#ftf: 001
elenacrawford · 3 years
She feels so awkward, standing around at the party as she looks around at everyone else passing by. Her “not-date” had mysteriously vanished, and definitely not in the mood for trying to track her down like a pathetic lost puppy, she’s been reduced to standing close to a table of refreshments, avoiding eye-contact.
One in particular does capture her attention, though, and Elena can’t help but allow her gaze to linger. She’s sure she’s seen her...somewhere, though she’s far from confident enough to approach, deciding to simply pour herself punch.
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cleo-lexington · 5 years
hospital vibes
So, how bad is it? Did they already patch you up?
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kyaking-blog1 · 5 years
LOCATION: Nakya’s Apartment.
DATE & TIME: 12/31, early evening.
OPEN TO: @inkbynat
Nakya had barely been in her apartment for two full days, but everything was unpacked and perfectly placed. Nakya would not have it any other way. Which meant that it was time to finally take a nice, relaxing shower, with her favorite body products, and then she could sit on her new couch, and watch TV. She was more than grateful for the fact that she’d taken the night off almost a month ago and wasn’t stuck at Times Square with most of the rest of the police force. Her shower was just as relaxing as she thought it would be, and had just stepped out, wrapping a towel around herself when she heard a knock at her door. She had no idea who it would be, but it wasn’t as if she couldn’t defend herself from a crazy or two, so without really thinking she called out from her room, “Come in! Door’s open!” she said as she rounded the corner through the door into the living room. 
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tylerclarke-blog1 · 6 years
Tyler was nervous. He wasn’t used to that feeling. There was a clear nervous energy to the man while he sat impatiently at the table tucked in the corner of Little Taste of Glee. He managed to somehow, by the grace of god, find the shift that neither Blaine or Eliza were working. If Eliza especially saw him there in close proximity to her sister then she was likely to yield some sort of sharp object toward him. He wanted this to date--friendly cup of coffee to go well. He wanted to make up for the mistakes of his past and fix things with Marley. She was one of his best friends--or had been. Maybe they could be once again.
Waiting at the table, a pastry sat on the middle of the table top and two coffees waiting there, Tyler nervously shook his leg up and down in an attempt to work out his nervous energy. He kept glancing at the door then back to the screen of his phone, knowing that he was early, but still waiting impatiently regardless. Finally, Tyler spotted who he was waiting for come through the door and stood to his feet.
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awktimothy-blog · 6 years
the moment timothy had been waiting for had finally presented itself, but then again, the opportunity was always there, he just refused to take hold of it. time and time again, timothy would come up with his speech in his mind, telling his friends when he finally had a plan, but when it was time to actually go through with it, he would chicken out. but not again. this time he was going to ask aurora out, and that was going to be that. whether she said yes, or no, he would be proud of himself because he actually followed through with his desire. she was just so pretty, and he found it impossibly hard to resist wanting to put on a front that he was macho enough to approach her and ask her on a date. she was popular, gorgeous, and downright everything that everyone wanted. timothy, on the other hand? well, he was one of the geekiest kids the school had to offer, always worrying about studying his butt off, playing video games like fortnite, and taking part in the accounting club at school. they were total opposites, one being as hot as the sahara desert, and the other being as cold as antarctica. opposites attracted, though... right? right. but the possibility of it not working out made timothy nervous beyond belief, despite him trying to have the mindset that he could handle the rejection.
he had never been out with a girl in his entire life, unless they were simply just his friends, and that didn't help his situation at all, especially since they were just like him, and nothing like aurora. he tried practicing on tasha, one of the girls in his accounting club that he would play fortnite with in the evening when all of their homework was done, but it just was not the same. they couldn't even get through half of their little practice interaction without laughing, and without him turning bright red from embarrassment. the girls timothy was friends with weren't supportive of him going after aurora, mainly just because they were sure that he was setting himself up for failure, and though they may have been right, they could have at least supported him a little. his guy pals were egging him on, telling him that it would be the achievement of the year for people like them. "come on, man. class is starting soon. you're not gonna have a chance." his friends wanted him to do it before class started so they could watch from afar, but as timothy stood there, shoving things frantically into his backpack his stomach began to hurt and his nerves began to take over.
