#but That would involve giving a shit about raffi
ssaalexblake · 1 year
You know, as somebody who has nominally enjoyed watching the Raffi and Worf plot I still have to say, it's a tragedy that it didn't need to be Raffi.
It should be important for it to be her in this plot, and it's not.
There is no connection to her plot last season, you could say there is some from her S1 plot but I'd say that technically it's more like they ripped the Raffi that probably existed some time between Picard quitting and leaving her high and dry and her getting the boot. They removed her romantic relationship as dead weight, apparently, which is more insulting in the context of her 'sacrificing' for this job because if it didn't Need to be her, it's just. Insulting to the ones who valued that relationship a Lot for what it represented. Her relationship with Elnor has ceased to exist, which it would, because Elnor has ceased to exist entirely. None of the things that tied her to this narrative in the show have been allowed to stay, nor are they in any way important to telling the story they're trying to this season.
And it just makes her strangely adrift. They could, genuinely, have just invented a new character and had them play this role and you'd not need to change much more than an awkward scene with Seven that wouldn't be awkward anymore.
I mean, sure, it's Raffi... Well the footnotes anyway. But it didn't need to be, and that's an issue for me. Make it important for her to be there as Her? I'm just tired.
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optimistredsox · 11 months
26 July, ATL @ BOS, 3-5, win
Oh wow, I was not expecting the return of the 2023 Scrappy Rollercoasters last night but here we are, looking at a win that could both be referred to as a rollercoaster (in that the lead changed dramatically) and scrappy (in that the Red Sox were trailing but stuck to their guns (one particular gun being Justin Turner) and winning! It was certainly not smooth sailing, as wins that require scrappiness and involve rollercoasters never are, and I could have done without Bello giving up a massive dinger or Jansen having runners on first and third in the ninth, or Raffy fielding like a little-leaguer, but we just swept a mini series with the best team in baseball and didn’t look out of place doing it. In fact, dare I say it, we looked pretty good when we weren’t looking at Devers at third base. I should note here that I love Raffy and have seen him play amazing third base but I have also watched him play third base like a kid who resented his parents forcing him to go to little league when he just wanted to play with lego. Last night was the latter. But we also won last night and Raffy hit a dinger farther than I’ll ever hit anything so I should just shut the fuck up and look at the bright sides. Of which there are plenty.
Bello was great through five but pitched six, and gave up a three-run dinger in the sixth. I still think Bello is a bright side because a) he’s a healthy starting pitcher and b) he kept us in the game, gave up only four hits in total and has been a rock. So bright side regardless of dingers.
Bullpen. Again. Whenever the bullpen is a bright side shout about it. Because they get a billion percent of the blame when it all goes wrong. So bravo, Jacques (I refuse to pronounce it “Jakes”), Schreiber, Bernadino and Jansen (though less heart-attack time, please, Kenley). 
Raffy Devers did not play great third base last night but he hit a big fucking dinger that put us on the board and gave hope to a crowded Fenway. And I know he’s beating himself up more about his fielding than I am because, hey, have you seen Raffy give himself shit about screwing up? Kid shouts at himself in a way that’s kind of uncomfortable sometimes.
Tristan Casas also hit a big fat homer. He seems to be doing a lot of that. Kid went 2-for-2 with a run scored and a RBI, both of which were that dinger because that’s how baseball works.
Connor Wong played great. Two-for-three with a run scored, caught a schmuck stealing in the ninth and is just doing his thing. I might stop missing Vazquez soon. 
Justin Turner hit a game-winning RBI double in the seventh because that’s what Ginger Gandalf does. 
Adam Duvall hit a dinger too. Perhaps he’s going to more of that as the season becomes more intense. That would be super nice. 
We won!
We’ve won four in a row!
Baltimore and Tampa Bay lost! Fuck those guys!
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Episode 10: "I blame Hairie for all of this"—Clefford
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well that was a lot and for what lol
Not Brandi with the copy paste "Tomorrow is a holiday in the US! So we’ve been in Austin all weekend"
Basically, an hour before tribal council Trinica comes to me and is like, "I don't want Arvin to go because of Clefford's idol. I have an idol. What if I idoled Arvin and sent out AJ since I know she has an extra vote and has been saying shit about me to Hairie?" I was very unsure of this plan since it would require a) AJ not to use her extra vote B) Adeline to actually vote Clefford and C) Arvin to vote AJ With them. Trinica wanted me to vote with them, but I had no intention of doing that. I did not want to blow up my spot with the new schoolers and expose my hand in this game. If I went along with it, and I warned Trinica about this, everyone would figure out who was in on the plan and we'd be seen as such massive targets. And look what happened. Now Colin's eyes are definitely on Trinica and whoever Trinica has as a group and I highly doubt any eyes will be on Clefford after this. Sure we saved Arvin, but the target has shifted so dramatically. And now Clefford does not trust me at all in this game. And I need him gone because of that, but I highly doubt anyone outside of Trinica's core (Hairie, Brandi, and Arvin) will want anything to do with that since there's bigger fish to fry. At the very least, I am not involved and do not plan on getting involved. If the target lands on them, then that is their business. I am trying to make it to single digits. And Zo is still the best positioned person in this game!!!
MY plan for right now is to just chill and not be involved in much of the conversation. Hopefully Clefford is more mad at Hairie and Trinica than he is me and I can move on. Let the new schoolers implode on themselves. I'll be sitting pretty.
Iconic idol play by Trinica (shoutout to me for inspiring her to say those lines) I loved it! AJ got the boot because of it. (Sorry I wasn't able to uphold my end of the truce to you till single digits) but Trinica felt you were throwing her under the bus.
this vote was genuinely too much and now I just want to vote out trinica and hairie like why lie for no reason when y'all know no one would be against your vote on AJ lol and the whole "I can't reveal the fourth person" please hairie. But at least hairie is explaining. Trinica just said they were in a mood and couldn't trust ppl. And then everyone else is playing dumb lol like one of y'all voted AJ too and I don't care who like that's the things I don't think anyone cares who lol all that two idols to get AJ out it's so much for what an extra vote lol that's what I was told anyway hahahaha keep doing all that against each other then I guess I'll be here 🧍🏻‍♀️
One word that can describe what happened last round was CHAOTIC.
I blame Hairie for all of this, but it's also my fault. We were on a call and he spilled me some teas that concerned my game. He told me about Trinica throwing my name out here trying to break me and Adeline. Of course, as someone who's now concerned, I got to ask several people if they heard my name. I confronted Trinica about these allegations and they denied all of them. I didn't know who to trust between Hairie and Trinica, but what I did was just me to protect myself and to really know what happened, unfortunately it only made me look like a delusional and became a target of my own doing. I'm really disappointed by Hairie.
Actually this is fun. The season is not giving so far, that's why I had to (not really) be in the front. Imagine the two most chaotic tribals so far involved me. As what Raffy said, I bring the drama. Well, thank me later.
In this point of the game, I see myself alone in this battle. I don't really know if I have any allegiance left. By using the idol last tribal council, I needed the immunity challenge win, because I don't know if people still trust me and I feel like anytime soon I'm gone.
Pray for me.
so if hairie, trinica, and arvin were in on the idol play, but there were 4 votes on AJ, and both Brandi and Adeline are saying they were clueless, and hairie said he had to fill in Brandi after, and raffy is bringing in Adeline to join the olds.... who is lying?
also Jay updated the idol hunt and I just took 80 coins at a 1% disadvantage each 🤠💃🏻🐬 so I got 20% disadvantage for 4 rounds (f7) but like.... My scores are so bad it won't make a difference. I told Raffy and we gonna buy up the store with my 80 and his 25 coins since Colin told him where the store was. I also told Raffy about one of the advantages I have to cancel out advantages since clefford originally won an advantage but raffy used his fire opal idol to steal immunity but that's wild I wish he wouldn't have used that yet but also sounds good to me to get it out of the game too lol
Oh and Brandi asked me if I had coins and gave me a path to an advantage. I trust Brandi more than Adeline but tbh hairie and Brandi could easily just be lying to me lol who knows but as long as I look clueless and doing terrible in challenges (joke I AM clueless) we'll probably last a while more lol
Clefford won immunity. Now, normally I would just let him have it, probably target like Arvin, and then move on with my life. However, Hairie done pissed me off. Why did he reveal our alliance to Jinx, Adeline, and anyone who would listen? Why did I have to hear it from Colin who heard it from Adeline? He's spilling every secret that he has and every secret that his allies have. And I do not know if he realizes half the shit he says. It feels like he just says shit just to say it. There's no strategy in this. His whole game has been exposed at this point BY HIMSELF. He is the master of his own demise. So, I knew that Hairie would have been voted out here if Clefford still had immunity. And I do not want Hairie to go because I do not think he would vote for me. So I called Hairie out in our alliance chat explaining the whole thing and stole Clefford's immunity so that he would go instead of Hairie. But Hairie just keeps lying to my face which makes me think either a) he's literally insane or b) he doesn't remember ratting on us. And I don't know which is worse. So, I started a new alliance with just Brandi and Trinica so that we do not have to tell Hairie shit. He only needs to know as much as he needs to. No more strategizing with him. No more sharing details advantages or idol hunts. Nothing. He needs to regain my trust.
On the bright side, everyone is probably just gonna vote for Clefford. Next round, I want Arvin gone because he does nothing for my game and, honestly, probably does more for Hairie's game than anything else. Hairie is definitely giving 9th boot in my dreams.
Trinica and Brandi have been collaborating with me on the idol hunt. So has Amy and Colin. So I pretty much am able to map out a lot of it and figure out where the items are. Amy and I mistakenly bought something for 100 coins so RIP us, but I still have the coin pool with Trinica and Brandi. Hopefully, one of my allies or I can possess some of the more powerful advantages because I will be damned if Hairie or Clefford get an idol in this game
Colin and I pretty much think we should stick with old school till Final 5. And honestly that sounds like a good plan for Colin. For me, I'm a bit more open, but the old schoolers aren't turning on each other anytime soon based on the mess the new schoolers are bringing. I hope Colin still trusts me, but if his suspicions of Trinica are anything to go by, he doesn't.
I cannot believe I lost the challenge to an ADV that Clefford had. Raffy came in clutch with that immunity necklace steal with his ADV.
Raffy was yelling in our alliance chat "HOST PETS" because I leaked it out. I only told Jinx but he's under the impression I told several other people which I did not.
From my POV, the majority votes are landing on Clefford. Everyone should be secure because even if Clefford has and plays something, it is probably me that is going home anyways.
Also, it seems way too quiet at least for me. So that's a sign. If people aren't talking to you as much, then you're it.
If it is me, at least I improved my placement by 1 from last season. I did better both for tribe challenge and individual challenge.
Episode title suggestions - Leaky Cauldron
Ok look idk what Hairie is up to but he asked every person on the cast for coins… suspicious
Hairie, my messy KING!!! I just want to vibe with Brandi but instead I'm working with pure chaos in the forms of Raffy and Hairie, who are currently catfighting because Hairie keeps leaking things.
The thing is, I see what Hairie is doing. He wants to share info so he's the most valuable of the new schoolers while holding onto his mostly new-school allies. But it is backfiring because everyone KNOWS he can't be trusted now. Any time I even THINK something about Hairie in someone's direction, they tell him. It's annoying af tbh. I'm looking at you, Amy!! Why would you immediately tell Hairie that I told you he's asking people for coins! Why would you tell Hairie that we're talking "in depth" about the idol hunt when we're not! Literally what are you doing! Amy can go tbh but I know Raffy would throw a fit.
Honestly feel like I've played myself into a corner here. Hairie is a bigger target than me, maybe?? But he's so messy that I think people might keep him as a source of info, whereas I mostly keep people's secrets (*cough* AJ) so am seen as more secretive/less open. So I think I go before Hairie. But if I take Hairie out I won't have any numbers. I have a group I trust in Raffy and Brandi but 3 does not a majority make. What a mess tbh!!
