musecaravan · 2 years
To Feel Your Touch - Jack/Reyes
Gabriel was a man who took his job seriously.  The role he played wasn’t a welcome one… but someone had to do it.  He was one of the Horsemen, after all.  His duties had existed since the dawn of man, and would likely continue until the last human took their last breath.  If not him, then another would step into the role, as it was with the other three.  Any of them could give up their duties at any time - return to a mortal life.  There were caveats, of course, but it wasn’t unheard of for one of their kind to grow tired of the roles they played.
Gabriel had gone comfortably numb to his task centuries ago.  Did he enjoy sending forth plagues that killed scores of people in mere days?  No.  Only a psychopath would relish the suffering of others - even mortals.  But when he was told to do his job, he did it.  The orders weren’t written anywhere. - they just sort of… popped into his head.  He always knew where to go and what form of pestilence to unleash.  He rarely stayed to watch his handiwork.  Death wasn’t his department.  Besides, it wouldn’t do to go getting all sentimental about things.  
His work rarely varied.  Go into a place, devise a way for the illness to take hold, decide where to let the infection begin, and then leave.  Smooth and simple.  Until one day, it wasn’t.  The order buzzed into his head with a slight thrum of pain.  He didn’t know how he knew, but someone higher up was… irritated with him?  What had he…?  Gabe focused on the order… and then got VERY confused.  It was for the same town he’d been tasked with over a month ago.  The plague should’ve been well on its way to decimating at least a quarter of the population.  What had gone wrong?
With a low grumble of annoyance, the Horsemen willed himself back to the quaint little village.  A village which seemed none the worse for the disease he’d so carefully prepped and planned.  What was going on?  He floated, unseen, through a throng of market-goers, marveling at how every single one of them looked hale and hearty.  Gabriel couldn’t even recall the last time he’d miscalculated a job as terribly as this.  It seemed he’d need to start over and then stick around to see what he’d done wrong.
So, still grumbling, he set his original plan in motion again.  But what to do while he waited?  Leaving again was out of the question.  He needed to watch this plague take its course and make sure the job got done this time.  But people-watching was… a bad idea.  It was too easy to get invested - Gabe knew that from prior experience.  It was going to be bad enough having to watch as the disease took hold.  Just because his work was necessary didn’t mean he took any pleasure in the suffering it caused.  Maybe he could kill some time by circumventing a few potential hiccups in advance?  Yes - time to pay a visit to the local healer.
Finding a quiet alley, Gabe allowed himself to solidify into a human form - the one he’d had before taking on this role so very long ago.  His clothes became those of a road-weary herbalism merchant.  Then - for a finishing touch he gave himself a festering wound on his forearm.  Nothing too terrible - the type of thing that might come from a misjudged swipe with a sickle.  Next came some makeshift bandages, and now he was ready.  Getting directions to the healer’s home wasn’t hard, and Gabriel soon found himself standing outside a small, well-kept cottage.  He gave a quick rap on the door with his knuckles and waited.
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musecaravan-info · 8 months
Gabriel Reyes
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"Hell is empty, and all the devils are here." ~ William Shakespeare ~
Basic Information
FACE/BODY CLAIM: Oscar Isaac (If Needed)
AGE: Depends on verse, but usually mid-to-late 50's
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown; slightly peppered with grey
PRIMARY OUTFIT: Depends on verse; need to know for a specific one? Just ask. :) However, regardless of verse, I can almost guarantee that he's mostly in black (with purple and/or red accents), and he usually has one or two accessories which feature skulls and/or calaveras.
In most verses Reyes has a very no-nonsense sort of attitude, especially around strangers. He's abrupt almost to the point of rudeness, while not intentionally trying to be rude. Get to know him well enough and you'll get a man who's relaxed, enjoys a good joke (so long as it's not at his expense), and likes to talk about everything from books to alcohol.
Powers & Weaknesses
This is also heavily dependent on the verse. However, in every verse I try to somehow write in Reyes' 'super soldier' status. So he always has better-than-average senses/reflexes/etc. I also headcanon that he physically ages more slowly than normal people.
