#fiirecracker / m. rohan
exilegend · 1 year
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@fiirecracker said
"are you still with me?" rohan's voice breaks the silence that has settled across the pouka pond as the cloudstrider slowly makes his way across the room. it is the first time he's been allowed the leave medical since the incident at the radial mast. though his ribs throb and his insides feel as though they've jelified, he pushes through. he must. it seems their guest is still present. "i'd've thought you long gone by now."
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" rohan. " his attention shifts from the assorted datapads and old tomes he's immersed himself in. osiris wasn't expecting to see the elder cloudstrider already up and about. but... he knows the feeling intimately. he hardly allowed himself rest in the ebb of his awakening. entering a world so different after such a short time, there was so much catching up he had to do. so much more he had to do in preparation for the witness.
he's glad for rohan he needn't experience such a discrepancy as he did.
" it is good to see you active... i do not know when i will leave neomuna, admittedly. i have yet to understand the veil's purpose in the grand scheme of things. your people have been accommodating me. "
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exilegend · 1 year
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@fiirecracker said
❝  your presence is like a stone in my shoe, impossible to ignore.  ❞ // rohan
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had it been anyone else who spoke those words, osiris might have taken offense. but he does not. not when he sees the way rohan aches as he speaks and he feels his heart caught in his throat. there has only ever been one other who has expressed such a tenderness — such an ache for him.
(and is it not so similar? like a stone in their shoe, he brings them hurt.)
he is not an easy man to care for.
more still to love.
" ... i... i am sorry. i should go... "
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exilegend · 1 year
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earth is, in stark contrast to neomuna, a breath of fresh air. in this case it's quite literal as osiris's feet finally touch earth and her stable gravity. it was awkward finding a way for aarush to fit into his jumpship, seeing as it was designed and built for an average sized human so he had to make the even-more-awkward suggestion and request they take a cabal dropship instead.
they both have so much work ahead of them in studying the veil but between his algorithm working tirelessly at decrypting and guardians assisting nimbus, neomuna can survive without both osiris and their hero for a couple of days.
he looks cautiously up at aarush after reacquainting himself with earth's horizon, suddenly self-conscious of the last city's disposition in comparison to that neon city on neptune. he knows the other isn't so judgmental, but there is a slight fear that this city and people he so dearly loves despite his tenuous relationship with it, will come under scrutiny.
he's not an idiot. he knows how neomunians talk about the city. he recalls reading reports on their famed stargazer who scoffed at desperate and starving faces during the dark ages. (desperate and starving faces he had grown familiar with. he is older than the metal grates and concrete beneath their feet.) and he knows how neomuna closed its hand into a tight fist and struggles still to keep it closed.
" welcome to earth, " he says after a moment. " i realize this may be... underwhelming in comparison to neomuna. "
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exilegend · 11 months
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@fiirecracker asked
❝ you have a tender heart. an admirable quality, surely. ❞ // from rohan <3
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osiris isn't so sure he'd describe himself as tender. pragmatic, certainly. heavy hearted, of course. but tender? rohan isn't the first to do so, saint has as well. still it catches him off guard. perhaps they both see something he cannot. or: they see what he does not allow others to see. he so easily sequesters his thoughts and feelings away.
" i'm uncertain i would ever call myself tender hearted, " he admits as he sets his tea aside. (he made enough for the both of them, of course.)
" you have yet to fail in surprising me with the words you offer, aarush. "
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