#gabrial wranger colt
doodling-doodle · 1 year
The Slice of Paradise Cafe
Kyle and Alex had been out of the military for years. And finally thought of something they could make on their own
Kyle hadn’t been able to work in years. He was discharged from the military after one too many injuries, and was still recovering from the same infection he got years ago. His voice was pretty much gone. Alex had retired with him. To take care of him and… because he loved him. They were only dating when they left, but when he got that infection, it lasted for months. He was proposed to in a hospital room when he was there for the second time in a month when he threw up blood. He started getting better three months later, being on antibiotics the whole time, and, they were worried about it, but he got to say his vows. He got to say “I do.” They had learned sign language as a just in case, but, Alex fully expected it to be that, and he cried when he heard it, even if it was barely above a whisper. That was a year after he got sick. more than a year after they left the military.
Matt and Gabe got married a year after them.
Things were going good. The morning after Matt’s and Gabe’s wedding, and they got home, they were discussing a few things. He had thought about getting a dog, kind of for therapy, but he didn’t tell Alex that part. But Alex actually had a different suggestion.
“What about adoption?”
He had a counter offer.
“Now, how can I say no to that?”
So, they started preparing. It was mostly Kyle, as Alex, who did have a better chance at getting a job since he wasn’t partially mute, (Though Kyle had started selling his artwork on the side, which paid well) got a job at a tattoo shop to help, though Price said that he would help if he had to if they weren’t getting enough from the state.
So Kyle took apart the guest room, and changed everything. The walls were painted a light cream color, the wooden floor was covered with a darker-colored carpet, and the wooden furniture was painted white. He was so proud of himself. And Alex was proud of him.
A few months later, they got their lovely daughter, Rosalie. She was only eight at the time, now fifteen. And a year after they got her, they got their German Shepherd, Iris, who was three-months-old, now six.
But, years later, Rosa was only ten, he got the infection again. This time, he needed to be on oxygen for months, nearly a year after it cleared up. And his vocal cords got even more damaged. He basically couldn’t talk. But every one of his friends had learned sign language for him. He could manage. Plus, Matt and Gabe lived nearby, and so did Alex’s family. And they lived their nice, pretty quiet life.
Now, they were pondering something.
They were pondering making their own business together. But they didn’t know where to start, or what to do.
Rosalie was at her boyfriend's house for the night, and they were up late in bed, talking about what they could do… Well, Alex was talking, he was signing.
“I don’t know how much longer we can do this. If I can never get a real job, then we’re fucked.” He signed.
“I know… And as much as I love the shop, it gets… tiring.” He sighed.
“What if we start a restaurant?” He said. “Like, just a… a small café, or something?”
Alex must’ve seen the realizing look on his face.
“Is that a yes?”
He smiled, and nodded. “You're a genius.”
“Let’s do it?”
“Let’s do it.”
Alex opened his laptop. “I swear I saw that old restaurant building with a ‘for sale’ sign. Y’know, that old Wendy’s?”
He nodded.
“Let me check. This could be a good opportunity.” He searched for about five minutes before smiling, and turning it to him.
It was stripped to the base building. They would have to work it from the ground up, but… this could be an amazing opportunity for a new life.
 "I'll put in the offer to buy it."
He nodded, and hugged him tight.
"We got this, baby. We got this…"
Rosalie came home the next day, dropped off by James, her boyfriend, who could drive on his own.
"Hey, munchkin!" Alex said as he saw her come inside.
"Hey, papa." She was a very beautiful young woman. Looked a lot like Kyle, really. Which, was a little shocking when they got her. Especially now that she was older. But, they never thought more of it. 
"How was your day?"
"It was good! We basically played video games and ate snacks all day."
"And you slept where?" Kyle signed, mostly joking.
"On the couch because we passed out while playing Minecraft. Yes, cuddling. Snuggling, really." 
“Seriously?” Alex asked.
“Okay, munchkin. As long as you were warm and fed.”
“I was. Anything I missed?”
“We decided on what we’ll do.” 
“Oh? What?”
They both smiled, and Kyle signed, “We’re making a café.”
“Yeah. If our offer gets accepted to buy that old Wendy’s.”
She looked so happy.
The others found out soon after, and were all excited. 
All they had to do was wait.
Which they did for a month.
Rosa was enjoying her time with James while both of her dad’s were out. Just playing games, running around the yard with Iris, and cuddling until Alex came home.
“Hey, papa!” She said when she saw him come in.
“Hey, Rosie. Where’s your dad?”
“He ran to the store.”
“Damn, I was so looking forward to tell him as soon as I got back.”
“Tell him what?”
He smiled.
“We have the café.”
She was shocked.
She shrieked and hugged him tight. She was just as excited, and promised to help make it their own.
“Damn. Congratulations, man!” James said.
“I’m just excited to tell everyone.”
“Are they going to be here?” Rosalie asked.
“Well, Grandpa John did text me asking if they could come visit next week.”
“Yes! All of them?!”
“All of them. Even Grandma Ava.”
She was so excited.
Kyle got home not long after, and Alex told him. He just started sobbing in joy. And Alex hugged him tight.
“It’s gonna happen, baby. We finally got it.”
“We have to tell the others. We have to have an opening, or something!” Kyle whispered, though it still had some excitement.
“John texted me today. He asked to come over next week. They others will be here too.”
“... Can we tell Gabe and Matt now? They’re the ones that have been helping with everything.”
“Let’s get them on a video call.” 
Within ten minutes, they got on the call to tell them.
“Hey, guys!” Gabe said, smiling.
“We got good news for y’all!”
“Oh?” Matt asked.
“We can start on the cafe!”
“Are you serious?!”
They both looked so happy, “Please tell me we’ll be able to help!”
“You can, if you’d like.” Kyle signed, smiling. 
“We will!”
They chatted a little more before Gabe left to start his nightly patrol. They were pretty shocked when they moved closer to them from Texas, on a nearby ranch, so Gabe still felt at home. But it’s apparently a small world, because Alex’s father, who grew up in the same area in Texas as Gabe, knew his father. Saw him a few times when he was a baby. But moved to West Virginia with Alex’s mother before his brother was born. (When both Matt’s are in the same room, it gets confusing.)
The next morning, they went to see their new place. It was the last building in a shopping center, detached from everything else, a good sized building. A medium sized café.
"Let's get planning." Alex said, wrapping his arm around Kyle's back.
So they did.
smooth plywood was put over the brick walls and painted white so Kyle had something to paint over. They talked about a theme for an hour that night, and decided: Deep forest.
And they decided to make everything themselves.
So they did.
Kyle had taken two full days to draw the design first, covering the walls with trees and wildflowers. The one wall that was kept as windows had a tinting over it, making it just slightly darker.
When he started painting it, he had so much fun. Like making Rosalie's room. Just with more detail. A lot of detail.
He took a full week to paint all the walls. Doing the smallest lighting details through the leaves, and the shading on the flowers on the bottom of the walls. 
Alex walked in with some news and supplies he asked for.
“Wow!” Alex exclaimed when he walked in.
He fucking melted.
Something about seeing Kyle, up on a ladder, hands covered in paint, doing the smallest details on the leaves… He just loved it. Maybe it was because he just looked so happy. He had a look of “I did this!” 
He quickly got off the ladder, hopping a little, so happy.
“Look at that! You did that, baby!” He put everything down, hugging him tight.
“I don’t wanna get paint on you.” He whispered.
“Don’t care! Look at this!” He let go, and took another look at everything. It was gorgeous. Beautiful…
Just like his husband.
Alex had a little experience with woodworking and furniture making from when he was a kid in his grandfather's workshop, so he managed to dig up his old tools from when he was a teen making wooden tables for money, and went to get wood from Home Depot to make tables and chairs.
The first few tries weren’t the best, since he hadn’t done it in years, but he got back in the grove of things. 
The tables were stained dark, but the wood was still visible. The chairs were painted black as a simple contrast color (Kyle’s suggestion).
He had finished two sets in a week. He was proud of himself.
He heard that whistle, and turned to see Kyle, who clearly just got home, walking up to him to the shed and carport he was working under with two glasses.
“Hey, baby.” He took the glass that Kyle offered, kissing his cheek as they sat on the chairs.
“Comfy.” Kyle whispered.
“How’s the painting going?”
“Good. I’ll hopefully get it done by the end of this week. But, then I’ll be left with… Nothing to really do, I guess.”
“Well, I know James is looking for things we can use so we don’t have to actually plant trees in the place. I do have a bunch of old bricks… We do need to tear up the tile. Tomorrow, I’ll come with you and see if I can get it started. Matt offered to come by and help with whatever he could, so, I may utilize him for that.”
He nodded, and was about to say something, but winced as his throat started hurting, so he signed, “I could find display cases. Acrylic or glass?”
“Let’s do acrylic. And then we need those massive coffee grinders. What about tea?”
“I have a plan. Grow our own tea, if we can?”
“Good idea. I could probably get a greenhouse here. Grow it all year. We'll need to get stuff for Hot chocolate, too. Maybe milkshakes? Fraps… Fuck, this is gonna be a lot harder than we thought.”
He chuckled a little, though it turned to a cough, which got Alex on his feet and close to him. It was rare for him to cough anything up anymore, and he didn’t this time, but Alex still got worried whenever he went into a coughing fit.
“You okay?”
He nodded, and signed, “What I wanted to say was that I know the base hot chocolate we could use because you make the best hot chocolate ever.” 
He smiled at that, and pulled him up. "Time to head inside. It might be the pollen."
He couldn't argue with him, so he just let himself get pulled inside, and to their room.
"Come on. Let's get you cleaned up, changed, and in bed."
He nodded, and Alex pulled him to the bathroom, with a change of clothes so he could shower.
God, Alex took care of him so well.
Rosalie had actually gone with Alex to get her own wood to make the menu boards. She had gotten an interest in wood carving and burning, so she asked to do it. They agreed.
She drew up everything she needed for the lettering and floral designs, got that printed on thick and large paper, cut everything out, and got to it.
She lightly traced it with a pencil first. Then carved it out before using a wood burner. She spent a good week just tracing everything, let alone carving the wood carefully, which took another week, and carefully burning it, which was another two weeks. She was glad it was summer so she could work on it all day. Plus, James could keep her company.
"So… what do you think gave them the idea?" James asked. 
"Papa came up with it, I know that. And dad loved it. So here we are!”
“Well, I have an excuse to hang out with you every day now.”
She chuckled a little, and had an idea.
So she texted Alex, who was with Kyle going to a wood mill to get a countertop.
“Hey, can I hide a little easter egg about me and James in one of the boards?”
“Hang on, I’ll ask your dad.
Yeah, go for it.”
“Okay, thank you.”
She quickly did a tiny heart on top of one of the boards, and “R+J” In it.
“You're adorable."
"No, I'm a Lil demon and crime lord."
"You're a muffin."
"I'm a Lil demon muffin."
"Okay, I'll go with that one."
She laughed, and went back to burning.
"Still waiting for the bigger prints to come in for the drinks?"
"Yeah. The smaller ones, I can just use normal paper, but the full-sized ones are pending. How about the wood stuff?"
"Just found something. You can order custom wood pieces."
"Yeah. Pretty neat, it's not real wood, it's just really thick foam. You can order bark texture, too, which is nice."
"Interesting. Send it to my dad's, they'll be pleased."
"I just did.” He stood as she finished up the last bit of lettering on one of the boards, but before putting the tool away, went back to the top and burned another heart, this one with, “A+K”
“You need to have muffins and call them ‘Rose Muffin’s”."
"Yeah, yeah… I think I'll change and hop in the pool for a bit. I wanna cool off."
"I think I have a swim suit here, right?"
"Yeah, you do. And I need to grab Iris."
"Okay, babe. I'll be ready."
She went inside.
And sighed happily as she got to her room.
God, she loved that idiot.
Things were coming together very nicely.
The walls and windows were done.
All the tables and chairs were done.
The tile floor had been ripped out in favor of red bricks.
The foam wood that James found was perfect for the fake trees in the corners of the building. (the leaves had a pretty hidden foam base, and Rosalie made cotton leaves for the more detailed ones, with lighting effects and all.)
The front counter had a beautiful slab of wood. It was lacquered and still had the bark.
The ceiling had been painted, too. To look like you were looking up in a thick forest. And Rosalie strung fairy lights, crisscrossing over the ceiling. They did have dim lights, but it just added to the mystical feel of it. 
The menu boards had a dark stain on them, and when the large prints came in, on normal paper, she laid it over the board, and somehow did it so the wood would still show through. They wanted the whole place to feel rustic. That was important.
They got display cases for the pastries. They had a mix of British and American stuff, and the main things were Kyle’s Victorian Sponge Cake and Alex’s apple pie. He served it heated with a scoop of ice cream. And Rosalie made all types of cake pops. She also made a bunch of baskets with James, the classic round type, to put biscuits and small pads of butter and packets of jelly in on all of the tables.
And finally, decor. Rosa had found these small fake waterfalls to put on the counter a long time ago. But that gave them another idea: a massive one to cover a wall. They chose the one to install it on, and figured out how it worked. It looked beautiful. It also had a very nice sound to it. All of them did. They decided speakers wouldn't be used for music, but forest-like sounds. Birds, bugs, wind. Anything that added to it, they took it.
The only thing they didn’t have was a name.
But. After nearly a year of work… They did it.
Rosa had gone to James’ house for the night, and they didn’t have much else to do, so they finished setting up a few of the big things, like the coffee grinders, ingredients, and such.
But they looked at everything they made.
“Damn… Where’d the time go?” Alex said, sitting at one of the tables. It was oddly therapeutic to hear the water.
Kyle was sobbing.
“Baby?” He reached out to him, and he sat on his lap, holding him tight.
“We did this… On our own…”
“We did.”
“We need to bring the others here. Have some sort of opening!”
“We will. I promise.”
They told all the others, and they all took leave to come see them and what they did.
Rosa told her friends, and they came, too. 
Gabe also brought his mother.
That was one hell of an opening. So many people even if it was just their friends and family.