I bought a pearl necklace which is nothing for 100 coins LOL and took 20 of Raffy 's coins bc I thought I didn't have enough turns out I had 20 extra oops anyway hairie apparently asked me Brandi and trinica for coins except he didn't ask trinica but trinica told me he did and LOL trinica told me he's asking everyone so I said hairie be careful ppl are saying you are asking everyone and then next I know Trin said hairie said you said be careful to not ask everyone. And I was like oh the INSTANT report to trinica Lol anyway it was funny bc eventually hairie called me bc I was like straight up your allies are trying to have me distrust you and he was like idk why trinica said that when he didn't ask. And he said Trinica said me and her were talking in depth about the hunt and I laughed like why would we and we literally haven't. Anyway it would be funny if they don't trust each other now but tbh I wouldn't be surprised if somehow this gets turned onto me I forgot to tell hairie trinica said he's panicking and I'm over here like can we just vote trinica out at this point I can deal with hairie being silly but to just say I'm saying stuff lol like at least found it in truth I really think trinica is just saying whatever to uphold the pre-existing belief of whomever they are talking to but I don't talk like that. Lol I wonder if they are like caught ya! But I'm just like hehe what if these allies don't trust each other 😀 and if it's me it's me
everyone in this game is a little RAT. like info is getting SPILLED everywhere. imagine the info is a huge jug of milk, that milk is all over the floor and no one knows how to mop it up.
this round alone, i've learned: people are telling hairie i dont trust him theres an alliance of raffy, trinica, hairie, and brandi that no one told me about amy was in an alliance with jg and jinx pre merge clefford and trinica have legacy advantages trinica gave her legacy advantage to hairie and theres a ton else i'm probably missing
idk. tribal has been very quiet. i've only heard cleffords name. i'm gonna vote arvin just because i dont trust whatever is happening.
I'll have to vote Clefford, he's so paranoid.
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tinyboxxtink · 3 years
"Doppelganger" *Part 24*
Alright I REFUSE to make this story any longer, so the next chapter IS the finale, I swear to you.
This is just one more little loose end I wanted to throw in, maybe it'll come back around the epilogue. Who knows?! I know.
I would have started the "Wedding Day" here but I really wanted it to be it's own chapter, so this is kinda short and I'm not gonna lie if I have to I will make the last chapter 20 pages long to fit the ending in. That being said I have some stuff to do tomorrow night and work the next night so I may or may not split up writing the last chapter between those and post it late Sunday or Monday.
It's worth it I promise! I'll make it worth it.
Part 23
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The next day Rafael asked you to come by his office once again, making you nervous. Especially when you showed up to the Mayor and a Lawyer to greet you along with Rafael.
“Pinguino,” Rafael smiled as he met you at the door with his arms open wide pulling you into a kiss.
“....More interviews?” You whispered as you eyed the two other men.
“Actually, they haven’t told me what they’re doing here yet,” Rafael whispered back as you both walked over to the men sitting at Rafael’s desk. Rafael pulled another chair around to his side so you could sit next to him. He had a feeling this would take a while.
“So...gentlemen,” Rafael cleared his throat. “What’s this about?”
“Well Barba it’s about your wedding,” The mayor replied.
“...Why am I not surprised..?” He shook his head with a laugh.
“Actually Mr. Barba I think you’ll find this visit different from others the mayor here has sprung on you thus far,” His lawyer answered.
“...And that would be because…?” Rafael raised a skeptical eyebrow.
“Because Mr. Fenkell here says that I owe you financial compensation for all you’ve been doing for me,” The mayor replied rather gruffly as he crossed his arms like a petulant child being called into the principal’s office.
“...Excuse me?” Rafael looked at both of them with confusion.
“Well Mr. Barba, I’m surprised you haven’t either realized or brought up the fact that the situation that you’re in is called ‘quid pro quo’,” The lawyer explained.
“Yes I know what ‘quid pro quo’ is counselor, we went to the same law school,” Rafael snarked. “And I graduated with higher honors than you,”
“Barba I’m here trying to help you out, I don’t know why you’re lashing out at me,” The lawyer now crossed his arms.
“Baby,” You put a hand on his. “Just let the man talk,”
“Right,” He nodded reluctantly. “Go on,”
“Like I was saying,” Mr. Fenkell pulled out papers from his briefcase. “I assume you and your fiancée here have been going along with the Mayor’s requests for fear of losing your job, correct?”
“I mean, not mine per say,” Rafael shrugged. “THAT would be illegal,”
“Right,” Mr. Fenkell nodded. “But everything he’s done thus far involving you and your fiancé's likeness entitles you to royalties, and dues for services,”
“Well, that is true,” Rafael nodded. “I’ve been so preoccupied with everything else I haven’t even stopped to think--”
“Which is exactly why I’m here,” Mr. Fenkell cut him off. “I figured a competent lawyer like yourself would realize when all the dust settles, that you were indeed entitled to a sum of money, and would therefore sue the Mayor after the fact,”
“Wow, that’s a lot of assuming on your part sir,” You laughed softly. “You really think Rafael is that shit of a--”
“I mean he is right,” Rafael finished for you.
“...Or I’m just an idiot,” You muttered.
“No, baby you’re not an idiot,” Rafael took your hand. “But we are entitled--YOU are entitled for some kind of compensation for all that you’ve done for the mayor--for me,”
“I thought my compensation was getting to marry you,” You smiled sweetly.
“Aww,” Mr. Fenkell remarked, causing an eye roll from the mayor.
“Right so--” Mr. Fenkell began laying papers filled with legal jargon on the desk in front of you and Rafael.
“This contract states that once we settle on a number, you won’t try and collect more from the mayor with some random claim like ‘emotional distress’ during your wedding, or events thereafter due to all of this,”
“...Trauma?” You couldn’t help but laugh. “You think that after everything I went through, I would classify this as trauma?”
“I mean theoretically you could, Ms. Y/L/N,” He nodded. “The emotional stress of reliving your trauma and trying to plan a wedding while on display for the whole city must be taking a toll on you right now, is it not?”
“...Well it wasn’t until you said it like that,” You muttered.
“Dammit Maxwell I told you, they were perfectly fine with--” The mayor began to pitch a fit.
“Oh no no no,” Rafael wagged a finger at the mayor. “Just because she’s ignorant of the--”
“Excuse you?” You crossed your arms at Rafael’s condescending tone.
“I mean, just because she doesn’t realize or recognize the emotional stress she’s under doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have it, and doesn’t deserve compensation” He looked to you apologetically while he re-worded the statement. You gave him an approving nod.
“Right well this is what this is for--”
“And what kind of price tag have you put on my fiance's feelings, counselor?”
“Well if you’ll peruse the contract, counselor…” Mr. Fenkell pointed to the bottom of the paper.
“This contract blah blah blah, no further seeking monetary blah blah blah…” Rafael spoke out loud as he scanned the document. Then suddenly, his eyes widened and he stopped reading, looking at you then Mr. Fenkell then the Mayor.
“...A million dollars?” He raised his eyebrow, skeptical.
“...What?” You gasped.
“....Each,” He added with a smile as he handed you the paper. You didn’t know a lot of the words, but in plain black and white you read: “...In the form of one million dollars per plaintiff,”
“I’m sorry, WHAT?” You said louder than you intended, but that was insane.
“That’s insane,” You said out loud. “I don’t need that kind--”
“Baby,” Rafael stopped you and pulled you slightly away from the mayor and his lawyer. “I know that you get antsy when good things happen to you, but you deserve this,”
“For what?!” You hissed. “For taking a few photos? For letting a camera crew in a church? Rafael I just--”
“...But think of everything before that, carino,”
“What, Nevada? That--” You shook your head.
“Wasn’t your fault,” Rafael finished.
“...Well it wasn’t the mayor’s fault either, Raffi,” You nodded at the mayor.
“But he is exploiting you for it,” Rafael pointed out.
“....True,” You nodded.
“Excuse you two, but I--” The mayor began to rant again.
“And if I may add,” Mr. Fenkell jumped in. “While Mr. Barba was worried about his job, you also had reason to be worried about it as well. Being as he is your only means of support,”
“Right now,” You quickly added.
“....Right,” Mr. Fenkell gave you a side eye. “Currently,”
Clearly this douchebag thought what everyone else must be thinking. That you were just marrying Rafael for his money. So that you could be a ‘kept’ woman. Well, he was about to learn that was the furthest thing from the truth.
“Alright then,” You finally said. “Then I want my share to go to Rafael, if we’re going to be married it’s his anyway,”
“No no no no, Nuh-uh,” Rafael shook his head. “Your share is your share,”
“...But I don’t want you to think that I’ve got some... ‘escape money’,” You gave him a sad look.
“Escape money?” He laughed. “Baby I told you, I think the last thing I should be worried about is you leaving me,”
“....Also true,” You nodded with a soft smile. You sure as hell had not gotten this far working this hard to ‘get’ Rafael to just give him up. Ever.
“Okay then, do I tell you where I want the money to go or do I do it myself?” You asked Mr. Fenkell.
“...You already have plans for it?” Mr. Fenkell asked you. “...Didn’t you just say you didn’t want it? Why would you--”
“Just answer the question,” You said flatly.
“I mean Mr. Barba could just draw up the contracts and paperwork for you to transfer your funds wherever you--”
“But Mr. Barba is my husband, not my lawyer,” You cut him off. “...And I’d like to keep that way,” You looked over at who Rafael looked at you in confusion.
"Not Mixing business and pleasure," You smirked.
“Right,” Mr. Fenkell nodded as pulled out a legal pad and a pen. “Well I can make a list of where you want to divert the funds and we’ll go from there,”
“Okay,” You took a deep breath. “Well, first of all-- obviously,” You took Rafael’s hand. “I want to pay off the rest of my time at Julliard,”
“That’s unnecessary, carino--”
“Yeah I know you say that Rafael, but I was going there before I met you and it’s not your respon--”
“It’s already paid for, in full,” He spoke over you.
“...What?” You asked him with a breathy voice. When did he have time to do that?! WHY-wait.
“But I’m going to need an extra semester since I’m taking the rest of this one off,” You said softly as you glanced at the other two in shame. You still felt guilty about Rafael having to basically babysit you for the past few weeks.
“Yeah I figured that.” He nodded with a smile, stroking your cheek. “It’s all taken care of, carino,”
“...Alright fine then I want to pay it back,” You insisted.
“No,” He shook his head. “Absolutely not,”
“Rafael come on--”
“NO,” He repeated sternly. “I won’t take it,”
“....Alright, fine,” You rolled your eyes. “Then I want a chunk to go to abuela--”
“No I have them covered too,” He shook his head. “And they are definitely NOT your responsibility. And before you say next that you want it to go to Maria, she will never accept it. We're too proud of a people," He smiled teasingly.
“...Fine,” You sighed in frustration. “THEN I want a chunk of it to go to opening a drama center,” You crossed your arms and looked at Rafael. “Any objections to that, counselor?”
“...A drama center?” He looked at you curiously.
“Look,” You took both of his hands. “I know you couldn’t-- your mom didn’t want you---” You took another breath, trying to figure out exactly what to say. “...You had to give up your dream to take care of your family,”
“Carino…” He took your hand.
“And my parents, they spent all the money we had on dance lessons, acting lessons, all of it. On ME. Just so that I could live my dream,” You continued. “Kids should be able to dream their dreams without their parents having to worry about money to do so,”
“But...your dream, Y/N. You want to be on Broadway. How are you gonna fit--” He started to speak but you were nowhere near done with your speech.
“Baby my dream was selfish,” You shook your head. “I wanted to be famous for the wrong reasons. To be adored by the world, to be loved by everyone. But, now I know the only person’s love I care about, is yours,” You stroked his face.
“If I open this place then I can still use my talents as a teacher, helping kids like us. I told your mom that when I met you, you made me a better person, that you made me want to be better. I want that to be true. I need that to be true,” You finally finished with a small smile, tears lined Rafael’s eyes.
“You are the best person I know, mi amor,” He pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. “I think the center is a great idea,”
“Good,” You smiled. “And….I want to name it the Y/L/N-Barba Drama Center,”
“....Well obviously after you,” He nodded.
“No,” You shook your head. “After you. And my parents. Because if it wasn’t for them I wouldn’t have found you, and you gave me everything I’ve ever wanted,”
“I love you,” He beamed at you as he kissed you deeply.
“...And on that note,” You turned back to Mr. Fenkell who looked wildly uncomfortable by your little cutesy side conversation.
“I want the rest to be split between a savings account for me, and the other half into a trust,”
“A trust?” Mr. Fenkell asked as he wrote down your wishes.
“A trust for our children,” You smiled at Rafael. “My parents spent so much money so that I could live my dream. I think it’s only fair I do the same for them; especially when I have the means to do it,”
“See those redneck shithead Jersians have no idea what they’re talking about,” He pressed his forehead against yours. “You are not selfish, not at all,”
“Thanks to you,” You pressed your own forehead against his like a love head butt.
“....Okay, so is there anywhere else you’d like it to go, Ms. Y/N?” Mr. Fenkell said rather loudly, trying once again to remind you there were other people in the room. People who were not amused with your disgustingly cute conversations.
