parhamek63 · 2 years
Sistema operativo Firefox Sistema operativo Firefox
Tuttavia, la storia di oggi riguarda Firefox OS. Il compito di sviluppare questo progetto è stato affidato alla Mozilla Foundation, la stessa associazione che ha lavorato sul browser Firefox dalla fine degli anni '90. Mozilla voleva portare i principi di apertura, sicurezza e privacy del suo popolare browser sul mercato degli smartphone e alcuni produttori di smartphone hanno accolto favorevolmente la nuova alternativa Android.
Sistema operativo Firefox Sistema operativo Firefox
(smartphone Geeksphone Peak)
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lindortech · 5 years
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Geeksphone Revolution to support Android, Boot2Gecko among other OS’s We’ve recently been witnessing a multitude of phone releases with help for more than just one operating system.
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portusmoviles · 3 years
Vender geeksphone keon Al mejor precio
Vender geeksphone keon Al mejor precio
A todo el mundo le chifla tener un nuevo móvil. Es divertido configurarlo, ver lo veloz que es y probar las nuevas funciones. Pero entonces te quedas con tu viejogeeksphone keon y no sabes que hacer . Tirarlo parece un desperdicio, y puede que no quieras donar algo por lo cual pagaste centenares de euros. Conque el siguiente paso lógico es intentar vender tu viejo teléfono. Mas entonces tienes…
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Tipos de OS y Ejemplos
A nivel de usuario de un PC, podemos decir que hay dos tipos de Sistemas Operativos: SO para PC y SO para Teléfonos Móviles.
Pero también hay una amplia familia de sistemas operativos categorizados según los tipos de ordenadores que controlan y el tipo de aplicaciones que admiten. Las 4 categorías para este tipo de SO son: SO en tiempo real, SO Usuario Único Tarea Única, SO Usuario Único Multitarea y SO Multiusuario.
Veamos uno a uno los diferentes tipos.
Sistemas Operativos Para PC:
Los sistemas operativos para PC u ordenadores de sobremesa son muy variados y hay muchos, pero los más utilizados son el Windows, el Mac y el LINUX. Aquí te dejamos una imagen con los SO más usados para PC:
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El uso de las ventanas es la insignia del sistema operativo de Microsoft, el Windows, sistema estándar para ordenadores personales y de negocios. Introducido en 1985, fue en gran parte el responsable de la rápida evolución de la informática personal.
El Mac OS es el sistema operativo de Apple Macintosh para líneas de ordenadores personales y estaciones de trabajo. La manzana es su logotipo.
Linux o GNU/Linux como sistema operativo fue diseñado para proporcionar a los usuarios de computadoras personales una alternativa libre o de muy bajo costo. Linux tiene la reputación de ser un sistema muy eficiente y rápido. Hay muchas versiones diferentes, las más conocidas son Ubuntu o Fedora. Las versiones se pueden modificar de forma libre por cualquier usuario.
Sistemas Operativos Móviles:
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Los sistemas operativos para móviles y tablets más utilizados son el Android y el iOS, pero puedes ver más en la imagen de más abajo.
Los sistemas operativos usados para los teléfonos móviles, celulares o smartphone son muchos, pero hay 2 que son los principales y que ocupan casi todo el mercado de la telefonía móvil: Android e iOS. Seguidos, pero con mucha diferencia estarían Symbian, Blackberry OS y Windows Phone.
Los sistemas operativos móviles para los Smartphone son bastantes más simples que los de los PC y están más orientados a la conectividad inalámbrica, los formatos multimedia para móviles y las diferentes maneras de introducir información en ellos.
Vamos a ver aquí las marcas más vendidas y el sistema operativo que utilizan, recordando que en cualquier momento el fabricante puede cambiar de sistema operativo por estrategia comercial o por cualquier otro motivo.
Android: es sistema operativo de Google y es usado por HTC, LG, Motorola, Samsung y BQ. Algunas de sus versiones son Apple Pie, Banana Bread, Jelly Bean o KitKat.  - iOS: es el sistema operativo de la empresa Apple que utilizan los iPhone y el iPad.  - Symbian: es propiedad de Nokia y el utilizado para sus teléfonos. Cualquier otra compañía tendrá que tener el permiso de Nokia antes de usar este sistema operativo.  - Windows Phone: desarrollado por Microsoft, es utilizado básicamente por los terminales o Smartphone de gama alta de Nokia.  -BlackBerry OS: desarrollado por RIM (Research In Motion), que también es la empresa fabricante de los BlackBerry.  Lógicamente es el sistema operativo utilizado en los BlackBerry, desarrollando así su propio SO móvil.  - Firefox OS: de la Fundación Mozilla, responsable del navegador Firefox. Es un sistema operativo que intenta abrirse un hueco en el mercado y ya hay empresas como Geeksphone y Alcatel que lo están utilizándolo.
