#fr tho I'm following you here because i like following people i recognize!
indecisive-dizzy · 2 months
I..I um...h-hi? T-Thank you for the follow...m-may I ask why?
Because! I recognize you from the bird app (X) ! Hi it's me the same Dizzy individual do not be alarmed
I will admit I did a double take when I saw your username! Then I checked to make sure it was you and was delighted! I am waving 👋!
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ectonurites · 5 months
You're one of my favorite people I follow and DC characters are my beloved-in-laws now, and the username change caught me with whiplash lol. I recognized your pfp tho so I was like "all is good!! That's them!!"
I like it tho!!! Nice change. Good news username!!
(also I have no idea when I followed you years ago or why?? But youre fr one of my favorites who just appeared constantly in my dash so I care about what you rb. We've never interact besides me rb/liking posts you rb. I hope your year goes well and here's to another year <3)
awwww this is so sweet!! and also YEAH i would personally prob not do a url and icon change at the same time because i feel that'd be so confusing. not even just for you guys but for me as well. its weird enough visually adjusting to a url tht is so much shorter (like i keep being like 'huh???' when i see it sdgfhgjh) let alone if i had a whole different icon too... dear lord. so bi tim icon is here to stay for the time being (i've only been using him since..... 2021? so nowhere NEAR as long as the junkoanthediamonds url anyways sdgfhg)
and truthfully i have been involved in MANY different fandoms over the last... 12ish years (technically i have been here since 2011 but it was LATE 2011 so saying '13 years' feels inaccurate) so there are many many possibilities for what it could have been, but regardless i'm glad you've stuck around!!!!! i hope your year goes well as well!!! <3
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helpicant-stop · 2 months
Hi sending some good vibes to beloved mutuals bcuz I can❤️ Mayb u'll see my asks to other moots maybe u won't I have no idea who u follow, think there's more than one of u running this blog (tho I'm not sure, and I don't wanna be too confident about that in case I'm wrong😳) but I'll probably just use u and not yall
U r so cool!!!! Posts u reblog are banger and I LOVE still seeing u reblog DSMP stuff cuz I'll never stop being obsessed w/ c!Tommy and the fandom is kinda wandering off to other interests and nobody is as focused on dsmp as they were (me included) tho the other fandom stuff u post is really cool 2!! Also!!!! Ur art!!!!! I love love love ur art!!!!!!! The arts styles r mwah chefs kiss I love love love them literally everything u post on ur art blog is phenomenal (tho if I'm honest there are some pieces that I prefer, like I really love the badboyhalo one that's like halo of wire and thorn or something? ik what it looks like but can't remember the caption/title also the captain puffy and foolish one and the lure and the minnow comics plus the recent Tommy one) I'm uncertain if I can claim to be the number 1 fan of ur art but itd be an honor to be in the top ten, also loving the hazbin hotel are I focused alot on the dsmp art but the Harbin hotel art also really cool and all the stuff u post ofc those are just the only 2 I recognize haha, fr tho ur awesome ur arts awesome and I hope u have a really really good day
THANK YOU!!!!!! NEVER BEEN SO FLATTERED IN MY WHOLE LIFE!!!!!! also yes there ARE multiple people here because we're an osdd system but unfortunately we haven't figured out how to possess multiple bodies yet a la cawesamdude (though ironically we do have a csam here).
sometimes we may drift to other fandoms but this will always be a dsmp blog at heart and you can tell from the cpuffy layout!! im so glad you love our art and i would be very happy to put you in the top 10 list (tbh i even doubted occasionally that anyone loved our art that much but i am sooo pleased to see at least one)
also yes it was halo of thorns and wire, q had a hard time naming it and we hate what we decided on because it sounds like a generic ass YA novel😭😭😭
thanks again!!!!! i will treasure this ask forever and ever
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