wishtheywerereal · 6 years
Colleagues to Lovers- Will Zic find his true love?
Zic was an below average looking 24 year old who has been single for too long that it had started to become uncomfortable. When he finally found a job he was excited that he is finally stepping into the adult life and he could finally start to settle, now all that’s left is to find the right man. You see, Zic never felt that fitness was important and this reflected very well on him. Weighing almost 125Kg at 178 heights, Zic wasn’t really attractive to many guys. The only hook ups he ever got were those who were interested in his massive man boobs. Few months passed in his job and Zic quickly climbed his corporate ladder and was appointed as the assistant manager of his department.
Little did Zic know that his live was about to take a turn towards love and romance. Zic’s manager had resigned and a new manager was incoming soon. Zic heard a lot about his new manager but Zic never expected much as his previous manager wasn’t very attractive anyways. The day came, it was a Monday and Zic’s new manager walked into his office and introduced himself to Zic. “Hi Mr.Zic, I’m Mr Zoe, your new manager,” was all Zic heard as he was being sucked into the eyes of the handsome and sexy looking man in his early 40s.
Zoe: Mr Zic?
Zic: Sorry Mr Zoe, nice to meet you. Hope all works out for us, erm and yea call me Zic sir.
Zoe: Sure. See you around.
As Mr Zoe left his office, Zic sat down on his chair and thought to himself “god damn, how am I supposed to control myself in front of him?!” Zic felt an instant attraction to Zoe but Zoe wasn’t gay. “Guess I won’t have any luck anyways, back to work” sighed Zic as he glued his eyes back to his computer screen. Weeks past and Zic and Zoe maintained a professional relationship. They had lunch together casually and went out for drinks and movies sometimes but Zic kept his feelings to himself but he always had the same feeling whenever he met Zic. The feeling of having a million butterflies in his stomach. Both Zoe and Zic’s offices were in the same room and were divided by a glass wall with a glass door. As the manager, Zoe was given his own room thus Zic was seated on the other side of wall, but he had clear view of Zoe every single day. Zic and Zoe got close very quickly; they became good friends and started sharing their personal life to each other.
Eventually, Zic learnt that Zoe was married twice and both were failed marriages. His first wife passed away due to kidney failure. Things didn’t work out with his second wife however he has a son with his second wife whom he decided to leave with his wife for the better of his son. However, Zoe missed his son a lot. This only made things worse for Zic. He was genuinely attracted to guys who had been through a heart break, he always believed that guys who had been through a heart break were more sentimental and knew the meaning of true love, love that they lost previously.
A few months passed on and one day Zoe walks over to Zic’s table.
Zoe: Can I ask you for a favour?
Zic: Yea sure sir.
Zoe: Well, I know you’re into fish keeping and I just recently moved into a new house. I want to set up something in my living room, something simple and easy to maintain, can you help me with it?
Zic: Sure sir, it will be my pleasure. I’ll meet you up on Saturday and we can discuss? Will be good if I can see the exact spot for the aquarium.
Zoe: Sure Zic, erm, I’ll pick you up from your place on Saturday morning?
Zic: Sure. I will start doing some research for you first.
Zoe: Thanks.
Saturday came and Zoe picked Zic up. As he was just travelling to Zoe’s house, Zic didn’t really dress himself up, he was just wearing his Bermuda and a T-shirt.
Zoe: You could have worn some pants to cover those hairy legs of yours!
Zic: Sorry Sir. I thought you will be fine with this.
Zoe: I am fine, was just joking buddy. Anyways, call me Zoe, you keep reminding me about my age every time you call me Sir. I’m only 41 you know.
Zic: Sorry Zoe, anyways age is just a number, doesn’t mean much.
Zoe: Tell that to the ladies’ man.
Zic: I’m sure ladies fall all over you right? Haha.
Zoe: Yea, by ladies you mean Aunts, then yep. Haha.
“He must have had a lousy Friday night I suppose, or maybe no action in a while. Oh well.” Zic thought to himself as he stood next to Zoe’s car. :Hey big butt, let’s go man!” said Zoe as he smacked Zic’s ass. Zic’s berms were a little tight and his ass, let’s just say his ass was as famous as his man boobs.
After taking a few measurements and discussing a few of details for the tank Zic was wrapping up and packing his stuff when he accidentally trips on Zoe’s carpet and falls over onto to Zoe who was seated on the couch. Due to the fall, he accidentally kisses Zoe’s neck.
  Zic: Gosh, I’m so sorry, it was an accident. I…I….I’m so clumsy.
