#entirety of wxs gets flanderized sooo bad but I’m always gonna be a bigger fighter for the girls
apotelesmaa · 2 months
I think smthn a lot of people don’t get about nene that bugs me is that her hater thing kind of seems to be 1) more of her actual personality coming through now that she has a group she’s really comfortable with 2) primarily aimed at tsukasa (she’s noticeably nicer to rui although she’ll occasionally make fun of him (fondly) & it’s even rarer for her to poke fun at emu)* 2.2) that’s kind of just the nene & tsukasa dynamic. She doesn’t actually hate him** and he doesn’t take what she says to heart. Fondly bullying your friends is a beautiful art.
*frequently seeing ppl act like she’d pull out the hater vibes with rui completely unprompted or even characters outside of wxs and like. She would not fucking say that.
**cannot fuckin stand seeing people act like she’s actually evil for poking fun at tsukasa leave her alone… also rui (& occasionally emu) literally backs her up frequently bc it is A Bit to them. It is always funny to bully tsukasa tenma and nene is the funniest bitch of them all. Also tsukasa deserves it for his dumb behavior in the main story.
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