#gonna tag it with 'bucktommy' 'cause it's a relevant convo in these circles lol
frogeoni · 24 days
I'm sorry but this is absolutely deranged behaviour to hear an actor repeatedly call his character "heterosexual" and tell how important it is to him to portray a story about a friendship between a queer man and a straight one and come out of it thinking "ok, maybe no b*ddie in s8 but in s9/10/11 for sure". The absolute lack of respect for Ryan and his vision in this fandom is something else.
Like, what do you think is happening here? You think Ryan went rogue and started randomly assigning his preferred flavour of sexuality to his character behind everyone's back? Behind the showrunner's back? You think they all didn't give him green light to speak like that? Repeatedly? Do you understand how PR works?
"Eddie was definitely queercoded!" was he, though? Or do you just not believe that a straight man can be repressed and crave intimate emotional connections with other men?
"It's not important what actors think, they aren't the ones who write the story!" they may not be writing it but they are the ones agreeing to play a character a certain way lol Especially on a show where the cast constantly mention how the showrunner consults them and asks them what they think about their character arcs.
"Ryan will be convinced to change his mind!" which would recontextualise Buck's coming out scene in the eyes of the audience and rob it of the meaning Ryan wants it to have which is a heterosexual man accepting his queer male friend because he loves him no matter what.
The same exact people who ignore all these statements are going to whine that they are being queerbaited. No one is baiting you, you're simply not listening. And the patience of the people working on the show is clearly growing thin.
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