aeipathcy · 2 years
@eoniens​* ✭ ❪ for Arioch ❫
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❝ And here I thought demons didn’t normally have pets— ❞ Seriously, what was with all these weirdos and their red-haired companions having some weird ass tension??? 
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abrasife · 2 years
[ join ] — sunny to keith !
[ join ]: the receiver has been stood up in a restaurant, and the sender comes over to offer them some company.
Glancing at the time displayed on his cell phone’s lock screen had him feeling certain of his circumstances. He was supposed to have had lunch with a certain couple but it seems they had either forgotten the plan or gotten carried away with their own fun and joy on their date. The boy wouldn’t have minded that if it weren’t for how much he had to do to prepare himself for this outing in the first place, having spent hours pouring over the online menu and picking out the exact meal he would order based on what he perceived was safe enough to indulge on. 
Really, he had to secretly search that damned website for the nutrition information, and doing that became harder and harder each day that went by. Keith wasn’t supposed to be doing that and yet he still did. Although, it was a positive in that he was still willing to have a meal outside even after looking through the dreaded distribution of calories and high content of fat, salt, and sugar. And now, being stood up at this moment, made the hours spent analyzing each dish and its nutrition content a waste. He was half tempted to call his sister and express his frustration at this.
Except, he was brought away from his lingering embarrassment from occupying a four-person table alone when he heard the sound of someone taking a seat across from him. Glancing up from the phone in his hand, the boy’s eyes fell upon a small girl he had not met before. Despite that fact, something about her felt familiar, like he had interacted with her before. Hmm, he had gotten this feeling before—when meeting a certain girl after a therapy session—so maybe this was another case of the same thing.
The blonde-haired girl greeted him with a smile, eyes shining as if she were excited to see him again. This left Keith speechless. Clearly, she felt familiar, but he couldn’t place why he felt that way. The seconds passed and he could feel annoyance and irritation bubbling in his chest, as if this girl was a presence he did not like to be around. Why was that? 
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❝ Hello, ❞ he greeted her awkwardly, although he couldn’t stop his expression from conveying the annoyance he felt inside. Setting his device on the table, Keith averted his eyes, not wanting to come across as staring or being disrespectful by trying to piece together where he might have seen her before. Then again, the girl appeared to be a significant amount younger than him, so it was unlikely they would’ve been at the same school or anything of the sort years back. Or maybe she was just short and she was older than she looked? He had definitely made that mistake before.
❝ Would you please not look at me like that? ❞ he remarked at her bright disposition. For some reason, he was expecting intrusive questions or a prank to show up within the next few seconds, and he honestly did not want to deal with that right now.
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klarsynt-arc · 3 years
@eonien  for stella ||  s.c.
          it isn’t like she hasn’t seen him before.  even before they ended up here in his bed.  she’s examined him,  patched him up,  run stress tests—  she knows what he looks like beneath cashmere and kevlar.  but this is different.  there’s nothing clinical about the way her eyes run over exposed skin now.  the way her fingers run along neck and shoulders,  that little tilt of her head when her gaze settles on a scar or a tattoo.  it’s like she’s trying to commit it all to memory,  understand it.  it makes emil smile and he lifts a hand to brush a thumb over her forehead,  then lets his fingers rake through her hair  “  what’s going on up here?  ”  
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j-reau · 3 years
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plotted starter for @eonien​
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“Dr. Baker, do you have a minute?” She approaches the other woman’s desk tentatively, a report clutched in her hands. One that had been handed to her by Emily just a few minutes before. The one that the trauma specialist the FBI had hired temporarily had said she couldn’t sign off on after their meeting the week before. There’s tension in her shoulders and her jaw, in the way JJ stretches her mouth around her own face in something that might have once been a smile but looks now like a kid trying to swallow down lemon juice and say she likes it. But the rest of her posture is relaxed. She shoves her hands in her pants pocket when she puts the report on Dr. Baker’s desk, stands upright despite the effect that she’s going to curl into herself. “Why didn’t you sign this?” JJ asks it with her voice taught and tense behind the way she tries to ask the question genuinely. They’d only spoken for 30 minutes, and she’d kept everything level, didn’t let any of the wrong things slip out. Their conversation had been measured, easy. This result wasn’t what JJ had expected. She swallows a lump in her throat and looks up at Addison’s eyes, searching, her own wide and working to hold back her desperation. “If you don’t sign this they won’t let me in the field.”