And it was. Just their friends and family. But they didn’t even have a name yet, so they were happy with it.
They all showed up gradually as they got there from the airports from their flights. It was their relaxation after long flights. 
“Can we go inside now?! The suspension is killing me!” Price said, as he and Graves were the first to get there.
Oh. And Rosalie decided they needed somewhat uniforms to look a little bit more organized. Just black clothes. She had a simple dress and tights with grey knee-high leather boots. Kyle had a long-sleeved button-down shirt, black jeans, and combat boots. Alex, being proud of his tattoos and owning the place so no one could tell him to hide them, had a shirt that went to his forearms to show the best of his tattoos, and decided to get a nice pair of dress pants and boots. And James decided to pick it up, too, so he had a long-sleeved shirt and jeans with plain black dress shoes. And Kyle had a pin on his shirt that said, “I’m mute, bare with me : )”
“Alright. Come on, everyone!” Alex said, opening the doors.
It was like… As soon as they walked in, they calmed down. It was almost freaky. 
“Woah…” Graves said. “Holy shit, that… That’s fuckin’ magic!”
“Oh my god.” One on Rosa’s friends, Lily, said. “Can we come here to, like, do homework and study? This is relaxing.”
“Of course, come here all you like!” Alex said, going behind the counter, which Soap rushed to when he saw the all the sweets.
“Gimme everything.”
“Okay fine…”
They all found the things that they loved, and all got some type of sweet and a drink. (It was very entertaining to see Ghost ordering a strawberry boba. A drink that only Rosaile knew how to perfect. Most of her friends got them, too.)
They were just happy to see all of them again. The old team. All of them in one place. Plus, the extra friends that Rosa brought. And the addition of Gabe’s lovely mother.
“Honestly, this place is perfect.” She started.
“It’s a little slice of paradise.”
The day, sadly, went by too quickly, and they all left to hotels and homes.
“Well… A very lucrative first day, I’d say.” Alex said as they got to their room. They said is wasn’t necessary, but everyone insisted on paying and tipping.
Kyle tapped his shoulder.
“Remeber what Gabe’s mum said?” He signed.
“It being a slice of paradise? Yeah, that was sweet.”
“What if we call it that? The Slice Of Paradise Cafe?”
He loved it.
Kyle drew up a design, and Alex cut it out on Plywood for Kyle to paint in white.
The Slice Of Paradise Cafe.
Their own cafe…
Gabe and Matt are not my OC's. They belong to my friend, @angstkings. I have their permission to use them
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
TSOP tweets part three
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Bonus! Python is gabes ex. This is less TSOP and more just... lore for Gabe? (This was @angstkings idea, and... yes.)
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
A Merry Wedding
(The Slice Of Paradice AU)
Their wedding was very carefully planned, mostly by Kyle. But it was beautiful. Just what they wanted and needed.
Kyle had done most of the planning, and Alex loved all of it. All the ideas, the venue, the everything. They got custom suits. Kyle's was a pure white suit, the back of the jacket went down to his knees to mimic a train on a dress. Alex melted when he heard it. But neither saw each other's suits yet. 
But it was the wedding day. Their anniversary. Christmas day.
The venue was a beautiful rustic barn. Pretty big. And perfect.
They hadn't seen each other all morning. They had gone to their separate rooms to get ready. 
"Alex, how are you freaking out so much?” His brother asked.
“Dude, calm down.”
He took a breath, and just looked himself in the mirror. Kyle was in the room next to him. This was it. The best day of his life. Yet he hadn’t seen Kyle all morning. He heard things coming from his room: laughing, crying, and Kyle saying that he just wanted it to start already. His voice was barely back. He thought that it would be in sign language, and it was okay. The recovery was hard on both of them. Hospitals, scans, meds, wedding decor shopping, just… a lot of things happening. But it was all worth it.
“I can’t believe this is finally happening…”
“You're happy it is though, right?” Anne asked.
“Hell yeah!”
He and Kyle had decided to have both bridesmaids and groomsmen on both sides. Anne was his maid of honor. He had a light gray color for all of them. The men had suits, but Anne chose a jumpsuit.
He had Anne, his niece Jess, who was wearing a knee length, long sleeved dress and tights, His brother Matt, and Gabe on his side. 
"You look wayy too nervous, buddy." Gabe said. 
"It's a good nervous!"
"Can't wait to see John cry. And you cry." Anne said, "ten minutes, buddy."
Then, it was time for him to wait at the Altar…
He was crying while looking in the mirror. He felt beautiful. He didn't know that he'd love the pure white clothes. He hoped Alex loved it just as much. 
"Look at you." Price said, hugging him, "you look amazing. Alex will love it."
"I-i hope so…" He whispered, "thank you, dad…"
Price was walking him down the aisle. He cried when Kyle asked him to. Graves was the best man. He had Matt, Farah, and Ghost. The colors were a dark forest green, a dark blue, and gold. 
Another thing he wanted to tie them all together was all of the wedding parties and families having roses somehow.
Ghost, Soap, Price, both Matt's, Gabe, Roach, Alejandro and Rodolfo all were wearing boutonnieres. Halo-Matt, Ghost and Graves had golden ones to go with the green suit jacket and dress pants with a blue undershirt. Price, Ale, Rudy, Roach and Alex’s dad, Jack, had red ones. Gabe and the other Matt had gray ones.
Laswell, Ava, Anne, Jess, and Alex’s mom all had roses in their hair somehow. Laswell had done a fancy bun on herself and Ava, putting the flowers in the back and going up the right side. Alex's mom, Mary, had just gotten a simple but beautiful hair clip to put on the end of her side braids. Jess had made beautiful dangling strings with roses to go down the back of her head. Farah had a sash with golden roses to wear with her green dress and blue Headscarf.
Alex, of course, had a red one. Kyle had a white one.
"So beautiful, Kyle…" Graves whispered., "it's time. Go to the aisle."
He nodded, watching as the others walked out before him and Price. Alex was waiting for him.
"You ready?" Price asked.
He nodded, smiling.
"Good. They're ready for us. Let's go."
He took a deep breath, and they walked out to go to the aisle. 
He saw Alex downstairs waiting. And he started sobbing. 
A beautiful black suit, with a red undershirt and black tie. Medals covered the right side of his chest, and a red rose boutonnière on the left side of his chest.
He saw Alex start to cry his eyes out while they walked down the aisle while he and Price both sobbed.
"I'm so happy for you two." Price whispered, hugging him before giving him away, "I love you, okay?"
And he was given to Alex, who held him so gently.
“You look beautiful." Alex said, smiling.
He held Alex's arm, wanting to say, "so do you. " but he was saving his strength.
It took a few minutes, but he was already crying a little. their families in the front row, and the grooms-maid’s and men already lined up.
He looked to the end of the aisle, up the stairs.
And broke down in tears.
Kyle was standing in a beautiful pure-white suit, white rose boutonnière, all of his medals, covering most of the right side of his chest, and combat boots, crying softly while Price wiped tears off his own face.
He couldn't help his staring while they walked down the aisle. Kyle was gorgeous, he always was. But this had made it real for him. He was marrying that wonderful man.
Price quietly whispered something to Kyle before hugging him and giving him to Alex.
“You look beautiful…” Alex whispered.
Kyle smiled, holding Alex's arm in a way to say, "You are too."
They held each other's hands, staring into each other's eyes. And there was mistletoe above them. 
The officiant was actually a family friend of Alex's, and was happy to be the one to officiate their marriage. 
The ceremony started fairly quickly. Alex found himself just looking at every small detail. Kyle's eyes, his scars, his smile, everything about him. 
He was still a little upset that he wouldn't hear Kyle's voice. But he was okay with it. All that mattered was that he was okay. They could get married. That’s what mattered.
Then, they could say their vows. Alex went first.
"Kyle… you have been the best thing that ever happened to me. How unbelievably lucky was I to meet you? To date you? And now, to marry you? You're an angel. The light I needed in my life. Everything I needed and more. You're beautiful. Your kind. You're perfect in every way… I promise to cherish you, to hold you, and never let you go. I promise to love you, and treat you with nothing but reverence. To hold you through the hard times, and the good. I will love you until my dying breath. I will be here for you until the day I die. For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you."
Kyle was crying by then. Alex lightly loosened his grip on his hands, thinking he'd have to pull back to sign his vows. Kyle tightened his grip, taking a breath.
It was barely above a whisper. But it was Kyle. And just hearing that made him tear up.
"My whole life, I thought I'd never get married. Then you came along. And you gave me warmth, and love, and light that I never knew I needed. Never thought I’d have. And here I am. Through many hard times, a few near-deaths, and many more amazing times… we’re here. We’re alive, only we both have a few things missing. But, here we are.. And here I am, with you…Everything I’ve ever wanted. Perfect, beautiful, handsome, kind, loving, and caring… I promise to love you, hold you, and cherish you. To never let you go. To be here with you and love you until my last breath.For better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, I promise to love and cherish you.”
Alex was crying by then, smiling. He’d barely heard his voice in the past year. Maybe becuase he was saving his strength for this. But, they had learned both ASL and BSL in the last year, knew it petty well, too. But this was just… perfect. 
And he knew everyone was sobbing from it.
They were given the rings. They were custom made, with their names carved on the outside, embedded diamonds on either side of the ring.
Alex took Kyle’s hand, holding it gently and sliding the ring on his finger. Then Kyle did the same, shaking slightly.
“Alex, do you take Kyle to be your lawfully wedded husband until death do you apart?”
He teared up more, choking back a sob as he said “I do.”
“Kyle, do you take Alex to be your lawfully wedded husband until death do you apart?”
Kyle smiled, choking out a quiet, “I-I do…”
“I now pronounce you married, you may now kiss.”
Alex pulled Kyle closer, cupping his cheek, leaning down to kiss him gently.
He faintly heard the others all cheering, but he was lost too lost in his thoughts of Kyle.
He slowly pulled away, looking into Kyle’s eyes, smiling.
They went back down the aisle and up the stairs to have a few minutes alone as a just married couple.
“You… I can’t believe you did that…” Alex said as he closed the door, “I missed your voice so much… this is the best wedding gift I could’ve gotten.”
Kyle smiled at that, signing, “I was trying really hard to not talk. I wanted to make it more special for you. So, I tried to save all my strength…”
He smiled, “I love you… so much. I can’t believe we finally are married.”
“Best thing to happen in the past year.”
He chuckled, “We’ve gotten through a lot more then this, hun. But this was definitely one of the hardest things to happen to us. I’m so happy to know your okay…” He smiled, cupping Kyle’s cheek, looking outside.
He smiled, leading Kyle outside, where it had started to snow.
“Perfect…” Kyle whispered, holding onto Alex.
“We have about ten minutes until the reception.” Alex said, looking down at him, smiling, “Want to watch the snow?”
Kyle nodded, laying his head down on Alex’s shoulder.
They watched for the whole time they were waiting, just smiling, and softly talking about the plans for the honeymoon.
Then they went back inside for the reception.  
The room was already set up. Tables were placed around the outer parts of the room, the sweetheart table was at the end of the room, and there was nothing but sweets served after a classic Christmas dinner. They wanted it to be a good night. There were coffee’s, hot chocolates, and tea’s, and there was a small station where they could get flavoring, whip cream, and marshmallows, as well as caramel and chocolate sauce.
Everyone cheered again seeing them walk back down the stairs, clearing the floor for them before Price and Graves came up to Kyle to hug him, Alex’s parents doing the same.
There was a small bit of resistance from Alex’s mother when they said they weren’t doing the other dances after their own. But they eventually just accepted it
And it wasn’t long before they started their dance. Lover by Taylor Swift. The first song they ever danced to. The first time Kyle danced. When Alex wanted to get a ring to propose.
Everyone started crying, including them. But they just felt so happy. 
Alex just kept looking into Kyle’s eyes, smiling. He just kept thinking about how beautiful he was.
Kyle did everything he could to hold back his tears, smiling up at his husband. He wanted to just… press pause on it all to make it last longer.
They happily went to their table, where their beautiful cake was.
Alex giggled as he saw Kyle get icing all over his face.
Kyle just looked unamused, just was smirking and chuckling. 
Until he smacked Alex with a bunch of icing, and that’s when the others noticed.
“You two are acting like bloody children!” Price yelled.
“We don’t give a fuck! We ain’t in the military anymore, we can be children!” Alex yelled back.
Alejandro and Rodolfo were cackling, just watching them try and clean themselves up.
Which failed, leading to more giggles.
Alex couldn’t stop giggling while looking at Kyle, seeing him still wiping it off his face.
"That was a bad idea." Kyle whispered, still giggling
"Worth it. You look adorable." Alex said back.
During the reception, they found some time to sneak off. It was still snowing, though it had slowed a lot.
They walked around the venue, around the frozen river, and the snow covered trees, talking about their plans for the honeymoon.
They wanted to go to Canada for a week, followed by another week in Alaska. They had booked remote cabins in both places. They didn’t exactly have plans on what to do, but, they were figuring it out. They mostly just wanted to celebrate in the cabin, alone, but, they wanted to go out and do something. 
“We could even just… go out for dinner?” Kyle asked, "I really… just want time with you…"
"I agree. That's what we should do."
Kyle smiled, "Yeah… thank you… for all the shit we've gone through in the last year, this was… perfect."
Alex smiled, holding Kyle close as they walked back to the barn. It might've only been thirty minutes, but it felt like so long. Just walking alone through the snow was… almost magical. And perfect.
And the others all lit up when they came back in.
But as the night got darker, and the snow stopped… their wedding was over. The magical, wonderful, perfect, love filled, best night was over.
They planned to leave the next day. Later on. That way, they could sleep in, then get all of the decor packed up to go back to their home.
Alex still smiled when Kyle sat up in bed, sleepy eyes, messy hair, and yawning a lot while they packed up the decor, still in very comfy clothes.
His brother got all the decor and got it to their home while they were on their way to the airport.
They fell back asleep on the plane, only waking up when they landed in Canada. 