SO Según el Ordenador y el Tipo de Aplicaciones:
De este tipo Tenemos:
Sistema operativo en tiempo real (RTOS): los sistemas operativos en tiempo real se utilizan para controlar maquinaria, instrumentos científicos y sistemas industriales. Una parte muy importante de un RTOS es administrar los recursos de la computadora para que una operación particular se ejecute exactamente en la misma cantidad de tiempo, cada vez que ocurre.
Usuario único, tarea única: como su nombre lo indica, este sistema operativo está diseñado para administrar la computadora de modo que un usuario pueda hacer una cosa a la vez.
Usuario único, multitarea: este es el tipo de sistema operativo que la mayoría de la gente usa en sus computadoras de escritorio y portátiles en la actualidad. Windows de Microsoft y las plataformas MacOS de Apple son ejemplos de sistemas operativos que permitirán que un solo usuario tenga varios programas en funcionamiento al mismo tiempo.
Multiusuario: un sistema operativo multiusuario permite que muchos usuarios diferentes aprovechen los recursos de la computadora simultáneamente. Los sistemas operativos Unix, VMS y mainframe, como MVS, son ejemplos de sistemas operativos multiusuario.
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sahidescher · 4 years
FireFox OS
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Antecedentes historicos de FireFox Os:  Es un sistema operativo móvil descontinuado, basado en HTML5 con núcleo Linux, de código abierto para varias plataformas. Desarrollado por Mozilla Corporation bajo el apoyo de otras empresas y una gran comunidad de voluntarios de todo el mundo. El sistema operativo estuvo diseñado para permitir a las aplicaciones HTML5 comunicarse directamente con el hardware del dispositivo usando JavaScript y Open Web 
API. Inicialmente estuvo enfocado en los dispositivos móviles, smartphones y tabletas, específicamente en el sector de gama baja;el 2 de julio de 2013, Telefónica comenzó la venta del primer terminal con Firefox OS, el ZTE Open ​​ que fue rápidamente seguido por el teléfono Peak de Geeksphone.​ También se pudo aplicar a otros dispositivos como Raspberry Pi, y en el desarrollo próximo de computadores de bajo consumo​ y televisores (Smart TV y conectores HDMI).​
A finales de 2015 la Corporación Mozilla da por concluido el desarrollo del sistema Firefox OS para móviles y anuncia el fin de su desarrollo. El sistema ya desarrollado será adaptado a otros tipos de dispositivos. Se argumenta que el proyecto no logró el objetivo de ofrecer a sus usuarios la mejor experiencia posible. Los principales obstáculos encontrados al desarrollo del sistema fueron de tipo comercial.
 Funciones básicas de ese sistema operativo:  El Panel de Notificaciones de Firefox OS, es similar al de otros sistemas como Android. Permite ver las llamadas perdidas, el buzón de voz, los mensajes de texto SMS y cualquier otra actividad de tu teléfono, además de un acceso rápido a los Ajustes del teléfono, Uso de datos, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc.
Características de FireFox OS:   Almacenamiento, Aplicaciones web,búsqueda adaptativa, diseño de dispositiva, contactos, correo electrónico, calendario, navegador web,gps y mensajería.
Ventajas de FireFox Os:   Una de las principales ventajas frente a iOS (Apple), Windows Phone y Android (en cierta medida) es la de un sistema de código abierto, capaz de interactuar con distintas aplicaciones basadas en HTML5, como si todo – absolutamente todo – pudiera desarrollarse a través de Internet y en definitiva, desde el navegador. Otro punto positivo, con respecto a las demás plataformas, tiene que ver con el hecho de que Mozilla haya llegado a un acuerdo con fabricantes y operadoras. En la presentación oficial, Firefox OS ya contó con el apoyo de tres fabricantes que empezarán a distribuir sus teléfonos en verano de 2013. Se trata de LG Electronics, ZTE y Alcatel One Touch. Qualcomm, el prestigioso fabricante de procesadores, también ha oficializado su colaboración, de modo que todos los dispositivos se presentarán al mercado con un chip Snapdragon a bordo. A partir del próximo año, justo en 2014, se espera que sea Huawei la encargada de ampliar el catálogo de smartphones disponibles, con la posibilidad de que dos marcas también apuesten por el proyecto.
