#for a long time i was like ''theres no need to talk about cafab trans shit bc we all have a handle on transphobia
iatrophilosophos · 1 year
There's such a deepset paranoia among a lot of transmasc scenes that transmasc people will just Be Seen As Women, alongside a total unwillingness to analyze gendered position and power dynamics outside of a western cis feminist framework with a few words swapped out (e.g. trans dudes who complain about ~sexual harassment~ when they get unsolicited dick pics on Grindr. Boy why u on the dick pic app if ur gonna freak out about dick pics?)
That's one of the really frustrating things about ~transandrophobia~ to me, like there is a legit reason for cafab trans people to do gender hierarchy analysis, transphobia is a thing, but instead we get "oh do you know transmisogyny? Well now there's a boy version and a genderqueer version and-". And I get that like, transandrophobia generally functions to refuse trans women the ability to talk about unique and distinct patterns of oppression that are not adequately analyzed through other lenses; and absolutely some people are doing this intentionally but will never admit that so it makes sense to just treat as hostile.
I'd hazard a guess that large swaths of cafab trans people generally are unwilling to engage in the kind of analysis I would like to see discussed bc of the aforementioned refusing to abandon cisfeminism thing--because that would involve acknowledging that victim narratives go beyond oppression analysis into a way in which cafab people are permitted to wield gendered power, and the paranoia about being ~just seen as women~ means ppl call bioessentialism when you try to talk about connections between cis women wielding gendered power thru victimhood narratives in broader society & cafab trans people doing the same within trans scenes... When actually yknow kind of a major thing about trans people's gendered position in society is that we are seen as other and yknow mayhaps A Reason you see so many cafab trans ppl wielding transmisogyny is that being trans does in fact other us from cis female power in broader society and ppl will often seek and wield power in the ways that r available to them
Idk that last bit is a fucking Mess and I don't think actually says what im trying to say. Mostly like, power structure analysis =/= inherent victimhood and ~privilege~ frameworks are actually an extremely shitty way to analyze power hierarchies...and a lot of my transmasc peers did start towards gender exploration from a place of being centered in feminism and social justice culture and I think a lot of people like, never actually had a significant reason to make a legitimate ideological break from those, so you get victimhood, performative self-flagellation as an attempt to distance oneself from ~privilege~ in a way that helps nobody, aaaaaand usually it's a mix of both
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