#fortitude wittebane
ineffable-gallimaufry · 9 months
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sketches of the characters from the golden ghosts
atlas, mars
roslyn, sebastian, fortitude
oliver, alexandria, bailey
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disregardcanon · 1 year
hello everyone! this is the end of year writing meme i always do. if you would like to do it, please tag me! i’d love to see your results
Total Stories Written: 12 stories
Total Words Written: 81,878 Average Words Per Story: 6,700 Shortest Story: Hunting for Belonging at 2,161 Longest: i’m not counting hell is for children because it’s a short story collection, so the longest is Are You There, Mom? It’s Me, Luz at 12,208
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted? Less, but I always write less than I predict. I judge myself vs my lonely college years where I had very little to do most of the time, which makes a writer prolific
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write most?
pairing: lumity
genre: kid fic, actually. with the encanto fic about isabela as a child, the amity as a child fic, the sokka imperialism au, the luz noceda kid fic and then hell is for children, a collection of tma horror domains featuring kids... yeah. i just wrote a lot about kids
fandom: the owl house
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January? well, i wrote a fic focused on luz noceda getting her first period and i think that would have surprised me
Did you take any writing risks this year? hell is for children has been a pretty big writing risk in general. “children in fear domains” is a niche concept enough that even though i have some people who REALLY like it, it’s still not by any means popular. i’m sure it’s also given me a strange reputation in the tma fandom
Do you have any fanfic or general writing goals for the new year?
i plan to keep working on the owl house persuasion au that i’ve written 15k or so for, and continue pushing myself into more original fiction. From the past year of writing, what was your…
Best story of this year: Are You There Mom? It’s Me, Luz this one has the most meat to it, the best sense of place, and the strongest narrative and thematic cohesion. it was also a BIG RISK so the fact that anyone enjoyed it at all was a nice bonus
Personal favorite: The Many Copies of Caleb Wittebane I just really enjoy this one. Writing it made me feel like the old days when a story would claw its way out of my head and then i’d be left holding the confusing, fucked up bag
Most under-appreciated: Welcome to the Family (Whether You Like it or Not) this is the second part of what i dubbed my “sokka imperialism au” and it takes a LOT of work and mental fortitude to write. while there are a few people eagerly awaiting the next installment (which is coming! i promise!) it still has under 25 kudos. which. oof. it’s hard with a project that takes this much effort
Most fun to write: home of... what? this is an owl house lumity fic where witches reproduce differently than humans and it inspired the idea for the period fic. it’s mainly about amity being BAFFLED by humans and the two being cute and gay, and let me tell you: that’s a joy to write 
Story with the single sexiest moment: i didn’t write a single sexy scene that i posted this year. oof
Most challenging to write: sokka imperialism au
Biggest disappointment: a ghost and a crow while i’m pleased with how this turned out, the original plan when i started it last january was to write a STORY and not “inej and kaz and jesper character study and some worldbuilding”. i’m pleased with what i got but disappointed that it wasn’t more
Favorite character to write: edalyn clawthorne. i only wrote her for one fic i posted (and a few that i didn’t) but she’s such a joy. i love that weird owl milf
Favorite opening lines: The first time that Phillip makes a grimwalker of his brother, it dies before it ever takes a breath- screaming itself to death in the darkness.The second time, it fully forms and does, actually, take a breath. And then it dies. The Many Copies of Caleb Wittebane
Luz tends to play by herself during recess. This isn’t as much because Luz doesn’t like playing with other kids as because other kids don’t like playing with her.  Are You There Mom? It’s Me, Luz.
Lizzie Lee is the only child of a single father. Smart as a whip, independent, and precocious. Curious. She wants to know everything. hell is for children chapter 4, a lotta true crime
Favorite closing lines:
Terry and Claudia are happy: just two dorky teenagers in love. They have a marvelous quest between them full of magic, mystery, and a chance at restoring Claudia's loving father. The one who accepts Claudia, even the bits of her that neither of their cultures like.
Viren's awakening will tear them from this lovely dream of theirs, and the journey to his full resurrection may shatter it entirely. But the love that was shared will still matter, will always matter, even if it's left in the ruins of pain. 
a little grace for the human race 
Mom can make her feel bad and dad can ignore her on and off, but they can never use someone else against her again. Just as long as she keeps up her appearances. 