“Um, no I think that’s good,” You nodded.
“Split up mine the same way, Max,” Rafael added.
“Rafael you don’t need to--” You started to protest but he put a finger to your mouth.
“I have money,” He assured you. “I have enough money to take care of us for the rest of our lives. This money should go somewhere that represents the both of us, and our love,”
“Can we please for the love of God just end this, please?” The mayor groaned. “If I have to sit here and watch you word vomit your love all over this office, I might actually vomit,”
“Right,” Rafael rolled his eyes. “Well gentlemen you know where to find us,” He grabbed the pen and signed one of the contracts then handed it to you and you did the same.
“Now if you’ll excuse us we’re going to ‘love vomit’ all over each other now,” He smirked as he handed back the papers. Mr. Fenkell and The mayor nodded as they walked out.
“Well, what do you want to do now?” Rafael wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“As tempting as that sounds, I have another request mi amor,” You played with the hair on the back of his knuckles with a soft voice.
“Anything for you pinguino,”
“Well I mean, you have some pull over there,” You nodded outside towards the courthouse that was attached to the DA's office by a hallway.
“...Why, do you need parking tickets dismissed or something? Did I agree to marry a felon?” He teased you.
“No,” You giggled. “But I would like to skip the ‘name changing’ line,” You pulled him closer as his smile grew bigger.
“I don’t think that’s what they call it, but I appreciate the sentiment,” He kissed you as you both walked towards the door of his office and out into the lobby.
“We’ll be back, Tommy,” He told his assistant.
“Right sir,” He nodded.
“This way to the ‘name changing line’, pinguino,” He smirked as you walked down the hall towards the courthouse.
--An Hour Later--
You and Rafael walked out of the courthouse and down the steps hand in hand as you pulled the two papers from his hands. One was a marriage license, and one was a form that was filled with boring legal jargon but at the bottom was printed: “Legal Name: Mrs. Y/F/N Barba,” with your new signature on the dotted line.
“Mrs. Rafael Barba,” You smiled as you looked at the paper.
“Oh no no no,” Rafael shook his head with a laugh. “That sounds like you’re my property, pinguino,”
“True,” You nodded with a teasing smile.
“...So why the sudden urgency to change your name, carino?” He asked as you walked down the street hand in hand. “Not that I’m complaining. I'd be lying if I said just looking at your name with my last name makes me giddy,”
“Giddy?” You gave him a look.
“Yeah, I said it. Giddy,” He laughed.
“...I don’t know, it was something that my therapist said,” You shrugged.
“...And what did she say?” He asked you skeptically.
“She said,” You sighed and pulled Rafael out of the flow of traffic of people.
“She said that women who don’t take their husband's last names had one foot out the door of the marriage before even going in,” You looked up at him with soft eyes. “And I don’t want you to think that I am any less than 100% sure of my love for you, and the rest of our lives together,”
“Well, first of all I’d like to see her marriage to divorce ratios based on that assumption,” He rolled his eyes. “And second-- I appreciate the sentiment baby, I really do. Just as long as you did it for you, and not because your therapist guilted you into it,”
“She didn’t,” You assured him. “I did this for me. For us,”
“Well then Mrs. Barba,” He took your hand once again with a huge smile. “Let’s grab some dinner, shall we?” He asked in a melodramatic, fancy tone.
“We shall, Mr. Barba,” You answered in the same tone, making both of you giggle like school kids.
Now all that was left to do was actually get married!
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frasier-crane-style · 4 years
Picard finale
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There is so much in these last three episodes that is just embarrassing. I barely know where to start.
-Okay, so the explanation for the Artifact is that there’s this Lovecraftian vision called the Admonition that one of the assimilated Romulans had been exposed to and it made her so sad that her despair shut down the Borg cube.
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So I guess out of all the people who have been assimilated--people who, by the very process of assimilation, have seen their entire families killed or reduced to a state worse than death--none of them were as sad as this one Romulan chick. 
Also, it turns out the Admonition is really, like, an ad campaign for synths and puny organic minds can’t comprehend it. A synth is able to mind-meld with someone who’s had the Admonition (note: not getting into it) and she can properly experience it. But the Borg, who are also synthetic life, get fucked by the Admonition?
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The whole point of the Borg is that you cannot resist them. You cannot will them out of your head. If they get you, you’re assimilated, you have to give in. Even Picard can’t overcome them with sheer will and he’s the fucking hero! But this random Romulan chick, her super sadness can take down an entire Cube.
This is my big problem with Picard, it’s less Star Trek than Doctor Who. All this magical realism stuff is very Who. This ‘grief planet’ shit would work on a Cyberman, not the Borg. In fact, so much of Picard is pilfered from other sci-fi. The synth prejudice stuff calls to mind Battlestar Galactica, the La Sirena is so very Mass Effect, the ragtag crew is right out of Firefly... Rios and his random crew of holograms that are all different parts of his mind (!?!?!?!?) is straight up Orphan Black... This goes beyond being influenced by other sci-fi or current events and takes the story right to being purely unimaginative. For Christ’s sake, they went to a fucking casino planet...
-Long story short, the synths activate a sky-beam which creates a portal to unleash a robot demon apocalypse. In 2020. WHERE HAVE I SEEN THAT BEFORE?
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I mean, Jesus, you got beaten to the punch by Suicide Squad. FUCK.
-I guess they’re playing it like Kim Pine was mind-raped when she killed Bruce Maddox? And that makes it okay? Like, shit, why have the character do this huge thing if it’s not going to affect her personally and she’s just going to go back to being the cutesy-poo dork? Rios is even open to getting all kissy-face with this murderess. Shouldn’t this morally evolved Federation dude be disgusted by her? 
-Going back to my complaint about too many characters, how many cast members spent the finale basically standing there not doing anything after a failed game of soccer? Guest stars like Seven and Riker had more to do than most of the main characters.
-It’s weird how big-budget this series is, with such high production values, yet the Romulan and Federation ships all being one single model copy-pasted a trillion times makes it seem so much more chintzy than the Battle of Wolf 359 or the Dominion War. They couldn’t splurge and throw in a few Intrepids?
-And what happened to Namek (or whatever his name is. Romulan Vagenda Boy)? He was a pretty important character. We’re not going to get any closure or comeuppance for him? And how come the entire crew totally believed him about what the synths were up to? Yeah, he was telling the truth, but talk about untrustworthy.
-Rios being involved in the vast synth conspiracy--geez, what a coincidence. Because remember, he was just some guy Picard hired like an Uber driver. And yet, he happened to have a deep personal connection to all this Tal’Shiar business. It was actually his defining trauma!
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-And I guess the Borg stuff didn’t have any point at all except as an exotic locale for Soji to hang out at until the plot needed her. They made this big show of Seven taking over the Cube and becoming a Queen, and then she didn’t actually do anything with it. Sheesh.
-And the bit where the synths essentially give Rios a magic wand that can do anything and Allison Pill uses it to create a billion holograms... that’s the laziest fucking writing I’ve ever seen. That’s something a six-year-old would write. That’s something a chimp would write!
-And man, after all the complaints about Seven and Chakotay getting together in the last episode of Voyager, Seven and Raffi get together with (if anything) even less build-up. Like, at least Seven and Chakotay knew each other. Seven and Raffi had one conversation and I guess now they’re a couple? Seven and Eleanor seemed to have more of a relationship. Not a romantic one, but more of a maternal relationship where Eleanor was like a replacement for Icheb. Why not go somewhere with that? At least it would be halfway organic.
-And man, Eleanor’s whole thing of not being able to lie and telling the truth all the time--did that ever come up? You’d think that would’ve been some huge personality trait for him, but they pretty much forgot about it.
-And it actually makes some sense for Seven to be into girls, because she was still finding herself through the end of VOY, so it’s a lot less awkward than if Neelix came up and went, “hey, I know I never mentioned once in seven years, but I’m really into dicks. All about dong, that’s me.” But don’t just throw Seven at a female character all of a sudden like her vagina is the twist at the end of an M. Night Shyamalan movie.
-And the whole point of that ‘Picard’s terminal illness’ thing was just to do a death fake-out for five minutes? Isn’t the fact that they’ve invented robot immortality kinda a big deal to throw in in the next to last episode? I mean, if you’re going to complain that they conquered death in Star Trek Into Darkness, they did the exact same shit here. I guess we’re supposed to think that was the only ‘golem’ ever, but why would it be? Apparently Soong and Maddox made tons of synths, so why couldn’t they make more android bodies? And why wouldn’t they make one for Data instead of trapping his mind in some one-bedroom apartment?
-I’m still not clear on... how Maddox found Soong’s Synth Planet and why he decided to create Soji and Dong based on Data’s daughter art project and why Soji counts as his kid but not all the other synths? It’s all so random!
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kennysatyr · 4 years
Doubt (Part 1 Jasper Chronicles)
(Authors note: Sorry this took so long to post) 4/8/2018 7:49 PM “Wait Wait Wait! What are you doing? “What I need to heat up the potion,” Said Sammy “NOT IN THE MICROWAVE!” yelled Joan it was rare that Joan and Samhain spend time together and sometimes it sparked conversations like that “Why are you making a potion anyway?” “I think it’ll help me and Raffy’s ghost mission” Joan rolled her eyes “We are going to the Goatman bridge that’s 5 hours away in about 2 weeks” “What now?” “Wait does he work this weekend?” “Yup and me” “But aren’t you the manager of the job?” “Oh yeah” suddenly Rafael walked in leaving the door open saying “Just come in dude!” both Joan and Sam were curious now “hey guys” “Who were you talking to?” Joan asked as she took a sip of coffee “oh we have a new roommate” Sam and Joan got more curious suddenly a man with a hood walked in “jasper you can take it off they won’t get scared” “Of what?” Sam asked Jasper then said “if you say so…” he lifted his hood to show his black hair with red and white streaks, grey skin, one eye a normal icy blue the other bleeding and red he attempted to smile and Sam hopped over the counter and said “HOLY SHIT HE IS AWESOME” and ran up to him and Raffy caught them and said “dude chill my mom just rescued him” “Oh so he is traumatized,” said Joan Sam walked up to Jasper and said “hey I’m Sammy” and shook this hand Jasper was a bit uncomfortable and said “h-hey nice to meet you” Raffy went outside and grabbed Jaspers bag and Jasper said “You don’t need to take my bag I’ll probably be in a hotel” “Unacceptable,” Rafael said “You can room with Sammy” he continues to carry Jaspers bag into Sams room Jasper followed “Make yourself cozy dinner will be here in a few” jasper sat on the floor across from Sam’s bed and said “thank you for your hospitality” “No problem dude by the way” Jasper looked up “If you don’t come to eat I’ll drag you” “Good to know” Rafael left the room and shut the door Joan was on the couch with Sam “I swear to god if you out on that stupid sow again!” they noticed Rafael walk in Sam immediately says “What’s the T on the cute new dude” “You find him cute?” Joan questioned “Um yeah” “Sam your taste is weird” Rafael chuckled “I know but still what do you know?” Rafael sighed and said “Well I kinda want him to tell you guys all I know is that my mom wants us to put him back on track in life he is three years behind of everything because he isolated himself” Rafael knew the truth the full truth, but he didn’t want to reveal too much he wanted Jasper to trust him he knew that’d take time “So he is gonna room with us for how long?” Joan asked “As long as needed” “Well does he have a job or..” “Not at all and I’m kinda scared he won’t because of the -” he started pointing at his eye “Well we could probably get him working at the coffee shop but I don’t know how people would respond” “Yeah we all saw how an old lady reacted to your scars” “Ok, THAT WOMAN!-” “Maybe can work with me at the emo store” Sam suggested Rafael thought “that could work” “It would fucking work he already looks like a hardcore metalhead” suddenly the doorbell rang “Shit it’s the pizza” Sam ran on over to the door “Dude does your ADHD ever turn off?” “Nope” they opened the door and grabs the pizza and sodas “34$ will be your total with the coupon” Sam paid the delivery guy with a tip closed the door took all the food to the coffee table “JASPER PIZZA” Jasper came out of the room pulled his hood down and sighed Rafael said “come grab a slice” jasper grabs a slice and says “is it bad this is the first time I’ve had pizza?” Sam looked at him in surprise “bro really!?” “Y-yeah” “How old are you?” “24” “And this is the first time?” “Well my mom never allowed me and my siblings to eat pizza” “Why?” “Welllll my dad left us a long time ago and he uses to work at a pizza place” “That sounds stupid” “She also blamed me for him leaving but she was an alcoholic bitch” “Sounds like Rafael’s bio-dad” “What-” Rafael said as he bit into his pizza Sam was disgusted “Dude I will always say your pizza is disgusting” “Come on!” “Even Joan is grossed out by it” Joan smiled a bit Rafael exclaimed “come on Anchovie, pineapple and pepperoni are good” Sam stuck his tongue out in disgust “I’ll try it,” Jasper said “Bro no it’s gross,” Sam said and grabbed a slice took a cautious bite of it Jaspers face squinted for a bit “it’s not bad” “OH COME ON!”