Zoe: Hey, chill. I knew this carpet was a bad idea. Are you okay?
Zic: Yea, I’d better get going, have to place orders for your fish by today. I will see you on Monday. Rest well.  Bye.
Zic said as he ran out the door. He felt embarrassed about what had happened and he just wanted to leave. Zoe stood at the door looking at the young man running down his corridor. “What’s wrong with me? Why do feel like I have an attraction for him”, Zoe thought to himself as he closed his door.
Monday came and both man meet at their office
Zic: Morning Mr Zoe, I’ve ordered the tank and the fish. The tank will be arriving on This Friday evening and the fishes will arrive on the following week Sunday. We need to give the tank one week to cycle so I delayed the delivery of the fish.
Zoe: Friday, erm, I’m on leave but I’ll be home. So I’ll see you at my place.
Zic: Sure sir. Oh and about Saturday, I didn’t mean to kiss your neck like that, it was…
Zoe: Zic, stop. I know what happened. Don’t worry so much. Let’s get back to work.
“Glad I cleared the air, though it did feel good” Zic thought to himself as he started doing his work.
The week passed on with no big incidents between the two man, however, Zoe started noticing Zic more often and every little thing that Zic did made Zoe feel more attracted to him. On Thursday evening as Zoe was leaving the office,
Zoe: The tank is coming tomorrow right? I will see you tomorrow?
Zic: Yea, I told them to deliver it at around 6pm, so I hope it’s okay?
Zoe: Yea it is. Don’t worry. I’ll see you then.
Zic: Enjoy sleeping in. Haha.
On Friday evening, Zic reaches Zoe’s place at 5pm, an hour before the delivery. He tries ringing the doorbell multiple times but no response from Zoe. However, Zic saw Zoe’s car parked downstairs so he knew Zoe was home. He tries calling Zoe but Zoe doesn’t answer. Zic ends up waiting for an hour and the delivery van arrives with the tank. Zic decides to try calling Zoe again, for the 30th time and finally Zoe picks up, “oh fuck fuck, Sorry. I’m coming, wait wait” exclaimed Zoe as he runs for the door. He open the door to see Zic standing there with the delivery man and equipment behind him. “sorry Zic, I fell asleep, got a little drunk, come on in.” Zoe explained as he let Zic into the house. Throughout the whole time Zic didn’t say much and Zoe was wondering if he was angry with him. After putting all his things down, Zic instructed the delivery man to start setting everything up and walked up to Zoe.
Zic: Erm, Zoe? I think you’re making the delivery man feel uncomfortable.
Zoe: What? What do you mean?
Zic: You do realise you’re in your underwear right? Those are not even boxers?!
Zoe looks down to realise he was wearing only a skimpy bright yellow underwear. “Oh Fuck!” Zoe said as he covered his crotch and ran to his room. Zic just thought himself “well that was hot” as he giggled softly.  It took 3 hours to set up the tank and after they were done, Zic and Zoe crashed on the couch feeling exhausted.
Zoe: That was embarrassing man! I totally forgot.
Zic: Yet you say only the aunts like you?
Zoe: Not everyone gets to see me in my underwear, that too in a skimpy one.
Zic: Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone. Your secret is safe with me.
Zoe: Secret?
Zic: Yea, that my boss sleeps in skimpy bright undies!
Zoe: Haha. God damn. Anyways, here, take this spare key. Till this whole set up is complete, hold on to this. Don’t wait outside for an hour. Sorry about that.
Zic: You sure? I don’t mind.
Zoe: No no, take it. It’s ok.
Zic: Alright, I better get going. Enjoy your weekend.
As Zic leaves the house, Zoe closes the door n locks the door. The thought of standing nearly naked in front of Zic was embarrassing but at the same time Zoe was starting to feel turned on by that thought. His member was growing in his pants. “What’s wrong with me?” thought Zoe as he decided to just release his load either way. He removes his shirt and pants. Shoving them to the side and starts rubbing his member in the same yellow undies. Pre cum was soaking the underwear and Zoe was feeling very horny. He decided to try something he has never done before. He turns his laptop on and opens a site for gay porn. Though at first he felt a little weird watching it eventually as he watched it, he realised he was feeling hornier than he already was. He took his underwear off and his 6.5inch cut dick sprung up. Zoe takes some lube and lube up his member and starts stroking himself. “oh fuck, it’s been a while since I felt like this, mmmmm” thought Zoe as he started jerking off. In the video, the top starts to finger the bottom’s ass and this makes gives Zoe an idea. He sits on his couch and lifts up his right left exposing his hole. He takes a bit of lube n starts rubbing it on his hole and slowly slip a finger in. As it was the first time anything has been put up his hole, Zoe felt a bit of pain but he didn’t feel pleasure from it. “Maybe ass play isn’t my thing” Zoe thinks to himself as he continues to jerk himself off. He could feel the orgasm building. His dick was waiting to shoot the load. Zoe laid back and closed his eyes and as he shot his load he exclaimed “Yea Zic, this is for you, fuck yea, take my load!”
