickname or something and she will do the same drama)
and one personality won't give any panache to make it pop oc they all spill blood to make the backstory better for ocek even if it's dreamcore seriously it doesn't give anything to give you a renke hurry up to fucking up
and I leave Twitter to you whether she took the oc from the hat or not
can i say that you can see from one chick totalie napulacie because once screen twitter put her like a collage yes it was a collage some bibo_woman_maria niby (not interested in twitter but well send there it will find it) even a few showed you face that it's the same character that is even better that sega herbs do the job and showed maria as a hedgehog to shut her face finally
but but that's not the end what sega did but what copied its texts a divanart nope more that perversion yes perversion because some executioner was a knife and they associated it and it's her aaa I can't drama why are you sitting on the internet *gasp* because to do more kind of frendly fix art to then order that it doesn't forbid me to be a baby so clear and like sega snake to fuck your ass poorly gril...ugh
then sega has beige people like you put in one bag that you are toxic persen and that's why there is no oc cherater because that's how it ends such a truth that I understand
and not saying that "but there is no blue dress it's fake persen is hamski" I beg you sure every one of your horny daddy has seen blue dress and these rates are also that she made sexy naked hedgehogs like something (because real hedgehogs are naked but hey it's a video game)
Okey im done toking hope like and one
Offical note: 06.04.2023.r
Das gril levan me a deam hell alone thx
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