#guest muse| meldoy evans
ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BuddyRichard] 👩 [or send mother if no emjoi] 
| Send 👩 to speak to my muses mother (I warn you now she is and always will be a bitch) "Your son?" Melody said first, she did shift her attention to Thomas watching her husband's own reaction but he was kept quiet, his face hadn't even broken as he simply looked the kid over. He was thinking it seemed, once she saw him look her way at last thought she picked up on it. He agreed this was ridiculous. Thomas shook his head and sighed a bit so Melody went on to speak, "I can't believe you are still going on like this Ricardo. You know if you continue like this you will achieve nothing in your life." She went on to warn, of course, warn she was still Richard's mother no matter what he tried to do about that fact. It was all pure chance they even ran into them in the city just now. Melody had gotten Thomas to come with her to go about picking out the new linin, napkins, and well a brand new decor for the house. The luncheon for the HOA coming up was going to be hosted at thier place and the last thing she was going to let happen was be caught with the same set of utensils they had the last time. But this trip soon turned sour the moment they cross paths with Richard. At least he had some sense to go ahead and introduce his parents to the child they had with them. It was the least they could do seeing how they were the ones who gave the ungrateful man his life in the first place. As kids do they took the relationship with Richard and applied it to themself. Going so far as to refer to them as thier grandparents. Abuelo and Abelua, the word made her feel so old to be called. She simply scoffed at the whole ordeal "I am not your abelua." Attention now on Richard once more "Especially not to whatever this is." She meant it towards Richard and whatever he was doing with this so-called family of his. Still buying into the lie that Bailey supported him with their money and now they had some odd thing for a kid? That Is where she left it at. After all, Richard had cut them out acting as if he didn't even have parents. Melody could not understand how her kid become so ungrateful after everything she had done for him after all. Since that little run-in, about a month has passed. To her it was all but forgotten and they went back to thier usual business. Until that letter arrived. Melody eyed the letter on the pile of mail, it wasn't so much the fact the envelope was decorated in stickers of jellyfish and such that caught her attention to it first as she lifted it up to look at who it was from reading the address label her eyes widen for a moment. It was from Richard, well that was what she thought at first as she picked it up to read it. She knew Richard's handwriting right away on the envelope cover but it didn't say it was from Richard but from a Buddy? Curious she went ahead and opened it up moving to take a seat in one of the large leather chairs in Thomas' study the man busy with his own thing that he hadn't even noticed the letter when it was brought to him. She spent a few moments making out the child's handwriting. Asked why they were like that to them when they met that day and soon expressed a wish to get along so they could be friends. It was all utter nonsense to Melody, she could least credit the kid with one thing they had more respect for the two of them than Richard ever did.
"Evans-Alder, they gave that thing thier last names? oh, I can not believe how ridiculous Richard has become. Playing pretend family even with somewhat even is it? A toy or something? did you see its eyes?" she asked Thomas just nodded his head to show he was listening to her complaints, she turned her attention back to the letter now. "I'm telling you that boy has always been so prideful I can't believe he went and turned down being a respectful businessman to letting that rooster" She never did call Bailey by name considering she didn't like them for calling her make-up cheap and tacky as if they knew anything! "Pay him pft likely for sex when we raised Richard and told him to work hard I never would have thought he take as lying on his back." Oh, how wrong she was on so much in their sentence alone. She scoffed a bit looking at the letter once more. She moved to stand up and set it back down in the chance Thomas wished to read it once he had a free moment. On her way out she borrowed his stationary, a pen, and an envelope herself.