slamming the locker door shut, the awkward boy took a deep breath as he zipped up his backpack and donned the straps on his shoulders. "now or never, right?" he was mumbling to himself, and didn't need an answer from his friends, but received a loud "right!" and a shove to his shoulders which pushed him in the direction of the girl he was pining after. the girls that aurora was standing with heard his loud "oof" and looked over in his direction with an almost disgusted expression. he raised his hand to them timidly, offering a small "sorry", but their faces only contorted with confusion as he continued to approach them. it felt as though he was walking in slow motion, yet everyone around his was going at the speed of light. timothy knew that if he didn't hurry up the bell was going to ring and it would be time to go to class. he stopped, taking another deep breath, and after hearing a string of exasperated sighs from his friends concluding that they thought he was going to chicken out, timothy began talking to himself. words of encouragement. they had to work, if not entirely at least somewhat. he ignored her friends, his friends, and everyone around them. slowly, yet surely, he stepped up behind aurora, sure not to be too close and make her feel uncomfortable. lifting a finger, he tapped on her shoulder. "excuse me..." his voice was quiet, cracking as he spoke, and he had to clear his throat before speaking again. "excuse me." his voice was louder, more stern, but still sounded like it was going to give out at any moment, but damn, he had gotten farther than he ever had before.
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hartenstraat-laura · 6 years
Laura sipped on her water, not trusting how unsettled her stomach had been in the past few days, and looked at the room she’d been given. It was lovely, elegant, but wasn’t her own room. She missed her bed with it’s mass of pillows, and the dark curtains that kept out the sun. Even though the sun was set, the light from the moon was streaming through the window without a hindrance. The brunette bit her bottom lip and grabbed her wallet, figuring she would go for a bit of a walk, and made her way out of her suite. As soon as she was in the hall, she saw someone that she’d not seen before. He looked a little too much like her to be related to either the bride or groom, and she cocked a brow. 
“This is going to sound weird as shit, but is the moon like really bright in your room too?” 
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courtneytbh-blog · 6 years
courtney sat there, sipping her wine, pretending as though some lovely woman, or man, was going to waltz through her apartment door and sweep her off of her feet. unfortunately, she was beginning to think that no one was ever going to take interest in her ever again, and for once in her entire life she looked back on her past and wished that one of her relationships would have worked out. she thought about that some more, one of her previous relationships being her current, and realized that she had to be absolutely insane to even let that thought cross her mind. seeing as how courtney’s previous boyfriends and girlfriends were horrible people, and their relationships ended just as horribly, she knew that she should never want any of them back. it wasn’t as if she really wanted to be with them again, but she was simply tired of being alone. she was never someone that needed someone else, but every year that she was single around valentine’s day she would let the dramatics take flight. when single on valentine’s day, courtney would roll out the tubs of ice cream, unlimited chocolate, romantic comedies, and tissues. usually, she was a very independent woman; but what independent woman didn’t want someone to, at least, have sex with on the most commercialized holiday of the year? courtney wasn’t one for casual hookups, but she was beginning to think that she should have downloaded tinder a while back and put that it was all she wanted out of life--at least she’d be getting laid on valentine’s day, and any other day that she craved sex.
she wasn’t necessarily alone, as her best friend was sitting right beside her, but her best friend wasn’t someone that was going to give her that physical intimacy that she yearned for. it had been about a year since courtney had an orgasm at someone else’s hand, and she fucking missed it. being twenty-eight years old, and single, without so much as a possible someone in her life, was becoming depressing. i’m an independent bitch, she thought to herself. why am i whining over not having someone? get a fucking grip, court. and as she chugged down the rest of her wine that was in her glass, that was exactly what courtney did. she got a grip. “so, you’re single, and i’m single…” courtney trailed off, her eyebrows furrowing as she poured herself more wine, nearly going over the halfway mark on her glass. “unless you have someone i don’t know about, but i don’t think you do, so we’re going to go with we’re both single.” shrugging nonchalantly, courtney glanced over at her gorgeous best friend, someone whom courtney had admired since they both worked at the same clothing store when they were younger. they had hit it off right away, which was a plus, and took to hanging out whenever they could, forming a bond that no one could break. “which means that you’re my valentine, and i’m yours.” smirking slyly, courtney gently poked marissa in the thigh before setting her wine down on the coffee table and resting her head in her best friend’s lap.
