Written by: laurus_nobilis
Read by: blackglass
Rating: General Audiences
Additional Tags: Post-Canon, Pre-Relationship, mentions of past Feng Xin/Jian Lan
Length: 7:07
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"While rebuilding the Heavenly Capital, the Palace of Nan Yang is ready before the Palace of Xuan Zhen, and Mu Qing becomes that guest who just won't leave."
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Just A Little Bit
Written by: bizzybee
Read by: elrohir
Rating: Teen And Up
Additional Tags: Christmas Fluff, Mistletoe, Fluff, Ficlet
Length: 5:48
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Fellas, is it gay to kiss your rival underneath the mistletoe?
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for you, i would never sink again
Written by: ruilian
Read by: Beria 1021
Rating: Teen And Up
Additional Tags: Love Confessions, Angst with a Happy Ending, Self-Worth Issues, Getting Together, Post-Canon, Mutual Pining, Idiots to Idiots
Length: 26:21
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“I know no one would care. I’m not stupid.” His voice did not waver. It didn’t.
Feng Xin looked positively murderous. It was the kind of fury he hadn’t truly seen directed at him since, well, since he left them that first time. And maybe the first century after they’d both ascended. “Look,” Feng Xin grit out, “there are people who—who care about you.” He looked like the words were being forced out of him. Any other day, Mu Qing might have made fun of him for it but. Not this time.
“Yes, and the only person who ever really did died 800 years ago.”
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Does the air only feel this way
Written by: tucuxi
Read by: Cathalinaheart
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: mentioned Jiàn Lán (Tian Guan Cì Fú), Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Ace!Mù Qíng (Tian Guan Cì Fú), Sex Pollen, Praise Kink, Dom/sub Undertones, Light Dom/sub, Post-Canon, Emotional Constipation, Emotionally Repressed, First Time, Pining, Aftermath of sex pollen, Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior
Length: 1:07:13
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Over the last eight hundred years Feng Xin has grown accustomed to the day-to-day work of godhood. He keeps up with the never-ending prayers and occasional missions, monitors the subordinates he needs to keep in check, keeps an eye on the sidelong scheming of various Middle Heaven Officials who think General Nan Yang too stupid to see through their machinations.
(They are never as clever as they think.)
So it was all fine, until it wasn't.
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About this Blog
What is the purpose of this blog?
The purpose of this blog is to highlight podfics of the ship Feng Xin/Mu Qing from Heaven's Official Blessing, as it can be quite a chore to find podfics sometimes. I will provide all the necessary information, including title, name of the author, name of the podficer, tags, summary, rating and length of the podfic in the posts. The posts will not include the soundfiles themselves, but links to where you can find them. Hopefully, this will make podfics more accessible than what platforms like Ao3 have to offer.
Why did I make this blog?
I am a big fan of podfics and I noticed there is a bit of a shortage in podfics within the FengQing community. To help this I want to maybe record my own podfics in the future, but in the meantime I want to bring more attention to the already existing podfics, so more people can enjoy them and might also be inspired to record their own.
On this blog, I will try to assemble any and all podfics centered around the ship FengQing. In the future I will work on a tagging system, but for now there's not that many podfics, so you should be able to work your way through them. I use my own tag #fqpodfic for all future posts, so feel free to block that if you're not interested in it. All posts will also be tagged with the fengqing tag. The posts are not automated, I assemble everything I post myself and rely heavily on things that people are sending me.
If you find a podfic centered around FengQing (or have recorded your own) on any streaming platform or fanfic archive (including but not limited to Spotify, Soundcloud, Youtube, Ao3), please send them to my inbox here or to my main blog @raindrops-on-concrete. If it's uploaded to tumblr, I'd love if you could tag my main blog in the post, so I can reblog it on here.
About the admin:
The only admin of this sideblog is me, Rain. My main blog is @raindrops-on-concrete where I talk about Star Trek, danmei novels, Doctor Who, Minecraft Youtube, asexuality and all kinds of other fun things and sometimes do small literary analyses. Please send any questions to my main blog as I'd like to keep the inbox of this sideblog strictly for submissions of podfics. You're also welcome to just chat to me on my main blog.