Zoe shoots his load all over his chest and some of it gets onto his face. Feeling exhausted, Zoe laid there thinking “Wait, why did I call out his name?!” However, being so tired, Zoe decided to shower and go to bed.
On the other side, Zic reaches home and as he was using he laptop, he suddenly remembers how Zoe looked in his underwear. Though Zoe was 40, he maintained his body well, with nice firm chest muscles and a smooth body. Zoe was definitely a pleasure for sight. Zic needed to wank this one off. He took his clothes off and whipped out the dildo from his drawer. He lubes the dildo up and starts to fuck himself with the dildo. “Ah fuck, yea fuck me Zoe, fuck me like you own me” exclaimed Zic as he starts to ram the dildo inside faster and faster. Unlike Zoe, Zic wasn’t very well endowed. He has an average 4.5 uncut member. Within minutes, Zic shoots his load all over himself.
Both man have already started falling in love with each other and have yet to realise it.
The rest of the week passes by without any major incidents and Sunday finally arrives.
Zic whips out his phone and messages Zoe,
Zic: Hey, I just got the fish, coming over now. Please be awake and get some clothes on: P.
Zoe: Gosh, I am waiting for you dude. Just head on over and don’t worry, I am clothed.
Zoe wanted to play a prank on Zic. “He saw me in my undies, maybe I should get him to be his undies,” thinks Zoe. He thinks of something to do as the doorbell rings.
Zoe: Come on in man.
Zic: Thanks, look, I got the fish.
Zoe: Damn they look cool. Let’s get them in the tank. I’ll go get the net.
Zic: The fish needs to acclimate to the water temperature in the tank first, so I’ll let the bag float in first. Just prepare the net and a pail.
Zoe: Sure, since we got some time, I’ll make us some coffee.
Zic: Sure, thanks.
Thirty minutes passes by and the fish are ready to be released into the tank. As Zic opens the bag to catch the fish, it jumps off the bag and lands on the floor, Zic scoops the fish up and releases it into the tank. Due to that, his clothes get wet -.
Zic: Oh no. Now I’m going to smell like fish…
Zoe: No worries, remove your shirt and pass it to me, I’ll put it on quick wash and dry.
Zic: No worries, I’ll get it washed at home.
Zic was always insecure about being topless as he was afraid people will make fun of his man boobs but Zoe wanted to play the prank.
Zoe: Come on, don’t feel shy, we’re both guys here. It’s ok. Here let me help me.
Zoe walks over to Zic and start to lift it up. Zic gives in and says “okay I’ll take it off, but can I have a towel please?” Zoe walks into to get a tower but asks Zic to remove the clothes in the meantime. As Zic removed his shirt, Zoe watched from his room “Holy cow! Those man boobs!” he thought to himself as he realised his member was growing in his pants. He adjusted his bulge and walked back out with the towel just as Zic dropped his berms revealing the bright red jockstrap he was wearing.
Zoe: Really? Jockstrap?
Zic: Sorry, I just feel comfortable in it.
Zic wrapped himself with the towel and Zoe puts his clothes in the washer.
Zoe: That will take 30 Minutes, just sit down and relax. I’ll close the door just in case.
Zic: Sure, thanks.
Zoe: Anyways, don’t mind if I ask, are those like natural or surgical? I mean, I know you’re gay but just clarifying.
Zic feels embarrassed; he covers his chest using his hands
Zic: It’s natural and humiliating. It gets very depressing at times.
Zoe scoots over to Zic’s side and holds his hand.
Zoe: Listen, it’s important to love yourself. You’re perfect, nothing wrong with you or in you. Cheer up.
Zic: Thanks
*BEEP  BEEP*. The dryer was done. Zic change into his clothes and leaves home. Zoe sat down and starts thinking how it must feel to be unhappy with yourself. He pitied Zic. Zic on the other hand, felt embarrassed about the situation and wondered if Zoe might find him weird.