yes, it may have been inherently wrong that courtney thought her best friend was hot, but didn’t most best friends think that the other was attractive? especially when it came to females. it was simply just girl code, or something of the like. so what courtney had a sex dream about marissa before. it was after a night of drinking and some random dude talking about how hot it would be for them to hook up. though courtney wasn’t ashamed of her sexuality in the slightest, she did not force it on other people, and was glad that marissa accepted her for who she was, as courtney had friends in the past that had cut ties when they realized she was bisexual. it wasn’t like courtney was the type of girl that was going to shove her tongue down another female’s throat if she wasn’t going with it, and that applied to males, as well. it was just common decency. “would you tell me if i ever made you uncomfortable?” she asked her best friend, looking up for where she rested her head in marissa’s lap, eyes meeting eyes as courtney’s hand absentmindedly played with a string that was loose on the hem of marissa’s shirt. “because we don’t have to be valentines. it’s just the first year i’ve really been single since we became friends, and you’re my best, so it’s just like… a thing?” the wine was making courtney read too much into everything, and she desperately needed to chill out… so she decided to drink more wine. which wasn’t the best idea.
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riveridk-blog · 6 years
river had arrived in california what felt like a century after he left. california was his home, and it was where his mother lived, but after graduating college a few years back, river decided to move to new york with his father. river followed in his father’s footsteps, becoming a marketing executive, and that was why he had moved in the first place, to work with his father side by side. after all, it was his father’s business, and if he hadn’t jumped at the chance then river would have been a complete idiot. he was able to come and go as he pleased, but for the last few years, river worked his ass off time and time again. when things became tough, and customers began to get annoying, and projects became daunting, river decided it was time for a vacation, or rather a return to his home, and that included a possible relocation back to his hometown of san francisco. for the time being, however, he was going to enjoy his “vacation”, and it all started with a little visit to los angeles to hangout with his friend brody, brody’s little sister whom had just graduated college, and her friends. brody was river’s best friend, and even after he had moved out of the state, they still kept in touch. he hadn’t seen fallon in some time, nor did he even remember if he knew any of her friends, but he had been invited to spend some time with them in a luxurious house as her graduation present. how could he resist? besides, fallon had been like his little sister for some time, but it had been years since he saw her, and he wondered if he would have been able to pick her out in a group of girls at this point.
pulling up to the house that brody’s parents had rented for fallon, river sighed. how had he stayed away for so long? it was beyond him, and quite frankly, even if he did go back to new york, he would not be staying away from california for that long ever again. he had seen his mom the second that he arrived, and they had a mother and son day of sorts. it was enjoyable, and reminded him of why he had missed her so much while he was away. as close as river was to his father, he was always closer to his mother. he loved both of his parents equally, and being an only child was rough once they were divorced, as he always felt bad being with one more than the other, and he still felt that way nearing the ripe age of twenty-six. “are you just going to sit there?” brody’s voice broke through river’s trance and he couldn’t help but chuckle as he got out of his car and popped the trunk so he could get his bags. “nice to see you too, brother.” river rolled his eyes jokingly and the men did some sort of handshake they had acquired when they were kids, but followed it up with a hug for old time’s sake. “i feel like i’m seeing a ghost or something, man. it’s been too long.” river nodded in agreement as he pulled his duffel bag from the trunk. river could hear some noise coming from the house, which sounded like girls laughing, and he couldn’t help but wonder if they were going to be the only guys there, which wasn’t a big deal, but more of a benefit.
“i’ll be right back, and then we’ll catch up.” brody headed towards the house, gently tapping a girl on her shoulder in a “made you look” kind of manner. she was cute, to say the least, and river wasted no time approaching her. she looked incredibly familiar the closer he got to her, but he couldn’t pinpoint where he knew her from and assumed that she was just one of fallon’s friends. “hey.” his voice was smooth sounding, and his body language screamed that he was suave. river wasn’t a player, per se, but when the opportunity would arise, he would definitely take it. “i’m river.” he held out his hand after grabbing her attention. i know her, he thought. It didn’t matter, however, because he was in too deep off acting as if he didn’t, and he didn’t want to make a fool of himself.  
