#frank iero freaky masterpost
frankfukers · 3 years
just now getting caught up after being away for like a month and theres So Much new content here. i love yall<3. but one reply to an ask just caught my eye and now i need to know what leather fetishist accounts frank follows. its driving me crazy that i cant find them
im so glad you like it here <3 im trying to keep this place going and keep the same kind of vibe christy had back when she ran it and i really hope im doing a good job for yall <3
and ya know what im gonna use this as a "frank iero freaky" masterpost so more under the cut (warnings for fake blood and violence)
okay so saying he "openly follows leather fetish accounts" is a comical exaggeration. But he does follow some accounts on insta that are just...weird. Like accounts that showcase gore, blood, other stuff. and i stg there used to be more suspicious stuff on there. maybe hes unfollowed it recently but trust me. i would not shit you.
like im pretty sure that is just frank being a "cool edgy dude" who likes gore and stuff but combined with Other things hes done like:
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ik theres more examples from the leathermouth ap magazine shoot but i cannot find hq versions of them for the life of me so if anyone has them pls donate to the needy
LM is probably the worst of it thought heres the less freaky stuff:
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that art on the young and doomed cover is a sensory deprivation mask which i Really hope i dont have to explain to people.
anyways i know most of this is probably frank just being a cool edgy boy but its...suspicious to say the least. also like no man asks his friends to tie him up, gag him, and cover him in fake blood then take pictures of it "for fun" so thats the frank iero freaky masterpost.
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frankfukers · 2 years
we need the masterpost bestie
it was an answer to an ask on this blog
i put it under the tag #frank iero freaky masterpost
but ik tumblr search is fucky wucky
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