They smiled as they got to their hotel, and they decided to just relax for the day, in each others arms, just eating snacks, cuddling, and watching TV. They ordered their dinner, and they ate in bed, still holding each other while talking about their future together… they were just happy to be together. After all the shit they went through in the military, and Kyle getting sick… if that was what it took to end up here, they’d do it every time.
Finally, they started to fall asleep, in each others arms, content. 
“I love you, Alex…” Kyle whispered, voice rough from all the talking from the past two days.
“I love you, too, Kyle…” 
That week in Canada was one of the best.
And Alaska was even better.
Alex was lost in watching the Northern Lights with Kyle. they were gorgeous. 
“It’s perfect…” Kyle whispered, “I wish we could see this all the time.”
“Maybe we could come down here more often.” Alex said, wrapping an arm around his waist.
“I’d like that…”
“Then it’s settled.”
Kyle smiled, turning to Alex, running his hands up his chest, gently kissing his lips while Alex’s hands went down to his hips.
“Your amazing.” Alex said, “Your perfect. And I love you.”
Kyle smiled even more. The smile that lit up his eyes.
And Alex smiled back.
They weren’t happy when they had to fly back. But they were still excited to stat the next chapter of their relationship.
They did need to find out what to use all those fairy lights for, though…
Gabe and Matt are not my ocs. I have permission from @angstkings to use them.
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
Vampire AU
I'm using @angstkings OCs Gabe and Matt again for this, so, thank you, Kings for giving me the gremlins!
So, there's Vampires and werewolves. Then there's humans
The Vampires: Alex, Matt, Ghost and Soap (half vampire half human)
Werewolves: Price, Graves and Gabe
Hunters: Kyle, laswell, Shepherd
Kyle works for Price and Graves as a hunter (wolves are technically hunters too, but it's more of a war that should've ended long ago)
Shepherd is known to be ruthless, and he won't show mercy to any vampire he sees
Laswell works with price, and she keeps Ava mostly out of it
Price and Graves started to raise Kyle when he was fifteen, he was a runaway
Kyle met Alex while they were both on a hunt, though Alex said been stalking watching Kyle for a while.
Ghost and Soap were in the same vampire clan
Same with Price and Graves
Matt and Gabe met in a casual way, in a coffee shop. Gabe only found out about Matt becuase his hood fell down and he was in direct sunlight (Twilight rules, they sparkle, the don't burn.)
Still working on more for this
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
Deathly Illness
(The Slice Of Paradice AU)
Kyle got very sick. He never expected to end up the way he did…
Small warnings here: medical inaccuracies, non-permanent death (flatlining in the hospital)
Alex was helping clean up the shop after they closed up and they went home for the night. Kyle was sick, so he was in a bit of a hurry to get out of there and get some food for them before getting home.
"Hey, Alex?" Anne asked.
"What's up?"
"Have you found a ring yet?"
He chuckled, "No, but I'm still looking."
"Damn it. Keep looking and find it quickly."
"I'm trying, okay? Kyle's sick right now, so I'm more focused on that."
"Oh, damn, get home, man, I'll take care of this."
"You sure?"
"Yes! Go take care of him!"
"Okay, okay…" He put down the tattooing tool he was cleaning, went to the back to grab his bag, told his co-workers to have a good day, and left.
He texted Kyle that he was going to grab dinner for them, and drove off.
He picked up Burger Town, and got back home.
“Baby?” He called out.
He saw Kyle wobbling slightly as he walked out of their room. He looked tired.
“Kyle… Come on, back to bed.” He gently led Kyle back to bed. He had a sore throat, so he wasn’t talking much, but he could still communicate well.
“I’ll get the food. Just hold on.” He gently kissed Kyle’s head, and went back out to the living room to get their food.
He got his laptop out so they could watch kitten videos. That always cheered Kyle up.
Eventually, he laid Kyle back down, and he mindlessly played with his hair while going through his phone.
It had been about eight months since they left the military. Kyle could walk again, Alex had his job, Kyle started selling artwork. They were doing amazing. Kyle started therapy, too. Alex, clearly, was still looking for a ring, but he wasn't having the best luck. He just wanted to make Kyle happy.
After a while, he heard Kyle stirring, then coughing harshly.
He quickly pulled Kyle up to have him sit up.
He saw a bit of blood on Kyle's chin.
"Oh my God- Kyle?! Baby, look at me."
He looked dazed out, and Alex wiped the blood away, trying to hide it from Kyle so he wouldn't freak out.
But he coughed up more, wheezing a little.
"I'm getting you to the hospital, okay? We're going to the hospital."
He quickly packed a small bag, threw it in the car, then got Kyle, and sped off to the hospital.
Before he knew it, Kyle was hooked up to a few things, laying in a bed.
He was freaking out. Where was the blood coming from?!
He kept quiet, though. No need to make Kyle panic more.
"Shh, baby. Don't talk. You'll make it worse."
He whimpered, but nodded.
Alex squeezed his hand, trying to keep him awake.
A nurse came in shortly after.
But Kyle's eyes rolled back, and his grip went lax.
"Baby?! Kyle, wake up!"
The nurse went up, and pressed on Kyle's wrist. And Alex heard a steady, constant sound.
"Fuck!" She pressed a button on the wall, and he heard a robotic voice over speakers in the hall, and in the room.
Over. And over. And over.
"What...?" He whispered to himself.
His ears started ringing, and he got further away from the bed so the other people that ran in had room to work.
Kyle was gone.
He was gone.
He never found the ring. He never had the chance to propose to him.
He started crying his eyes out, and he fell to his knees, pressing his palms to his eyes.
It took about two minutes before he heard something.
“We have a pulse! Get him oxygen and keep him calm.”
He froze, and stood with a nurse's help. He went back up to Kyle, holding his hand.
“Al…? Alex?”
“I’m here. I’m here, it’s okay.”
He whimpered, and the nurse gave him an oxygen mask.
“Sir, leave the room, we need to run tests.”
He nodded, giving Kyle a final kiss to the forehead before walking out with a nurse.
“Can you call anyone? Is there any family?” She asked.
“Yeah… Yeah, I can call a few.”
“Please do. I’ll let you know when you can see him.” She walked away, and he sat down.
Price and Graves were visiting, so they were staying at a hotel for the night. They were close by.
He called Price, hoping that he’d pick up, but it was the middle of the night.
He picked up in seconds.
“Alex, are you alright?” he asked, sounding sleepy.
“I… We’re a-at the hospital… Kyle, he…” He started sobbing, and he heard Price probably jolting up in bed.
“What?! Phil-Phil, wake up, Kyle’s in the hospital! Alex, What happened?!”
“I… Their running tests. He was coughing up blood, and… I don’t know…”
“We’re on the way, okay? Stay on the phone, we’ll be there soon.”
They were, at least, twenty minutes away. They got there in ten.
Price ran over to him, and hugged him tight.
“What happened?” Graves asked.
“He… I don’t know… I just… One minute he’s sick in bed, then he’s coughing up blood, then he flatlined…”
“He… He what?” Price asked.
“He was gone for two minutes. Maybe more, I zoned out.”
Both looked horrified, and sat down with him, waiting for the nurse to come back.
Two hours later, she came back, and Alex stood.
“He’s stable now. We’re still running tests, but you can see him.”
He nodded, and they all went to see him…
He looked weak, and small, and pale.
“Baby…” Alex whispered, cradling Kyle’s face. He was out cold.
“I’ll let you know when the tests come back.” She walked back out, and they all just sat down, witing for him to open his eyes.
For three hours.
He whimpered slightly, making Alex jump up and look down at him.
“Baby…” he whispered, cupping his cheek.
“Don’t talk. It’ll make it worse. I’m here, okay? It’s alright.”
He nodded.
A nurse came back, looking down at a chart
“Please tell me there’s an answer.” Alex pleaded.
“It’s… It’s a bad chest and throat infection. Really bad. How long have symptoms been showing?”
His heart shattered, “I… A few weeks. Two, maybe.”
“He’s had it for at least a month.”
He was shocked. How didn’t they know…?
“We need to keep him for at least a day. Then, it’s antibiotics and hoping for the best.”
He froze up, and looked at Price and Graves. They both looked broken. And Kyle looked dazed out.
"Do you have any questions?"
He shook his head.
She nodded, "I'll… leave you be." She walked out.
Alex looked down at Kyle, cupping his cheek, "We'll get through this, alright? It'll be alright. I promise." He leaned down, hugging Kyle tight, "I love you."
He heard a small sigh, and him trying to say something.
"I-i lo-love yo-ou t-too…"
He teared up, and kissed Kyle, gently on the lips before he looked over, seeing Price and Graves.
He whimpered, trying to reach his hand out.
"We're here, buddy. It's alright, we're here…" Graves whispered, holding his hand.
"P-pops… d-dad…"
"We're here, son…" Price whispered, "we can take care of telling the others if you need."
He nodded.
"I'll start telling the others in the morning." Graves said.
He nodded, and yawned.
"Go to sleep, baby. We'll be here."
He was out in seconds.
The next day…
They got to go home with a three-month script of antibiotics.
Alex got Kyle back in bed with tea and water, plus a few healthy-ish snacks.
"I need to talk to John and Phil for a bit. Are you alright?"
He nodded.
"I'll be back." He walked out to find Graves on the phone with Ghost and Soap.
"Yeah… no, we don't know if he'll lose his voice. Possible, I guess."
Fuck. He didn’t think about that..
"Okay. I'll talk to you later." He hung up, and sighed.
"I can call Matt and Gabe." Alex said, getting his phone.
"We can do it. You don't have to."
"I… I need to. I need to get it off my chest somehow."
They nodded. And he went to the basement to be alone for a bit while he called them.
He waited for two seconds before Gabe picked up.
"Hey, what's up?"
"Can you get Matt…?"
"Yeah, hang… Are you alright?"
"I… just get him, please?"
He heard a voice in the background, and then Matt came in.
"What's up, mate?"
"It… it's Kyle, he… he's sick. Throat infection. And chest. He… he's in bed. He can't talk. He can barely move. I…I can't…"
"Woah, what??" Matt asked.
"And you're the only one there to help?"
"Phil and John will be here for a while longer. But after that, it'll be me. Maybe I can call brother Matt and Jas."
"Call us when they leave." Gabe said, "I can probably stay with y'all for a while.”
He blinked in shock, but nodded, “Okay… Okay, that works.”
“Okay, keep us updated. The others know, right?”
“Phil told Soap and Ghost. John told Kate and Ava.”
“I’ll get Ale and Rudy in the loop.” Gabe said.
“Just keep us updated, okay?” Matt asked.
“I will… Thanks, guys.”
“No problem.”
“I… I need to go…”
“Hey.” Gabe said, “If you need to talk, we’re here.”
He nodded. “Thank you.” he hung up.
He sighed before going back upstairs.
“You won’t be alone in this, Alex.” Price said, “We’ll be able to stay for about a month. After that…”
“Gabe said he’d come. If he can’t, then I’ll call my brother… I need to call Anne. Tell her what happened. The guest room is set up, mini fridge is filled with snacks and drinks. Let me know if you need anything else.” He went out to the front porch, and told Anne the situation.
“Damn, holy shit- dude, stay with him, I'll give you all the time off you need. But… Damn. Keep me updated, okay?”
“I will… Thanks, Anne.”
“Oh, and, bad timing, but I found a nice jeweler. I can send you the link to the shop, I found some really nice rings.”
He smiled, “Thanks, Anne. For everything.”
“No problem. Just get him back in working order.”
He tried. But even after a month, it wasn’t getting any better. And even worse, the day that Price and Graves left, and Gabe and Matt were on their way…
Alex woke up in the middle of the night. To Kyle’s faint, weak, raspy voice.
He woke up, and sat up quickly. It was the first time since being in the hospital that he spoke.
“Baby?” He gently held his shoulders, and saw something on his chin.
“I-I’m sorry… I-I thr-threw up blo-blood…”
He panicked, but just nodded.
“I’ll get the floor cleaned up, get you changed, and call an ambulance, okay?”
He quickly cleaned up the floor, changed Kyle’s shirt, and called 911. He quickly packed a bag, and by the time that the ambulance got there, he was ready, and ran out with Kyle in his arms.
It felt like time stopped. But he got into the ambulance, and tried to answer the medics questions.
"How'd this start?" "Has he done this before?" "What does he have?" And so many more.
He just wanted to get to the hospital.
And they finally did. Kyle got a CT scan…
While the antibiotics were helping to slow it down, the infections got worse. Not much worse, but worse…
"I'm so sorry, Baby…" He said when he got in the room.
"I'm… I-I’m goi-ing to di-die…" Kyle whispered, voice raspy.
Alex sat down, and sighed.
"Kyle…" He teared up. "I… I know I said it would all be okay, but… I'm genuinely terrified that it won't be." He reached into his jacket pocket
He had taken a look at the shop that Anne sent him a link to. All of them were beautiful, but one stuck out to him. A gorgeous platinum ring with diamonds embedded in it. He ran out to get groceries earlier that day, and stopped at the store to see if they had it. They did. He bought it. But forgot to take it out of his coat. He was glad he did that now.
He pulled the small velvet box out of his pocket.
"I'm scared. I'm scared that… you'll die without knowing how much I truly love you… so… Kyle Garrick…" He opened it, and watched Kyle's eyes go a little wider in shock.
"Will you marry me?"
He choked out a sob, "Alex-" he smiled for the first time in months, and nodded.
"Of course I will…"
He smiled, and gently put the ring on Kyle's finger, holding his hand.
"We can start planning now, right?" Kyle whispered.
"We can.”
“I’ll have to start on Pinterest when we get home…”
He smiled, “You get to choose all of it. Decor, venue, date. Everything.”
“I’ll-” He started coughing, and Alex jumped up, holding onto him before he stopped.
"I… I'm okay…”
“Don’t talk anymore. Your making it worse.”
He nodded.
“You need sleep. I’ll be here. I promise."
He nodded, and quickly went out.
He sighed, and texted Gabe.