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profpreston · 6 years
If They Only Knew
“Portia, s’il te plait,” James plead with his daughter, begging her to just let go of his hand and walk into her classroom. He was too hungover and too busy to handle this in stride today. It had been a struggle every day since she started first grade two weeks ago. Today, though, was particularly hard. Whenever he went back to work, it got harder. Contemplating on whether or not tricking her into letting him leave would be a good idea, he didn’t even notice that his 6 year old had released his hand. Angrily, the blonde girl trudged into the classroom, huffing softly. Her father waved to the teacher with a smile before moving on his way. Sometimes he wished he could angrily walk away, too.
As he walked to campus, James took in the usual sights. The large buildings, the bustling city, and the various noises. He never understood how all of the kids on campus had earbuds stuck in their ears all of the time. This place was music all on its own. Running fingers through his hair, he sighed softly. New York City was the only place he’d ever felt this way about. It gave him new life after his wife died and he was fairly certain it had done the same for Portia. The girl loved having her dad by her side, but her teacher always gushed at how happy she seemed in school. It was the only thing that kept him in check when leaving her behind.
The first day of classes wasn’t exactly anything new for James. Sure, each cohort of students was a little different than the last, but they all were doe eyed, nervous students. His favorite part of the first class, in fact, was starting out by speaking only French. It usually excited one or two students in the room and initiated panic in most of the others. Pure bliss, it was, scaring the hell out of these kids. It never got old. Except with his upperclassmen. They started to be able to talk back to him - especially when they were majoring in French as well. Of course, his first course of the day was a introductory course, making him all the more excited. 
James entered the small lecture hall that he was teaching in, setting his bag down on the table in front. There would always be a minimal amount of nerves involved for him. College kids were judgmental and, most of the time, kind of annoying. Noise started to build as the classroom filled with students and James connected his laptop to the console at the front of the class. Looking up, his eyes caught dark orbs that he’d recognize anywhere. Sitting in a seat near the front of the classroom. Swallowing, he tilted his head, a confused look on his face before he shook his head. That couldn’t be the same woman (@esmeraldatrevinos) he’d met and so easily fell into last night, could it? They’d agreed to meet up for coffee later in the day and- this was too early for coffee. A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips and he made himself look away. 
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vtpearson · 6 years
“A medium iced matcha latte would be legit,” Vanessa’s voice lilted easily, tired eyes hidden behind mirrored aviators. If she was honest with herself or the world, she’d realize four hours of sleep wasn’t normal for anyone. But here she was, back on set and unable to contain her yawning. Coffee had been kicked a few months back, but she was sure if this matcha didn’t do the trick, an espresso would almost be mandatory. Fingers ran through platinum hair and she reached out to take the iced latte, other hand waving in thanks as she left the lot’s coffee shop. Hopefully this day would learn to match the chill, low key mood she was in. But with her luck? Might be unlikely. 
 With the straw of her latte in between her lips, she glanced at her phone for the time despite wearing a watch. Classic millennial. The green tea hit her just where she needed it to. Maybe it’d be a better day after all. Walking up to her costar’s trailer, she knocked gently, phone hiding away in the back pocket of her jeans. Lola was new to this life, new to the world of being an actress and once their pilot got picked up, well, the two had been working together ever since. Being the leads in a TV show where their characters were love interests meant you’d spend a lot of time together. 
“Lola,” Vanessa cooed, the words drawn out and her voice lined with slight flirtation. “Put your pants on and let me in,”
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dantemarino-blog · 6 years
jail was rough, to say the least, and dante had seen things that no one should have to see. damn, he didn’t deserve to be in there with murders, child abusers, and hardcore meth heads that got caught doing the wrong thing at the wrong time. he had seen people die, and murdered, he had seen people go crazy from staring at the walls of their cell for so long, and he had seen people get it taken up the ass because they dropped the soap—yeah, that was legit. it wasn’t as if dante belonged in a maximum security prison like that, especially when all he had been caught with was some cocaine and marijuana, but someone had apparently snitched on him, planted the evidence to make it look good, and that was what got him ten years, with possibility of parole—meaning that after ten years there was a good chance he wouldn’t have even gotten out if the judge disliked him enough. thankfully, dante wasn’t that much of a piece of shit, and instead of serving ten or more years, he got out after seven. the only reason he got out early was because he tackled down someone that was in prison for murder after he tried to escape over one of the barbed-wire fences. dante had to give the guy credit, he really was going to risk bodily injury to get out of a place he belonged in—brave dude. unlike the murderer, dante knew that all it took was one good deed and there was a chance that he’d be free, and for the first time in his life, dante had good luck.