4/22/2018 10:49 PM “EXCUSE ME, I AM A DEMON” “Well Demon or not I can’t take you seriously with a fedora on,” Sam said “It’s a good hat” the demon kept trying to leave the salt circle but kept failing “Good try that is holy water, salt and sage-infused and we have a witch vampire who has more than enough experience” he pointed to Joan chanting Latin “Why do you mortals make this so difficult?” “Excuse me, sir, I am a half-elf” the demon scoffed “Human but more bitchy” “I mean true” Jasper and Rafael walked into the cabin with silver knives, salt, and holy water Rafael saw the fedora “Woah you caught the hipster goat man” the demon sighed burned his own hat then he started to sniff around and saw Jasper “Woah Woah Woah who is that guy” and pointed at him Jasper was confused and didn’t say anything “He has a familiar scent” “Hey stop smelling him he is a good guy” “I can smell her from here” “Sir I am a boy-” “No, I can smell Mary” Jasper froze in his place Sam said “Well no one here is named Mary and none of us will give our names” Joan kept chanting Latin “Now tell us why you are here?” “I mostly want to know if the bloody eye was involved with Bloody Mary” Jasper starting to get scared Rafael knew something was up Rafael then said, “hey whatever you know about him is-” “How do you know Mary?” Jasper asked the demon smiled “I knew her when we were both humans she is a sadist it’s very rare that she let you go free” “Alright that is enough,” Rafael said “What do you mean rare?” “Usually she takes your soul and kills you, but you must be her puppet” “She already took my soul I-” “Was desperate? Tell me who screwed you over so bad you wanted to summon her jealous ex? Abusive parent? Or maybe it was someone you loved died” ”Shut up!” “Oh so it’s the last part” “JOAN BANISH THE DEMON FASTER,” Sam said “YOU CANNOT BANISH ME I WILL JUST COME BACK” suddenly a knife is thrown at the demon a silver one the demon cried in agony everyone looked Rafael threw it and said, “Stop trying to torment my friend!” “Boy let me go and I will tell you everything you need to know about Mary” Jasper felt intrigued and took a step further the demon smiled Rafael grabbed Jasper and said, “NO he is trying to get you to break the circle!” “Bu-” “Chances are he doesn’t even know who this Mary is!” Suddenly someone burst down the door with a man with round glasses and dyed grey tips “ELLIOT?” “Joan called me 30 minutes ago I’m here to help” he suddenly throws an herb at the demon it screams “What are you doing boy!” “Joan try a different scripture!” Rafael grabbed Jasper and pulled him outside “Jasper what the hell?” “W-what?” “Don’t play dumb dude were you actually going to help the demon out? “M-maybe” “BRO you don’t do that! Dealing with a demon is dangerous!” “YOU DON’T THINK I KNOW THAT!” “That is what is bothering me is that you know but you almost did!” Jasper went silent “I think it was a mistake to bring you with us here, especially knowing you are still recovering” “From what?” “Being tormented by a demon, starving yourself and letting yourself deteriorate over this selling your soul to a demon!” “H-h-” “Mom told me she tells me everything” “Do the others know?” “No, I figured you’d tell them yourself at one point” Jasper looked down “I’m sorry I have been an inconvenience” “You haven’t dude we just need to figure something out”
4/24/2018 3:32 AM She pulled the knife from her chest “was that supposed to hurt?” Jasper was shocked “boy you really have no clue who you are dealing with here” he keeps stepping back “you are a pathetic worm” “B-but” the demon chuckled “I’m not just any demon boy I am, I have spread terror, killed world leaders, I’m only summoned by the desperate…. And the bored” she stepped closer and closer, her chest wound started healing on its own as Jasper was stepping away he backed himself into a wall, the demon smiled and raised her hand suddenly bloody hands come out of the wall forcing him to be still he struggles “You summoned me out of desperation to avenge someone who doesn’t love you” “I SWORE TO PROTECT HER” she places her clawed hand on his throat “When you were a young child making that promise did you really think she’d remember that” “YOU ARE A LIAR” She tightened her grip on his throat and laughs “You really are stupid” Jasper looks down her other hand has a syringe “You expected a blood demon to bring someone back from the dead” a hand covers his mouth so his screams for help are muffled she stabs the syringe into his left eye and draws his blood he is trying to scream, but the hands have completely covered his mouth she took it out his eye starts bleeding the hands release him he falls onto the ground “Type O blood the best” she licks the tip “I might just let you live you were so fun to play with” he starts crying she forces him to look at her “You really are pathetic you know what else WAKE UP!!!” Jasper springs back up out of bed in a pool of sweat “Jasper!” he is no longer being shaken he looks it’s Samhain he starts breathing rapidly “you’re okay you’re okay” Sam hugs Jasper and rubs his back after a few minutes in silence Sam broke it “are you alright?” Jasper didn’t say a word “you were shaking and screaming in your sleep and sweating a lot” “.. I’m fine” “Jasper look at me” Sam takes their gloved hand and puts it on his face moves so they can have eye contact with him, “say that again look into my eyes” Jaspers eyes looked drained “Jasper I know you are not okay” “I am fine” “No, you are not!” Jasper was too exhausted to argue with them. Sam took their glove off “give me your hand” “W-what why?” “Just do it” He hesitantly places his cold hand in Sam’s, Sam’s eyes all of the sudden turn white jaw hangs low “Sam?” they don’t move jasper tries to unleash his hand from theirs, however, it seems stuck in its place “SAM!” Sam comes to eyes back to their hazel color they look at Jasper and hug again “I am so sorry” “What are you sorry for?” “You have sacrificed so much” Jasper pulls away “H-how?” “I have the ability to see someone’s whole life story just by touching them” “For real?” “Yes the only way I can manage it is with the gloves I constantly have on” “So you saw… everything?” They nodded Jasper looks down “I’m pathetic aren’t I?” “No, if anything you are the fifth most badass person I know” “Fifth?” “Well next to my godparents, my stepbrother, Khady, then you” “Wow you put me next to a dangerous assassin whose glare could cut my head off” “Yes, but like you, she’s a good person and the mom of Raffy” ¨I mean you are not wrong she somehow thought I was worth her time ̈ Jasper looked down again Sam hugged him again and said “Nothing was your fault” “I don’t even know what to do” “Well I don’t really know either, but we need to find a way to break you free of mary I’m pretty sure in all the books Elliot has he can find something about her” “We?” “Yeah you can’t do this alone dude and we should get you a therapist” Jasper shook his head “I still don’t know why you want to help” “Because you are now apart of Rafael’s fam and a roomie in the Phantom Crew also you are kinda cute” Jasper blushed he hasn’t been complimented for a while “See you blushing is cute” Jasper covered his face Sam smiled and said “How about we make you some tea and watch TV and talk or don’t” Jasper smiled “that sounds great” “Call it a date” Sam winked jokingly. 5/2/18 5:57 PM “BRO, WHAT THE FUCK?” Jasper and Samhain heard from the living room “Dammit Cody is starting shit again” “What is happening in there?” “Band practice most of the time it turns into Rafael babysitting now keep your hands still” Sam was painting Jasper’s nails “CODY I AM DONE WITH YOUR SHIT” “HEY JOAN WAS TRYING TO PULL A MOVE ON ME” “NO THE FUCK I WASN’T” Joan yelled “Aw fuck Cody is at it again,” Sam said “Wh-” “Cody is jealous Rafael is with Joan so he tries to break them up but this time he is bullshitting and done” Sam put down the nail polish Jasper looked at his nails and smiled they were his favorite color Sage Green “You like them?” “Yes I do” suddenly a crash happened “GET THE FUCK OUT YOU ARE OUT OF THIS BAND” Jasper got up to go to the living room a vase was broken Cody grabbed his drumsticks and stomped out and said “good luck finding another drummer” and slammed the door Rafael just sat on the couch and sighed saw Jasper and said “Sorry if you had to see that” “It’s fine” Rafael began to rub the sides of his head Joan sighed “hun this could be an opportunity to find a new drummer” “Yeah I guess just sucks we have a show tomorrow” Jasper walked over to the drum set and felt the densely beat up tops and found another pair of drumsticks he sat down on the stool behind it Rafael looked at him and said “yeah you can mess around for a bit on it” at first started tapping the skins then tried to drum a song he knew a long time ago for a good minute or two he was lost in the music it felt natural to him Rafael was intrigued by this then Jasper put down the sticks and said “Sorry it felt good” “You are in the band now” “What?” “You are a really good drummer dude!” “R-really?” “Who taught you to play like that?” “I use to be in marching band in high school” “Also it just looked like you were meant to have a pair of drumsticks” “DESTINY!” Sam shouted Jasper was genuinely surprised about everyone’s reaction he kinda blushed at it “Dude we can add you in you just have to learn the songs” Rafael said Jasper thought for a second “I can do that” “So you will join?” “Y-yeah” everyone in the room cheered suddenly the ceiling thumped and someone yelled “KEEP IT DOWN” Sam looked up and said “SORRY MS.HENDERSON” “YOU BETTER BE YALL LUCKY IM LEAVING IN AN HOUR FOR A DATE” “GET IT MS H” “I AM SAMMY” they all giggled then Sam said, “Hey could I take Jasper out for a bit?” Rafael looked at them skeptically “For what? “Shopping we can give him a nice look for tomorrow” “Hmm” “Come on!” “Hmmm” “I’m down,” Jasper said Rafael then said “Sure just be back in an hour so we can practice” “Definitely” Sam grabbed Jasper’s hand and ran off Joan looked at Rafael and asked, “Why were you skeptical about that?” “What do you mean?” “As if you didn’t trust Sam with Jasper” “I trust Sam” “But with Jasper?” “What if I don’t?” “You need to stop coddling Jasper he has made good progress” “Yeah but the mission we went on-” “So he made a mistake so what we all make mistakes recovering!” “Yeah bu-” “Remember when we were first dating and you found out how I fed” “Yes how can I forget you kept vomiting” “I made mistakes while you were trying to help me” “I guess that true” “Then why are you scared?” “I guess because I have a feeling” “You always do” “No like Sam likes Jasper” Joan raised an eyebrow “We all do” “No like the like you and me like” “Oh that’s obvious” “Yeah it is Sam told me when we all went out drinking at the Irish place” “What?” “Yeah so what if they like jasper” “I’m just scared they will both get hurt”
6:15 PM Sam was headbanging in the car jasper was laughing “Yo we are here!” Jasper looked out it was a store a skull and crossbones was on the sign that said “Cold Case” Jasper looked at Sam “Where are we?” “Oh this is where I work we can get an employee discount here” Sam and Jasper both left the car and jasper asked, “Didn’t this use to be in malls?” “Well yeah, but then the owners of the venue said fuck it and made it a regular store” they walked in loud music was put on blast “This is a good song!” Sam said the cahier person said “HEY SAMMY” “SUP BUTTPLUG” Sam grabbed Jaspers hand and lead him to the cashier and said “Hey I have someone for you to meet” Jasper looked at the cash register person they were wearing a crop top that looked like a pentagram, facial piercings all over the face, and a pink and green mohawk “Jasper this is Luna she got me hired here” Jasper felt a bit intimidated by her appearance “Hey dude your makeup is killer” “Hehe yeah makeup,” said nervously “Sam it’s your day off what are you doing here?” “ Well Jasper here needs a new look” Luna looks jasper up and down Jasper was still intimidated Luna smiles and says “Sam I think we can work with him” “Yay” Sam went off in the racks to find something Luna turned to Jasper “But what look do you want to go?” Jasper was confused “You know like emo, punk grunge, goth, etc. or do you want to be a mix like Sam” “I haven’t thought of one” “Hmm well at the moment you are looking like Kurt Cobain” “Who?” Luna tried to conceal her disappointment then Sam came back with a bunch of clothing and said “I got some for him to try on”
10 Minutes later… Sam was patiently sitting outside the dressing room “hey sam I think these pants are too tight!” “Skinny jeans are a good look” Jasper opened the curtain he was wearing black skinny jeans with chains hanging off, a shirt where the sides were cut, and elevated boots “h-Hot” “What?” “Umm uh, Nothing take a look at yourself dude” Sam grabbed his hand and lead him to a mirror Jasper looked at himself he was somewhat stunned at his appearance he usually wears anything to cover up his body seeing himself dressed like this made him feel confident in a sense Sam liked seeing Jasper feel this way it just fueled their feelings for him they had been holding them back for while because they know Jasper needs to heal.
