#especially beecy for keeping the community going!
gallawitchxx Β· 11 months
tag game tuesday: wednesday edition 🀘🏼
pals, i love you all so much & thank you to @celestialmickey @energievie @metalheadmickey @whatwouldmickeydo @thisdivorce @juliakayyy @palepinkgoat @xninetiestrendx @crossmydna & @francesrose3 for tagging me to play! i ran out of time yesterday, but there's always today 😌
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name: bee bee eight πŸ–€
when is your birthday? soon! july 7th <- same beecy same πŸ¦€
favorite social media platform outside of tumblr? instagram! i love it, i hate it, i can't get enough of it. (also if discord counts, then discord) πŸ“Έ
do you wear makeup? i haven't really worn make-up since the move tbh... but when i do it's just light foundation, mascara & the occasional eyeliner wing πŸ’ƒπŸΌ
favorite board game? maybe scrabble?! we love board games in this house. it might be easier to answer what is the board game most likely to result in a fight? aka sorry! alskghalfkh a children's game & my wife & i always lose our minds.
do you have any tattoos? i do! i do! i think i have 14? i'm not sure. but i did JUST get one yesterday lmaoooo. it's an eye on the back of my neck πŸ‘πŸ–€
which of the seven deadly sins would you say you struggle with the most? probably lust. like, can i even read something anymore without the promise of smut?! i'm a very cool combination of horny & monogamous at all times πŸ˜…
best vacation you’ve ever been on? in january of 2020, the before times, my girlfriend & i went to paris, where we became fiancΓ©es! it was the best trip! in my very favorite city! πŸ‡«πŸ‡· πŸ₯ πŸ’
how do you get around town? i was a train babe for the last 12 years in the Big Apple, but now i'm a car girlie! i know that it's very bad for the environment, but i also kind of love it. i just love bopping around & not having to squeeze in with strangers on my way to the grocery store. what a gift! 🚘
describe your vibe in three words: enthusiastic, creative, moody ✌️
share a song rec: "gimme" by ralph πŸ’…
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even though i'm late, i'm gonna tag some pals! @heymrspatel @squidyyy23 @creepkinginc @mishervellous @ian-galagher @deathclassic @howlinchickhowl @iansfreckles @rereadanon @sickness-health-all-that-shit & @tidalrace - but if you don't want to play, then please take this as a consensual internet squeeze! πŸ₯°
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