“here’s your things,” the officer said coldly as he handed dante a few bucks, the clothes he went into jail with, and a photo that he had taped on the wall for the past seven years. as the jail doors opened, the big locks clanging dramatically, dante saw the outside world without a fence or bars around it, and he breathed a sigh or relief. it wasn’t until those doors shut behind him that he dropped to his knees, tears welling in his eyes as he placed his hands on the ground and thanked god. seven years too long. seven years without any interaction except with corrections officers, judges, and his fellow inmates. he missed his family, having only seen them a few times here and there, he missed his friends, but most importantly, he missed the girl in the photograph that had been taped to his cell wall for a very long time. the edges were curled, the corners yellow, but the girl in the photo still looked just as beautiful as ever. “val...” as he looked at the photo, wiping the tears from his face, he picked himself up from the ground and told himself to get a grip. he had to be strong. he had been strong for seven years. dante couldn’t let himself down now. 
with only twenty-five dollars in his pocket, no phone, and a picture of his one true love, dante let his feet take him where he once called home—where his heart was. it felt like an eternity, walking to valentina’s house, and as he got closer and closer, it began to rain. it was such a joke—he gets out of jail on a bright sunny day, only to have grey clouds fall over his head and soak him with rain. his walk was tough, his feet hitting the ground harder and harder the closer her got to val’s house, and it was eventually that he saw the small place fall into his line of vision. dante had to wonder if she even still lived there. if she didn’t what was he going to do? he couldn’t think negatively. he couldn’t. he would lose himself if he did. he was a different guy than who he had been when he first went into jail. dante was strong, determined. he’d find the girl that once loved him. 
stepping underneath the porch, thankful to get out of the rain, despite the fact that there was water dripping from every part of his body, dante raised his hand and knocked against the white door. it took a minute, there was a voice, and then the door opened, and it took dante realizing that he was about to pass out to be able to notice that he had been holding his breath. a girl answered the door, but it wasn’t his girl. a little girl, no older than seven, with beautiful brown hair and piercing eyes. dante was sure that he was going to faint, but the small voice that asked what he wanted broke him out of his pathetic trance. “hey,” he began, trailing off absentmindedly. “i’m looking for this lady. do you know her?” holding out the picture to the small girl he waited. he was either going to be told that she was no longer here, or that she was, and dante wasn’t sure which option was worse.
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harleynicole-blog1 · 6 years
the night was young, and the party was roaring as harley and her friends waltzed into the local home that had the music blaring from it. the cops were definitely going to get called, and harley would make sure that she was out of there before that happened. she was trying to actually graduate college, not get charged with public disruption, or whatever. the people that were around them were obnoxious, stupid, and whatever other negative word that harley could come up with. her and her friends were the talk of the college campus most of the time, and that was only because they wore leather and talked like sailors, but what people didn’t know was that harley, out of everyone in the entire school, was on her way to graduating at the top of her class. everyone underestimated her, even her friends, but just because she had tattoos and looked like a badass, didn’t mean that she couldn’t also be smart. maybe it was because she showed up to any party that was every party, but hey, no one could blame the young girl for wanting to have fun. shit, she was a sophomore in college, she was allowed to have fun. in fact, half of the college experience was going to class and then getting shitfaced drunk afterwards, not being able to remember that you had a test to study for, and flailing papers around your room about an hour before said test. it was a shitty way to live, but also an incredibly great way to live, as well. no, she wasn’t a druggie as everyone made her out to be, and no, she wasn’t an alcoholic, but she could hold her liquor, and always knew when she would be headed to the hospital if she kept going at the rate she went at. being a party gal in a group of five guys and one other female was pretty fun, and while she was like the leader of the pack, harley didn’t mind kicking back and playing it cool every now and again.