30 Minutes later….
Sam was driving back to the apartment their chest felt really heavy they kept looking over at Jasper looking at the CD’s in the car “What is Your Synthetic Affair?” “Oh that’s an emo band it’s basically the starter pack to being emo” “There are so many labels..” “Yeah it can be overwhelming at times” “I’ll put Synthetic Affair on” “Go for it my l-guy” Sam mentally slapped themselves for that Jasper put in the CD the Album was on shuffle and their song “I constraint your love” Sam then thought “fuck you universe” they let the song play any way they looked over to see jasper looking out the windshield window enjoying the song they felt themselves falling more they pulled up to the apartment complex the song is almost to an end Same was about to turn off the car “Can we stay in here for the rest of the song?” Sam swallowed “S-sure” they sat in silence Sams heart clenched they didn’t know how much longer they could hold it in, suddenly they looked at Jasper and said “Can I do something really quick?” he was skeptical for a second then said “Sure?” Sam leaned in grabbed Jasper’s face and gave him a nice kiss on the lips Jasper was confused at first then accepted it then Sam went back to the driver side and said “We should go inside”
9:55 PM The band was setting up in the club they were performing in Jasper was still processing what Sam did hours before, but after Sam was awkward around him which was unusual he didn’t know why “Hey bud you okay?” Rafael asked “Yeah I am” “You are staring off into space again” “Oh yeah?” “Nervous for the show?” “Y-yeah” He lied he knew how persistent Rafael had been on his recovery he didn’t want to upset him by telling him the moment he and Sam shared Rafael was critical of this, but brushed it off and said, “How good are you at playing the drums with your eyes closed?” “Decent why?” Rafael pulled out a blindfold and said “I know it can be nerve-racking to look at the audience so use this” Jasper took it “thanks” “No problem dude lets knock them dead” Jasper wrapped the wrap over his eyes everything was pitch balck he sat on his drummer stool “NOW LADIES GENTLEMEN AND THOSE WHO CANNOT MAKE UP THEIR MINDS GET READY FOR SMILE TILL IT HURTS!!!!” said the announcer Jasper breathed in and out slowly whispered to himself “let’s do this” he heard the curtain open the audience was cheering “THAT IS MY BOYFRIENDS BAND!” he heard Joan shout Rafael shouted back “I LOVE YOU BABY” they started their set everything was going so smoothly despite Jasper not being able to see suddenly he felt a chill up his a spine a strangely familiar one a sinister laugh rang in his ears he knew then a scream comes from the bathroom behind them Jasper took off his blindfold jumped up and ran towards the scream Rafael stopped as well and said “What’s going on?” he opened the door and saw her a woman with extremly pale skin with bleeding black eyes, antelope horns and long straight black hair holding a woman by the throat Mary smiled and said “nice to see you again Jasper” she dug her claw into the woman’s throat Rafeal came in saw the demon and was shocked the demon smiled and said “Never thougth I’d see the Jade child in person” Jasper suddenly ran towards the mirror and punched it screaming “Ad quos eieci te Speculum Speculum!!!” the demon screamed and dissapeared the woman dropped to the floor coughing Jasper looked at the woman kneeled down grabbed her face she was in shock of what happened and asked “ma’am are you okay?” she nodded he looked at her neck and said “Good thing she did not draw blood” the rest of the band looked at the scene and Rodney asked “What the fuck happened?” Jasper looked at him and said “Bloody Mary is back”
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survivormoheli · 6 years
Episode Seven - “It's getting to my head. I need dick. I need DICK” - Dani
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Well Raffy is one clever goose. Wasn't expecting him to get the votes, I think Elliot may have self voted cuz he knew he was going, or everyone else just voted Elliot because they knew he was gonna go since he was inactive? No clue, but good job on Raffy for getting out a number on Blake's side.
Thanks for Free Rice Jay, I hate it! tara shoutout 2 julia the witch!!! u rock!!! i hope i can get in ur coven and braid everyone’s hair. thabk u again for drafting me
So Im a proven comp flop lol but as of now I'm keeping Raffy in the game because he's good at challenges and I'm trying to target other challenge threats because if I can keep all of my allies who are good at challenges then essentially I, a comp flop, gains information or a say in whatever advantage the highest scorer wins. Hopefully we don't attend another tribal any time soon after Raffy's incident.
I really wanted to win this challenge to prove to my tribe that I am a necessity to them and that I was true on my word: after Elliot I would try my hardest to win the comp. That's exactly what I did with my score of 100k. I needed to win that advantage. I wanted to keep it out of Blake's grubby little hands. Hopefully it is enough and we do not have to go to tribal. Another reason I pushed myself this hard is because I fear that AnnMarie did not submit. She seemed pretty busy all day, and I am not too sure what's going on. I know that I have about the same score as Lynn and Blake combined. Hopefully that is enough to push us a winners of this challenge.
We won! Even though GhostMarie didnt submit! (If you're reading this post game im sorry lmao) but woo!!!!
Maybe we could get out Blake, since he lost his vote? 
I really wish i had more time to do this challenge b/c i know if i’d had one more hour of free time b/c I know i could’ve gotten that 20k more to win but a girls gotta work 
I did that! I'm so proud of myself for finally coming in first in one of these types of challenges. Having to push myself was extremely taxing, but I'm glad that I did. Now I can finally improve these relationships with other people. My relationship with Richie is extremely improved, I believe, at this point. Hopefully I can speak more to Eric tonight so I can have him in my corner for merge. The reason I cancelled Blake's vote is not only because I am targeting him. It is because I want to prove to everyone that I am targeting him. The fact of the matter is that I need people to trust me. Transparency is the key to that. Therefore, I am being extremely upfront with my tribe mates, and hopefully this loyalty can last during the first merge vote. I've already planted seeds, now I need to tend to them.  
these ppl being messy is the best thing thats ever happened to me
I am such a mess. What would Raffy do? WHO COULD POSSIBLY KNOW BUT RAFFY HIMSELF! Turns out, he's a hero who just gives rice to kids. Nice. So now we're at Tribal Council (F12 aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah) and it's a big fucking mess. Tara is scared. I want to save Tara. Raffy blocks Blake's vote. Tara is really freaked out. I reach out to Blake, bc I spoke to him a lot, despite "knowing" that he's just lying the entire time. I offer my help - anything I can do to save both Tara and him. He suggests to vote out Phoenix. Me, Tara, Lynn - that's the majority. At the same time, Tara pm's me that Phoenix pm'd her. Blake wants Phoenix and Dani to vote for Tara. Phoenix wants Tara and me to vote Lynn. Because Blake is an easy target once merge hits. EXCUUUUSE ME!? WHAT. THE. HELL. Just vote out Blake now and be done with it. Anyway, if merge hits at F11, Tara, Phoenix, Dani, Eric, Richie and myself NEED to form a majority, because Raffy is just beyond going in at this point. Also: Why is this season called Mohéli when the Tribes are named after towns on Anjouan? What if the "all-new, intriguing and breathtaking" twist is not having a merge at all??? WHAT IF I FINISH IN 12th PLACE aaaaaa 
soo hopefully i managed to flip the vote off of myself. hopefully. things might change tomorrow! but um basically blake n lynn were being super fake n like were telling me to vote phoenix w andreas, n then they were telling dani n phoenix to vote me! but anyway phoenix confronted me and told me what blake n lynn were saying, so i sent him logs back of lynn telling me to vote him, n then i told lynn that phoenix told me that blake was out to get me! bcos i knew lynn would leak that back to blake. n i thought that blake would get super pissed at phoenix n go after him instead of leaking his plan to me. AND BLAKE DID GET PISSED! and now blakes spent the whole night sucking up to me lol p iconic, n i invited him to a movie so we could just like not talk game bcos i'm over it, and that was fun! but ya i hopeee i last longer than 12th place bcos that'd b a p embarrassing placement.... but um ya who knows!! goodluck 2 me. merge is gonna b super interesting but i think i would at least b able to make jury if i get there so yay lets see!! shoutout to karen!!! i hope we meet eachother out of the game and talk! u have a very cool name, every karen i've ever known has been super cool and friendly, andddd thank u for drafting me!!!! 
We are most likely merging after tribal tonight. I feel like I have accomplished what I've set out to do after Bryan was voted out: to build relationships that would help me take down Blake at merge. This NuNuMoya has been really beneficial to my game as I was able to make relationships with people that were not completely under the Blake control. Now I have both Tim, Richie, and probably Eric K on my side. Along with JG and AnnMarie, I am ready to take this merge by storm! 
Damn Raffy must have a whole lot of nothing going on in his life to have pulled that off XD .This is the least nervous i have felt about a tribal which makes me nervous bc that is when you usually go home. During a blindside. If i get voted out tonight it will be more a semi blindside bc i know my name is being thrown around but in all realization i will still be surprised . As everyone knows Raffy took my vote away for this tribal so i'm a little screwed but i trust my friends and that they will save me tonight. I am coming for you Raffy <3 
But on a serious note i respect you Raffy as a player you are here to win and i respect that. 
Jay is standing next to me with a gun in her hand. Help. So, yeah. recap. I am involved in Phoenix' plan via Tara to vote out Lynn. (Me,Phoenix,Tara,Dani vs Lynn 4-1) I am scared AF because I barely talk to Lynn/Dani.
as opposed to Voting out Phoenix to save Tara and Blake. (Me,Tara,Lynn vs Phoenix,Dani 3-2) So, why am I putting my faith into people who I barely know? IDK I AM FEELING LUCKY OKAY!? For all I know, they could've just agreed on putting me to rest as soon as I go to bed. It would be __extremely__ dirty from Tara to blindside me. EXTREMELY! But oh well. I will wake up tomorrow and it won't play "I Got You, Babe." If it does, 12th place is my Groundhog Day and I will cry.
Okay I’m not gonna sit around and let Jg and his team of apes get their way. IM MAKING A MOVE TONIGHT, expect drama tonight. If this plan works then holy shit this game is about to be flipped upside down.
HOLY SHIT I CAN'T BELIEVE I JUST FLIPPED THE VOTE ON ANDREAS LOL. I had to! If he was in the game he could have flipped to JG's side whereas Lynn and Blake have no one except for each other. It's a very easy decision.
K wtf, The vote flipped to Phoenix?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME!? UGH Now I'm PISSED. He's one of my closest allies and these motherfuckers really gonna play with me like that? Legit I'm done. Everyone on this tribe is fucking dead to me and there is no way I am going to stick to their side. JG I'm coming for you sister but this time not with claws, but with open arms... I want these hoes on my tribe down. I WANT TO TAKE THEM THE FUCK DOWN.
K FUCK THIS! FUCK YOU ALL! These fucking clowns! THESE FUCKING CLOWNS BACKSTABBED ME AND IM FUCKING PISSED... GRAWWWWEERRRRRRR. UGH. If they think they can just use me like a cheap whore and throw me away after giving me a good fucking... Oh... They've got another thing coming. Expect Drama sister. EXPECT drama...
Ugh this game has been putting too much pressure on me! TOO FUCKING MUCH! I haven't had sex in 2 weeks because instead of hanging out with people after school I just come home and do this. TWO WEEKS. It's getting to my head. I need dick. I need DICK, and I need it fast.
0 notes
emulatingrizal-blog · 7 years
Silent Night
2015-46154 | Section MHD
           Waking up, I find myself amidst the abyss.
           Cold sweat runs through my face.
           Somehow, I feel a sense of urgency and danger.
           “This is bad…”
           I start running aimlessly into the darkness.
Each step, I can feel something relishing in my struggle. My feet begin to feel sore. It’s becoming unbearable to run.
I take a breather to relieve myself.
           All of a sudden, a cold hand clasps on my shoulder.
           Tense electricity fills the air,
           I slowly looked back to receive the haunting gaze of someone, or something.
           A bloodcurdling shriek filled the air.
           In that instant I reawaken. Greeted by a distant gunshot. Again to this living nightmare. San Diego, the place I call home.
It was still dawn when I woke.
           “You’re having those nightmares ain’t ya kid?” asks the old man coming into my view.
           “It’s fine I’m used to it.”
