#feel like we're all at a lil gay sleepover rn
loudlyunladylike · 2 years
First of all, every single episode made me cry in one way or another
Second, and I think I mentioned this on discord but. FUCK I wished I had these sorts of friends when I was younger
Like, I love my secondary school mates to death, but we never talked openly really, and that was hard when figuring out sexuality stuff. Like, the first time I said out loud that I wasn't straight was on DofE, and there,,, wasn't a reaction? Like I wasn't looking for applause but at least acknowledgement that it was a difficult thing to say.
And then i get to sixth form and suddenly I'm surrounded by out and proud people who are warm and welcoming and I'm like where the fuck were you guys??
So to see a group so kind and happy with each other at Charlie's age made me so fucking happy
On that note, when Nick said "I wish I'd met you when I was younger" I burst into tears, because same!!! I wish I had a Charlie!!! Someone to be open with and supportive!!!
And ohmygodddd Elle!!! The focus is on how happy she is in a new welcoming environment and how better she's doing and not just the trans struggle to be out which is so refreshing??? Like she's a person who can just be now and that made me so smileyyy
These shows are so important holy shit!!!! What makes me super happy is seeing as I get older how more and more of the younger years come out openly at school, and I know that's because of the explosion of lgbt media and aaaaaaaaa I just wish! I! Had that!!!!
Sorry this got personal, if you don't want to answer that's completely okay- anyway:
Me 🤝 Nick
-Red Anon
ALL!! OF!! THIS!!! YES, I swear every episode probably made me cry too GOD!! And I think it's because they're were so many moments that yes, just felt so so real. Like when you were saying how he wish he knew Charlie when he was younger and you go "yes!!".
Like that's me doing my little am I gay test, and hiding in teacher's classrooms at lunch, and me at my silly all girls school, and coming out on ig, and having this dumb lil smile when my friend actually casually referred to me as gay for the first time, and getting with my bestie when I wasn't fully out and having these secret kisses and doing the stereotypical thing where you nudge each others hands together, like I had my fuckin running back in the rain for a lil kiss movie moment!! And then here I am watching it play out in front of me, same age for the time and fucking everything and like "that's me!!!!" ;-;
And the idea of that show being there for me while I was younger or some kid watching it as they go through it too like!! To know that these aren't alienating experiences and to see this happy joyous sunny moments is making me sob.
And ELLE!!! YES!! Her storyline was so good, showing how you can have these storylines without it being focused on these horrible struggles and her big focus on the importance on positive change and growth was so fucking beautiful <3
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