Versiones del sistema operativo FireFox Os:  Pre-alpha Mediados de 2012,  1.02 1 de febrero de 2013,  1.0.1 6 de septiembre de 2013,  1.1.0 9 de octubre de 2013,  1.2.0 9 de diciembre de 2013,  1.3.0 17 de marzo de 2014,  1.4.0 8 de agosto de 2014,  2.0.021 de julio de 2014,  2.1.013 de octubre de 2014,  2.2.02 9 de abril de 2015 y  2.5.0 2 de noviembre de 2015.
Tipo de sistema operativo FireFox Os:  Firefox OS anteriormente conocido como Boot to Gecko (abreviado como B2G o Boot2Gecko) es el sistema operativo móvil basado en el navegador de código abiertoFirefox. Es desarrollado por Mozilla Corporation bajo el apoyo de otras empresas como Telefónica y una gran comunidad de voluntarios de todo el mundo.
Requisitos para la instalación: Sistemas operativos (32 bits y 64 bits)Windows7, Windows8,  Windows10,   Hardware recomendado
 Pentium 4 o procesador más nuevo que admite SSE2.
512 MB de RAM / 2 GB de RAM para la versión de 64 bits.
200 MB de espacio en el disco duro.
Dispositivos en el cual se puede instalar el sistema operativo FireFox OS:
Los dispositivos compatibles con Firefox OS, sistema operativo de Mozilla, tuvieron cierta expansión desde su lanzamiento en el 2013. Los primeros dispositivos oficiales fueron: Open desarrollado por el empresa ZTE; One Touch Fire, de Alcatel; y Fireweb de LG. 
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ereportsmarket-blog · 6 years
Global Ultra Secure Smartphones Market 2018- Geeksphone (2014-2017), Silent Circle, Sony (2013-2017), DarkMatter Katim (2017), Bull Atos Technology, Boeing (2014-2017) and Sirin Labs (2016)
Global Ultra Secure Smartphones Market 2018- Geeksphone (2014-2017), Silent Circle, Sony (2013-2017), DarkMatter Katim (2017), Bull Atos Technology, Boeing (2014-2017) and Sirin Labs (2016)
eReportsMarket has recently added a new Ultra Secure Smartphones research report to its huge database of research studies. New Report Presents 2013-2018 Review, 2025 Forecasts of Global Ultra Secure Smartphones  Market. The research report, titled “Global Ultra Secure Smartphones  Market 2018 Industry Research Report,”provides a comprehensive analysis of the industry, including an overview, Ultra…
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Just Pinned to Treating Vitiligo: You Can Now Pre-Order Geeksphone Peak | TechBeat http://ift.tt/2GmCWGF
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GeeksPhone Galaxy Tab Active LTE Tablet Price In Nepal
GeeksPhone Galaxy Tab Active LTE Tablet was launched in September 2014. The tablet comes with a 8.00-inch display with a resolution of 1280 pixels by 800 pixels. The GeeksPhone Galaxy Tab Active LTE Tablet is powered by 1.2GHz quad-core processor and it comes with 1.5GB of RAM. The tablet packs 16GB of internal storage that can be expanded up to 64GB via a microSD card. As far as the cameras are…
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parhamek63 · 2 years
I primi telefoni dotati di sistema operativo Firefox chiamato Geeksphone Keon e Peak sono stati lanciati nel 2013. Questi
I primi telefoni dotati di sistema operativo Firefox chiamato Geeksphone Keon e Peak sono stati lanciati nel 2013. Questi dispositivi convenienti (rispettivamente € 91 e € 141) sono stati progettati per gli sviluppatori perché eseguivano una versione di FirefoxOS che non era ancora completa. Questi due prodotti erano inoltre dotati rispettivamente di chip S1 e S4 e utilizzavano 512 MB di RAM e 4 GB di spazio di archiviazione.