"He's asleep now. The infection isn't much worse, but the antibiotics aren't really helping. They'll be giving him heavier ones."
"Oh. Oh, Alex, I'm so sorry. Should we just come to the hospital?"
"Yeah, if you can. Don't know where you are, but if your tired, go to a motel. I'll pick you up."
"We'll come to the hospital. Be there sometime in the morning."
"Okay. Thanks, Gabe. I need sleep."
"We'll see you soon."
Alex sighed, leaning back on his chair, and went to sleep.
The next day…
He woke up to a knock on the door, and a nurse walked in.
“Mister Keller? Mister Garrick?”
“I’m awake. What’s up?”
“You have two vistiters, are you okay with them coming in?”
“Gabriel Colt and Matthew Miller?”
“Let them in.”
She nodded, and they walked in.
“Oh my god.” Gabe whispered, going up to Kyle.
“Fuck, man… He’s pale.” Matt said.
"I know… I know, and I don't know what to do…"
"Has it been like that the whole time?" Gabe asked
He shook his head, "it's only gotten bad in the… last week or so."
He sighed, and they sat down, waiting for him to wake up.
He eventually started to open his eyes, and Alex leaned down to cradle his face.
"Matt and Gabe are here, baby."
He weakly looked over, softly smiling when he saw them.
“H-hey, gu-guys…”
“Hey. We’re here, bud.” Gabe said, smiling.
He softly coughed a little, making Alex panic slightly, and jump up.
He breathed heavily for a few minus, trying to sign to Alex that he was okay, smiling.
“You sure your okay? Maybe we should stay here a bit longer.”
He shook his head, not wanting that at all.
He shook his head again.
He nodded, “Okay. But we need to wait for the doctor.”
He let out a distressed whine, and Alex hugged him.
“Shh… I got you. It’s okay.”
He just buried his face in Alex’s chest while Gabe gently rubbed his shoulder.
“I know, hun. You wanna go home. But we need to make sure we have what we need before letting you come home.”
He nodded.
And Matt noticed something.
“Kyle, is that a fucking ring?!”
He chuckled, and nodded.
“No way!
"No way! Alex, you finally proposed?!" Gabe asked, "and you didn't tell us?!"
"I literally just did it yesterday."
"Here?" Matt asked
Gabe blinked a few times, but realized why he did it, and nodded.
"No one else knows yet?" Matt asked.
"No… I think we need to wait a day or two, get home, see what happens."
Kyle nodded, tugging on Alex's arm to get him to look at him.
"I want a winter wedding." He whispered.
He smiled, "of course, baby. It's all your decisions."
“Isn’t your anniversary Christmas?” Gabe asked, “If you want a winter wedding, you need to go all. Out.”
They both smiled, and Kyle just nodded.
“Wanna go home.”
“I know, baby, I know. We still have to wait.”
He nodded, and tugged on Alex’s shirt to get him to lay down with him.
He smiled, and laid on the bed with him to hold him.
“We’ll get out of here soon, baby.”
A nurse came in a while later, and said that they couldn’t do much except give him heavier meds.
Alex’s heart broke. He wanted Kyle to be happy. And this was a delay to… life in general.
They got back home, and Alex got Kyle in bed.
"I'll talk to Gabe and Matt for a few minutes, update Phil and John, and I'll be back. Need anything?"
He shook his head.
"Okay." He kissed his forehead, and walked out.
"So… he's bedridden?" Gabe asked
"Basically. He's too weak to move."
They both winced.
"Look, man." Gabe sighed, "You focus on him and taking care of him. We can take care of, probably, the rest."
"That's not fair to you two."
"It's not fair to him to not get around the clock care and it's not fair to you to be juggling all the house work and him."
He sighed, and nodded, “I’ll… I’m not sticking everything on you two. But I appreciate that a lot.”
“Not a problem.” Matt said.
He went outside to call Price, and he started to sob.
“Please take care of him…”
“I will… Gabe and Matt are here. They’ll help.”
“Good… I need to go. I’ll tell Phil and the others… talk to ya later.”
“Bye, John.”
He sighed, and went back inside to Gabe and Matt talking.
“I can do grocery runs, sweep, dishes, basic cleaning…” Matt said.
“You do groceries, I sweep, trade on dishes daily, trade on cooking-depending on if Kyle needs anything specific and can’t eat a few things- and trade on basic cleaning weekly.” Gabe replied.
“Guys.” Alex said, “How about we all trade on everything? And I’ll take care of Kyle’s meals.”
“I mean… pretty much no matter what, someone will be home at all times to help him, so… yeah. We could trade on a few things.” Gabe said.
“I’ll figure out a schedule. We can work out a system.” Alex replied, nodding, “But, I do need to make lunch.”
He made something quick, and went to get Kyle fed.
“Hey, baby…”
He looked up from his phone, smiling weakly.
“What’s up, hun?”
He showed him what he was doing.
He smiled at the Pinterest board Kyle had made of decor ideas for the wedding.
“It’s beautiful, hun.”
“Some changes needed, but, general ideas…”
“You’ve found some great things, hun. I love them. But, you need to eat.”
He nodded, and took the plate.
He ate… enough. Not a lot, but still something. Alex tried to get a little more in him, but that was all he could manage.
“Get some sleep, baby.” He said, softly, after giving him his meds.
“Ca- can I have cu-cuddles?”
He smiled, and laid down with him.
"Of course you can."
One week later…
Alex had gotten a little stressed. But he didn't know why.
Gabe and Matt were taking care of most things for him. Minus cooking, but Gabe mostly went shopping while Matt mostly did dishes. He barely had to do anything. Just cooking, and taking care of Kyle, who had been using his slowly returning energy to scroll through Pinerest to get more ideas for a rustic winter wedding.
He told the others about their engagement, and got a lot of excitement in return. Price and Graves cried when they heard it.
He had almost nothing going on. But he was stressed. Anne was still paying him, Kyle’s art was still selling.
Why the fuck was he stressed?
It was probably because his friends were helping him do his house work. But his fiancé was near-deathly sick. He tried so hard to just cope with that, but it was hard. So hard.
One night, he sat in the basement. Alone. Matt and Gabe’s room were on the same level as theirs.
He wanted time alone. He wanted time to properly process what was going on while he looked at the crackling fireplace while just… thinking.
He had a small notebook that he had a few tattoo designs in. the one that Kyle put the so simple yet so pretty idea he had for their matching tattoos. He took that one out, though. To frame it. And he just… started writing.
I’ve been so happy seeing him get his energy back, though not a lot, and looking for ideas.
“September 1st, Kyle accepted my proposal.
John and Phil cried, though Gabe and Matt found out first.
I hope to have the wedding next year.
Over the last week, I've gotten so stupidly stressed. Because Gabe and Matt are helping with the house work I should be doing.
Which is a stupid reason. They've made it so I just have to take care of things regarding Kyle, and I'm stressed about it.
It's probably also because my fiancé is almost dying.
September 7th, I'm sitting on the couch in the basement, writing this while looking at the fireplace.
I just want everything to go back to normal. I want Kyle's voice back.
But I know that can't happen."
He looked at it for a few minutes.
Before throwing the book into the ground, then into the fireplace.
Stupid old designs that he made when he was bored. A random doodle of his and Kyle's tattoo. And the thoughts that he'd been wanting out.
He was glad they were gone.
But he looked above the mantle when he sat back down, to see one of his favorite pictures of him and Kyle.
And another.
And another.
Then the actual drawing of Kyle's tattoo design on the counter of the small kitchen.
He just started sobbing. Kyle got sick nearly two months ago, and he wasn’t getting much better. He was stuck in bed all day, and while there seemed to be a sparkle in his eyes returning while he weakly showed him things he liked on Pinterest, he knew that it was barely getting better. Kyle was in pain…
And so was he.
He just started crying. He needed to get it out. He was a horrible fiancé. He wasn't comforting Kyle when he was sick. He was crying in his basement because his heart was throbbing.
He needed to just get it out, and go back upstairs with Kyle.
He eventually did.
He went back upstairs, seeing Kyle peacefully asleep in bed.
He held onto him tight. Promising to himself to never let go.
Because he needed him. So bad.
"I love you, Kyle. I love you so much." He whispered.
"I will always love you."
One month later…
Finally, after months.
Kyle started to get better. Actually better.
He got his energy back. Not all of it, but it was coming back. He could move around on his own…
And his voice slowly started to come back. It was barely a whisper, but he cried the morning he heard a whisper that wasn't so raspy. It didn't sound painful to force out, and it sounded like… Kyle.
"Morning, love."
Gabe and Matt were still there. Still helping. But they had to leave soon.
He had it under control now. If he needed help, he was able to call his brother. Or Anne.
One morning, it felt like it should be normal.
But he reached over, and Kyle wasn't there.
He frantically sat up, looking around the room.
"Kyle?!" He got up, rushing out of their room
To see him standing in the kitchen, though a little wobbly, making his tea, looking over.
He sighed in relief, "You scared me to death." He went up to him, getting him on the couch.
"I'm doing better." Kyle whispered.
"But you're not at 100% yet. And you're not doing anything until you're there."
"I'm still better."
"Which is amazing." He gently kissed his forehead, and smiled, "I'll make pancakes. Gabe and Matt are gonna wake up soon."
Kyle smiled, and Alex went to the kitchen to make pancakes for them.
Matt And Gabe walked out soon after, and both were shocked to see him on the couch.
“Hey guys.” He whispered, smiling and setting down his phone.
Both hugged him tight, and Gabe smiled.
“Mate, it’s good to see you out here, but you look like hell.” Matt said, and he chuckled.
“I know. I think I have an excuse, though.”
“You do. Just glad your feeling better, bud.” Gabe said, patting his shoulder, “Al, you need help?”
“I got it. Thanks, though.” He brought out a few plates of food, and set one in front of Kyle on the coffee table. It was already cut up so Kyle didn’t have to use so much energy on it. He smiled at that thought. Alex making it to where it was easier on him in every way.
"So… how are you feeling?" Matt asked.
"Better. My throat is just killing me. I'm over the worst of it." He whispered, smiling, "can… ca-can I show you some ideas I had for the decor?"
They perked up, and Gabe said, "of course!"
He smiled, grabbing his phone to show them the Pinterest board.
“Oh wow.” Gabe said, showing Matt a few things. They loved it all. And Alex loved it even more.
“This is amazing, Kyle.” Matt said, handing his phone back.
He smiled, and leaned on Alex, who sat down next to him, giving him his meds.
“Thanks, love."
Alex smiled, kissing his temple.
"Just keep getting better, doll. That's all I need from you."
Two weeks later…
Gabe and Matt had left last week, but Gabe said they'd come back as soon as they could. He even said that they might move out to Virginia so they could be closer and help them. He was shocked, but he said that it wasn’t needed.
“But we can help you easier. I’ll find a ranch near here, and move up here. You need help. And we can help you.”
He loved that thought.
But, they had to go back to the hospital for scans.
It was normal at first. They checked in, got to a room, and waited for the doctor.
Until Kyle started coughing. And didn’t stop. He could barely breathe, and Alex was panicking.
The doctor knocked him out to get him to calm down. And he went to get scans.
Alex waited for what felt like a long time before the Doctor came to get him.
"Mister Keller?"
He stood, going to the doctor, who was smiling.
"How is he?"
"I have good news."
He froze. There hadn't been any good news in a while.
"The infection is clearing up. It's almost gone."
He teared up, and smiled.
He was taken back to Kyle, and while he was still knocked out, he was okay…
He sobbed, gently kissing Kyle’s forehead.
And he texted Gabe.
"The infection is almost gone."
"Yeah. He's asleep, but he got scans and it's basically gone. Will have another one next month. He'll hopefully wake up in a few hours, and we can get some comfort food."
"Wish we were still there. We'll come back soon, and I found a ranch near you."
"Thanks, man. I'll keep you updated."
Kyle woke up an hour later, so the doctor came in to explain a few things.
"I suggest finding a larynx specialist. Because I am 99% sure that you have permanent damage to your vocal cords. How severe, I'm not sure. But just to be sure."
They both froze up at that, but both nodded.
They left soon after, going to get Burger Town for lunch.
Alex found a specialist a few County's over, and made an appointment for two weeks from then. In the meantime, Kyle stayed on meds, Alex kept taking care of him.
Finally, they saw the doctor, and… Yes, he had permanent damage.
"Likely, this won't be too much of a pain. I say that it'll be… you'll have days where you're mute and days where you're not. If you think you're losing your voice, don't use it. There's nothing we can really do."
They nodded. They went back home, silent, but Alex held his hand. And finally spoke.
"We can work through this. We can… learn sign language. We can figure out the ceremony for the wedding. If we have to do it in sign language, we have to do it in sign language. We will figure it out. I promise."
Kyle nodded, tearing up.
They would work through it all.
Two weeks later…
They went back to get another scan. Kyle had been doing amazing. It was amazing. Kyle had been drawing up wedding invitations, since they found a venue for the next year. A beautiful rustic barn.
Alex was still worried. But he gave Kyle a kiss before they wheeled him off to get the scans.
He waited for a while. And he heard a nurse call for him with a smile on her face.
"Mister Keller? Good news."
He went up to her, hoping to hear what he thought he would.
She handed him a picture of the scan.
"The infections are gone."
He teared up as Kyle walked out, and he seemed just as happy as he jumped into his arms.
"I'm back…"
"You are, baby cakes. Let's get some food and get home."
Kyle smiled, and Alex led him back to the car, holding his hand the whole drive.
"We have to tell the others." Kyle whispered.
"We do."
"I'll text the chat…"
And he did.
"Guys, good news. Infections are gone."
Silence for a few minutes
I don't really have a voice now. Maybe that'll change. But both infections are gone."
"Dude, that's amazing! Knew you were getting better!"
"Does this mean the wedding is happening sooner than we thought?"
"Probably. The venue was picked out and we have vague plans."
"Good. Your metals should be there soon. I'll make sure you wear them to your wedding."
"Thank you, dad.
I'll talk to you guys later. I need a nap and some food."
