#figuring they didn't want to deal with the backlash of breaking up the f/f ship
ssaalexblake · 1 year
You know, as somebody who has nominally enjoyed watching the Raffi and Worf plot I still have to say, it's a tragedy that it didn't need to be Raffi.
It should be important for it to be her in this plot, and it's not.
There is no connection to her plot last season, you could say there is some from her S1 plot but I'd say that technically it's more like they ripped the Raffi that probably existed some time between Picard quitting and leaving her high and dry and her getting the boot. They removed her romantic relationship as dead weight, apparently, which is more insulting in the context of her 'sacrificing' for this job because if it didn't Need to be her, it's just. Insulting to the ones who valued that relationship a Lot for what it represented. Her relationship with Elnor has ceased to exist, which it would, because Elnor has ceased to exist entirely. None of the things that tied her to this narrative in the show have been allowed to stay, nor are they in any way important to telling the story they're trying to this season.
And it just makes her strangely adrift. They could, genuinely, have just invented a new character and had them play this role and you'd not need to change much more than an awkward scene with Seven that wouldn't be awkward anymore.
I mean, sure, it's Raffi... Well the footnotes anyway. But it didn't need to be, and that's an issue for me. Make it important for her to be there as Her? I'm just tired.
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