Nel 2013, alcuni importanti produttori di telefoni hanno rilasciato prodotti con il sistema operativo Firefox, tra cui Alcatel One Touchfire (prodotto da TCL) e ZTE Open. Come Keon, questi due dispositivi erano dotati di chip S1 e la loro RAM era di 256 MB. Il display di questi due telefoni era da 3,5 pollici e offriva una risoluzione di 320 x 480 pixel, che, sebbene considerata di fascia bassa per gli standard odierni, era abbastanza buona da competere con l'iPhone di prima generazione nel 2007.
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Ultra Secure Smartphones Market - Global Industry Analysis, Growth and Forecast 2017
The Global Ultra Secure Smartphones Market Research Report 2017 renders deep perception of the key regional market status of the Ultra Secure Smartphones Industry on a Global level that primarily aims the core regions which comprises of continents like Europe, North America, and Asia and the key countries such as United States, Germany, China and Japan.
Request for sample of Ultra Secure Smartphones Market research report @ https://www.qyresearchgroups.com/request-sample/482466
The report on “Global Ultra Secure Smartphones Market” is a professional report which provides thorough knowledge along with complete information pertaining to the Ultra Secure Smartphones industry a propos classifications, definitions, applications, industry chain summary, industry policies in addition to plans, product specifications, manufacturing processes, cost structures, etc.
The potential of this industry segment has been rigorously investigated in conjunction with primary market challenges. The present market condition and future prospects of the segment has also been examined. Moreover, key strategies in the market that includes product developments, partnerships, mergers and acquisitions, etc., are discussed. Besides, upstream raw materials and equipment and downstream demand analysis is also conducted.
Report Includes:-
The report cloaks the market analysis and projection of “Ultra Secure Smartphones Market” on a regional as well as Global level. The report constitutes qualitative and quantitative valuation by industry analysts, first-hand data, assistance from industry experts along with their most recent verbatim and each industry manufacturers via the market value chain. The research experts have additionally assessed the in general sales and revenue generation of this particular market. In addition, this report also delivers widespread analysis of root market trends, several governing elements and macro-economic indicators, coupled with market improvements as per every segment. Furthermore, the report contains diverse profiles of primary market players of “Ultra Secure Smartphones Market”.
This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering:
Boeing (2014-2017), Geeksphone (2014-2017), Sony (2013-2017), Silent Circle, Bull Atos Technology, DarkMatter Katim (2017), Sirin Labs (2016) On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into:
IOS System, Android System By Application, the market can be split into:
Governmental Agencies, Business, Military & Defense, Homeland Security, Aerospace, Others By Regions, this report covers (we can add the regions/countries as you want):
North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan, India
Detailed TOC and Charts & Tables of Ultra Secure Smartphones Market Research Report available @ https://www.qyresearchgroups.com/report/global-ultra-secure-smartphones-market-professional-survey-report-2017
The report is generically segmented into six parts and every part aims on the overview of the Ultra Secure Smartphones industry, present condition of the market, feasibleness of the investment along with several strategies and policies. Apart from the definition and classification, the report also discusses the analysis of import and export and describes a comparison of the market that is focused on the trends and development. Along with entire framework in addition to in-depth details, one can prepare and stay ahead of the competitors across the targeted locations. The fact that this market report renders details about the major market players along with their product development and current trends proves to be very beneficial for fresh entrants to comprehend and recognize the industry in an improved manner. The report also enlightens the productions, sales, supply, market condition, demand, growth, and forecast of the Ultra Secure Smartphones industry in the Global markets.
Every region’s market has been studied thoroughly in this report which deals with the precise information pertaining to the Marketing Channels and novel project investments so that the new entrants as well as the established market players conduct intricate research of trends and analysis in these regional markets. Acknowledging the status of the environment and products’ up gradation, the market report foretells each and every detail.
So as to fabricate this report, complete key details, strategies and variables are examined so that entire useful information is amalgamated together for the understanding and studying the key facts pertaining the Global Ultra Secure Smartphones Industry. The production value and market share in conjunction with the SWOT analysis everything is integrated in this report.