They got home, Alex helped him inside, and to bed.
"Hun, you wanna show me any more ideas?" Alex asked
"Yeah. Here." He grabbed his laptop, and Alex smiled, climbing into bed next to him.
They would be okay.
They would be married within a year…
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
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More tweets
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
The Slice Of Paradise Tweets
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I was bored, these are probably bad.
Sorry for not having a chapter this week. I wanted some content for y'all, so I made these. Hope you enjoyed!
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
Alright, so, with everything in place, I have this update:
The Zombies AU will have a once a week schedule until I'm out of written chapters. Every Thursday, there will be a new chapter.
The first part of the Café AU will be posted on Monday. After that, it'll be random.
As a final thing, I'm likely not going to make many things for my "serious" AU on here anymore (as in, the things I would put on Ao3) even when I next post on there (july). I hope y'all are okay with that. But, I'll see you on Monday for the Café!
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doodling-doodle · 10 months
Another Sickness
(The Slice Of Paradise AU)
They could never have imagined that it would happen again. And it was even worse now, that their own child had to see it
It had been two years since they got Rosalie. Two years filled with joy. Five since they left the military. And they were the happiest they could be.
“Well. Let’s go get the munchkin.” Alex said as they got back in the car. They had another appointment. Less frequent now, but, Kyle was still recovering.
Kyle smiled, nodding, “Let’s go.” He whispered. His voice was finally getting better.
They went to go pick up Rosalie from Gabe and Matt’s ranch. They were on leave, and they adored Rosa, and she loved them. It was always good to have them in town. They love to see her.
They drove up to the ranch house, seeing Gabe walking up with River and Rosa on his saddle, Gabe’s cowboy hat on her head.
They chuckled, getting out of the car and going up to them.
“Hey, little girl!” Alex called out as River laid down to make it easier for her to get off.
“Papa!” She got off, running up to hug him, smiling.
“Thanks for watching her.” Alex said, looking at Gabe.
“No problem, man. She’s too cute and precious.”
Kyle chuckled, “Come here, you, you have homework to do. As much as I hate it too, you have school on Monday.”
She pouted, but hugged him and got in the car.
“Really, thank you, Gabe.” Kyle said, hugging him.
“Really, no big deal. Love to see her and we’ll be here for quite some time with how Matt’s doing… He is healing up, though, so, that’s a plus.”
That was why they were on leave. Matt got quite a few injuries while on their last mission, and he was healing, but, two gunshot wounds, broken leg, and fractured arm. 
“That’s good.” Alex said, ndding, “Keep us updated on that.”
“Will do. He was able to walk around a little today, that’s even better.”
“It is… Well, we should get out of your hair. We might be here in a few days.”
Gabe nodded, “that sounds good.”
“See ya soon, Gabe.”
They got back in the car, and drove back to their house. 
“How was your day, munchkin?” Alex asked as they ate dinner.
“It was good! Gabe let me ride River! It was fun!”
Kyle smiled, “Glad you had fun, darling.”
Once they finished eating, they put Rosalie off to bed, and went to their own room.
Five years now. It had been five years of near perfection and joy.
They hoped that it kept going in the right direction.
One week later… 
They were waiting for school to be let out to pick up Rosa and go to Gabe and Matt’s. It was honestly amazing how much she loved being around them, and it worked out well, since they adored her and loved to have her around.
She excitedly ran towards them when she saw them, “Dad! Papa!”
They smiled, and she ran up to hug them.
“How was your day, munchkin?” Alex asked, hugging her back.
“It was good! But what about Uncle Gabe and Uncle Matt?”
“Going there right now.” Alex said, getting back in the drivers seat while Rosa got in the back and let Iris cuddle into her lap.
Alex gently held Kyle’s hand on the way there, seeing Gabe getting a saddle on River so Rosa could ride on him, and she got excited, running out of the car to go up to him with Iris running behind him.
“UNCLE GABE!!!” She yelled, hugging him tight.
“Hey, girly.”
They got out of the car, chuckling as River laid down so Rosa could get on the saddle with Gabe’s help.
“Hey, guys!” Gabe called out as they walked up to him. 
“Hey.” Kyle said, hugging him tight, “How’s it going?”
“Not bad. And Y’all?” he asked as they started walking with River on a lead, Iris on the leash Kyle had hooked to his belt.
“Pretty good!” Alex replied, holding Kyle’s hand as they walked, “the shop has been doing amazing… Kyle, care to explain how well the art shop has been doing?”
Kyle chuckled, “So… it’s been doing so good, that I have been packing and printing nonstop for the last two weeks. I had to very quickly make about hundred more mugs, all of different designs, and get them all packed up to go to the post office… which Alex had to go to everyday before work and spend almost too much time dropping them off and getting receipts.”
Gabe blinked, “Wow. good for you, man.”
“I got to help with all the packing and making the mugs!” Rosa said, and Gabe chuckled.
“Good for you, Rosie.” He said, patting her back.
They eventually went back to the house to go eat.
“Hey, everyone!” Matt said as he was setting the table.
“Uncle Matty!!” Rosa yelled, running up to him.
“Hey, little girl, good to see you again.” He smiled, hugging her tight.
Alex chuckled, going up to hug him with Kyle, “good to see you again, man.”
“You too. Missed you three.”
Kyle smiled, signing, “Missed you too.”
They all sat down to eat, and Matt and Gabe started talking about some things that were happening with the 141.
“Damn, was Soap okay?” Alex asked after they found out about him being caught in an explosion.
“He should be. Their going on leave in about a week, they said they might come up here for a while.” Gabe replied, and Rosa lit up.
“Yay, uncle Spooky and uncle Johnny!!”
Alex chuckled, ruffling her hair, “You precious girl.”
“No, Alex, that is a crime lord in the making.” Gabe said, chuckling as he finished putting away all the dishes.
“You a cop, you shouldn’t condone this.” Kyle said.
“Don’t tell me how to live my life!”
Kyle sighed, looking at Rosa, “Don’t listen to him, Darling, please. Don’t do crime.”
“What if the cop lets me?”
“Your parents say no.” Alex said, standing, “We should go hit the hay.”
Rosa pouted, but got up and followed them upstairs to the guest rooms.
“Al?” Kyle asked after they got Rosa in bed, going to their room with Iris.
“Yes, my love?”
“Can we… Go home early tommorow?”
He looked over, worried, “Yeah, but… are you okay?”
“I just… I don’t feel so good…”
He panicked, but slowly went over to him, feeling for a fever, which there was one.
“Okay… Okay. I’m not going to panic yet- not yet. But we probably should see a doctor soon. Is it weezy, or…?”
“A little…”
He nodded, sighing, “Okay… Let’s go home early tomorrow, right after breakfast, and I’ll see if I can make an appointment soon.”
Kyle nodded, and Alex got him in bed.
He was panicking. He had to know what was happening.
Once they left the next day, Alex immediately called to make an appointment. It was two weeks from then.
One week later…
Kyle kept getting more and more sick. They had talked to Gabe and Matt and asked them to watch Rosa next week when they had the appointment. They never wanted her to see him going for scans, or to hear the doctors say things about how he had barely made any progress with his vocal cords healing. How the permanent damage was getting worse. But Gabe and Matt were happy to look after her for a few days so they could go to the hospital for IV antibiotics every few months.
Alex hoped. He hoped that this wouldn’t happen.
But he was woken up from his light sleep when Kyle shook him, wheezing slightly.
“Please… I-I’m scared…” Kyle whispered, “C-Can we go to the hospital?”
Alex sighed, “Baby… We can’t right now, unless we bring Rosalie and Iris.” He sat up, holding onto Kyle, “do you want to?”
Kyle shook his head, shakily signing, “Call Gabe in the morning… See if he can take her…”
“Okay… I’ll do that. Right now, I need to keep you awake. I can call him in three hours when he wakes up.”
Kyle nodded, leaning on Alex, trying to breathe and calm himself down. 
Kyle made Rosa breakfast in the morning, and Alex sighed as he sat on the porch, trying to keep himself together as he texted Anne he needed a few days off, then called Gabe.
“Hey, what’s up?”
“Gabe… I’m so sorry, I need to ask a favor…”
“Anything, what’s up?”
“I need someone to watch Rosa and Iris. Kyle’s getting worse and wants to go to the hospital-”
“I’ll tell Matt to pick her up, we’ll get her taken care of.”
He sighed, “I’m so sorry, Gabe, I-”
“Don’t. Alex, we are happy to take care of her, especially if it��s because Kyle might have a relapse at any time.”
He sighed, “Thank you, Gabe… tell Matt I said thank you, I’m just… we’ll wait until Matt’s here. Then we’re going to the ER.”
Matt got there in twenty minutes, enough time for Rosa to pack up and for them to get Iris’ things together.
“Seriously, thank you, Matt.” Alex said as he got Kyle in his car, Rosalie was in Matt’s.
“It’s no problem. Just let us know what happens.” Matt said, hugging him, “We got the lassie.”
They quickly got to the hospital, where they had to wait for a while, but got bloodwork done, and went for scans…
They were waiting for the doctor for a long time.
But, finally… 
Their worst nightmare happened when the doctor walked in with the news.
“Your throat and chest infections are starting up again.”
Alex wanted to breakdown crying.
“Thankfully, we caught it early this time. You’ve had it less then two weeks, so it’ll be easier to treat. Same thing as last time. Bedrest and antibiotics.”
They knew they had to stay over night. But they just… didn’t want Rosalie to see him like that.
But she had to. She didn’t have to go home with them and see him struggling every single day. But they needed to see her and say that they loved her before asking something that they shouldn’t have to. For Gabe and Matt to take care of her for who knows how long.
Once Kyle was asleep, Alex texted Gabe. It was already pretty late. They likely had already had dinner.
But he had to text them.
“Hey.” Alex texted him, and he immediately got worried. Rosalie was next to him, leaning on Matt while they were watching TV
“How’d it go?” He asked, “Is he alright? What do the tests say?”
“The infections are starting up again. We caught it early, so, hopefully it won’t be as bad this time.”
“Shit, man… I’m so sorry.
What can we do? Anything?”
“I hate to ask this of you, but… I don’t think Rosalie and Iris should have to see him like this.”
“We will take care of them. If we have to go back, then we can have Soap and Ghost stay here until they have to leave. After that?”
“I can just as easily call my brother if you can’t. But, right now, I think it’s best for her to stay with you. Just until you have to go back to base. Please.”  
"Not a problem. We got them."
"Thank you.
There's a spare key under the apple tree in the front yard, get her some of her clothes and Iris'  food."
"Will do."
"And… Can you stop by? So we can say goodbye to her?"
"Of course. 
You get some sleep, man. I'll tell her what's going on."
"Okay, talk to you later."
He sighed, turning to Rosalie, "Hey, munchkin?"
"Yeah?" She turned to look at him. 
He felt horrible. She was ten years old, so young, too young to deal with something like this.
"Look… your dad… that infection that he had… its back."
She looked so sad, tearing up a little.
"You're going to stay with us for a while, until he's better. We'll go get your things from your house tomorrow, and stop by the hospital to see them."
She nodded, leaning on him while she started sniffling.
"It's okay, hun. It's going to be okay. He's going to be okay."
She started crying, holding his arm tight and both he and Matt hugged her.
"It's okay." Matt whispered, "He'll be okay, he got through it once and he can do it again. It's okay."
The next day…
Rosalie was silent as they drove to the hospital. Her things were in the back of the car, clothes, things for her hair, a few stuffed animals other than fluffy.
She was still silent as they walked in, holding Matt's hand as Gabe talked to the receptionist, figuring out where Kyle and Alex were and if they could see them.
“Okay, let’s go.” Gabe said to them, walking in front of them and following the nurse to the room.
They heard soft sobbing from the other side of the door, but the nurse knocked, and they heard Alex shakily answer, “Yeah?”
The nurse opened the door, “You have visitors, if its a good time.”
“Yeah… Yeah, let them in…”
They walked in, seeing both of them with red eyes, Alex holding Kyle’s hand.
They both forced a smile when they saw their little girl, and Kyle reached out to her. “Come on, munchkin.” He whispered.
She slowly walked up, letting him pick her up, and cuddle up next to him. Alex did the same, holding her between the two of them.
“Hey, little munchkin…” Alex whispered, “I’m sorry that this is happening…”
“But why do I have to stay with them…?”
Kyle sighed, “Becuase… I don’t want you to see me deteriorate. There’s no way to tell how long this will last. But I promise to call as much as I can.” He smiled, gently stroking her cheek, “I just don’t want you to see me suffering. It’s not fair to you.”
She nodded, leaning on his side, and they both held her tight.
“It’ll be alright, Munchkin.” Alex whispered.
She stayed quiet, and Gabe and Matt talked to them for a bit before Kyle had to get more antibiotics.
They went back to the ranch, Rosa still silent.
Alex texted Gabe that night, saying the doctors were hopeful that this would pass quickly.
He really hoped so. Because Rosalie needed them.
One week later…
They hadn’t heard much from them, other then Kyle’s little messages to Rosa, but they just heard that he was slowly, shockingly, getting better. He had weekly scans, a ton of strong antibiotics, bed rest, and many, many more things. The docs said that his immune system was likely able to fight it off a lot better, but it was still hell as far as they knew.
They did their best to take care of Rosalie, giving her a lot of gifts, taking her out to eat more, just trying to help her a little.
It wasn’t really helping.
She was really quiet, staying in her room a lot after school, barely talking to them. They knew she was just struggling. A lot. But they just wanted to help as much as they could.
Gabe tried talking to her a lot more, seeing what he could do to help her.
“Please? Is there anything you want or need?” He asked.
She shook her head, “i want dad and papa…” she mumbled, clutching Iris in her arms.
He sighed, “i know… But, your dad is strong. He was able to fight it once, he can fight it again.” He said, smiling.