The old man proceeds to prepare the now finished tinolang manok. Looks like breakfast is ready. I help the old man set our table.
Name’s Raphael by the way. Folks ‘round here know me as Raffy.  The old man here who’s prepping the dishes is Tandang Selo.
We sat down on the table and ate.
“Time’s have been rough nowadays huh…”
“You can say that again.” I replied.
“Better stay up here and keep safe don’t ya think? There’s been reports that kids your age are being killed off as well.”
“I’ll keep a low profile, the Guwardiya Sibil are acquainted with me anyways. I won’t be letting something of that scale happen again.”
“Are you still feeling guilty about it? It wasn’t your fault kid and you couldn’t have done something about it.”
I feel a sharp pain welling in my stomach.
We continued to eat our meal in silence as we pondered over the killings that occurred last night. Would be nice if it was just tonight though.
I waved him farewell as I head down to town.
Growing up wasn’t extremely hard. The good folk around the fringes of the town would always give me what I needed.
Not that I forced them for it of course.  
I may sound like some hoodlum but I’m just a kid. Around 12 or so? Never really cared about my age.
This is what living in the streets does to you I suppose.
It wasn’t all bad. Folks round here would give you a hand or two, regardless if you know em well or not. Such was my case when Tata Selo took me in when he was in town.
I never really knew my parents. Not that I care for them though. Tandang Selo said he heard me crying and then he saw me, inside a trashbin in town. He took me in ever since I was a kid.
When he told me the truth I never really questioned it. We looked far differently to be considered as father and son but he treated me as his own nonetheless.
When I ain’t roaming the streets of San Diego looking for odd jobs and supplies back home, I’m assisting Old Man Selo in the mountains. He basically became my old man and provided me a home.
I often go to town working for my clients. Most of which involved running errands for them as they were all small businesses. Bring stuff here, carry stuff there. Just the clean stuff with no dirty penny involved. They also spared food along with the payment as well. Feels nice to have good folk thriving.
Recently though, most of them are laying low.
Once Governor-General Dutierto succeeded Aquenas, everything went south real quick.
He had this vision of a holy war, one which fought against drugs and their users.
The parians were hit the most, legal at first, their were patrons shot down along with it. Those who’ve triggered slight suspision of being under the influence of drugs were persecuted. Some were never seen again.
Small-time businesses followed suit shortly after. Whethere they were against the local administration or not, they were under heavy inspections. Most of which end up in getting their places sacked or their establishments utterly destroyed. The righteous of those whom I’ve worked for have fallen one by one fell through this “inspections” with only a handful of my clients remaining.
Then there was the beginning of the “Purification”. On some nights, the Guwardiya Sibil would roam about the streets. Those who’re caught in the streets during those nights are killed on sight. They also do the raids on houses who’re harboring the “source of corruption”. The night before was one such night.
I walk along the main road as I notice blood traces along a wall, where a Mang Tonyo, a cigar vendor, used to setup his wares.
The thought of him being beaten up raced through me. I winced at the thought as I averted my gaze from the harrowing wall.  
The ones who orchestrate this, the Guwardiya Sibil, are truly animals. With the vilest one, Alferes, leading the whole operation. He’s been handpicked for being “efficient” in carrying out the deed. All I can see is a lush drunk who has problems with his wife. I’ve met him before, and I don’t like him as much like he don’t like me. He’s a vile scumbag I assure you. Most of his decisions are influenced by his fits of rage, hence the mass number of killings.
Truly a time to be alive. With this just only the beginning.
I walk towards the church with a dejected look. It’s Sunday once again, and unfortunately for me, to get myself off the hook, I became a Sacristan.
At first, the sacristan mayor was having none of me. They soon realized that with my build and frame, I can run errands too and from the church. I soon realize that some of them are pretty nasty stuff.
The vilest thing I did for them was delivering a list of people who have confessed to the parish priest their sin of indulging in drugs. I soon knew what was written on the list after a night of horrors where about 50 were killed.
While this may weigh on my conscience, I decide to absolve myself of guilt.
Or so I hoped that would be the case.
With each passing night the screams fluctuate with my nightmares. Causing me to slowly slip away from sanity.
           Hopefully these sacrifices are worth it in the end.
I do these things to protect the only semblance of family I have, aside from Tandang Selo. My two brothers, Basilio and Crispin.
           I rang the bells alongside them. Ringing it in unison.
I smile as I see Basilio help with Crispin with the ropes. Scrawny as they may, they posses true grit. What I do admire on them is what I yearn for, their purity. What they may lack in raw strength, they make up with their heart.
           “You okay kuya Raffy?”  Crispin asks me.
“More than ever.”
The session ended eventually. The proceedings were the usual though, people mucking around with their phones whilst the priest endlessly used every other minute to “inspire” people in “help build the house of the Lord”. There was also some promotion here and there that this “Holy War was decreed by Him.”
           Nothing but a load of shit if you ask me.
We went down from the bell tower, greeted by the beatings of the wailings of our colleagues from the beatings of our heads.
           “Screw up one more time and it’s back to the streets of with you pendejo!”
           “Sorry father!”
The Sacristan Mayor turns toward our direction.
           “And you three brats! What are you doing lazing off!”
           “We were just taking a break father. We’re gonna sweep the aisles immediately” Crispin tensely replied
           “How dare you take a break in my presence cabron!”
He raises his hand to hit Crispin but I intercepted his attack.
           “Our part of the service is finished father. We’re taking our leave.”
           “How dare you speak against me you insolent twat!”
           “I’ve already done my part of the bargain earlier this week with me fetching the blood and body of Christ. You also agreed to refrain from hitting the other sacristan as long as I’m offering my services to you did you not?”
The sacristan mayor with a loss of words trailed off
           “We’ll be taking our leave father.”
He looked at me with dangerous eyes
           “You’ll have your day boy”
We proceeded to walked out of the church. The two brothers ran outside ahead of me.
“Let’s go Kuya Raffy!” Crispin calls me
I readily nodded but was took aback with and uncharacteristic look from Basilio.
“Kuya Raffy, I have something to discuss with you” whispers Basilio as he inched in closer.
I nodded as the two of us we walked behind Crispin gleefully humming “Our Father”.
“I saw him die…” Basilio stammered.
I gave him a reassuring pat on the back. “Don’t worry about it, you have me to back you up.” I replied.
Looks like the fear of the nightly horrors has finally gotten into him too.
           “Add to that, the sacristan mayor is blaming me for the missing 200 pesos and are prosecuting me to pay for it? We don’t even have the money to feed our family?!”
           “Don’t stress it out too much. The first one who trips will be the one washing our clothes remember?” I jokingly said. “I’ll try to pull you out of this.”
           “Besides, Pilosopong Tasio is on the side of us small folks, he’s the reason why I can defend you against that scumbag. He’d defend us just fine in court. Especially with Crispin is one of his beloved students. We have enough evidence to plead for child abuse under him.”
He replied with thanks and an exasperated sigh.
Looks like he’s fine now.
           The dream however wasn’t.
One of our lifelines was Crispin’s teacher, Pilosopong Tasio. True to his name he is wise although a bit too cynical. He’s the reason why it seems that I have my way with the sacristan mayor. He could process the case and told me that he could be jailed for violating laws on minors or stuff like that.
As much as I would like to be with him on believing that true change would be vested upon the next generations, I think that may not be the case as those with the voices are being killed off, young and old. The only thing keeping him alive is the aftermath it would probably befall the administration by killing of intellectuals.
           At least, according to him.
For the meantime, we brushed over the thought of Crispin dying. We spend the rest of the afternoon playing on the hills, flying kites and whatnot. While it may be as fancy as those posh inner town folks have, it certainly is more than enough for us.
           As the sun sets, we lay on the hills watching the sun fade away in the horizon.
           “Kuya Raffy, if you succeeded the governor-general, what would you do?” Crispin asks.
I honestly haven’t thought about it. I don’t even know who my parents. What more in running the country? I shook my head in defeat and passed the question to the both of them.
           “I have nothing but I guess having a more attainable education would be nice?” replies Basilio.
           “How about healthcare and housing? If I were the governor-general, I would get all galleons from Spain carry equal amounts of goods to our country! I would also establish schools as well and give people jobs!” exclaims a gleeful Crispin.
           “Then how about go to the school Senior Ibarra is establishing? The inaguaration draws near.” said Basilio.
I’ve heard of the guy. Rumors say he’s a visionary with a plan. As much as I’d like to follow suit there’s no way he can proceed with such resistance present posed by a ruthless government.
           And yet I still cling to this flimsy concept known as hope.
I ask the two if there’s anything left for them to do today.
           “We were supposed to ring the bells later this evening.” said Basilio.
I nodded and wished them well
The sun sets on the three of us as dark clouds loom overhead. I took my leave looking for errands to run.
After a few hours of searching, I found no luck.
To make matters worse, it was pouring hard.
Most of the small-time shoppes have closed down. This is probably to escape the suspicion of any shady activity from the Guwardiya Sibil.
I resigned myself in defeat as I started making my way back to the mountains.
Along the way, I passed Captain Tiago’s house. Looks like he’s having another party. He notices me and gives me some take aways for me and my Old Man. I continued forward after expressing thanks.
I passed by the town square and check the time.
           “Already pass 11 huh…”
Somehow, I get an uneasy feeling. I make my way towards the church. To my surprise, the lights are still on at the sacristan mayor’s quarters this late at night.
I snuck in the bushes to hear on the commotion.        
I hear someone being smacked and shouted at.
           The doors burst open with Basilio kicking it down.
In shock, the sacristan mayor unintentionally smacked the back of Crispin’s neck, followed by a lifeless yelp, and an enraged Basilio.
I burst through the window and stopped Basilio from completely murdering the sacristan mayor as Guwardiya Sibil guards prepared to open fire.
I grabbed Basilio who was still seething with rage.
I pulled him over as we made way for the nearest exit, rushing toward the staircase of the bell tower.
Thunder crashed down as flashes of lightning blinded our pursuers. Each step becoming heavier as we near our destination.
By the time we reached the top, sirens were already blaring beneath us. The footsteps of our pursuers fast approaching.
I scanned at the back of end of the church near the graveyard.
           A forest!
Without hesitation, I urged him to the ropes and led the way down. The wet rain helped us grip the now soaked roap as we made our way down quickly. Gunshots whizzed past us as we head straight for the forest.
We were only a few inches away when my luck ran out. A bullet grazed my left leg rendering me incapable of walking.
Basilio dragged me into the forest but I knew me being dead weight would cut my chances for our survival.
           “Head to the mountains and look for Tandang Selo.” I told him as I was tending my wound. “He will tend to your needs”
           “But my mother!”
           “It’s dangerous to go back! You’ll only get yourself and your mother killed! Would your brother want that!”
Urgent voices of Civil Guards fill the air.
           “I know it sucks that you may lost the two of us in one night but… Remember that even if we’re not here anymore, our thoughts still carry on. Live for us. Carry on our hopes and dreams. Be the one that sees everything until the end!”
           A sniffling Basilio nodded.
           “Be strong brother! Tata Selo would care for you. Tell him… tell him I’m sorry for not saying and… thanks for everything.”
           Our conversation was cut short with a gunshot hitting me on the chest.
           I made a weak smile as I wave my friend good bye one last time.
           My eyes grow heavy as he fades into the night
           My consciousness slowly fading
           But I am not met with darkness
           Not with screams
           Not with gunshots
Everything’s slowly fading from my view, my senses distorted, my thought only intact
           “He will make it!” I thought to myself.
As a sharp pain pierces through my body, I am met with light.
I see one last image of my friend amongst it. Him holding a book dressed with a suit.
           A vision of the future.
While I may not have seen the end and lay amongst the fallen, I’ve entrusted it to someone I know who will. A San Diego at relative peace, free from the nightmares that plague it.
           Not just for him nor his brother, but for a simple dream everyone in this nightmare wants back.
Silent nights.        
I’am absolved of guilt, as I join those who’ve fallen before me.
I smiled as I resigned myself to fate.
           “I guess no more nightmares from here on out huh?”
0 notes
survivorazores · 7 years
Ep. 5 - “I'm kind of a queen of being a dumbass” - Emily
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can't believe that just i worked i can't believe i just flipped mo i can't believe it holy shit
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Raffy go fart in a shoe box you lying bag of skittles
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Toph is gone and he said he loves me and I'm just------ that can easily point to me having the idol. I'm sick to my stomach and I'm just trying to play it off like I have no idea what's going on.
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Welp. Toph's gone. I'm not really upset since he mutinied.