Things will be alright. They have to be. Her siblings are illusionist prodigies, after all. Amity can learn a thing or two from them.
This Family is an Abomination
“That’s adorable,” Jesper coos, leaning up against the wall. 
“Don’t call the Wraith adorable,” Kaz orders, “you’ll lose me valuable credibility."  
“Adorable,” Jesper coos, quieter this time.
Other favorite lines:
a ghost and a crow 
“Alright, back on topic,” her mother says. Camila Noceda has always been good at reining in a conversation when it got too off topic. “I’m going to go order the pizza. Is a pepperoni and an… anchovies and pineapple alright?” She shudders as she says Amity’s preferred pizza toppings. 
“It’s not that bad,” Luz assures her, “we had something that tasted like that a lot on the Boiling Isles!” Luz will be eating the pepperoni, of course, but food from the Boiling Isles isn’t horrible . Most of it doesn't even give her food poisoning! 
“I will never understand witch food,” her mami mutters, shaking her head as she turns towards her room.
Good Enough for Someone 
"Amity-" Her face is turning red in anger now- scrunching up like a craisin.
"But he doesn't have to do anything to make up for it? Really? Kidnap people? Threaten to kill them? It doesn't even matter! Everyone loves the Golden Guard!" Amity is gasping for breath by the time that she's finished her rant.
everyone’s a bit of a fixer upper
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So, some TOH tarot suggestions:
Amity for The Moon
Luz for The Sun
Lumity or Raeda for The Lovers
Hooty for The Fool
Thanks! I love those! <3
I'll add them to my list.
Here's my current list (btw):
• The Fool (Card 0) -> Hooty (maybe with Luz and King)
• The Magician (Card 1) -> ?
• The High Priestess (Card 2) -> Lilith Clawthorne
• The Empress (Card 3) -> Eda Clawthorne
• The Emperor (Card 4) -> Emperor Belos [✅]
• The Hierophant, The Pope or The Teacher (Card 5) -> Principal Hieronymus Bump
• The Lovers (Card 6) -> Luz Noceda and Amity Blight
• The Chariot (Card 7) -> Boscha or Kikimora
• Strength or Fortitude (Card 8) -> Willow Park [✅]
• The Hermit (Card 9) -> ?
• Wheel of Fortune (Card 10) -> The Four Glyphs [✅]
• Justice (Card 11) -> ?
• The Hanged Man (Card 12) -> ?
• Death (Card 13) -> The Titan
• Temperance or Art (Card 14) -> Raine Whispers [✅]
• The Devil (Card 15) -> ?
• The Tower (Card 16) -> Jean-Luc [✅]
• The Star (Card 17) -> ?
• The Moon (Card 18) -> Amity Blight
• The Sun (Card 19) -> Luz Noceda
• Judgement (Card 20) -> ?
• The World (Card 21) -> The Boiling Isles
Characters I want to depict, but I'm unsure about the placement:
• King
• Augustus "Gus" Porter
• Hunter
• Philip Wittebane
• "King's Father"
• The Coven Heads
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who are the main ghosts in the golden ghosts au? did no one ask? eh whatever
joseph: joseph is one of the first named ghosts, aged about nine! he's quite enthusiastic except when it comes to wolves and is a very big fan of drawing, especially lizards and flowers . in general he's just a sweet little guy
caleb: caleb was the first named ghosts and the brother of belos/phillip. he's in his mid forties so definitely the oldest of the ghosts. you all know about caleb though, he's mostly just trying to help hunter get out of this whole business alive
oliver: oliver is the second oldest of the ghosts and caleb's right hand man. if caleb isn't available then oliver is there. he really (and i mean really) likes wild magic and forbidden knowledge but still isn't the most rebellious of the ghosts. he's a bisexual nerd at heart
sebastian: sebastian was the guard before hunter, and the third oldest guard. he was in a qpr with darius when the two were alive (darius would call him seb which i only include because they were so cute) sebastian's a real risk taker which didn't turn out too well in the end
alexandria: everyone's favorite trans ghost and sassy teen, alexandria is around fourteen. she likes doing complicated braids in her hair and she and her friends (some hexside kids she met during a tour at the castle) would do tons of cool hair stuff
fortitude: the youngest ghost, fortitude (or toodles as everyone calls him) is five! he really likes bugs and is a kinda quiet kid. he's pretty clingy and adorable. his favorite bug is either the ladybug or the ten lined june beetle
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