Days past and the 2 continued about their daily life as usual. Zoe wanted to surprise Zic for helping him out with the tank set up. He brought Zic out for dinner and they both had a wonderful sharing session,
Zoe: Hey listen, about that day, I didn’t mean to hurt; it was just a normal question, casual.
Zic: I understand, didn’t take it offensive at all. It’s just; it gets a little weird at times. I’ve even considered surgery but it probably won’t help.
Zoe: Just let it be, I mean, I’m sure you can learn to love yourself instead?
Zic: It’s easy to say when you have a perfect body like that but when you’re in my shoes, it’s not going to be so easy.
Zoe: Come on, no one’s life is perfect; you just have to accept and move on. You need to cheer up, how about drinks at my place after this? Up for it?
Zic: Well, It’s pretty late already, maybe next time?
Zoe: Oh come on, it’s Friday night! You can crash at my place? I could use some company.
Zic: Fine, but let me get some change of clothes on the way back?
Zoe: Sure, let’s go.
Zoe drives Zic back to his place to pick up some clothes and they both head back to Zoe’s house. For some reason, Zoe was feeling very excited for the sleepover. Upon reaching, Zoe pops open a bottle of Red Wine and both men start drinking while watching a movie. Both of them didn’t bother changing first hence they were both still dressed in their office wear.
Zoe: Damn, this movie is bad! Why did we even pick this?
Zic: I hate to cut a movie, can we finish it?
Zoe: Come on. I can’t take it. I’m cutting it.
Zic: Hey, no!
Both men start brawling over the remote control to the point that they both fall off the couch and landed on the floor. The house fills with the noise of 2 guys grunting in attempts to grab the remote control first. At last, Zoe grabs the remote back from Zic and he realises that he was laying on Zic and the only reason Zic had lost the remote was because he was starring right into Zoe’s eyes.
Zoe drops the remote and stares right back into Zic’s eyes.
Zic: Zoe, I think we should….
Zoe: Shhhh, don’t ruin the moment.
Zic: what?
Zoe closes in on Zic and kisses Zic. The feeling of pure love from a genuine person like Zoe made Zic weak. He couldn’t resist. In no time, both man were making out with each other, hands rubbing down each other’s body. Zoe’s hands reach Zic’s man boobs and he stops. Zic’s heartbeat stops when Zoe stopped moving. “Does he find it weird” thought Zic. Zoe unbuttons Zic’s shirt to reveal 2 massive man boobs with hard nipples waiting to be devoured.
“That is fucking hot and impressive” exclaims Zoe. Without any hesitation, he wraps his lips around Zic’s right boob and starts sucking and licking it.  Zic’s man boobs have always been very sensitive thus Zic was moaning in pleasure as Zoe was soaking them in saliva. “No offense, but they feel like just a woman’s breasts” Zoe mentioned as he took both boobs in his hands and massaged them. “Is that a good thing?” questioned Zic. Zoe replied “You bet!” before sucking on them again. Zic reach for Zoe’s bulge and starts feeling it through Zoe’s pants. “That feels huge” exclaims Zic.
 After a good few minutes of devouring Zic’s man boobs, Zoe starts making out with Zic as Zic unbuttoned and removed Zoe’s shirt as well. Let’s take this somewhere more comfortable said Zoe as he brings Zic to his room. Zic was feeling very nervous yet somewhat mesmerized by Zoe. After switching on the Air-Conditioning in the room, Zoe pushed Zic on to the bed and started making out with him again. He ran his finger along Zic’s body and upon reaching Zic’s crotch; he could feel a hard on waiting to burst out.
Before going any further, Zic had to know something first. “Zoe, before this goes out of hand, I know you’re straight, all these could very well be just lust or it could be, you know, more? What is this going to be? I don’t wish to spoil the moment but I don’t want to be lead on either” questioned Zic. Zoe stopped what he was doing and looked directly into Zic eyes, “to be honest with you Zic, initially I thought it was just my sexual desire that was building up, whenever I thought of you, I just started feeling horny. But things changed when we got so close to each other, looking at you smile or laugh when you were with me made me feel like I accomplished something. You joy made me feel joy. I fell in love with you, but I was too scared to ask, I am older than you. I love you Zic, I want this to go on further but if you don’t wish to date a man who is 16 years older than you, you don’t have to” said Zoe as he moved to get off of Zic. Zic knew at that exact moment that Zoe was more than just a fling. He pulled Zoe closer and started kissing him again. Zoe knew what that meant and was overjoyed.