“I just want them…”
“And thats okay. But… they don’t want you getting sick and seeing him like that… Plus, your papa is probably a wreak… he never handled it well, sadly. Uncle Matt and I stayed with them for a long time while he was sick the first time. They just… needed help. And once he started getting better, we had to go back to the Military, but we moved up here from Texas to help out more. It was very scary for a while. But, he pulled through. He always does.” He smiled, gently stroking her cheek.
She just looked down, leaning on him while Iris cuddled in her lap.
“It’ll be okay, little girl.”
Two weeks later…
 “Hey.” Alex texted him, “I have good news.”
“What’s that?”
“The infections are already clearing up.”
He was shocked, “Are you serious?!”
“100%. It was easier to treat, since we caught it early, plus he was able to fight it off better.
That being said, we’re going back to the specialist in about a week, seeing how much damage was done.”
“That is… amazing. I hope he turns out okay.”
“How’s Rosalie? Can I talk to her?”
“She’s okay. She’s mostly quiet and just trying to process it all.
She might already be asleep, but I’ll check on her and see if she’s up for talking.”
He went to her room, quietly knocking on the door when he heard her laptop.
She opened the door, looking sleepy, “Yeah?”
“Your papa texted me.” He said, smiling, “Your dad’s doing better.”
“Good…” she nodded slightly, smiling.
“Your papa wanted to talk to you.” he said, taking his phone out, “If you want?”
She nodded, and he quickly texted him so she could call him.
“Just give it back when you're done, hun.” He said, closing her door.
They talked for a good three hours before she gave him his phone back.
She seemed a little happier that night.
Two weeks later…
“Grandpa John! Grandpa Phil!” Rosa called out when she saw them in the airport.
“Hello, little girl!” Phil said excitedly, picking her up when she ran up, “I missed you.”
“Missed you too!”
He put her down, and John hugged her tight, “I hope your alright, dove.”
Gabe chuckled as he walked up, “Good to see you too again.” he said, hugging them tight
“Likewise.” John said, “Have you heard from Kyle and Alex at all?”
“Not really. Alex said there was a bit going on, so I’m assuming he’s just taking care of Kyle.”
John nodded, sighing, “Let’s get to the ranch. We can talk once we’re there.”
He nodded, “Let’s go, y’all.” He said, smiling, leading them outside to the truck.
Phil and John were asking Rosa about how school was, what she’d been up to, her friends, anything they could. Except her dads.
Gabe chuckled when River ran up to the truck, trying to reach his head in when he started to roll down the window, “Hey, bud… How’s it going? Where’s Matty?”
River trotted up to the house, and Gabe chuckled, getting out of the truck, “Thank you, buddy.”
“Good horse.” John said, smiling.
“Well, hey there.” Matt said when they walked in, smiling
“Halo, good to see you.” John said, going up to hug him.
“Hey, Rosa?” Gabe asked, “Why don’t you come with me for a second, let’s go feed everyone, okay?”
She nodded, following him outside.
He had gotten a text from Alex yesterday. Kyle’s infection was gone. He would be on oxygen for a while, but, he was officially in remission. He asked if they could come over soon, and he immediately agreed. He was waiting for them now. He told John and Phil before they came. And now they just had to wait for Rosa to find out.
“So, what about getting you your own pony? Hm?” Gabe asked, smiling at her.
She lit up, “really?!”
“I’ve been thinking about it. I think you deserve it.”
She excitedly nodded, “Please?!”
“I’ll start searching around.”
She happily squealed, hugging him tight, “Thank you!!”
He chuckled, “You deserve it, little girl.”
They finished up feeding the horses, and Rosa excitedly ran in the house to let the others know that she was getting a pony.
John chuckled, “That’s amazing, Lassie.”
“I know! I’m so excited!”
“You should be.” Phil said, ruffling her hair, “Good for you.”
“I promise to look for one for you soon.” Gabe said, “But right now, you need food, come on, let’s make you some lunch.”
She nodded, following him to the kitchen to make everyone lunch.
“So… Is she doing… okay?” Phil asked Matt quietly.
“Better. They’ve been calling and messaging as much as they can, so, that’s helping her.” Matt said.
Phil nodded, sighing, “I just… hope he’s okay. He’s still recovering- he was still recovering from the other infection…”
“Yeah… it sucks.” Gabe said, walking out of the kitchen with Rosalie, “but he’s recovering now. It’s a lot better…”
Rosa was quiet, just sitting down and eating with the others.
Gabe got a text from Alex shortly after, saying they were on their way.
He got excited, waiting for them to knock on the door.
They did ten minutes later.
“Why don’t you get that, lassie?” Price asked, knowing what was happening.
She nodded, getting up to go to the door.
She froze when she saw Kyle and Alex standing there, Kyle kneeling down, though he had breathing tubes.
“Munchkin…” He whispered, very, very quiet.
She teared up, clearly wanting to hug him but not knowing if she could.
“He’s okay, darling.” Alex said, kneeling down to hug her too.
She started crying, holding both of them tight, and Alex brought them in and to the couch with Gabe helping Kyle slightly, hugging them.
Phil and John jumped up, going to hug them and talk to them, see what was happening.
“It’s so good to see you two.” John said, “What happened? What did the specialist say?”
Alex held Rosalie tight, sighing, “that there was damage. A lot. And permanent. We had to see a different one- different reasons… he said what his airway shrank a little. He’ll have to be on oxygen for a while. Until his breathing gets better…” He said, holding her and Kyle tight.
They all froze up, but all went to hug Kyle, and Rosa just clung to him.
“I’ll be alright.” He signed, “Just need time.”
“I can come home now, right?” Rosa asked, looking up at him.
“You can.” Alex said, hugging her tight, “we’re going home tomorrow. Let’s get you and Iris ready to come home.”
She called for Iris, who ran up and excitedly jumped on Kyle and Alex, curling up on them.
Gabe smiled, “you two… We’ll miss you, Rosa.” He said, ruffling her hair, “But I’m glad you get to go back home.”
The next day…
They went back to their house, and Rosa happily dropped her stuff in her room before going back out to the couch, all of them cuddling.
They all just… were happy to be back as a family…
Nothing could change that.
Gabe and Matt are @angstkings OC's. I have permission to use them.
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doodling-doodle · 10 months
The Wolf Pack (CH.1)
Two members of one of the most notorious wolf packs in the area. John Price and Phillip Graves.
They were together for a long time, before it was really okay for werewolves to be together.
They couldn’t marry. But they might as well be. Nearly twenty years together, seven years of raising a child. They were married in their eyes.
They fought in the war against Vampires for their whole lives. They fought for the purpose they were taught: vampires were evil. They took humans and killed them for their blood. If they weren’t killed, they were turned and brainwashed to become vampires in their clans. 
And they were doing it to protect their child.
John Price and Phillip Graves. Their relationship was complicated at the start, as at the time, it wasn’t legal for them, Werewolves couldn't be in a relationship. And Phil originally being from a different pack didn’t help. His original pack were all killed right in front of him when he was a child. He was wandering for a week before finding John and his pack.
That was when they were ten. They started dating at seventeen, in secret until they could leave the group house that the pack had. When they were twenty, they got out.
It was the same thing for many years after that. Hunting every night, trapping, killing vampires.
But when they were twenty-nine, something else happened.
They slowly crept through the forest, keeping an eye out for Vampires. None.
But he and Phil sniffed out something, more towards their house.
They ran towards it, making sure that it was okay…
But they didn't find a vampire. They found a human. A young man, couldn't have been older then 15. He was sobbing, with bruises all over him.
He was frantic, looking around, and he eventually walked up to the porch, about to knock when he heard the wolves behind him, and he screamed. 
"No! No, please! I-I'll leave, just- don't hurt me! I'm sorry!"
John and Phil looked at each other, stunned. The boy curled in on himself, making himself look small so the wolves would easily be able to take his hood and take him away.
John slowly walked up, trying not to scare him any more than he already was.
He looked up at the wolf, scared, as he shifted back to human.
He was still shaking
"What's your name?" John asked, and Phil shifted, coming up to them
"Why are you here?" Phil asked
"I... ran away... no one would believe me..."
John nodded, "come on, Kyle. I'm John." He pulled the boy up, unlocking the door.
"I'm Phil... let's get you cleaned up, kid."
He nodded, going inside with them, changing into the clothes they gave him.
"Thank you…” He said as he sat back on the couch, “I just needed somewhere to stay... I can leave in the morning... I can leave now..."
They shook their heads, and John held his shoulder
"Don't leave, Kyle. You can stay for as long as you need."
Kyle looked up at him, shocked, but he nodded.
“You said no one believed you?” Phil asked, sitting next to him, “What was it?”
“U-uhm…” He looked back down, “My… My mum, she…”
“She hurt you, didn’t she?”
“You believe me?” He quickly looked up at Phil, shocked.
“Kyle, you are covered in bruises, how could anyone think your lying?”
“They… They all said that it was for attention. That I did it to myself, but I didn’t…”
“We know.” John said, sighing, “I’m sorry that happened to you, Kyle. But, your safe with us, okay?”
He nodded, just looking at the floor.
“Why don’t you get some sleep?” Phil asked, “We can get things sorted out in the morning.”
Kyle nodded, and Phil led him to his new room for the night.
That was when they took their son in. They never wanted to risk legally adopting him, there was technically still a missing persons case open for him, so, any legal action involving him would bring unwanted attention, even if he was an adult.
He was twenty-two now. While he was growing up, they told him about the danger of Vampire’s. About the war. They trained him to fight with a crossbow, a wooden steak, and asked that he go on hunts with them.
He’d been doing that since he was eighteen. He always seemed like a happy kid. They loved him, he loved them.
“Kyle’s going on a hunt tonight.” Phil said as they cooked lunch that day.
“Alone?” John asked.
“Seems like it.”
“Ask if he really want’s to, since we can’t be there for backup if he needs it.”
He nodded, sighing as he texted Kyle.
“Are you sure? Your dad and I are going on a date tonight, we can’t be there as backup.”
“I’ll be fine, I promise. Thank you, though.”
“Okay. Text when your home safe.”
“I will. Enjoy your date!”
“Thanks, buddy
Can’t wait to make fun of you when you FINALLY get a date.”
Talk to you tomorrow.”
“He said he was fine… He’s going.” he said as John finished cooking.
“Okay. Let’s hope he’ll be okay… he can call Gabe… or Ghost and Soap.” John said.
“Yeah, true.. Just worried.”
“We always are, and we know we don’t have to be.”
Phil chuckled, “True. Alright, we’ll let him.”
They spent the rest of the day together, and let Kyle know when they left.
“Okay, have fun! I’m already in the woods, I’ll be home around midnight.”
“It’s still weird to hear you say ‘home’. I still kinda expect you to be at our house in the mornings.”
“Ha. I still sometimes hear you and dad calling for me in the morning, so, I’m with ya.”
“Love you, buddy. Come back to visit soon.”
“Love you too. And I will.”
He smiled as they pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, going inside with John, sitting at their table.
It was one of their favorite places. It was where they had their first date, and it was pretty fancy. Amazing food. They tried to come here at least three times a year, just to have a night together to remember their first date.
“Phil, can we… talk about Kyle for a second?”
He was a little confused, “Of course… is he alright?”
“He’s never really dated anyone, if that counts.”
He shook his head softly, “we can’t control his dating life… I think he’s just scared of ending up with someone like his ex again. I don’t blame him, that was… horrible…”
“But… I feel like he should have someone there to love him, you know? I don’t want him to be alone. He should… Have what we do…”
Phil nodded, “While I agree… we can’t set him up, he would just get upset. We shouldn’t bother him about it… he’s ready when he’s ready.”
John nodded, “Your right… I just worry about him.”
“So do I… but he’s an adult now. And has been for a while. If he need’s help… he can come to us…”
John nodded, sighing, but perking up when their food got there.
“Well… we should just enjoy this.” Phil said, smiling.
John smiled, holding Phil’s hand across the table, “Agreed.”
“Tonight is just about us.”  
They decided to go on a walk after dinner, just by the river. A full moon was out that night. 
“It’s beautiful out here.” John said.
“It really is…” Phil said, sighing, pulling out his phone to text Kyle.
“Hey, just checking on you. You home yet?”
No reply. It was almost midnight, and if Kyle was home, he’d text. If he wasn’t, he’d reply.
“I think something’s wrong.” Phil said, “Kyle isn’t responding.”
John tensed up, “Let’s go.” He said, going back to the car. More like running.
They checked the emergency tracker on Kyle’s phone (He knew about it) and it was at their home.
John started driving there, almost speeding. If their child was in danger, they wanted to know.
“Oh my god.” Phil said as they drove up, jumping out of the car.
Kyle was on the porch, a large trench coat draped over him. He was knocked out.
He ran up, seeing a bit of blood in his hair and on his bare chest, neck and legs.
“Vampire…” John said, running his ringers over the bite marks. He fully wrapped him in the coat, taking him inside so he could clean him off and get him dressed.
“Whoever did this is gonna pay.”
The next day…
He was sitting next to Kyle’s bed all morning, waiting for him to wake up. Whatever that vampire did, it made him go out cold.
It was almost 1:30 now. Phil was making lunch for them, and he was making calls so they could track down which clan, if any, was responsable.
But finally, Kyle opened his eyes
“Kyle?!” He said frantically, holding his shoulders.
“Hey… Hey, it’s okay. Pops and I found you, right outside.” 
Kyle groaned, trying to sit up, looking around the room.
“What happened, son? Are you alright?”
“Yeah… Yeah, I’m alright.”
“What happened? Do you remember?”
Kyle looked confused, thinking for a second.
“No… No, I don’t remember… I just went in a barn, and… I blacked out.
“A vampire fucking drank from you, that’s for sure.”
Kyle sighed, looking so confused. The poor boy was probably terrified, thinking he could turn into a vampire.
“Your staying inside with us for the next few days. Pops is making us lunch.”
He nodded, getting up with his help, walking out to the living room to sit on the couch.
“I’m alright. I’ll be okay.”
“Your with us now…”   
Kyle just looked… tired, for the two days he was there.
He went back to his apartment after those two days. They were going to keep a close eye on him, though. Check on him while he was at his day job more often.