Whether or not he has Reaper's fading/teleportation abilities is very verse-specific.
In most verses, his biggest weakness is his own anger. Sometimes he has trouble controlling it, and it can be hard for him to 'come back' from that quickly without someone to set him straight.
Once Reyes has decided he's interested, it becomes a little bit of a game. His idea of flirting is kind of all about 'let me show you all the reasons you should want me/think I'm worth having... without actually telling you I'm interested.' He doesn't play 'hard to get,' but prefers for the object of his interest to show interest first. That's not always the case, but it's a fairly typical pattern with him.
Once he's with someone, he enjoys playful banter and small displays of affection. He's also inclined towards mementos he can wear - an earring/ring/necklace, for example.
Where to Find Him
Another one that relies heavily on the verse. His main verse is in the AU world that's a part of a fan fic I'm working on. If you're interested in it, he can be found at the tattoo parlor he owns, or at the nearby gym, or the diner down the street, Route 66.
For other verses (including OW stuff) it's probably better if we just chat and figure something out together based off of what you're interested in. :)
Just because a verse isn't listed here doesn't mean I'm not interested in writing it. I adore all kinds of AUs, and welcome the chance to get creative with my muses. If you've seen a verse that another of my muses has, and you'd like to see this muse in something similar, let me know. You can also check out my 'Plot Ideas' tag, too. ^_^
Main Verse:
Reyes is an ex-con who served his time, did his parole, and is now running a successful tattoo parlor. He keeps to himself and pours everything into his work (and into nurturing his fellow artists at the shop.) Sometimes he wonders if his life could be more, but he's happy enough, and worries about stepping outside of his 'comfort zone.'
Four Horsemen Verse
Currently a Private Verse
Reyes is one of the Four Horsemen - Pestilence to be precise. This universe is based VERY loosely on the Incarnations of Immortality series by Piers Anthony. Basically, I borrowed what I wanted and made up the rest with the help of fidelismileslucem.
Space Opera Verse
Currently a Private Verse
This universe is set in something VERY akin to Cowboy Bebop. Reyes is a sci-fi bounty hunter who used to work on the 'right ' side of the law - until he got a heavy dose of the corruption plaguing the Space Force. Turning his back on his old life, he went 'rogue,' pleased to finally be able to deal out his own kind of justice.
Steam Fantasy Verse
I’ve used this verse with a lot of my muses (because it’s fun. ;P) Basically, it’s a world set in a Victorian-esque setting, only with a combo of magic and steampunk qualities thrown in. Supernatural creatures of all kinds live and walk freely among humans, and everyone (mostly) gets along.
While slavery of ANY kind has been outlawed in this world, that doesn’t stop there from being a black market surrounding it. This underground group (often referred to as the ‘Goblin Market’) consists almost solely of powerful supernaturals who defy the laws and continue to buy, sell, and trade living creatures. Sometimes these slaves are other supernaturals, sometimes they’re human - regardless, the government (for multiple reasons) refuses to acknowledge that the Goblin Market exists, so there’s a secret group which works, vigilante-style, to end the Market once and for all. They refer to themselves as Shades.
Unfortunately, the supernaturals involved in the Market are often old and powerful. They work from the shadows and have their hands in many aspects of law and government. This makes bringing any of them legally to justice almost impossible. But that doesn’t stop the Shades from trying (both in official and unofficial ways.)
Reyes is one of the oldest vampires in Great Britain, and a Shade. He has opened his home as a refuge for slaves who've managed to escape the Market. With money hardly being a concern, he offers food and lodging while helping to re-acclimate these former slaves to the world at large. When they're ready to leave, he helps them find a place to live and decent work. He is also on VERY good terms with the Queen, who considers him to be one of her closest confidants.