“what about her?” michael pointed to a blonde in the corner that was swapping spit with some jock. they had been there for only a few moments and already they were finding people for harley to hook up with. it was a game they had, one that probably wasn’t smart, but one that they always played. despite harley being intelligent in many ways, and not a drug addict scumbag, she did have a downfall, and it was that she liked to sleep around. she had sex for the first time with a woman in her senior year of high school and it changed her life, and from then on, she was ready and willing no matter what. any beautiful female that passed by her was a possible conquest, and boy, was it fun. because she was only in her second year of college, and had already slept with more than one-fourth of the girls at school, her friends decided to start picking out her nightly hookups, this way, if they didn’t think anyone was good enough, she’d take it easy and go home empty-handed—if only to spare her vagina, or fingers, or mouth, or whatever it was that she wanted to use that night. “dude, we just got here. can’t i pick my own for tonight?” her friend shook his head, reminding her of the game that they played, and that it was his duty to, and honor, to find her a lovely girl to take home for the night. harley groaned in frustration, but decided to go with the flow, and it was after several beers and a few shots that they found “the one”.
“her.” casey grabbed harley’s arm as she raised her cup to her lips, causing her to pull away, the liquid plopping out from the cup and onto the floor. “oops.” glancing at the beer on the hardwood floor, harley scraped her boot against it and shrugged her shoulders as she turned her gaze to where casey was pointing. he couldn’t have been more obvious if he tried, but luckily, harley didn’t think that the girl had noticed. the raven-haired girl could not lie, for the beauty that their eyes were fixated on was utterly astounding. “maybe...” shrugging her shoulders, harley tried to play it cool, but in reality, she knew she wanted to have a fun time with the innocent looking girl. “i hear she’s a virgin.” kelly, the only other girl in their group, would be the one to know information like that, as she was such a nosy bitch, it wasn’t even funny. “shiiiiiiit!” harley downed the rest of her beer and threw the cup to the floor as now she was getting excited. she had a few virginities under her belt, and yes, she was proud of it. it was like a trophy, of sorts, and while that made harley sound like a complete and utter fuckgirl, she didn’t care, and she would surely have no problem taking another. “she’s hot, girl. go and get it.” kelly and her friends were all chiming in that she should go after her, and then it got a little interesting. “let’s see how good you are, harley. i give you about two months to take that poor girl’s virginity. if you can’t, well, you don’t get to sleep with anyone else until the next school year.” say no more, michael, harley thought. she was completely sure that she could do it, but if on the off chance that she couldn’t, she would probably just lie and say that she did, simply because she couldn’t go that long without sex. 
no more words were exchanged, instead, the badass girl nodded in agreement, shook michael’s hand, and made her way over to the newest conquest, and bet. good thing that harley was great at gambling and never walked away with less than she came with. “hey!” the music was loud by where she had approached the other dark-haired girl, and she made a face that apologized for her yelling, despite harley knowing that she wouldn’t have been able to hear her if she hadn’t just screamed at the top of her lungs. “i’m harley.” the funny things was, was that harley didn’t ever need an introduction, yet there she was, trying to play it as suave as possible. “and you are?” she reached her hand out, waiting for the girl to grasp it, and it was the first time in a long time that harley didn’t already know the name of who she was going after. there was a big chance that the girl was straight, and her friends could have just been setting her up for failure, but it wouldn’t be the first time harley slept with a “straight” girl, or was used as an experiment. in fact, she took those kinds of things in stride. the game was on, and harley was going to win, no matter what.
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ffsjack-blog1 · 6 years
how fucked was jack’s life that he stood at a party alone, without his girlfriend—ex-girlfriend—looking like a complete idiot. he knew that things were going to be okay, but he just felt as though every single person in the room was staring at him, and talking about his break up with chasity. though the people at the party definitely weren’t talking about him, or even remotely looking in his direction unless they thought he was hot, jack was still worried about his “appearance”. how pathetic was life that he still had to worry about appearances in college? well, when you were the star athlete all throughout high school and were currently the starting quarterback at your college, appearance was kind of important, and it got him incredibly far. if he hadn’t looked like a jock, and instead represented the nerd population, there was no damn way that he’d be lead quarterback. it just didn’t work that way, and it was quite sad, that just because you appeared to be a gigantic dork meant that there was more of a chance that you wouldn’t get on the team, but that was how it always was, and most likely how it always would be. as for jack... well, he fit the part, loving every second of it all throughout high school and continuing into college. he was the first college freshman at his school to become lead quarterback, and actually hold the position to sophomore year. now that the year was about halfway through, he was sure he’d be holding the position throughout the rest of his college career, as when scouts came to... well, scout... they were usually looking for seniors, but time and time again jack was approached, asked all sorts of information, and told that they’d be watching him so he “shouldn’t disappoint”. talk about pressure.