“So what you wearing under these pants? Jockstrap again?” Zoe laughed as he started unbuttoning Zic’s pants. Zoe removed Zic’s pants to reveal a red Renoma underwear which was wet with precum. “Damn, that’s wet, exactly how I like it” exclaimed Zoe as he pulled the last remaining piece of clothing off Zic. Zic was laying naked on Zoe’s bed as Zoe started rubbing Zic’s dick, gently stroking it to keep his partner moaning while he nibbled on those man boobs once more. “You have an amazing body” said Zoe as he went down to Zic’s dick. “I’ve never done this before, so forgive me if I do it wrong”, said Zoe as he was about to suck Zic’s dick. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to” said Zic, but Zoe smiled and started sucking Zic’s dick. He worked his tongue all around Zic’s dick, giving extreme pleasure to the young man. Zoe’s teeth did give Zic a bit of discomfort but nothing could affect the pure pleasure he was having. Zoe lifted Zic’s legs into the air and slowly moved down towards Zic’s hole. His licked around Zic’s hole making him moan louder and louder. Zoe then started eating out Zic’s ass which made Zic grasp the bed real hard. Zoe slowly inserted his finger into Zic’s hole and started fingering him while he moved up to kiss him.
 Zic held Zoe’s hand and guided him to lay back on the bed. “I have a favour to return” said Zic as he starting undoing Zoe’s pants with his mouth. Zoe wasn’t wearing any underwear, thus his pants were stained with precum. Upon unzipping, Zoe’s 6.5inch monster sprung up like a summoned beast. “omg, that  is huge ”exclaimed Zic as he started licking Zoe’s dick. Zoe closed his eyes and started enjoying the blowjob from Zic. Zic knew what he was doing, working around the shaft and slowly swallowing every inch of Zoe’s tool, giving his man the ultimate pleasure, Zic went slow not wanting to rush. Slowly his fingers trailed down to find Zoe’s hole. Zic started rubbing Zoe’s hole with a bit of saliva while sucking his dick. Though Zoe wasn’t too sure about having another man touching his hole, he trusted Zic and Zic being thoughtful, didn’t want to hurt Zoe as he assumed Zoe was never analed or fingered before.
 Zoe couldn’t hold it any longer, “I need that ass, now!” claimed Zoe as he reached out into his bedside drawer and grabbed a condom. Zic laid on the bed with his back facing Zoe, he could feel Zoe entering him. Zoe took it slow, he didn’t want to hurt Zic. In just a few seconds, Zoe was balls deep in Zic and he started thrusting. With each thrust he became faster and faster and soon enough, he was pounding Zic hard in his butt. Zoe’s fucking brought Zic to the edge of pleasure and after about 5 minutes of intense pounding, Zic shot his load all over the bed even without having his dick touched by Zoe or himself. “Wow, that hot!” claimed Zoe as he began fucking Zic harder. “ Wish I could fill you up” requested Zoe. “I’m sure you’re clean, why don’t you take that condom off and get in there raw daddy” teased Zic.
Zoe smiled, he pulled the condom off and started fucking Zic raw. Within minutes, Zoe was filling Zic’s hole his warm cum. “Ah fuck yeah! Fuckkkk, this feels awesome!” exclaimed Zoe. Zoe’s body shivered as the last drop of cum came out of his dick and dripped down Zic’s hole as he pulled out. Both man crashed on the bed, right next to each other. Zoe gathered some strength and walked out to grab a few tissues and towels and a fresh set of bed sheet. He changed the bed sheet and both men helped each other to clean off in the shower. Zoe offered to let Zic sleepover as he knew Zic was probably worn out. “Thanks Zoe, appreciate it!” said Zic as he got back on to the bed and reached for the pillow.
“Not the pillow, come here, lay on my chest for a bit, I just want to cuddle with you” requested Zoe. Zic was very glad to have a man like Zoe.
 Zoe: Zic, not just for the sake of fucking, but I love every bit of you, character, personality and now, body.
Zic: Zoe, I love you too! Wish I could stay like this forever.
Both men talked their heart out and the next morning, they couldn’t even remember what time they fell asleep.
 Everyone has someone special out there, just be patient, you will find your right man. Just don’t rush into something you will regret later. Till we meet again, bye bye. A
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wishtheywerereal · 6 years
Introduction to this BLOG.
I have been thinking about this for a while, I do pen down some of my personal fantasies and experiences and would like to share it with everyone. Please feel free to give me your opinion. Thank you in advance. 
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