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hisflaws-a2 · 3 years
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@eonien​​   (  feat.  tree  )   :  
                                   ❝  i’m gonna punch you in the fucking mouth.  ❞
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stale  expression  comes  to  meet  her  angered  one.   she’s  seething  with  a  rage  he  hasn’t  seen  before  and,  for  a  moment,  max  wonders  if  he  pushed  her  too  far.   but  tree  should  know  he’s  joking,  right?   he’s  always  joking.   however,  he  won’t  be  surprised  if  he  is  catching  her  on  an  off  day.   “  that  a  threat  or  a  promise?  ”   hands  curl  into  loose  fists  and  knuckles  rest  at  hips.   a  casually,  yet  confident  stance  for  someone  who  may  be  seconds  away  from  catching  a  mean  right - hook  to  the  jaw.   “  come  on,  sassafras  ---  put  ‘em  up.   hit  me.  ”
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bensbraeden · 3 years
@eonien​  ,    meme
who did this to you?  / lisa
“mom,  it’s not a big deal,”    ben sighs,  knowing that he was going to hear it from his mom.     he feels the way her hands splay out on his jaw,  turning his cheek so she can get a better look of the scrape that runs along his cheek.     the hunt tonight did not go as planned and he didn’t leave unscathed as he usually does.     ben’s tongue peeks between his brims to swipe along the gash against the corner of his mouth.       “the boys and i were trying skating,  and i’m not a natural at it like i thought.”    it’s a poor attempt to soothe to tension in the air and convince his mother that he was just with his friends.
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“i’m okay,  i promise.”     hands reaches up to lithely take her own and gingerly pull away from his face.     the longer she stares it,  the more she’s gonna know that it’s not just from falling down in a skatepark.     she’s a mother;  she can tell everything.     ben takes this moment to wind around her and push towards the kitchen,  desperate to overturn the topic to something else other than his face.      “what’s for dinner?    i’m starving.”
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erorred · 4 years
       ‘  living together defeats the no-strings-attached agreement,  ’   she says with a grin as she ignores the unsteadiness in her extremities and the slight tingling between her thighs to pull her jeans back up and over her hips.  it’s become an unspoken rule that the  spoken  rule  essentially no longer applies, but that doesn’t stop her from bringing up the  rule  in moments like these.  she knows it’s no longer  no  strings  attached,  not when they’ve spent the last few months spending almost every night together anyways, and certainly not when devon’s become a fixture as her guest at family functions.  there are strings, more than she can count, tying her to the man sprawled out in bed and trying to get her to come back. 
    certainly, living together would have a  number  of benefits, including a whole forty five minute trip back to her own apartment to pick up clothes and check in on the plants.  and it would be nice to just  –––  be  near  devon.    ‘  unless,  ’   she amends, working at the buttons on a white sleeveless blouse.   ‘  you want to re-negotiate the terms of this arrangement ?  ’
   @eonien   –––––––   “  you know, if you moved in we wouldn’t keep having to say goodbye like this.  ”  /  devon  @  sophia
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doomdays-a · 4 years
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@eonien​​  ╱   ❝  i’ve never shot a gun before.  ❞  nor has she ever been in a position to believe she may need one  ---  even her months out on the road so far,  even in the worst situations,  a gun was never where her mind went.   had she ever even been this close  --  ever held one in her hand?  it feels so strange to debate it now in her mind,  her head shaking slowly to herself.  ❝  when did you learn to shoot one?  ❞
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bitmiscuous · 3 years
[ disagree ]  your muse sternly telling mine  ‘ no ‘ . / jj !     —      @eonien​​​​ prompt.
✝     ———-   a  hasty breath     of prideful resentment gets caught between rosy lips ;    disbelief sits at the arch between dark brows ,   the impact of her unceremonious repudiation seems to   bewilder    him in such a way ,   one could only assume it wasn’t a word he was accustomed to being on the receiving end of .
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❛      no ?     ❜     staggering for clarification ,    the words echoes after her own  ,    a ripple of perplexity .     ❛     but i   can help ...     why wouldn’t you want that ?     ❜ 
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aeipathcy · 2 years
@eoniens * ✭ ❪ liked for a starter┊☓ ❫
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❝ Don’t you have anything better to do than stare? ❞ he remarked as he set down his cup. He knew there wasn’t anyone else here, but surely the guy had something better to do than watch him savor his coffee. Or maybe he was waiting for the chance to talk to him? The waiter did seem very keen on sparking conversations with him. Though, there was the possibility he was going to ask about ordering a meal to go with his coffee too and he might be waiting for him to ask for one.
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buhkleyx · 3 years
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  @eonien  [  selectively accepting.  ]    ––––––––   maddie  &  owen.
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klarsynt-arc · 3 years
@eonien  ||  s.c.