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I'm the target now. The vote went to a tie because Mo found out Toph was lying, then flipped Ruthie even though I told her to vote Ricky. Now I defended Toph in the tribal chat, but Bryce flipped and Ruthie wouldn't budge so Toph went home. Now my game is blown up, and Mo, Bryce, and ricky think I'm a snake which I am. I am just feeling so defeated at this moment that I have no words. Now I either have to win the challenge (unlikely because Amanda Lynn exists), find an idol (or have someone give it to me), or convince Ruthie to be by my side. I'm so frustrated! Here we go once again. Time to get myself out of a sticky situation.
Bryce? Don't trust him. The end.
I love ruining my own game! 
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I may need to betray the NFPs alliance (amanda G, Emily, Bryce, and I) if it comes down to it. What's best for the group is not what's best for me. 
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I literally can't believe that I got Mo to flip that vote I can't believe that Rafael just exposed himself and I can't believe that any of that mess just happened!! Like I don't wanna be self absorbed but I can't believe that I got Mo to flip? Like out of everyone that I was trying to flip?? Amanda didn't do it, Bryce did on the revote but wasn't gonna budge, now both of them are like "I feel foolish" and I just... I really was convinced Ricky was going home but Rafael got entirely exposed by Mo and Mo is now my favorite person in this game and it's gonna be so good going forward. We need to fucking win challenges though because this troll is gonna have an idol sooner or later and I don't feel like dealing with that. So we'll see what happens next I guess but y'all.... it's CRACKED
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After tribal was literally hell. I'm glad Toph is gone, if I'm being completely honest. He was too much for my game and being connected to him was not good at all. But the final nail in my coffin was Toph saying he loved me as his final words. AND saying he loved Amanda G. He just exposed both Amanda G and I for giving him the Espirito idol and being his closest ally without saying what we did. Now my tribe will not trust me because I have been saying I cut ties with Toph and his last words say otherwise. And no one even suspected Amanda G of giving Toph the idol and then he throws her name out making her a target? What was he thinking?! He wasn't.
Also, Rafael is in big trouble now on Espirito as well. He's in deep shit with Mo, Ricky, Will, and Ruthie and has made a huge target of himself because he was being called a snake and he didn't change his vote to Toph. Amanda G and Rafael, two of my closest allies, are in big trouble. And I'm likely in some trouble as well. I'm hoping for the best.
I'll give you more updates later and hopefully I will have a plan.
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God, Toph telling everyone in the main chats that Nayeli had the idol (if he's even correct) is so sloppy. You don't do that in a chat she's in smh. A better play would've been to gather everyone in a chat except for her and tell them, thus exposing her without her knowing. Yes, it's shadier, but most likely a better strategic move depending on circumstances. Although I can't think of a scenario where exposing her where she can see is a good idea really.
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So this tribal was WILD. I might have just lost this game but I'm hopeful. Literally since INFP was formed we've made nothing but mistakes! First with the bad idol play and now this flop of a tribal. For a reason unbeknownst to me Raf and Toph love stirring the pot and doing things in such a messy way. In the end I can't go to  rocks for Toph when hes doing the MOST but for the LEAST logical reasons. I will have to fall back in with Will and strengthen my closeness with Ruthie/Ricky/Mo, but I think its doable. I hope my alliance trusts me but honestly I think we should have all flipped.
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I've decided to try and save my non-existent social game. I've sent an apology to both Will and Mo. So, I hope that works, and if it doesn't oh well. I need to pull through with this challenge or else I am screwed. Hopefully this all works out.
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Being nice and forgiving is my new look in this game. No more fighting. Except you Ali Tanveer. Fuck you.
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I'm trying my hardest to lead everyone in this challenge but no one is online!!! No one is contributing!!! We had a call for like fifteen minutes and we made a Google Doc, put one idea in there, then everyone blasted. I know it's a little late and everyone needs sleep but I'm triggered!!! This sort of thing is super fun to me and I do it a lot, but I usually rely on others to come up with ideas for the short films. And I write short stories, but they would all be hard to film and too creepy for what the tribe wants to make as a short film. I'm stressing out!!! And the hardest part of this is Amanda G and Raffy really want me to throw the challenge!!! And I don't want to!!! I'm having fun and I want to kind of take charge on this challenge since Toph didn't exactly leave me in the best position. I need to show these people I'm beneficial to the tribe. I just keep thinking I'm in a worse position than I am. But then I realize I have allies like... Everywhere? But I just need to keep doing damage control from Toph's exit. He called out both myself and Amanda G, my closest ally. I was trying my hardest to prove I wasn't aligned with Toph, and then he goes and tells me he loves me. I can't forgive him for that. Not cool.  This challenge being neglected by a majority of my tribe combined with Toph's dramatic exit are very stressful. I've submitted like three confessions in the past hour I'm SORRY but I just have so much to say.
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Okay. I'm done with this defeatist attitude of mine. No one ever got far by throwing in the towel. It is also probably annoying for people to watch someone be utterly defeated because something didn't do their way. I still have a chance to get through this. I have Bryce and Amanda G definitely. Also, I may be able to pull in Ruthie. She is definitely cracked, but her being alone could help me flip her. I need majority and that is it. I've also personally apologized to both Will and Mo with Ricky coming to me. My social game is not dead yet. I will continue fighting and Will better hope the tribe wins this challenge because I'm pulling through. I am still here. I am still playing. As long as it isn't me going home, I am still good. I might have to implement Sandra's floater strategy. I might have to jump ship to Will's side if it comes to it and I am not opposed to it. Do anything you need to do in order to keep yourself in the game. I am playing to win, not for second place.
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I'm not even playing a good game I'm just Will's cute sidepiece and I'm not mad about it tbh.
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I am so nervous because after Toph called my name out, no one has really come to talk to me about it. That can mean two things: 1. No one cared and people think he just wanted to stir the pot before he left. 2. People don't want to talk to me and they're targeting me after hearing that. My worst move so far in this game was telling my alliance about the idol. I should've just kept it to myself, otherwise this wouldn't have happened. Emily told me that Will said he thinks that Toph was just stirring the pot, thankfully. That gives me hope that some people also think that. I'm nervous to search for the idol again because people might think I'm being suspicious. I just covered my tracks up regarding the idol and now Toph ruined that for me (I love you, but you really did potentially ruin my game). I'm going to fix this mess by using my social game to my advantage and talking to everyone. I know it may make me look like a rat, but I feel like I need to do this now. I have no idea who we would even target if we went to tribal council, which is scary. I think Raffy is painting a bigger target on his back, so I feel a bit more confident in my position. He's also trying to fix his social game, but he destroyed it more which gives me more hope. I pray that we win the challenge and people will forget that the blow up with Toph ever happened. If people do come and ask me about it, I'll just say that Toph was probably just trying to stir the pot. Hopefully, they'll believe me.
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I think I'm slowly but surely building my social game back up. I'be apologized to both Will and Mo. Ricky came to me first, comforting me about being isolated and not holding grudges. Will understands and has already responded. Mo has not though I'm not too concerned right now. He'll come to me if he wants. Now, for the challenge we plan on making fun of ourselves and the craziness that was all the tribals involving Espirito members like "Ashley had the idol" or "Toph has the Espirito idol" or "Toph vs Ricky" and such. This is basically Survivor Azores: The Movie just to show how cracked everyone is. I hope that the people, even if they don't know survivor, will still see how crazy people are. I'm excited because laughing at yourself is the best way to form relationships. Hopefully Salao loses because I have a feeling that if I go to tribal, I will be voted out.
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I hate creative challenges. And I hate them move when I can't be on a lot DJFDSKJFDS. I did part of the script but luckily Amanda G did a bunch too! This challenge is so hard, I want a flash game... AND I HATE FLASH GAMES. 
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Gwen, in regards to coming up with chip flavors we can promote for our commercial/video thing: Have you ever wanted to taste a bunch of really offensive things that is making not only the hosts, but your tribe mates uncomfortable? Me, in response: Have you ever wanted to taste a parchment with your name on it with a hint of snuffed torch???? I really... want to be voted out now pls..... I'm so uncomfortable
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I'm too creative for my team they are jealous !!! #coldbrew
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So I'm playing the role of Ray, and I'm kinda scared because I don't have any lines, just actions. So if we lose I'm afraid my tribe will think I didn't do much. I might try to change some stuff up. Also Ray don't hate me please.
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I feel like my confessionals are getting a little more boring lately but that's a good thing because I feel kind of safe and I feel like mayyyyybe my tribe likes me now I just have to make sure I like have a good shoot of my lines tomorrow and that these people continue to want to keep me around.  I think that they think I'm borderline insane between the idol thing, the calling them out thing, and the me saying we should go to rocks thing last night but maybe they like that about me and I don't mind people thinking I'm cuckoo if that gets me to the end. I'm sad that Ashley mutinied but at the same time it makes the entire game SUPER exciting because I don't have my 'premade' now and I love getting to know these new people and I like that I've kind of succeeded on manipulating myself in a bit, I'm still surprised I have zero votes honestly but as worried as I was about Ash mutinying I'm glad in a way because I think it might help us both in the long run. I hope our tribe wins but I really hope that she stays safe and I really hope that Amanda Lynn stays safe because she's really nice, I've been talking to her some and she's such a sweetheart I want to work with her later on FOR SURE!
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The INFPs want me to flop this challenge and I'm not going to do that. But my tribe may just do that on their own. I don't even know what their plan is. We have less than twenty-four hours to go and this short film is going to be a mess. I really wanted to edit this but I think Nayeli wanted to edit too, so I'm letting her take that over. But now we have essentially the whole tribe helping but Gwen is a little crazy. Also this idea is not going to work out very much. I just!!! Like doing things my way and this is not how I would do things. I'm trying not to intrude on editing with Nayeli but I also don't want to intrude on Amanda Lynn and Gwen with writing, the two things I'm good at. I'm :-/!!! What am I doing!!! I don't know!!! We're going to tribal though, at this rate.
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Sooo I think I am actually good with my alliance still. And I think that our video might not be terrible so I might be able to avoid trouble!! If we do go to tribal  I think Raf will be the target or Will and it'll come down to Ruthie so I will try to get her and Mo on my side.
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I absolutely adore the INFP alliance and if the One World twist ends, I'd actually be so upset because I absolutely adore Emily. I would hate to be forced to not talk to her. What I said during our tea spilling session about the other players was very genuine about the people in INFP and about the people playing the game in general. Ricky, Will, Raffy, Bryce, Ruthie, Emily, Abbey, even if we haven't talked much, I love you all and some of y'all are cracked icons! Some of you guys aren't the best for my game, but I love you all on a personal level.
I feel like currently I could be in either a really good position or a really bad position. You can't trust anything that's said on Survivor, but the fact that no one has brought up the Toph incident makes me feel a bit more secure. I don't feel secure enough to search for the idol, though. I really don't want to do that until everything blows over, which might take a while. I'm very nervous about everything and I'm just hoping that we win immunity.
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I just had another wonderful call with my favorite alliance, the INFPs consisting of myself, Amanda G, Bryce, and Rafael. We discussed a lot of things. Like voted off players, the edgic, future game, and our games. I love them so much because they're so nice to me. They all complimented my game a whole bunch and made me feel a lot better about how I'm playing. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is up for me to decide. I'm very tired so I don't know if I can go into detail, but I took lots of notes on other players like Amanda Lynn, Francie, Will, Ruthie, etc. I love spilling tea with the INFPs because we all have such different perspectives on things. Everyone respects one another's opinions and can agree/disagree with lots of topics and we can still be strong. It's such a good alliance because everyone has different connections and is playing a different game. I love it. Also, out of the group, should we be exposed, Rafael would be the bigger target. Sure, I think I would be the next target BUT Rafael is still ahead of me. That gives me time to do some damage control should I need to. I'm going to go bed now because it's three-twenty am. Goodnight.
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During my call with the INFPs, we were spilling tea about the other players and then Raffy's name came up. It was my turn and at the end I said: "I love you, man." Emily thought I was saying it to her and told me that she loved me too. It was honestly probably the funniest thing that's happened to me this entire game. When I said I was crying laughing, I wasn't lying. It was the funniest thing that's happened in the whole game. I love Emily, she's so wholesome and pure.
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Baksbsksbskwbs omg I forgot a funny part of the call between the INFPs. Whenever we were all going through each player and sharing our thoughts, we were onto Rafael. I had given him my thoughts and next was Amanda G. She ended her thoughts with, "I love you, man," and I guess I wasn't paying enough attention to what was actually going on and I said, "I love you too," totally thinking she was talking to me. And then everyone laughed at me. I'm kind of a queen of being a dumbass? First Monica Padilla, now saying I love you to someone who was definitely not telling me they loved me. Amazing.
