#eye-themed villain using trolls as treasure hunters
razzle-zazzle · 3 months
what abt that au we talked abt where branch gets snatched up by that massive eye creature? 👁️👁️
Okay, that one's hard to explain because currently it's more a collection of cool concepts, ideas, and some scenes with a loose thread of semi-coherent plot connecting it all. But it's a fun collection of cool concepts, ideas, and some scenes with a loose thread of semi-coherent plot connecting it all!
Story starts with Branch pulling Poppy aside so they can talk later, as he has something important to tell her. But Queenly duties leave her running a little late to their little meetup, and when she gets there, Branch is gone. But when she and a few others do manage to track him down...
He doesn't recognize her. He's gray, but it's different from before—lighter, paler, low contrast, almost as though he's been washed out. He doesn't recognize any of them. He's armed, too, and all he sees before him are threats.
It only gets more wild from there >:]]]
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