chasity was jack’s college sweetheart, having been on the cheer squad during her freshman year, she was always kind of just doing her own thing in the background, but once the squad found out she was dating the lead quarterback, they began to give her more upfront things to do. yeah, maybe they dated each other for a while because of appearances, but that didn’t mean that they didn’t like each other. there was a point where chasity confessed her love to him, and when he brought it up the next day to ask if she was serious she had stated that she must have been drunk, or the like. she hadn’t been drunk, as jack had been with her the whole night, and all they had done was watch movies and have sex, but because he didn’t reciprocate that love for her, she tried to take it back. she couldn’t, and eventually, jack found himself torn between whether or not he actually loved her. he didn’t. she was a fun time, and that was what he needed, but once she was gone, swore she was done with jack, and he was alone, he realized that he shouldn’t have given her the feeling of unrequited love. now, he was on a mission, and that mission was to get chasity back. one would ask how. how was jack going to get a girl back into his life that was absolutely done with him, all because he was too much of a phony to say that he loved her? jack was going to do the only thing he knew how, and that was enlist the help of another female.
jack loved women, that much everyone was certain of, and when he spoke to his friend, marisa, about the situation, they came up with the perfect solution. she would be his “rebound”. they would stage a fake relationship whenever chasity was around, and eventually, his ex-girlfriend would get so jealous, she would have to have the green-eyed monster come from within her, forcing her to show that she still cared, and that she was willing to take jack back into her life and let him show that he could love her. could he really, truly love her? possibly. did he miss the comfort of normalcy? yes. jack had fallen into a routine with chasity, and when one would break that routine, life would change, and jack was not beat for that. speak of the damn devil, jack thought as he watched chasity walk through the front of the house doors with her gang of barbie friends, she’s here. he had to find marisa, and fast, or else his plan wouldn’t begin at a proper time. so jack ran around the fraternity house in search of his partner in crime, breathing out a sigh of relief when he found here. “chasity is here. let’s do this thing.” though he seemed ready and willing to get the plan started, jack honestly had no damn idea what the next step was, and whether or not it’d be incredibly awkward. it would be.
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aidenok-blog1 · 6 years
the day had been going smoothly for aiden, much as it always did for him. he was the guy that wouldn’t let much get to him, and instead, would try to convince everyone that it was a great day. people often went to him for advice, and even though he wasn’t the best at it, he tried. he was a people pleaser, to say the least, though he wouldn’t overdo it to the point where it would cloud his own judgement. he had a good head on his shoulders, and he tried hard to achieve his goals, each and every day. some people would have called him the “golden boy”, and others would have simply called him “privileged”, but the fact of the matter was that he wasn’t privileged, and instead worked hard to get where he was, and he earned everything he had. his family wasn’t extremely wealthy, as some of his friends’ parents were, but they were doing okay. aiden worked at the town’s local mechanic shop, which was owned by his father, to pass the time and earn some money to help out around the house. school came first, however, and football came second, but working was a close third. his grades hadn’t been outstanding or anything like that throughout high school, but they had been good enough to keep him on the football team. he didn’t ever want to appear to be a stupid jock, because he was far from it, though some pegged him to just be pretty and useless. aiden knew the truth, however, and applied himself day in, and day out, at school for the sake of getting somewhere good in life. high school was a mad house, to say the least, and aiden was glad that it was coming to a close. he had been spotted by various scouts from different colleges, all of them trying to win over the star quarterback, but he was still unsure as to what he wanted to do. he had his girlfriend to think about, his family, himself. he didn’t want to up and leave the place that he loved so much for a place where he didn’t know anyone or anything, but that was part of life, he supposed, and his mother would always tell him that he needed to make decisions based on what was best for him, and him only. that was easier said than done in aiden’s eyes, as the girl he loved was also a factor in his decision. he was hoping that they could go to the same college to stay close by to one another, but all of his closest friends told him that it was a pipe dream. they didn’t want to see him get hurt by someone that didn’t have his best intention in mind, knowing damn well that he was head over heels for carolina. and while he hadn’t spilled the beans to her on his intense love, there would be a perfect moment for the words to slip past his lips... he just hadn’t found it yet.