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This challenge is so not my forte cause I'm not creative at all!! I'm gonna try my best to help cause I don't wanna go to tribal!! I think we have a solid group! I feel so much better with people that actually talk and get ideas flowing not just argue or try to draw lines!!! I'm hoping we do good cause we have so m any great ideas over here!!
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Jay: Make sure you're here after the next tribal, it will benefit your game Me: Hello tribe swap But there will be 15? Jay, are we expanding to 3 tribes? Because we both know how much we both hate expansions. I'm terrified of being a swap flop AGAIN. I have little relationships with the other tribe. I'm trying to build one with Ruthie, and I really like her! I do not want to be on a tribe with Ricky and not Abbey. I DO NOT want to be on a tribe with Gwen and not other sane people. I'm really hoping its not a swap. On call last night, I thought it might be a Hero Challenge, and of course nobody knew what that was, so I explained. And Francie says, "Well if it is, I want you to do it, Amanda, you're just so good at challenges." Way to put a target on me come merge! UGH. I am I just really hope we win immunity, this way if it is a tribe swap, I won't make any alliance angry beforehand and be on a tribe with them. It will also give Salao a numbers advantage over Espirito and tbh any of them can go. But I have strong doubts about this challenge. I have never ever won a creative challenge, so I'm hoping I can break that trend. Hosts, give us a big merge and a big jury... please...
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emily sent 4 consecutively, so the lines indicate separate confessionals
I'm currently on call with Ali T and we are talking game. He has told me that he wants to vote out someone who has mutinied, meaning Abbey or Ashley. This makes me uneasy because I want to vote out someone like Michael, Gwen, or Nayeli, who I know he is working with, but he won't tell me.
He has suggested that myself, him, and Amanda Lynn make an alliance. We have now done that and are on call. Amanda Lynn wants to convince him to vote off someone on their alliance. I know Amanda Lynn's target is Nayeli, claiming we're voting Gwen so that Nayeli doesn't play an idol. Gwen is going to be an easily believed target because of her messy idea. She can be blamed for the bad video if anyone needs to take the blame.
Ali is throwing out Gwen and Nayeli's names, which is perfect! Exactly what we want. If we can get Ali on board, then that means we have all of the Gal Pals (Amanda Lynn, Francie, Abbey, and myself) and Ali's vote! That's five. And we can get Ashley on our side, getting that six vote. An even bigger majority. I think things will work out pretty well this round, I'm excited! Ahhhh
Low key cannot believe how many calls I am constantly added to. I love that people like me and want to work with me. How iconic. I think it's because I'm being friendly with everyone and that I keep hinting to everyone that I'm completely alone. Which is false. But everyone thinks I'll be a number for their side and that I'll vote with them because I don't have anyone else. That's a great position to be in, in my honest opinion.
I'm just hoping that no one #exposes me for being aligned with a majority of the cast? I don't think my alliances would expose me to their other alliances. The person I've given the most info to in this game is Amanda G and I trust that she wouldn't expose me. I'm hoping for the best.
Now that the call between myself, Ali, and Amanda Lynn has finished, Amanda Lynn wants to call me and discuss further right after she briefly calls with Ali. Ali told her he wants to talk with her about our call.
I can tell from the Pleasing Jay call, Ali is closest with Michael. He's not bringing up his name at all. Amanda Lynn has further confirmed that later by saying Ali asked her for permission to tell Michael about our plan to get out Nayeli. I don't want that!!! I hope Ali doesn't expose us. Amanda Lynn thinks he won't and told Ali that he could do damage control after the vote, but if we want to get Nayeli out, Michael has to be in the dark. He will tell Nayeli that we're gunning for her and she'll play her idol. We can't have that.
We're going to fill the Gal Pals in tonight about our plan. We will have six votes for Nayeli and three votes for Ashley should this work out. Amanda Lynn and Ali will hint to their five person alliance that they should go after someone who mutinied, preferably Ashley to guarantee Abbey is safer. They'll use Ashley's previous votes from Espirito tribe members to their advantage. I can also tell that Amanda and Ashley are very close. They've both played before, I believe. Probably together? Who knows.
There seem to be lots of duos in this game as well. Like Michael and Nayeli seem to be a duo, Amanda Lynn and Abbey, Ricky and Will. I'm noticing these people looking out for their other half very subtly, which is what I would do with Toph until I realized he was cracked. I think splitting up the duos would be very beneficial for my game. The two people that are closest within an alliance often have the most power from what I have seen. Amanda Lynn and Abbey's duo is the strongest of these duos because it's the least likely since Abbey just mutinied and hasn't talked with the tribe very much (at least in our tribe chat she hasn't). Amanda Lynn is such a powerful player and I really need to find the perfect time to get her out. I'm thinking it needs to be after merge because she's keeping me very safe on Salao.
Rafael made a comment last night while we were on a call and said that Francie's best move would always be to keep Amanda Lynn around because Francie is the second biggest comp threat and has a great social game. Amanda Lynn will always be the bigger target than her, but once Amanda Lynn is gone, Francie's shield is gone in a way. I like them both, but I also need to recognize that they're playing very well. I need to get them out at the right time. I've been thinking recently that I've been telling to many people the information I've been receiving. I just need to keep some things to myself but I don't know where I should draw the line. There are some things I've shared that I'm glad I've shared because it created bonds and it made people think I'm more trustworthy. But, if I want people to believe that I'm really not playing the best social game, I need to stop making it known that I have lots of people giving me information. I also think I need to be paying more attention the names people don't bring up rather than the names people do. If I bring someone's name up, it's not because I trust them, it's because I want the person gone or that I don't trust them. I never talk about Amanda G or Bryce to anyone because I don't want anyone to know I'm working with them. I believe that has to be a similar thing with other players. If I can look at who is being protected by other players, I can see who is working with who.
Anyways, this is very long and I could've made it a video confession so Jay and Ali didn't have to read - I'm sorry! I have to shower and go to rehearsal soon, so I'm ending this confession. Tootles.
Lmao so here's another confession in case you couldn't tell my opinion on our tribe's video. I think we will definitely lose mostly because we're taking a serious topic such as texting while driving and making fun of NOT doing it. Um. Very problematic if you ask me. I do not  condone these actions. The Salão tribe? I don't know her. But in other news, I'm excited to have a nice blindside at the next tribal. I'm hoping that everything is smooth sailing and that no one will spill too much tea to the wrong person, yadayadayada. Anyways. I just wanted to let you know I don't condone texting and driving. It's not cool. Maybe our tribal will get it once we lose LMAO. 
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So I definitely think we have this challenge down, but I could be entirely wrong. I don't even wanna try to think about another tribal or any twists right now, but I do think that I'm in at least somewhat of a good place this time around. If we're gonna consider Ruthie, Mo, Ricky, and myself the majority then we'll be fine since it should be relatively easy to turn the others against each other and send someone home, but I definitely put a target on my back by telling Raf he was next to go last time (did he deserve it? probably) so I know no matter how genuine he seems and how much we seem like we're getting along... I don't trust him and I know he's coming for me. I have a plan to take care of that, in case of an idol and all, but we'll see what happens first. I just can't even imagine dealing with another tribal council right now I... just cannot.
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Um so I'm up in the light booth with a lot of downtime. I'm really nervous about why I need to be online after the competition results have been posted!!!!! What can it be!!!! I'm gonna shit myself goodbye
Salao wins immunity, and Espirito is sent to an instant tribal
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The hosts really wanna give me a heart attack huh
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An instant tribal? Well it looks like I'll be going home. I searched for the idol, Amanda G did, Bryce did, Ruthie did, and nothing. So now I can only hope to flip Ruthie and actually take out Will. But if he has the idol...
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How is that Salao has only been to tribal once, but has lost 3 people. Cracked
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hi yes the anticipation for this twist is making me shit myself you're causing me so much stress thank you so much
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I AM SHOOK? I did not think we would win but holy shit the Salão video was actually so funny. Go us. Glad we're avoiding another tribal.But IN OTHER NEWS, I'm nervous for Amanda G, Bryce, and Rafael. I want them to be safe so bad!!! Now they have tribal in an hour ish!!! BUT GUESS WHAT THE LOVE OF MY LIFE, AMANDA G, FOUND THE ESPIRITO IDOL AGAIN KWWBJWNWN I LOVE MY MOM!!!! She told me individually and ain't no way I am telling anyone she has the idol. Especially Rafael, who really wants it. Amanda G can use it to her advantage at some point. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm so happy 
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don't be a tribe swap don't be a tribe swap don't be a tribe swap don't be a tribe swap don't be a tribe swap don't be a tribe swap don't be a tribe swap don't be a tribe swap don't be a tribe swap don't be a tribe swap don't be a tribe swap don't be a tribe swap
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Raffy wants Will gone and I'm not ok with that. I don't want Will going home. I'm gonna tell Amanda and Bryce the truth and hopefully they'll be voting with us.
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So SOMEHOW we won that video challenge and I am still laughing because both videos were hysterical! Well the twist is that Espirito has to go to tribal TONIGHT. They have like 90 minutes to get their act together and vote someone out. But HOLD THE PHONE bc Jay say's THAT'S NOT ALL and we need to be here after tribal as well because there are more twists and I feel like it's a fricken tribe expansion and I want to cry people I feel like I am in a good place on my tribe and I DO NOT WANT to swap! UGH. The ratio is in my favor at least. If we do swap, I hope I'm on a tribe where Salao is in the majority, and that I have a Gal Pal or 2 with me, and like Ali. I DO NOT want to be on a tribe with one other Salao and it be anyone but a Gal Pal or Ali. I DO NOT want to be on a tribe with Ricky unless Abbey is there. I DO NOT want to be on Raffy's tribe period! I feel like if I can avoid Ricky and Raffy, I'll be alright but JAY WHY YOU GOTTA BE CRACKED LIKE THIS I AM NOT HERE FOR IT UGH
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Everyone is just so crazy and I can't stop laughing, Will just said that he had an idea and now I'm freaking TERRIFIED LOL, I wonder what it is I will keep y'all posted. he wants to tell raf a different name and hmmm If I get idol'd out by Raf I don't know what I would do but we've only had crazy tribals, what is another crazy one?  I think Will and I are about to blow up his game in the chat, I'm EXCITED!
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If I can really play Mr. Nice Guy here for a second during this instant tribal and make people think that I'm gonna flip and get this guy to not target me... I might just be able to save my ass yet again. This is the first time I've felt entirely unsure in this game though.
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I FOUND ANOTHER IDOL!!!! I'm so happy and I'm not telling anyone about it. I'm really nervous about the tribal because it's so short notice and I convinced Raffy to mend fences with Will. I don't want to go to rocks and I think that if we get Ruthie out, we can get Will out soon. I'm so nervous, so so nervous.
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WHY CANT WE WIN! So this might go to rocks... BUT I hate rocks... I've only been in rocks once and I was the person being voted so I was SAFE. I like to self preserve and with the announcement to be here after the results and stuff, a twist can happen so I don't think it's worth rocks. The vote is between raf and will but raf is trying to get will to come together and get Ruthie instead.
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Will is voting with me. He is voting to take out Ruthie. We mended fences and now Ruthie, the actual rat who manipulated him into voting Zoe, is going down. She may be my cracked disney queen but that doesn't mean she's safe from the vote.
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How iconic is Amanda G? She gave me her idol that she found for safe keeping just in case this tribal doesn't go her way. Which I believe it will. Ruthie will be good and things will be fine! I hope. Anyways, that's all I got for now. Goodbye.
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Yay we won!! I'm so glad our idea works!!! This group is so amazing!!! I loved their idea as well maybe we should go into the movie business!! We have some great creative team already!!! It was so much fun to just do the challenge tho much more than I expected!!!  Being in winning tribe is even more helpful with the instant tribal. Omg talk about stress and nervous wreck. Now to hopefully survive whatever twist is in store for us next!!
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LAST WORDS: It's truly been in honor to play in this game. I know I didn't make my personal goal of merge, but that doesn't mean I'm not proud of the way I played. How I played was always the way I've wanted to play Survivor. If there is one regret I have in the game it is not flipping on Toph during the tribal he got voted out. If I had just flipped, I would still be good with Mo and Will. I hope to play more ORGs, and for now I say goodbye.
Rafael becomes the fifth boot of Survivor Athena: Azores
0 notes