          “  stop— leave her out of this.  ”  
it’s.  futile plea,  but he has to try.  stella has no part in any of this,  no reason to be here stuck in his shit.  she’s a civilian and he should have known to be more careful.  being associated with him is dangerous.  he supposes,  that danger is already there with her working for tantalus too,  but it’s different.  she’s a doctor.  some people have the decency to respect unwritten rules.  you don’t go after medics.  jaw clenches and emil’s muscles flex again the chains binding his wrists behind his back,  eyes glancing between stella and their captor.   “  she’s just a doctor,  she doesn’t fucking know anything.  she's a waste of your time. ”  
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j-reau · 3 years
i hate it here @eonien / addison
“Addison --” It’s not a question or hesitation. Her name comes out like a plea, or a prayer, or a desperate call for breath. Because JJ feels desperate suddenly. More desperate than the first time they’d kissed, more desperate than when they’d finally torn each other’s clothes off and got on with the lack of professionalism in their relationship. It’s a different kind of desperate -- that comes when Addison turns them, abruptly and knocks JJ’s back against the wall, when it takes the air out of her lungs and makes her body fill with some kind of desire that’s different; warmer, heavier -- vulnerable. It’s different than what JJ is used to. She’s used to control and the feeling that she’s the one pulling desperate breaths from her partners. She likes it that way. It keeps her moving forward, never freezing. This freezes her. And it makes her pull back, and breathe against Addison’s lips and still draw her head closer with her finger tips in her head. JJ never finishes the sentence. She just says her name and leaves it there between them, like the small gap of air hovering between their lips, like the heavy breath that suddenly heaves in her chest. JJ opens her eyes, looks back at Addison, and lets them finish the sentence for her. 
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hisflaws-a2 · 3 years
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@eonien​​​   (  feat.  clementine  )   :  
                                         ❝  i need to just sleep for like 17 years.  ❞
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“  yeah  ----  it  sure  seems  like  it.  ”   referring  to  the  large  sunglasses  covering  her  eyes.   not  a  look  max  hasn’t  seen  before.   actually,  this  is  the  state  he’s  come  to  define  as  clem’s  normal  appearance  and  usually  he’s  right  there  with  her,  but  he  decided  to  sit  last  night  out.   “  so  does  this  mean  you  don’t  want  the  coffee?  ”   arm  retracts  and  smug  grin  appears.   he’s  only  kidding  which  is  why  coffee  gets  handed  to  her  anyway.   “  are  you  sure  you  wanna  do  this?   i  mean,  look  around,  this  mall  is  full  of  people.   i’d  hate  to  be  walking  around  while  hungover  . . .  ”   vision  narrows  and  finger  tucks  between  the  space  of  the  sunglasses  and  bridge  of  her  nose  only  to  steal  a  quick  peek  at  her  eyes.   “  ----  or  still  drunk.  ”   a  playful  comment  that’s  said  with  more  love  rather  than  judgement.   “  what  could  be  so  important  that  you  must  buy  it  right  now?  ”   again,  no  judgement.   if  anything,  max  is  impressed  that  she  possess  the  will  power  to  leave  the  house  while  her  body  is  in  such  a  compromising  position.   “  i  guess  if  you’re  sure  you  wanna  do  this  then  lead  the  way.   but  if  you  try  to  convince  me  to  try  things  on,  i’m  running.  ”
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nightmaer · 3 years
sorry,       i  didn’t  mean  to  wake  you,       had  just  left  her  lips.       but,      evidently  the  other  was  also  having  issues  with  falling  into  a  peaceful  slumber.         fingers  are  wrapped  around  the  handle  of  the  kettle,       water  freshly  boiled.            she  pours  some  into  mug  already  filled  with lavender  tea.       hand  hovers  over  another  mug,       eyes  moving  to  raina.
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                   ❛          you  want  a  cup?        suppose  to  help  you  relax.         ❜
@eonien​:    ‘it’s okay. i couldn’t sleep anyway.’     [    𝗹𝘂𝗰𝗶𝗮  &  𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗮.    ]
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erorred · 4 years
         a little groggy, more than a little hungover, and in search of bacon that she can  smell  from the bedroom, she makes no effort to appear  graceful  as she goes straight for her target.  both arms wrap around her husband’s waist as a groan leaves the back of her throat  ––  for a long moment, sophia’s forehead remains buried, pushed insistently into the space between devon’s shoulder blades.  and then a thought strikes, and even if it’s muffled and barely lucid, she voices it.   ‘  did i   .  .  .   give you rocks last night when i got home ?  ’     /    @eonien
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