strangefellows · 2 years
you know what, fmabposting time
i think my favorite part of greedling as a duo is like
you look at this pair of idiots, one of whom is a homunculus, a living embodiment of one of the seven deadly sins, made out of a solidified mass of thousands of eternally screaming souls, and the other of whom is a teenage boy, prince of a whole ass country, who passes out if he doesn’t eat enough and who is terminally incapable of remembering doors exist because he’s too busy trolling the protagonist
and you go “okay which of these two is the pragmatic calculating little bitch and which of them is the huge tsundere jackass with a heart of gold”
and if you guessed the homunculi is the former, you would be wrong.
the juxtaposition of human teen ling “i grew up in the imperial court and i Will be planning ten moves ahead and deliberately make you think i’m a dumbass but i am terrifyingly competent and pragmatic” yao vs actual homunculus greed “my greatest desire in the entire world is to have friends oops i keep adopting people constantly” the avaricious is so amazing
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strangefellows · 2 years
Also yeah, okay, here, have the 16 chapter Greed centric FMAB au fic I wrote in like a week and a half riding high on two binges of the anime back to back including my first time watching it Ever.
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strangefellows · 2 years
also, i may be very loud about how much i love greed and ling, but i also absolutely adore ed himself, that is an actual mess of a teenager and i love him dearly
honestly like, i love the whole fmab cast??? everyone is great
i do have a soft spot for hughes though, NOT JUST BECAUSE HE’S HUGHES but because i’ve met sonny strait twice and he is one of the nicest people i’ve ever met, fullstop. i first met him like...13 years ago? i think? when conqueror of shambhalla first came out, my mom -- a children’s librarian in south florida at the time --  ran a small anime convention at her library, in which she got the right to show the subbed japanese CoS movie, and she managed to get sonny to come to the con as well. it was a HUGE HUGE HUGE success, like ‘the library paid for my mom to go to SDCC the next year for research’ success, and sonny was SO nice, and it was just a really good time. i’m still convinced that the success of that con was at least tiny part of why we got CoS dubbed and brotherhood later on, or i’d like to think so.
and just this past july, sonny was at our local supercon, and we went to meet him -- i told him i’d FINALLY watched brotherhood after 13 years and he laughed (because the story behind THAT is that i’d seen the 03 version of hughes’ death on toonami way back when and, horribly traumatized, refused to finish 03 a good thing to be sure considering and it took me this long to dare to watch fmab) and my mom, who was with me, asked if he remembered the con, and he did, and talked about how much he’d loved being there and how glad he was to have gone and how proud he was of it and how amazing my mom had been for putting it together. he made her cry! he was so, so nice. i love him, he’s so great, what a kind guy, so sweet, so cool. 
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strangefellows · 2 years
so, just watched the second fma live action movie 
(because surprise i’m also an fmab blog now, i watched the whole series 3...4? times in a row in april/may, i am hooked and i would kill a man for two idiots in a trenchcoat; i love ling and ed but greed is exactly my type and i adore him so, so much)
anyway, i actually loved it? casting and costume design was on POINT, the scenery was great, the cgi was noticeable at points but didn’t suck at all or distract, and i absolutely fucking love the way they wrapped all the loose plot points from early on into each other so neatly so they could get to where they needed to go in one movie. LING STOLE THE SHOW, I LOVE HIM, HE’S PERFECT
if i had any complaints at all it is a shocking lack of greed, like, you could have FORESHADOWED him at least??? that bit at the end where envy told gluttony father would be mad could have added “and you remember what he did to greed, don’t you?” and there you go. really tho it’s a very minor nitpick.
all the new dub vas were good (not stellar, but good), though i’m surprised they could only get todd back, but i def preferred the subbed version.
all in all, 9/10, honestly, looking forward to part 3 in a couple weeks and GREED MY BOY!!!
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strangefellows · 2 years
finished the third fma live action movie
i will also give it a 9/10 
pros: HOLY SHIT THE CGI FUCKED, the acting is superb across the board, the casting and costuming nailed it, and the streamlining of the plot for the movies really worked very very well, greed was perfect and i stan
cons: it gave me this weird feeling of both rushed and not? objectively everything went perfectly and was paced great, but subjectively - as someone who’s seen fmab - it felt like everything went too fast? like, if you haven’t seen fmab it’s perfectly paced, but with the anime coloring perception it feels too fast. also greed wasn’t in it enough he needed more screentime, he tbh felt a tiny bit shoehorned-because-he-was-in-the-manga because they never really explained why he came back to help
but all in all the whole trilogy really did fuck, 9/10, i enjoyed them immensely and greedling’s actor was stupid hot
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strangefellows · 2 years
one of these days when i’m bored i’m gonna go through my likes and reblog all of the greed and ling art in there lmao
my Boys(tm)
....i will probably do it once the third fma live action movie drops on netflix tbh,  considering the live action trailer shot of greedling happening is 100% of why i finally watched fmab
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rarely have i been more IMMEDIATELY suckered into stanning a character than  i was in this 3 seconds of trailer footage (and honestly, watching the anime, this actor is actively terrifyingly good at this role) i’m ngl, i love this absolute bastard man x2 combo so much.
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basedjamesfranco · 12 years
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basedjamesfranco · 12 years
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basedjamesfranco · 12 years
of course the fuhrer uses riza as roy's weakness
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basedjamesfranco · 12 years
oh my god roy
your ABS
thats not even attractive
thats just gross
get lanky
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basedjamesfranco · 12 years
roy x riza 
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basedjamesfranco · 12 years
i'm so so sos os sorry i was mad at you
i knew you were better than that
i just
knew it
except not
but you know
lets just
make up
for those 15 minutes of me being upset with you
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