Check for Discount @ https://www.qyresearchgroups.com/check-discount/482466
Table of Contents Global Ultra Secure Smartphones Market Professional Survey Report 2017
1 Industry Overview of Ultra Secure Smartphones 1.1 Definition and Specifications of Ultra Secure Smartphones 1.1.1 Definition of Ultra Secure Smartphones 1.1.2 Specifications of Ultra Secure Smartphones 1.2 Classification of Ultra Secure Smartphones 1.2.1 IOS System 1.2.2 Android System 1.3 Applications of Ultra Secure Smartphones 1.3.1 Governmental Agencies 1.3.2 Business 1.3.3 Military & Defense 1.3.4 Homeland Security 1.3.5 Aerospace 1.3.6 Others 1.4 Market Segment by Regions 1.4.1 North America 1.4.2 China 1.4.3 Europe 1.4.4 Southeast Asia 1.4.5 Japan 1.4.6 India 2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Ultra Secure Smartphones 2.1 Raw Material and Suppliers 2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Ultra Secure Smartphones 2.3 Manufacturing Process Analysis of Ultra Secure Smartphones 2.4 Industry Chain Structure of Ultra Secure Smartphones 3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Ultra Secure Smartphones 3.1 Capacity and Commercial Production Date of Global Ultra Secure Smartphones Major Manufacturers in 2016 3.2 Manufacturing Plants Distribution of Global Ultra Secure Smartphones Major Manufacturers in 2016 3.3 R&D Status and Technology Source of Global Ultra Secure Smartphones Major Manufacturers in 2016 3.4 Raw Materials Sources Analysis of Global Ultra Secure Smartphones Major Manufacturers in 2016
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lindortech · 5 years
Mozilla Starts Doling Out Phones To Developers With Brilliant HTML5 App Ideas
Mozilla Starts Doling Out Phones To Developers With Brilliant HTML5 App Ideas
Just a week after rolling out the latest model of its Firefox OS imitator, Mozilla has announced that it’s benefaction a nifty brand-new proposition to would-be FFOS developers. If you’ve got a concept for a killer HTML5 application and the technical chops (or at least the steer) to make it a reality, Mozilla wants to give you a firefox OS developer appliance.
And the devices in ask? None other…
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portusmoviles · 3 years
Vender geeksphone revolution Al mejor precio
Vender geeksphone revolution Al mejor precio
¿Estás intentando encontrar maneras de vender tu geeksphone revolution viejo Podemos asistirle con eso. Hay un montón de maneras de vender sus antiguos gadgets , introduciendo portátiles, tabletas, teléfonos móviles e inclusive videojuegos. En cuanto a los teléfonos, la mayor parte de la gente suele acudir a sus suscriptores y termina pagando cientos más por un nuevo iphone y recibe muy poco por…
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In this report, the global Ultra Secure Smartphones market is valued at USD XX million in 2016 and is expected to reach USD XX million by the end of 2022, growing at a CAGR of XX% between 2016 and 2022.
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jimjohn0000-blog · 7 years
What the future could hold for Firefox OS Rivaling iOS and Android all alone turf isn't going to work.
We've said this some time recently, yet propelling another portable working framework is diligent work, particularly in today's focused versatile minefield. Android and iOS right now hold the top versatile stage spots, yet that hasn't prevented different players from entering the race. Customers have more decision than any other time in recent memory, and really soon they'll have the capacity to pick regardless of whether they'd get a kick out of the chance to change to Mozilla.
As opposed to hop into the shark tank, the non-benefit establishment behind the Firefox program (and now Firefox OS) has set its sights on entering markets where cell phones don't presently have a fortress with a specific end goal to get clients who are quite recently starting to embrace a "more astute" versatile stage. The arrangement is to present a reasonable group of low-support telephones that give an indistinguishable usefulness from prominent top of the line cell phones.
Hitting the correct markets
In February, Mozilla reported four equipment accomplices that it planned to work with to make this vision a reality: Alcatel, LG, ZTE, and Huawei. In any case, in a discussion with Ars, Chris Lee, the Firefox OS item supervisor at Mozilla, affirmed that the number has now been knock up to five, adding Sony to the lineup. "We'll follow markets we consider kind have the best fit," said Lee. "We believe there's a huge amount of chance."
The principal telephone to dispatch this late spring will be the Alcatel One Touch Fire, which was flaunted at the current year's Mobile World Congress. As per CNET, the handset looks a ton like Alcatel's T'Pop, a low-end highlight telephone. There will be a few applications for it at dispatch, including diversions like Cut the Rope and Nokia's Maps application (which is additionally standard with Windows Phones). It likewise has 802.11n Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS, and 3G abilities, and inside there is a 1GHz Qualcomm processor and 256MB of RAM, and additionally a 3.2 megapixel camera and an extension opening.
