Cinnabar: Far from purr-fect, but it was a meow-nificent attempt.
Chat Noir: don't patronize me.
Cinnabar: What, I'm just trying to be fur-endly.
Ladybug is torn between enjoying Chat get a taste of his own medicine, and horrified that there's someone else who knows all the puns.
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northsouth89 · 9 months
Beta's World : Pal and Committee
"Greetings. Salutations. Wellwishes. Here is nothing, here is empty, here we gather. Some of you know one another. Some of you, I know. All know me by these words, some by more. Let silence be applause. Let desolation be your cheer. Scatter or gather as you will as we prepare to wrench from our powers a common greening hill."
The audience, shrouded, murmurs, stirs, drips and drools. Those that have feet may stand. Those with rumps may sit. Those with scales or fur may bristle or lounge as her words are taken in.
"Volunteered to go first are they who we grant the gift of name. Ever revoked outside this new plane. creatures of story, thriving in tone and rhyme. There known by many, but mystery endure as token can not recursion endly imbibe."
Scuttering as delicate wings shed and fall, into view steps godmothers and men crowned too tall.
"The deal is made, the rule is laid. Every something, also someone, if any least be named."
And so it was, and so it is, a boundary be to set. As ink on bristle, without anything printing yet.
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straussbens · 7 years
Egg Babies Series 1 – Crack Open A “Fur”-Endly Surprise! – CRACK – REVEAL & LOVE
See the rest of the story at http://www.britishfirstdaycovers.com/egg-babies-series-1-crack-open-a-fur-endly-surprise-crack-reveal-love/
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danieljstoney · 7 years
Egg Babies Series 1 – Crack Open A “Fur”-Endly Surprise! – CRACK – REVEAL & LOVE
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