Current/Ongoing Threads
If your thread with Reyes isn't listed here it's probably because it's been long enough since your last reply that I thought you'd dropped it. Message me to let me know you're still interested, and I'll happily add you to the list (with no pressure for a reply.) ♡
Everywhere That I’ve Never Been (Space Opera Verse)
Know You Better (Steam Fantasy Verse)
Looking for the Light (Main Verse)
To Feel Your Touch (Four Horsemen Verse)
Stuff That's Good to Know Before Starting a Thread
In most of my verses Reyes has extensive tattoos and/or body piercings. They might vary from verse to verse, but he always has something.
Please keep in mind, this blog is an ongoing work in progress. Not all of these links may lead somewhere, but they're here because they link to potential tags for this muse.
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almamaldita · 3 years
Looking for the Light - Jack/Gabe
Hot yoga probably wouldn’t have been Gabe’s first choice for a class.  Not that he had anything against yoga or the people who enjoyed it, he just tended to be a more fast-paced kind of guy.  He liked cycling and speed running and boxing - stuff like that.  Normally they were all great at helping him destress, but lately… not so much.  It was Zarya who’d suggested he might need a change of pace - something to calm his mind rather than overload it.  Gabe… wasn’t so sure, but he wasn’t the kind of guy to quit before he’d tried, so when his pink-haired co-worker said she’d signed him up for a new hot yoga class at the gym they both shared, he didn’t say no.  Which didn’t mean he wasn’t still unsure about the whole thing.
At the gym, he took his time in the locker room.  He wasn’t really used to clothes that clung like this.  But all the research he’d done said that well-fitted was best so the fabric would move with his body.  With that in mind, he’d gone for a snug black tank top; the fabric was light-weight but clung close enough to his skin that his nipple rings were apparent to anyone who might bother to look. He also liked that it did a good job of showing off his full-sleeve tattoos - one arm sported a Dia de los Muertos theme, while the other was a mixture of angel and demon iconography (taken partially from old illuminated manuscripts.) They both merged together on his back, tying the two scenes neatly together.  The shorts he’d picked were actually already in his closet - part of his cycling gear - and one of his favorite looks.  They clung well in all the right places, and had great movement.  They were also adorned with large calaveras on either leg, with an intricate pattern of black and purple in the background.  Striking without being too outrageous.
Taking a deep breath, Gabe headed for the room, where it looked like a good number of people were already gathered.  Huh.  There sure were a lot of couples.  Not that he minded.  He was a big boy, and could hardly begrudge others their happiness just because he’d been single for far longer than he cared to admit.  Not sure exactly how a class liked this worked, Gabe found himself a mat in the front row, but off to the side.  Better to see without always being seen, he figured.  Glancing around he wondered which of these people was the instructor. He got a few looks in return - not a surprise.  Gabe was a guy that got stared at often… for lots of different reasons.  A few were appreciative, others were sizing him up, and the rest… well, it was mostly suspicion or disapproval.  They didn’t like his piercings, or his tattoos, or his style of dress.  They took one look and thought he was trouble.  Once, they would’ve been right.  But Gabe had done his time and moved on with his life.  These days, he just looked like a gang-banger.  He’d joked to friends more than once that it ‘kept the weirdos away,’ which almost always got a laugh (and was sometimes true.)
Right now he ignored the looks, noting again how weird it was that almost - no, not almost - EVERYONE was paired up.  Gabe’s eyes narrowed.  Something was weird here.  WHAT had Zarya done?!
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almamaldita · 3 years
Everywhere That I’ve Never Been ~ Jack/Gabriel
Gabriel Reyes was trying to put the Shimada incident behind him… for now, at least.  Genji was Ana’s problem and Hanzo had become Jesse’s.  
No!  No.  He didn’t want to think about him, either.  Nothing but a damn ingrate… which didn’t stop him from worrying for even a second.  The waiting was going to be hard for him.  Damn hard.  He didn’t have a ‘job’ to do while they waited for things to cool off.  So Gabriel did what any good bounty hunter would do and found himself something new to work on.  He told himself it wasn’t to keep his mind from constantly fearing the worst; it was so those who attacked the Shimadas… who’d let all of the bounty hunters go without too much fuss… might be watching him.  And if he didn’t act ‘normal’ they might start to wonder what was up.  So - his job for the Shimadas was to do his job.