Mozilla's sights are presently determined to developing markets, particularly Latin American nations like Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela. "We need to achieve Web clients who are quite recently coming on the web surprisingly through cell phones, a market section which is especially solid in [Latin America] and we trust that is the best locale to at first target," Lee clarified in an email. The organization likewise anticipates propelling in Poland as one of its five key markets, and it's focusing on clients with highlight telephones who are hoping to buy their first cell phone.
"We accept there is an open door and an unserved require in the market for this section of clients," Lee said. "We know the following billion coming on the web are getting through a cell phone as the premise… Our objective isn't to contend no holds barred with the iPhone 5 or a Galaxy S 4 in the absolute starting point." Lee additionally noticed that the organization doesn't have arrangements to hit the US with its Firefox OS until 2014. "There is premium, yet as the stage develops and extra abilities come, we know desires in the US are distinctive, and necessities are unique in relation to in these different markets."
Simple to refresh
The basic Firefox OS design could likewise make it an appealing stage for American transporters and OEMs. As we clarified in our grasp on in March, Firefox highlights three layers called Gonk, Gecko, and Gaia, which are all piece of the product stack. Gecko alludes to the "stage pieces" of the Firefox OS, which incorporate the rendering motor; Gonk is a no frills Linux part and drivers; and Gaia is the UI. In light of how they're sequestered, Lee said it's substantially simpler to refresh the working framework in pieces as opposed to in general.
"We're ready to refresh segments of the OS where it restricts the hazard," he says. With iOS and Android, where a product refresh must be sent to the whole telephone, "the hazard is in the low level—touching the radio layer, touching the distinctive segments and drivers. We don't really need to go touch these regions to roll out improvements. That helps accomplices feel more good in refreshing all the more routinely." He included this might be the reason a few bearers are not refreshing handsets as regularly as they ought to; if a refresh blocks the telephone, clients will justifiably be vexed. "On the off chance that you can lessen hazard and changes and concentrate on the correct ranges, you can simply keep individuals refreshed."
Security and institutionalization
Mozilla guarantees that its future clients will feel secure on the Firefox OS stage. "There's a harmony between continually keeping the client safe and having a decent ordeal," clarified Lee. Firefox OS incorporates a structure where applications have entry in view of the authorization show the application was based on. In the event that it's a framework application, then it's viewed as a checked application, which implies that it has admittance to everything in light of the fact that Mozilla has as of now verified it. In the event that the application is from the commercial center, it's then looked at by Mozilla to guarantee that the designer isn't disseminating malware, and the application is just offered access to certain APIs. In the event that the application needs access to the camera or area administrations, it approaches the client for consent. "We could have 50 exchanges that keep you truly sheltered, yet you're similar to, 'I'm not continually going to really utilize the application... I never got to the application since you asked me everything,'" Lee clowned. "We attempt to make that exchange off in adjust."
The organization has likewise submitted 32 Web APIs to the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the vast majority of which are as yet anticipating institutionalization. Each of the APIs identifies with a piece of Firefox OS' equipment and programming. "These are not Mozilla APIs, but rather Web APIs that would work after some time over any Web program or stage," clarified Lee.
The W3C institutionalization for the most part takes anyplace from a while to a year for every API, and the nearest to turning into a standard right now is a battery status marker at the highest point of the page, with vibration and geolocation APIs next on the rundown. "The battery status API really can be found on many telephone executions," Mozilla Director of Research Andreas Gal said at a 2012 talk. The battery status can be directly found in desktop variants of Firefox, while the last two are presently in the Candidate Recommendation arrange, which implies they require more info, time, and testing from individuals and programming merchants—essentially, they're right around a stage far from the last phase of institutionalization.
Lee includes that by having new APIs and new guidelines proposed and enhanced, it's likewise a push ahead for engineers keen on the stages. "Guidelines advantage designers since they can guarantee [that] any application they create for the Web will work over all programs similarly," he later clarified in an email. "Be that as it may, regardless of the possibility that a standard is not prescribed by the W3C, it can in any case increase worldwide selection if at least two of the significant program sellers choose to actualize it." Lee refered to the way that Samsung has incorporated the battery status pointer API in its WebKit program on its handsets as a prime case.
Concerning Mozilla's association with Spain-based equipment creator Geeksphone, Lee clarifies that those telephones are designer see models that potential purchasers won't see. They are planned to help application designers adequately make applications for the stage by giving them a see of the kind of equipment future telephones will have.