To Buddy Evans-Alder "I Am writing to you today to state I have received your letter. I understand that my son has adopted you or by some other means taken you in as his own child. I would love to welcome you into the family. After all the Evans family is quite the big deal" Melody started off with as she smiled to herself "A family legacy spanning back many generations all building up the reputation that our name alone holds" Buddy may take that 'our' to think she was including them in that but she wasn't she was simply speaking highly of the family that to her Richard went against a name he should be proud of but wasn't all for something so ridiculous utterly ridiculous. "All full of the best of the best every single member of the family has lived up to this reputation expanding it further and bringing honor to the family from thier success. Everything my son, Richard, has now to make them as they are is all thanks to me of course" Even if she did believe he was tossing it all out the window. "We only met the one time, but as basically the monarchy of the Evans family, I know everything about it and every member who has ever been born or married into it. A long-standing tradition of men taking on the name from thier wives even." If Buddy ever wanted to know about the Evans half of thier family Melody would be the one to speak to, she was an expert on thier history. She needed to be for her status in her community to prove they had lived in the areas the longest and whatever else she could use to hold over other families' heads. "And by the simple matter alone I have to say, that you are not an Evans as far as I am concerned." Yes, that was the point of her letter to a small child simply wishing to connect to a part of thier family. Melody did not accept them as part of the family. From how they looked and were? how were they going to be allowed to carry on her family name? "I do not acknowledge you as an Evans. My son" no once had she said Richard was Buddy's father in this letter claiming ownership of her kid as if she could take any relation Buddy and Richard built between them. "May have taken you in and let you have the name as part of your own but he has no right in doing so. You are not of blood so you have no connection to me" As if she hadn't just mentioned others counted as part of the family from marrying into it, but an adoption apparently didn't count in the same way? "I know that must be so dishearting to hear after what I have mentioned before about the family at least you can still have some sense of respect in the other name, but they will take in anyone." Melody had heard of Benedict's second marriage and not to mention them taking in Richard when he married that annoying brat of a child. "I however will not allow you to sully the name any further than it has." In Melody's mind that was all thanks to Richard. "So I must, unfortunately, inform you that I will never be your Abeula," To her, this was likely to be such a crushing thing to read and be told after all. "I can not simply base on principal acknowledge as a member of the Evans family, or even allow you to take on the name. However, if you ever wish to impress me reconsider" a chance because clearly, she was just so kind "Prove it." She wrote it out words that drove Richard to his wit's end as a child and even now "Prove you are worthy of being an Evans. Evans is highly respected, intelligent, and unmatched. Simply put perfect. If you can prove that I see now the reason why I wouldn't be more than happy to welcome you with open arms as an Evans. I've gone ahead and addressed this from my own PO box so you can send me all your success'. If not then don't waste my time I am a busy women -From Meldoy A. Evans
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[You know what this is for uwu]
Was Bailey surprised Melody was so mad about Richard leaving? No, unfortunately. She had always been such a manipulative piece of work to Bailey, but he had been good and kept his beak shut. He knew if he said a word, they'd do anything in their power to keep him and Richard apart. Now though, Richard was leaving, finally getting the freedom he deserved...but Melody wanted to have the last word.
Bailey stared at her, unimpressed and uncaring when she claimed this was 'all his fault'. Bailey had been called worse, he could easily let this slide. However, the second his mother was brought into it, everything changed. Eyes briefly widened, before eyebrows furrowed and hackles began to bristle. An anger Bailey never felt before began to burn, feathers raising in response, as protective cluck like noises rumbled in his throat. He can take an insult, but bring his mum into it? All bets were off. The second Melody called his mother fake, and brought up her drinking, Bailey snapped.
Palm collided with her cheek, hard enough for an audible 'smack' noise to be heard, and for two of his nails to break completely. No tears were in his eyes, body trembling as anger fuelled him,
"Don't you EVER let a word about my mother come out of your cheap lipstick beak you fucking bitch!" Bailey crowed, the volume making his throat ache, "What the fuck do you even know about my mum?! Cause you know what I know! I know that she saw beauty and love in everything, including slimy, terrible, insignificant monsters like you!"