Fortunately, Gabe had a mark he’d been watching for awhile now.  He hadn’t made a move because he knew it would be a time-consuming assignment.  But now, that was exactly what he needed.  Des Kurzon ran a galaxy-wide smuggling ring.  Compared to people like the Shimadas, he was small potatoes, but someone was offering good money for him.  Real good.  The only problem was his group was tight-knit.  It would take time to work himself into a position where he could get close enough to Kurzon to take the guy for a ride.  Time he now had in abundance.
So that’s what Gabriel did.  He took his skills under cover, offering himself up to the group as a ‘freelancer’ at first.  It took a handful of ‘jobs well done’ before they made the offer to invite ‘Gabe Rivera Costas’ into the fold.  He’d thought about changing his whole name, but was honestly worried he’d forget.  Better not to take that chance.  Besides, he usually did his work in a hood, so even being one of the best hunters in the galaxy, he wasn’t likely to get recognized…
The operation, housed mostly on Mars, was more high tech than what he’d pictured.  The gang had a variety of ships - small and fast for delivering messages, all the way up to vessels that could hold a handful of the small ones.  It was damn impressive!  Especially since he hadn't been able to ferret that information out for himself beforehand.  Gabe began to wonder how much more he didn’t know about these guys… and whether it was going to wind up biting him in the ass somehow.
After being given a basic tour (and a quick ‘Hello. Welcome aboard. Don’t fuck up’ from his mark) Gabe was lead to a practice range.  Yeah… these guys really didn’t fuck around.  They trained hard (and from what he’d seen so far, they also trained young.)  Hell… some of them were younger than Jesse had been when he’d caught the kid trying to steal his ship.  Filing that unsettling information away for later, Gabe’s eyes focused on the range.  There was only one guy shooting, but several more milled around watching him work and cheering him on.  It wasn’t hard to see why.  He didn’t miss.  Not once.  They kept giving him different guns, and he kept hitting that center target.  It was… uncanny.
From next to him, Gabe registered his ‘tour guide,’ Reggie, laughing, “Felt the same way first time I saw the motherfucker shoot.  Guy’s a damn wizard with any piece he puts in his hand.”  He slapped Gabe hard on the back with a grin.  “C’mon… lemme get ya introduced.  Plenty of time for staring.  Des wants him to… help you out while you settle in.”  
So… he was getting a handler, then?  The hunter suppressed a grimace.  They really didn’t mess around, did they?.  Damn!  As they strode up, he was able to get a better look at his soon-to-be shadow. Gabe watched as a classically handsome man turned to talk to someone in profile, removing ear protection and then running a hand lazily through his hair.  Gabe was staring. This… golden boy?!  He was a part of this fucked up world?  The hunter wouldn’t believe it except for the obvious deference the others showed him.
“Hey!  Jay!” Reggie called out, waving in greeting.  Gabe jerked his eyes away from those toned arms and broad back as the man fully turned to face them.  Instantly, he found himself staring into the bluest eyes he’d ever seen - so blue they almost seemed to glow.  Subconsciously, he felt his own back straighten a little... and told himself it was ONLY because this guy could make or break his success here.
“Jay - want ya to meet Gabe.  He’s the new guy we’ve all been talking ‘bout - pilot who’s been making all tha Milky Way runs so fast.  Des wants you to keep an eye on him while he gets settled.  You know how it is.”
Gabe did.  Jay was the guy assigned to make sure he was on the level.  And probably to ‘deal’ with him if it seemed like he wasn’t.  In other words, time to play nice… regardless of how his heart seemed to beat faster with those piercing blue eyes on him.
“Looking forward to it,” he replied with a nod to Jay, intentionally not offering a hand.  No reason to seem too friendly, right?  “Wouldn’t mind sharing the range with you sometime, either.  I’ve never seen skills like that.”  That’s right.  Be friendly - complimentary - but tinge it with a little bit of challenge.  Let him know you can handle yourself.  See how he reacts.
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