#god i miss octop/ath i should play that again
bumblerhizal-art · 1 year
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What if Dragon Age were more like a JRPG but especially in the sense of getting a new change of clothes whenever you change class
Instead of doing a perfect swap, I decided to try the flavor of tailoring it to slightly better match his own tastes. I also bend the rules of what the classes are to make the options feel a bit more JRPG, but these are all the outfits he would don upon multiclassing into the LIs' classes. I have little other idea of what mechanics i would adopt or change because i did this 100% for playing dress up with my Tabris :]
From the top is Sapper. Unfortunately, Tabris's normal Shadow or Warden armors would have been too close in palette to [Zevran] or [Alistair's], so i had to make up a new class and outfit. I also only did the one iteration for it, so it's not quite perfect, but i went with dark teal and orange for a nondescript look since this is an infiltrator flavor of rogue. He also has his kaddis under his jaw on this one. My main purpose in this exercise is all the other outfits anyway. Sapper is a support unit which arms and disarms traps, debuffs, and tosses the occasional grenade. He also picks locks!
First in the bottom row is Witch, obviously drawing from Morrigan. The new rules say anyone can become a mage just like that, so it's fine. Witch is a shapeshifting caster class that has a wide array of status effects under its belt
Second along the bottom is Assassin, based on Zevran's Crow getup. If Sapper leans into the utility half of a rogue, then Assassin is the threat. A bit of a glass cannon class but, if you're able to get someone else to take the heat off them, one of the best DPS
Next is Bard, merging elements of Leliana's various depictions. Here, we finally find a support class that buffs rather than debuffs and is also effective as an investigate class in case anyone's being secretive about their elemental weaknesses
Those four previous ones all fill similar niches, but assuming we have a fuller party with more returning friends from Origins, a little overlap here is ok. It only looks bad because 3/4 of them so far were originally slightly different flavors of rogue
Our last class today is Warden, representing Alistair. I was torn between this and Templar for him, but decided this would be more fun to draw and overlap less with Bard's color palette. Also, Tabs just looks good in blue. It's worth it to note that mechanical class is not a 1:1 with the narrative, so Tabris is part of the Order of Grey Wardens regardless of whether or not he also takes up the Warden class. Warden specializes in tanking, but it also has abilities that deal extra damage to darkspawn
Might be fun to explore this idea again with different PCs and/or Companions, but let me know what you think!
And exclusive offer to my dear and beloved mutuals: if any of you want to see your pc dressed up inspired by a given companion, i am very susceptible to persuasion and think my dms are open
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