The two engineer telephones accessible are known as the Keon and the Peak; both have 512MB of RAM. The cost contrast between the two telephones is a little over a hundred euros, which Lee accepts is genuinely reasonable for somebody who is quite recently intrigued by fiddling with the stage. "You get the equipment... you get the product and updates as we roll out improvements." He recommended the Keon as the best pick for designers who are keen on pushing forward an application for the telephones propelling this mid year.
By and large, the mission for Mozilla's Firefox OS is to reach the greatest number of individuals as the organization can, "where their protection and their security and their experience isn't bargained in light of the fact that we have some other plan to profit off of it." Whether it will be fruitful stays to be seen; Mozilla should persuade individuals that its minimal effort, mid-run cell phone can offer all of what purchasers need from the iOS and Android stages.
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howtocloudtech-blog · 7 years
ZTE will offer its Firefox telephone on eBay for $80 ZTE Open goes to the US through offbeat channels.
US and UK shoppers who need to take Mozilla's Firefox OS for a turn will soon have an extremely economical approach to get their hands on some equipment, the length of they have dynamic eBay accounts. ZTE will utilize the online-closeout turned-shopping website to disperse the telephone in those nations for $79.99 and £59.99, individually. The telephone is as of now being sold in Spain, Venezuela, and Colombia through Telefónica.
The telephone's particulars aren't awe-inspiring, however what you're getting for $80 isn't terrible: on tap is a solitary center Snapdragon S1 framework on-a-chip (part number MSM7225A), a 3.5-inch 480×320 touchscreen (which can deal with two touch focuses for motions yet only one for whatever else), 256MB of RAM, 512MB of microSD-expandable stockpiling, 2.4GHz 802.11n, a 3.2MP back camera, and Bluetooth 2.1. This is in no peril of being a top of the line telephone unless you fly out back so as to 2008, however it brings the cell phone understanding down to an exceptionally available value point. Firefox OS has additionally been made because of these low-end telephones—ZTE's Open is fundamentally the same as Mozilla's "Geeksphone Keon," the lower-end of its two Firefox OS designer telephones.
The telephone will be opened, and on account of the MSM7225A it ought to work with the GSM systems that AT&T and T-Mobile use in the US. There's no word on when the Open will authoritatively be accessible, quite recently that it's coming to eBay "soon."
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gianhovn · 7 years
Hệ điều hành Firefox OS chính thức bị khai tử
Mozilla vừa chính thức đưa ra thông báo khai tử toàn bộ hệ điều hành Firefox OS, sau khoảng 4 năm phát triển hệ điều hành này. Ngoài ra, toàn bộ nhân viên liên quan đến dự án này cũng bị sa thải.
Firefox OS hiện đã chính thức bị khai tử. ẢNH CHỤP MÀN HÌNH
​Theo AndroidPolice, Firefox OS từng là hệ điều hành mà Mozilla đặt rất nhiều kỳ vọng sẽ phát triển mạnh mẽ như Android của Google. Đây cũng là một nền tảng mã nguồn mở và được sử dụng cho các dòng smartphone giá rẻ, chủ yếu sản xuất ở các thị trường mới nổi.
Tuy nhiên, ở thời điểm hiện tại Mozilla đã nhận ra trong nhiều năm phát triển hệ điều hành này vẫn không đạt được tăng trưởng như kỳ vọng. Vì vậy, Firefox OS đã chính thức bị xóa xổ, đồng thời nhóm phát triển nền tảng này (khoảng 50 người) cũng bị sa thải.
Firefox OS là một hệ điều hành mã nguồn mở, được hỗ trợ hoàn toàn trên nền web. Mọi thiết kế đều sử dụng code HTML, JavaScript và CSS. Mẫu smartphone đầu tiên chạy Fireof OS là Geeksphone Keon cũng đã bị khai tử.
Geeksphone Keon là chiếc smartphone trang bị bộ vi xử lý Snapdragon S1 tốc độ 1 GHz, RAM 512 MB, máy ảnh 3 megapixel, màn hình cảm ứng 3,5 inch đạt độ phân giải 480 x 320 pixel.
Sản phẩm này được Mozilla ra mắt vào tháng 2.2013, vào thời điểm đó hãng từng đặt rất nhiều kỳ vọng vào nền tảng Firefox OS, với hy vọng nó sẽ giúp cạnh tranh được với nền tảng Android của Google.
Thành Luân
Theo Thanhnien
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