If you feel inspired to record your own podfic, keep the following in mind:
always get permission from the author of a fic unless you yourself are the author. Some authors give blanket permissions in their bio or add a tag that gives permission for a specific fic. If you can't find any sort of permission to record a podfic anywhere, reach out to the author either on social media or in the comment section of a fic. If you don't have a permission, don't record the podfic.
this is very much just for fun so don't stress about sound quality or editing much. Some podficers just sit down and do a recording in one sitting.
typically podficers just like fanfic authors are also nice and approachable if you ask them for help nicely.
Also remember to leave kudos/likes and comment if you liked a podfic. Comments can be specifically about something you liked about the recording or about the fic itself, just be nice. Never leave any negative comments, podficers just like fanfic authors are doing this work for free in their free time.
Regular posts will start on the 8th of April and will be spaced out by a few days until we reach all the podfics I've found so far.
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Something that argues with its own construction
Written by: tucuxi
Read by: Cathalinaheart
Rating: Explicit
Additional Tags: Dom/sub, Post-Canon, Subdrop, Topdrop, Asexual Character, Asexual Relationship, Asexuality, ace!Mù Qíng, Praise Kink, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, Bickering, Under-negotiated Kink, Kink Negotiation, Pining, Established Relationship, Aftercare, No Aftercare
Length: 1:01:58
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Mu Qing is working his way through a set of prayers that will be fairly easy to answer when Feng Xin's voice enters his personal array.
Mu Qing? he hears. Feng Xin sounds exhausted, stripped bare of bravado, posturing, anger.
Just a minute, Mu Qing sends back. He needs only to send a few haunting dreams to some key toughs in a minor city for them to stop harassing one of his more loyal followers. He makes the appropriate notes, then tunes back into the array.
What is it? he asks. Feng Xin always leaves after he recovers himself. Usually it doesn't take this long, either.
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Make No Mistake
Written by: tucuxi
Read by: Cathalinaheart
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Additional Tags: Sex Pollen, Fuck or Die, Asexual Character, Ace!Mù Qíng Tian Guan Cì Fú), Top Mu Qing (Tian Guan Ci Fu), (sort of), Praise Kink, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Behavior, (I mean bickering), Dom/sub Undertones, Post-Canon, Trope Inversion, Explicit Consent
Length: 47:41
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"Keep still, you idiot," Mu Qing snaps when Feng Xin wriggles for what seems like the thousandth time in under a half hour.
Unlike Mu Qing, who is seated cross-legged on a cleared patch of ground, Feng Xin is kneeling on the sharp gravel of the cave floor. His knees are bleeding. His hands are shoved between his calves and thighs, and none of that seems to be enough to dissuade the effects of the Land of Tender poison. His hips keep hitching upwards and he's visibly hard, even through the thick traveling robes they are both wearing.
The two of them are effectively trapped until the poison wears off or the dozens of binu and flower monsters outside lose interest, since Feng Xin caved in the entrance in a blind panic to keep the female-shaped ones from swarming him. They could theoretically ascend back to the Heavenly Capital, but Mu Qing refuses to let anyone in the heavens see either of them like this, and Feng Xin hasn't been thinking clearly since well before he panicked and trapped them in a cave together.
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Because of a Whipped Cream Mustache
Written by: doordash
Read by: Danmei_Podfics_With_Gem
Rating: Not Rated
Additional Tags: Not Beta Read, Christmas Fluff, Christmas Party, FengQing Week 2023 (Tian Guan Ci Fu), FQWeek2023, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, like so much fluff, Mu Qing overthinks as per usual, Inspired by Hallmark Christmas Movies, but also not really, Hallmark but make it FengQing lowkey I guess, I'm sorry LOLOL, Established Relationship, Happy Ending, Slice of Life, Marriage Proposal, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Mu Qings mother is mentioned, brief misunderstanding
Length: 34:54
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For FengQing Week 2023, Day 2: Wedding/Holidays & Gifts
Feng Xin for the love of all things joyful and merry, would not meet his goddamn eyes! It was…weird! They had been dating well over 3 years now, had known each other for nearly their entire lives, and yet Feng Xin was avoiding his eyes as if they were mere strangers! He was speaking to everyone but Mu Qing!
What made it worse, is finding him and fucking Shi Qingxuan whispering to each other while everyone ate, as the two were sitting next to one other - because Feng Xin hadn’t even SAT NEXT to Mu Qing! Shi Qingxuan giggled at whatever the fuck Feng Xin had whispered, covering their mouth with their hand before clapping excitedly.
some cheesy holiday kiss kiss fall in love BS for da soul <33
listen to it on Ao3 or on Spotify
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