being with carolina was like having a tall glass of cold water after working out in the heat all day. she was refreshing, to say the least, and she calmed aiden’s raging mind whenever things would get tough. all she had to do was press a kiss to his cheeks, or simply run her hand over his, and his body relaxed into her touch. if she made a move, he made a move, and he loved working with her, as much as he actually loved her. there had been many times where he nearly opened the can of worms and blurted out his true feelings for her, but he was worried that he’d scare her off, and aiden’s devotion to carolina was deeper than just a quick “i love you”, before he scurried off to hide. he wanted it to be special. he wanted them to be able to remember it. he wasn’t the kind of guy that couldn’t admit to his feelings, it was just harder for him to do so when he had a girlfriend that was so strong, and seemingly independent. now, aiden didn’t really depend on anyone, but he did want to have some support from the people that he cared about, for no other reason then the fact that people needed support from others. it was awful to stand there and act as though one was strong enough to do everything on their own. it wasn’t plausible, and aiden had to learn that the hard way back in sophomore year when she tried to conquer everything and everyone. “guess who?” he placed his hands in front of his girlfriend’s eyes, pressing a kiss to her cheek before she had the chance to answer. there was something about carolina that drove aiden wild, and he lived in every moment with her as if it was going to be his last. “aiden, you literally just gave the answer away,” jessica stated with a roll of her eyes. oh, jessica. she was one of his best friends, but she could be too much of a “realist” at times, and ultimately liked to ruin his fun—not literally, of course, as if she had been serious most of the time, he wouldn’t have been able to be friends with her. “c’mon, jess. it was supposed to be a cute moment.” he let his hands fall from his girlfriend’s eyes, pressing a gentle kiss to her lips before leaning up against the lockers. “so, what are my favorite ladies talking about?” aiden and jessica had an odd friendship to say the least, as they had been friends since they were in diapers, their birthdays even being only a couple of weeks apart. he loved her like the sister he never had, and was grateful that she was in his life, as he didn’t know where he’d be without one of his best friends. “wait... is it like, girl talk? because i can totally leave, i don’t need to hear about it, at all.”
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greaserstevie-blog1 · 6 years
EVENT - Sarah, Liam & Stevie.
There were a lot of things Stevie could be doing on a Saturday. Shopping (stealing), hanging with friends, sipping on drinks, work on drug deals and much more. So, that fact that he was forced to go to school - the place he already was way too often - on a Saturday to clean of all things... it had him annoyed. It wasn’t even something he had done. Who knows who had done it? Greaser, Social... it wasn’t clear. It sure hadn’t been him, though. But still, his ass was expected at school to be cleaning. So of course he had showed up. He couldn’t risk his education.
Stevie had a trash bag in hand and he also had some hot soapy water and a sponge. He threw the bag somewhere off to the side so he could start with cleaning off the spray paint. He pushed the sponge into the water and then started scrubbing at one of the benches in the courtyard. He groaned loudly at the effort it took for the letters to fade. “So you both better give me some good fuckin’ gossip or whatever so I can get through this damn day without dying of boredom.” He said loudly to the two Greasers who were working behind him. It seemed that Stevie got lucky with two fellow Greasers. He had seen his friends paired up with Socials and he knew that there was no way that was going to be a fun cleaning experience.
@puckermansv @greasershaw
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rxdinlxnn-blog · 7 years
ftf 🍻 blyder 🍻 closer
Drawing Blaine’s name from the fishbowl was a slight surprise, but not a disappointment. Even if the guy liked to mess with Ryder for his own amusement, he wasn’t terrible looking. (He was actually very good looking, but Ryder quietly refused to admit that purely because he convinced him he was dying at one point.) He wasn’t opposed to the game of truth or dare, but considering that the list was made up by Santana, he was slightly worried. There was no use in worrying at this point. This was going to happen and he might as well enjoy whatever comes from it. 
Heading out of the bar, Ryder turned to Blaine. “We can go to my place? Jake should be at the bar he dances at so it’d be just us.” He gestured over his shoulder with his thumb in the direction of his and Jake’s apartment. “It’s not too long of a walk, maybe we can do a few truths and all on the way there.” He grinned a bit, bumping his shoulder against Blaine’s as he unfolded the list of truths and dares before passing it to Blaine. “Why don’t you, uh, go ahead and read one first?” He suggested with a little smile. 
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