Make sure that no clans in the area would be anywhere fucking near their boy.
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
The Next Step...
(The Slice Of Paradise AU)
The day after their friends wedding, they started thinking about the next step for themselves… and it was a pretty big step
Kyle woke up first, even though it was still pretty late in the day, about 10:00 AM, but he cuddled back into his husband's embrace after he grabbed his phone, seeing a text from Graves.
“So, I wake up and get breakfast for us, right?
John wakes up and I give him pain meds because I know he likely has a hangover.
And the first thing he asked me?
‘How much did I drink last night?’
The fucker.”
He chuckled, and sent back, “Tell him a good lie to get his brain working.”
Alex pulled him back further into his chest, and he relaxed.
“Sleep well, baby?” Alex asked.
“Ye-Yeah…” he said, throat still sore from the night before, and Alex tapped his chest in a way to tell him to not talk.
“Want more sleep?” Alex asked, and Kyle shook his head.
“Better get the day started, then.” 
They got up, not bothering to properly get dressed yet, and went to make pancakes.
Kyle smiled as Alex placed a plate in front of him, sitting next to him.
They ate in silence, apart from the TV in the background.
“So… what now?” Alex asked, “I have some time before I have to go to work.”
Kyle shrugged, signing, “I have some things to work on. Clean up the house and pack up some orders.”
Alex nodded, “I’ll get those to the post office in the moring. I’ll sweep up and take care of the basement.”
“I’ll get the laundry and dust.”
“Sounds good. Oh, and I think Matt and Gabe will stay here for a day or two after the honeymoon, since we’re closer then their ranch, though they did ask if we could check up on it. I’ll stop by after work.”
Kyle nodded, standing, “I’ll get your lunch together.”
He smiled, “Thanks, baby.” He stood, going to get dressed and get his coffee.
Kyle handed him a lunch box to stuff in his bag. He always surprised him with it, even if it was just a sandwich and fruit. It was always appreciated, and packaged all cute with a mini love letter. He always loved it.
He lightly kissed Kyle’s cheek before walking out the door, hearing him sit down and open his laptop on the couch.
Kyle sighed as Alex shut the door, seeing if there were any new orders on his shop.
Two more, he could package all fifteen, easily.
He had the news on, and he looked up to see something about an animal shelter. Not enough people adopting…
He knew he’d have to bring it up to Alex at some point. He wanted a dog for a long time…
Alex sighed as he sat down in the back room, getting his bag to get his lunch from Kyle. it wasn’t a hectic morning, but there were quite a few customers. He was ready to relax and eat before he went to the next one
He smiled, seeing a simple lunch, but it was so cute how Kyle presented it.
Half a sub, and it was fully homemade, with a small bag of chips, a few strawberries cut into hearts, and a few small pieces of hard candy. It was October, so, pumpkin and maple flavored things were everywhere.
Of course, there was a little note
“Made with love, hope your day is good. See you tonight.”
He chuckled, and he started eating, putting his headphones in.
“Hey, Al!”
He turned, pausing his podcast and seeing Anne.
“Hey, Anne. what’s up?”
“How was the wedding?”
“It was nice. Their on their honeymoon, I’ll stop by the ranch after my shift, check on everyone.”
“Glad it was a good time!” she sat next to him on the couch, “How’s your hubby?”
“Doing good. His artwork is taking off, he can talk a little more, it’s going really good…”
He was confused, “There’s… no ‘but’, thats it. There is nothing wrong.”
“Don’t think I don’t know." She chuckled, "You want kids. I've known you for years, man, I can read you perfectly. I know."
He shrugged, “I mean… yeah. But, Kyle is my priority right now. He’s still recovering.”
“Bringing it up won’t hurt anything.”
“What if he doesn’t want it? It would be amazing, but its a big thing. And there’s… A lot of things we’d have to do. No matter what we choose, it would be hard.”
“Well. I guarantee you something… if you choose to get a surrogate, I’m happy to sign the contract to be yours.”
He nodded, “Not gonna lie, though, I’m looking more into adoption… but if that doesn’t work out, thank you. I’d take you up on it.”
“Good.” she stood, “Your next client is at 2:30. About an hour.”
“Thank you.”
She smiled, leaving the room, saying hello to her client, and he sighed, putting his headphones back in.
He spent the next hour thinking about if he’d really ask Kyle about taking such a big step.
But, his client got there. It was a woman that had a very nice, but complicated and detailed tattoo, that needed at least three more sessions to be done.
“Hey, Alex!” She said with a smile.
“Crystal, how’s it going?” He asked as he walked up, smiling at her daughter.
“It’s pretty good, you?”
“Not bad. This will probably be the longest session, so, get comfy, I'll go get my stuff."
He went back to the back room, seeing Anne smirking at him.
“I promise I’ll talk to him, okay?”
He got in his car, texting Kyle before driving off.
“Just got off work, I’m going to the ranch. I’ll text you when I’m on my way home, pizza for dinner?”
“Yeah, I’ll order it when you're on your way home.”
“Sounds good, I’ll pick it up, love you.”
“Love you too.”
He drove off to the ranch, being careful, since he knew that Gabe’s horse, River, had free range of the ranch.
And there he was.
“Hey, bud.” He said as he got out of his car, “Let’s go get you and your friend's taken care of."
River huffed, walking to lead him to where all the food was kept.
“I wish you could talk back sometimes.” he said, “Maybe then I wouldn’t have to just deal with it myself. I don’t want to call Gabe and Matt, their on their break and deserve time alone. I can’t call Price, Graves, or Laswell, they’d just freak out about kids. Anne will just tease me more. Ghost and Soap… I don’t know, Simon probably wouldn’t… yeah. So. I’m on my own to think about how to ask my husband about kids.”
River huffed again, nuzzling his shoulder before pulling him close.
He chuckled, “thanks boy. You may not be able to speak, but you understand everything.”
He picked up the food, and river lead him to the stables.
He whistled, about to pour out the food in each Horses stable, while River followed.
“Your all missing Gabe, I’m sure.” He said as he went back to give them all some attention. “Only two weeks, don’t worry.”
River huffed, and nuzzled Alex’s back.
“Am I close enough?” He chuckled, walking out to put the food back in the barn.
“I’ll be back tomorrow, buddy.”
He texted Kyle he was on his way to get the pizza, and he went off.
The order had just been completed when he got there.
“Baby!” He called out as he got in the house.
Kyle ran up, smiling when he saw him, and Alex held him after putting the pizza on the table.
“How was your day?” Kyle asked as they started eating.
“A little hectic. Loved lunch. Thank you for that. How was yours?”
“Packaged everything. Ready for the post office. Cleaned up… overall, pretty good.”
“That's great… I, uh… Wanted to talk to you about something. I promise it's not bad, just… about us.”
Kyle still paused, but nodded, “I… wanted to talk to you, too.”
“You go first. Its… something pretty big.”
Kyle nodded, “I… I wanted to ask if we could get a dog? I’ve wanted one for a while now, just never found the opportunity to ask… but the local shelter was on the news today. I just… wanted to ask.”
Alex nodded, “I… Yeah, but… I wanted to talk to you about… something like it.”
He held Kyle’s hands.
“What about adoption? A Kid?”
Kyle smiled slightly, “yeah… Yeah, I’ve thought about that, too… Why not both?”
“Now how can I say no to that?”
Kyle lit up, “Now we have a use for all the fairy lights!” He started coughing, making Alex jump to his feet, holding him.
“Baby, breathe!”
He nodded, holding Alex’s hands on his shoulders as he breathed.
“Are you okay?”
He nodded, signing, “I’m still recovering from last night. Got a little too excited.”
He nodded, “You do have an appointment next week with the Specialist. Let’s hope there’s progress. In the meantime… What do you want to do with the room? Transform the guest room?”
Kyle nodded, smiling. “When’s your next day off?”
“Two days from now.”
“Paint and stuff. The furniture that’s already there can just be painted. And the bed is… well, we can replace it with a twin until we know what age we are dealing with.”
“That sounds good to me, doll. I have a bunch of white paint if you want to start on the furniture.”
Kyle nodded.
“I’ll get that started in the mornin'.”
And they did.
Alex got a trailer hooked onto his ATV so they could get everything to the backyard, to the carport of the shed/ Kyle’s Art studio. Alex fixed it up for him when he started selling his art, fully stoked it for him.
He was so excited to start on it. He had two chest of drawers, a nightstand, and a desk to paint. 
He masked off the handles on the drawers, sanded off the finish on the wood, and got started.
When Alex got home that night, he smiled at what Kyle had done. It wasn’t something complicated, but it just made him happy to see the joy on Kyle’s face.
When Alex had his day off, they got in his truck, and went to Lowes.
“What colors?” Alex asked.
“Cream. Just simple. And we need shelves and stuff."
“Sounds perfect.”
They got there, and Kyle excitedly picked out a color of paint to go with the carpet that he found. They also got a bedframe, they could stop by Walmart for sheets and things.
All they could find were wooden shelves. No big deal, Kyle was already planning on painting it.
They decided to get the stuff they had in the truck bed home, then go back to Walmart. Alex went off to get groceries while Kyle got sheets and pillows.
Kyle excitedly got everything in the room while Alex started to get the groceries put away, and he started to plan out the ideas.
“I say just put up the fairy lights, and then the kid can pick the rest from whatever we have.” Kyle said.
“Smart man, baby doll.”
He started to work on it the next day while Alex was at work. He masked off the baseboards and crown molding, and he got to rolling the paint on. He managed to get the whole room done before lunch, and he was so proud of himself.
He decided to go and see Alex while he was on break. He packed up a few small candies, and he got in his car to drive to the studio.
He saw Alex through the window, and he walked in, seeing his face light up, and he gasped.
“OH MAH GAWD, IS MY BWABY!” He yelled as he stood, going to the door to scoop him up, kissing all over his face.
“Oh, wow, I don’t think I’ve met your husband yet, Al.” One of his coworkers said.
“You’ve never met my bwaby?!” Alex asked as he picked Kyle up, taking him to the backroom.
They all cackled while they walked back there, and Alex sat with him.
“I love it when you surprise me at work.” Alex said, “What’s the occasion?”
“Snacks and telling you that the room is done…” He said, and Alex smiled while he gave him the small bag of candies.
“Thank you baby.” he opened it, giving Kyle a few so they could share it, “Got the carpet down?”
“Needed a break. Out of breath.”
“I’ll help you when we get home, then.” 
Kyle nodded, leaning on him while they just relaxed for a few minutes.
A few of his co-workers came back, and a few introduced themselves to Kyle, and Alex translated his sign language.
“Hey, Al?” Anne said, walking in, “Crystal’s here.”
“Oh, shit.” He stood, kissing Kyle as he did, “I’ll be back.”
Kyle nodded and he walked out, saying, “I love you.”
“Love you too.” he whispered back.
Anne sat next to him, “So. How have you been? Haven’t seen you in a while.”
“Voice is in and out.” He signed, “I have an appointment with the specialist in a week. We’ll see if I have any progress or just more damage.”
She nodded, “How about… You and Alex?”
He smiled, “things are Great! We’ve been looking into adoption and I’m putting the room together.”
She lit up, “He finally asked you about kids?!”
“I guess he had hidden it really well, but, whenever someone brings a kid, he just… lights up. It’s clear to me.”
He knew why Alex never brought it up. He wasn’t upset, if anything it was really endearing.
He smiled, “Then we’re making the right choice.”
“You probably are. I can’t wait to meet them. You’ll be amazing parents.”
He smiled, “Thank you, Anne. I hope we are.”
“You will be! Trust me, man.”
He hoped so… he didn’t want to end up like his own “father”. Like Nathan.
He sketched up a few things for her before Alex finished up with his client and they went to the ranch, talking about how they’d hang the lights, to put down the carpet and get the shelves hung, and the bed there. The closet adoption center had ages from 6 and up, so, they knew what they were working with now.
They still had some left over pizza, and they decided to heat it up after getting the carpet down, the hooks for the fairy lights up, and the bed put together.
Kyle got the rest in the room after Alex left for work in the morning, leaving all the furniture in the room.
“Time for a victory nap…” he mumbled to himself, going to the couch.
That nap lasted until Alex got home, around lunch time, and he shook him awake.
“Oh… hey, love.” He mumbled, smiling at Alex, who was knelt down next to him.
“Hey, baby doll. Lunch is ready, figured you’d like something warm.”
He smiled, sitting up and following Alex to the kitchen.
“I found your favorite ramen on sale.” Alex said as he got it in a bowl for him, “so… I got a lot. All in the pantry.”
He smiled, leaning on Alex’s shoulder.
“Can’t talk?”
He shook his head. His throat was throbbing, he just… didn’t feel like talking.
“Alright. Are the lights up?”
He nodded, signing, “I got that and a few on the bed, and the dresser.”
“Perfect. I think we’re almost ready.”
Kyle smiled, and he sighed, “still have to let everyone know. No one does yet.”
“True. once Gabe and Matt get back, we can start to let everyone know.” 
Kyle nodded, taking the bowl and sitting by the counter, smiling softly while he ate.
“Gabe texted me the other day.” Alex said, sitting with him, “He and Matt are enjoying the honeymoon. Gabe asked about River. He asked if we can still pick them up and let them stay here.”
He nodded.
“Okay… I need to fix up the guest room in the basement.���
“Just thought about something…” Kyle signed, “what happens the next time everyone comes here?”
Alex shrugged, “Alejandro and Rudy tend to get a hotel anyway. John and Phil could take the basement guest room. The couch in the basement folds out, so that could be Simon and Johnny. Gabe and Matt… They normally go back to the ranch afterwards, not spend the night. Kate and Ava could take the room in the attic and if Gabe and Matt spend the night, we could… set up an an airbed.”
Kyle nodded, “Okay… yeah, that works. Did you have lunch?”
“Yep. it was amazing.”
He smiled, leaning on Alex’s side while he finished eating, nuzzling his shoulder.
He nodded, and Alex chuckled, “Time for bed. Come on.”
