#everyone arguing and i'm like lalal can't wait to watch black panther
quicksiluers · 6 years
Last Jedi thoughts below! I was going to record something buttt my mic isn’t working so I just typed it up. Spoilers as well! So beware of that. 
Saw this for a second time today and it helped gather my thoughts! Liked it more the second time but I do have issues with the movie. 
Things I liked~!:
Mark Hamill killed it as Luke in this movie. Not everything that the character did was in agreement with me (Really? Luke is going to think, for even a second, to kill his nephew? I know it was a lapse but still, it didn’t sit well with me). But Hamill was out of this world great and his last scene, staring at the sunset and fading away, really did get me choked up.
With with TFA, I love Rey, Finn, Poe, and the added addition of Rose! I’m happy to see by the end of the movie (with the exception of Rose who is hurt) that we have the trio together. I hope to see more of them interacting in the next movie together cause I feel like the dynamic could be great.
Mentioning Poe, I’m happy we got to see more of him since he wasn’t in TFA too much. I was frustrated by his storyline at times (why didn’t Holda just tell him from the get go what they were doing? I get chain of command but with a resistance that is deprived of leader shio, giving him the heads up would have been helpful). But like I said, love seeing more Poe.
Rose, I really liked her! Kelly did a great job and brought a fun energy to her. I hope we get to see more of her in the next movie, though I do hope they don’t try and juggle too many characters in IX.
Ach-To and Crait were both awesome new planets in this world. Crait was really cool with the added  red effect when stepping on the salt. And the little crystal foxes! Also, I do love the porgs...they were cute and funny and non of the merch has done them justice with their creepy soulless black eyes.
The fights in this movie were great, from space battles, to the battle on Crait, to the Kylo and Rey saber fight in that cool red room. Each had a different flare to it that made them stand out.
The movie looks beautiful, some of the shots are simply fantastic.
The cast is great, everyone is spot on. Also, really love all the costumes, set designs, I always love seeing what new things they can come up with in these movies.
Things I didn’t like:
Listen...I just could care less about Kylo Ren. I’m not invested, I don’t care about the dude at all. Adam Driver does a good job here, but I’m not backing this dude. And I mean, I don’t have to, but I just don’t care. When his scenes come up, I’m like ok how long will this be. I was happy they didn’t try and redeem him in this, I would have rolled my eyes so hard (which I was already doing when Rey kept calling him Ben sdfghjk but that’s a whole fucking other thing). And I’m interested to see what they do with him cause apparently now he’s the main bad guy? I don’t know what they’ll do with that but I’m sure it’ll be...something
This whole Rey and Kylo business, I am hard passing this shit. The force chats?? The first two, the one where she tries to shoot him and the other when she calls him a monster, I was like “huh ok...not sure if I like this but you have my interest.” But that third one? Where he randomly has his shirt on and they’re talking and for some reason Rey really wants to know why he killed Han Solo? That came out of nowhere, Rey hadn’t expressed any interest in knowing why Kylo killed Han in any of the scenes leading up to that. She just kept saying he was a menace, he was a monster who had to be dealt with. Hell, she tells Luke in the scene before “Kylo failed you, but I won’t” and then she just turns around and is like “why did you kill Han, he loved you!” and then they’re touching hands because she didn’t find the answers she wanted?? That whole middle point in the movie with Rey, I was not into it. At all. This random idea of trying to get Kylo to turn was out of the blue, Kylo our last hope? Are you kidding? And then, what a shock, turns out that Kylo wants to fucking rule it all and wants Rey by his side. At least she denies him then, and shuts the door on him when she’s leaving Crait with the rest of the resistance.
Some of the Finn and Rose stuff I could have done without, particularly the DJ stuff. The casino was cool, the animal stuff was kinda eh but whatever, but DJ?? Why was that character even there? That whole subplot felt different from the rest of the movie? I don’t hate it like some people but I’m always like “oh yeah this” which is a shame cause I do love Rose and Finn, and BB-8 was there too! Also, some of the cgi in those scenes were prettyyy bad.
Let’s be real, the whole first order is kinda a snooze. Hux is funny from time to time when people are throwing him into walls, but he doesn’t really do much? And I mean, Captain Phasma? The fight with her and Finn was cool but was far too short. And then she dies? I mean, if she makes it out of that, that would be crazy.
The editing at time felt really off, as well as the flow of the story? I think because they were jumping between 3 different subplots, they would jump to each of them at times where I was just getting into one of them.
Snoke was so ugh, and you know...if you’re going to have a mystery with this character from the last movie, actually do something with him. Why even bother with this character at all? Yeah, all the theories for snoke were dumb, but to kill him off like this? It’s a big waste of time for fans and kinda a fuck you lol. I understand why some fans are pissed about this movie because TFA set up these questions and people have been speculating given the information that they were dealt with. And then you go “nahh actually they’re nobody, let’s move along.” It just...leaves a lot to be desired.
I’m not even going to get into the Rey parent thing cause I thought that was dumbbbb and they gave themselves that wiggle room of like “well Kylo is an unreliable narrator so who knows if he’s telling the truth about her parents!!” I”M DONE. I’M TIRED. Don’t make a fucking big deal about who her parents are if you’re just going to make it this! If she was just a random person, that’s fine! Just say it in TFA! It would have been simple but noooo they gotta make it a big mystery and then in this movie it’s just tossed aside. It drives me nuts.
I know the cons are longer but I did enjoy this movie but I do have major flaws with it. This doesn’t even feel like a middle chapter to me, it feels like just the beginning? Which is kinda bad when the “3rd” part of your story is coming up next and it’s supposed to wrap it all up. What is there to wrap up? More first order fighting the resistance? Is kylo going to die? I’m just so tired, everyone has been arguing all weekend about this movie and I’m tired. It’s fine, it’s not amazing, it’s not awful, it’s fine and good. Flaws are mixed in with interesting ideas and characters I like.
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
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