One week later…
Alex had went to go pick up Gabe and Matt from the airport while Kyle packed up a bunch of orders from his shop. 
“Hey, Wrangler!” He called out when he saw them.
“Hey, buddy!” Gabe called back, going up to him, hugging him tight with Matt.
“How was the honeymoon?”
“Awesome. You were right about going to Alaska. How’s the hubby?”
“Doing good. He made a bunch of Halloween decor and mugs and stuff, put some on the website, and they started selling like crazy.”
Gabe cackled, “good for him, though.” 
He smiled, “Lets get back home. Kyle is making lunch and snacks.”
Matt perked up, “food?”
Alex chuckled, “come on, y’all, let’s go.”
They got back home, and Alex smelled what Kyle was cooking, and he smiled softly, going in the house.
“My love, whatever your cooking smells amazing.” he said as they walked in, “I smell… garlic?”
“Garlic knots!” Kyle said, smiling, “I made some spaghetti.”
“God knows you make it better then I do.”
Kyle smiled, looking at Gabe and Matt, “Hey, guys!”
“Hey, man.” Gabe said, going up to him to hug him with Matt, “glad to see ya.”
“You too.” Kyle said, “River missed you guys.”
Gabe chuckled, “poor boy. I’ll give him a ton of hugs when I get back.”
Kyle smiled, plating everyone's food and going to the table, “He needs them. Go give that horse some love."
Gabe chuckled, "I will, I promise."
They all sat down, eating while they talked about their honeymoon in Alaska, and about what’s been happening in the 141 in the past… nearly three years that Kyle and Alex had been gone. The best three years of their lives.
“What about you two?” Gabe asked, “what have you two been up too?”
Alex smiled, looking at Kyle, who had just sat back down after getting the desserts out.
“Well, things have been good.” Alex said, "his artwork took off. The shop is good, but a little hectic. All and all, things are perfect." He smiled, looking at Kyle, who nodded at him.
"That's great!" Gabe said, "Anything else been going on?"
"Well…" Kyle said, looking at Alex, who smiled, holding his hand.
"You can't tell anyone yet." Alex said.
"Oh?" Matt asked, raising an eyebrow.
"We've…" Kyle started, now looking nervous, "we're looking into adoption."
They blinked, but smiled, and got really excited.
“Holy shit, you’ll have a kid?!” Gabe asked.
“Yeah… its hard to believe, but… the room is ready. We’ve been looking into the local schools, adoption centers, and a lot more… we’re planning the day it happens. Take them out, get them toys and clothes, get decor for them, anything they need.” Alex said, smiling, looking at Kyle, who was smiling even more.
“That’s amazing!” Matt said, “No one else knows yet?”
“Only Anne, since she actually knew before I really acknowledged it.”
Gabe chuckled, “At least it’s happening. I know you will be amazing dads.”
They really hoped so.
Two day’s later…
Gabe and Matt were dropped off at the ranch that morning, and the rest of their day was spent working on some of Kyle’s shop orders and getting them to the post office to ship.
Finally, that night, the rest of the 141 were all free, in one room, and they could video call all together while Kyle and Alex were in their room.
“Hey, boys!” Price called out, smiling with Phil next to him.
“Hey, dad.” Kyle whispered back, smiling.
“How’s it goin up there?” Ghost asked.
“Amazing.” Alex replied, “Artwork is selling, tattoos are… tattooing. Gabe and Matt spent a few days here, but River wanted them back, so, they went back this morning. Things over there?”
“War as usual.” Phil said, “we’re all okay. Don’t you worry about us.” He smiled. “Any new news?”
They looked at each other, smiling.
“Well.” Alex said, “We… started looking into something.”
“What might that be?” Laswell asked.
“We… started looking into adoption.”
They all lit up, and Kyle happily took the laptop to the room to show everyone what it looked like.
They were just… so excited.
A house check was next, and it was in two weeks. Alex had the day off, the house was clean, and they were prepared.
“This is probably one of the best houses I’ve seen.” she said once she was done, “You two are a perfect fit for adoption.”
And that was all they needed.
They couldn’t be any happier. 
One month later…
The house was cleaned and their new little girl was on the way. The pictures of her were… a little sad. She was well taken care of, all things considered, but, she just looked… sad. And lonely. She looked scarily like Kyle, but, if anything, that made them feel closer to her. But her hair was so frizzy. Kyle knew to help her with it. Her name was Rosalie. She was eight.
They were ready to bring her to the store, and get lunch, and clothes, and everything…
And they finally got her.
She looked really nervous when she walked in, backpack in her arms, holding it tight while they went to her room, which was right next to theirs.
“We can get some things you like while at the store.” Alex said softly, kneeling down in front of her, “What’s in your bag?”
She was still looking around, almost in awe, and finally looked back at him, handing him the bag, “Here…”
He smiled, opening the bag and seeing two other outfits, a hair brush that definitely was not for her hair type, a rugged teddy bare, and a set of pajamas.
He was confused, “This is all you were sent with…?”
She nodded, “should… I have something else?”
“Yeah… yeah, you should.” He sighed, but he smiled, getting the small teddy bear out. An ear was ripped off, an arm torn, and the stitches that once held an eye on there.
Kyle knelt down at that point, looking at it, “Who is this?” he asked, smiling softly.
They both smiled, and Alex looked down at the teddy bear, “Hello, Molly. I’m Alex.” he said, taking her little paw and shaking it like he would shake someone's hand before handing it to her.
She gently took her, holding her tight, “Are… you going to take her?”
“What? Of course not.” Kyle said, “I would like to… help her, if you would let me. But, she’s yours.”
“They always take her from me… Because she’s hurt…”
Their hearts broke.
“Why don’t we help her get better?” Kyle asked softly.
She looked at him, a little shocked, and she looked back down at her, nodding softly.
They smiled, “Why don’t we help her before we go out to the store? You can take her.” Alex said.
She nodded, and they both stood.
Alex gently reached his hand out to her, and she took it hesitantly, while they walked out to the backyard, to Kyle’s art studio, where he had a bunch of sewing stuff.
“What’s this?” She asked.
“My art studio.” Kyle replied, getting his threads out, kneeling down, seeing which one matched the best. Once he decided, he put the rest away, and he smiled, “Can I have her?”
She nodded, slowly handing her over, and he sat in his chair while Alex sat on the bench, motioning for her to sit with him. She did, slowly curling up on his side, holding his arm, and he smiled while she lightly traced his tattoos. 
“You like them?” He asked, pulling his sleeve up.
She nodded softly, “it's pretty.”
“That it is.” He smiled more, and she stopped, just holding onto his arm while she watched Kyle stitch Molly’s arm.
He got that back together, and got out some felt to make the ear and eye, noticing her looking like she wanted to ask something.
“You okay?” Alex asked.
She hesitated, “What… What happened to…”
“What happened to my voice?” Kyle finished for her.
She nodded.
“I got sick a few years ago. It was really, really bad. It ended up doing a lot of damage to my vocal cords. My voice hasn’t been the same since.”
She winced, nodding and hiding her face in the cushion of the bench.
“It’s okay.” He said, smiling, “you were just curious.”
She slowly peeked back out, seeing that he was almost done, stitching the ear back on, the eye was stitched back on.
“There.” Kyle, handing her back, “All better.”
She took her, and slowly held onto her, tearing up, holding her tight.
“Thank you…” She said, looking up at him.
He smiled, “It’s no problem.”
She got off the bench, going up to hug him, and he knelt down to her level to hug her back.
“Now, I imagine your hungry.” He said, pulling back, “Why don’t we head out for lunch? We can go to the store afterwards, get you some clothes and whatnot.”
She looked a little shocked and sad, “your getting me clothes?”
“Of course.” Alex said, smiling, “anything you want.”
She looked pretty excited, which broke their hearts. Had she not gotten simple things like that from the foster homes?
They would make sure she would.
They just smiled, and Kyle stood, “let’s get going.” He said, reaching out to take her hand, which she let him, taking her back to the house while she smiled, and they went out to Alex’s car.
“Where to?” Alex asked, looking in the back seat at her.
“Burger Town?”
“Let’s go.”
She just seemed so happy.
Once they ate, they went off to the store.
She happily picked out a few outfits and toys, picked out some pastel bedsheets and blankets, and a little decor she liked.
Kyle got some things to help her with her hair, and got another stuffed animal for her, too.
They eventually got back home, and they got her some ice cream before she went to go shower, excited to try her new stuff.
Kyle already noticed how much better her hair looked.
Two months later…
She had nicely adjusted. 
They had taken good care of her, she trusted them, and she finally had… love.
Any time she wanted something, she had it. Kyle got her more stuffed animals and toys every week. She had actual, good supplies for school. She started smiling more and more every day.
“Hey, little munchkin.” Alex said as she walked out of her room in the morning, he and Kyle cooking breakfast.
“Hey…” she sat by the counter, watching them make the food before she had to go off to school.
They had finished eating, and Kyle went off to help her with her hair, something that became a routine soon after she got there, since he knew exactly how to help her. 
“Okay, your set.” He said, smiling.
“Thank you…” She said quietly, “... dad.”
He teared up. That was the first time she called him dad.
He smiled, “No problem, dear. Run off to school before you miss the bus.”
She nodded, smiling and leaving the room, to the living room where Alex had just packed up her bag, ready to hand it to her.
“Thank you, papa.”
He also teared up, smiling and hugging her gently.
“Enjoy your day, munchkin.”
“I will!” She took her bag, running out the door, and saying, “Love you both!”
“Love you too.” Alex said back.
They both broke down after the door shut, crying in each others arms.
They planned to take her out for ice cream that night. To silently celebrate her officially calling them her family. They would hide it behind it being the last day of school.
But they loved her. And she loved them.
Four months later…
Spring break just started. Rosalie was fully settled, and they were… revisiting getting a dog. They put it on hold when they decided to have kids first. But they wanted Rosalie’s opinion on it.
“I was going to ask you two that!”
They both chuckled, “We’ll start looking into the shelters nearby, and get a little puppy for us then, okay?” Kyle said.
They started looking into local shelters, and found a three-month-old German Shepherd that seemed like a perfect fit. Likes kids, likes people, is a pretty calm puppy.
They went to the Shelter to bring her home, and Rosalie was bouncing with excitement in the backseat.
They loved her. Rosalie carried her back out to the car, smiling.
“Would you like to name her?” Kyle asked.
“Yes!” she replied, even more excited.
“What’s her name, then?” Alex asked.
She thought, “Umm… Iris!”
“Well then.” Alex said, opening the car door for her, “Let’s bring little Iris home, shall we?”
Three months later…
August 15th
Rosalie’s ninth birthday.
They got her quite a few gifts, some art supplies, some toys, clothes, make up.
But the highlight for her seemed to be the stuffed fox Kyle got for her. She slept with it that night, naming her “Fluffy”.
They were just a happy, perfect little family.
Nothing could ever change that…
Gabe and Matt are my friend @angstkings OCs! I have permission to use them!
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
the latest tweets.
can you give us more on the Val situation?
I can and I will! I plan on having something based around her and the cartel situation, mostly following Kyle's discharge, and her realizing that she couldn't run much longer (becuase if that team would stay in the air for so long just so they could get their teammate, what else could they actually do to her if she kept it up?)
I'm not sure if she'll start dating Gabe’s ex here or not
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
This one is just for fun
This one is just some references for The Slice Of Paradise wedding. I've made quite a bit of progress on it, so... maybe next week? I won't promise that, but, I'm hopeful
(I found all of these on Pinterest)
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They had a Christmas wedding (their anniversary) and it was a rustic barn. They said it was for a classic winter feel, and it paid off
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These were on the pillars with roses and lily's
This was at the end of the aisle.
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Kyle's hope was to have enough light for everyone to see, but dim enough to give it a mystical feel. And he managed to do it
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These are on the chairs, but they're golden roses
The sweethearts table (I think that's what it's called, but I'm not entirely sure?)
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The wine glasses have small tea lights in them, and the vines have roses in them
This is also strung on the cloth behind them, in the greens
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The cake
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This was the one thing Alex wanted there, and Kyle loved it
These are the center pieces on the tables
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But replace the candle holders with this
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That is all
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
Hey everyone.
So, I was trying to get the next part of A Modern Great War drafted up for tomorrow
I dropped my phone on my keyboard, and I just deleted half the chapter.
I am fucking crying right now.
I don't know if I'll be able to get it out tomorrow, depending on how quickly I can write this back up. Expect it to be on Friday or Saturday, but if I write it quick, it might be short, but I'll get it up for y'all tomorrow if I can.
The Slice Of Paradise won't have a chapter this week, either, likely not next week. Stuck on the wedding, it's taking a while to write. But I'll get Tweets out this week, and maybe some art next week. Also, references for the wedding (venue, decor, etc.)
Very sorry, guys.
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
Plans for this week
So, if you saw the Rosalie post, you know that I said I'd post what I'd do for the rest of the week today... so, here we go.
If you have requests, questions, or any headcanons for the aus I have, mention in this post, or anything else, send them in!
But, I'm adding a fun little twist to it
If you send an ask, if you'd like, send it in a way that fits the au (so, like, an Elder God for zombies. And ordering something from the café)
(For A Modern Great War)
"Seedling, I must know if anything in the Black Ops setting and story turns up. Tell me if it does."
(For The Slice Of Paradise)
"Hello! Can I get, umm.. a head Canon list for Rosalie?"
Oh, and feel free to also ask things about Vanguard. Becuase I am trying to write a sequel to An Unexpected Friend, and I have headcanons to share. Same goes for Black Ops stuff
But, other aus I plan to make
Mer/ sailor
Vampire and werewolf
If y'all have anymore ideas, send them in. But I likely will talk about these aus anyway
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doodling-doodle · 1 year
I got the chapter rewritten. I'll get it posted later today. Tweets will happen tomorrow. Art for The Slice Of Paradise will also be posted next week, after that, if it's not written, I'll come up with something for y'all (maybe an Ask game? Not sure yet)
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