It's then Richard got in between them, Bailey shrinking down as hackled flattened as he tried to get himself to calm. His palm tingled from when he had hit her...holy fuck he hit someone, yet, he didn't regret it. It had been a long time coming. While Richard and her argued, Bailey shoved a hand into his pocket, fishing out his wallet. He tugged out the first clump of money he could get. When he had calmed himself to be a little less violent, Bailey stood fully. She had her back to him, and people called him a tantrum throwing child. Walking around Richard, Bailey moved until he was back in front of her - he was NOT done,
"You know, Misses Evans, for someone that only cares about money, you sure are shit at handling it."
He shoves the few bills he had tugged out against her chest, soon letting it fall to the floor,
"Thirty dollars, enjoy it, 'cause it's the last cent you're gettin' outta any Adler," Bailey warns her, "You might wanna go buy some nice lipstick, you're gonna need to kiss Mister Evans ass a lot to apologise, after my dad finds out what you said. Consider the contracts you had been yourselves void..."
He should leave it here but...damn does Bailey wanna twist the knife. He had made his point but...well, he already dug the grave this deep,
"I hope you're happy with yourself," Bailey says, coldness to his voice, "One of your son grows wings, your other finally gets to be free, and you decide to attack some kid because your head is that far up your fuckin' ass you can't look in the mirror an' realise you're the one that pushed Richy away," He knows he won't get through to her, "Enjoy your house, enjoy rotting and withering away...because soon you'll be an old, bitter, lonely women, who's kid and grandkids won't visit, because of how fucked in the head you are, and how you messed with his, and as you lay on your death bed, taking your final breath, I hope you remember this...I hope you remember it and regret it, and realise how, no, this is all your fuckin' fault, maybe if you weren't such a bitch things could be better, but sadly, you decided money mattered more than your son," Bailey turns it around on her, "I'd say see you in Hell, but you'd probably be too busy giving tours."
Okay, yeah, Bailey should shut up now. Pushing passed her, Bailey heads over to the last few boxes so he can put the rest inside the truck, and they could escape. Bailey hadn't just burned the bridges, he had eradicated him, and damn did he feel good about it.
|Muse interaction
It was like a flash of motion but she could hear the sound even before the sting had set in against her cheek. A 'smack' from the palm of Bailey's hand colliding in against Melody's face. Melody's head moved with the force and the two of them were just standing there. Melody was shocked eyes were wide as she reached up to her cheek and felt it over as if to see if that had actually happened. Bailey on the other hand was shaking, from anger as they were more ready to respond. "Don't you EVER let a word about my mother come out of your cheap lipstick beak you fucking bitch!"
It was then Richard was moving making his way over to the pair of them. Melody expected her son to speak up and say something. Clearly, he would turn to Bailey and grow upset about them hitting her.
"What the fuck do you even know about my mum?! Cause you know what I know! I know that she saw beauty and love in everything, including slimy, terrible, insignificant monsters like you!"
By now Richard had moved to stand between them, Melody left to stand there already being yelled at by that fuck spoiled Alder brat and now Richard was standing up for both him and thier mother? What was going on here? She was HIS mother and this is how he was going to not only let her be treated but also treat her in turn? Turning to face Richard to look down on..odd she never noticed how tall he was before now she had to look up at both of them. The shock on her face only spread out further
"You know, Misses Evans, for someone that only cares about money, you sure are shit at handling it."
Attention shifted looking back to Bailey now who seemed to have moved around Richard facing her once more. Brow scrunched up at his remark. She went to open her beak to speak up these damn children have not given her a single chance to say anything when she forcibly had shoved something her way, a slight step back wanting to avoid another slap if that was coming her way before she glanced down to see the bills laying scattered across the driveway. She just bite back against her teeth as she looked to the clump of bills. Was he throwing money at her now?
"Thirty dollars, enjoy it, 'cause it's the last cent you're gettin' outta any Adler," It was only with that did she kind of understood what had just happened.
"You might wanna go buy some nice lipstick, you're gonna need to kiss Mister Evans ass a lot to apologise, after my dad finds out what you said. Consider the contracts you had been yourselves void..."
oh..oh no.
Sure did she think Bailey held any authority to make that statement not yet likely but with how the two parents always were with the rooster?
"I hope you're happy with yourself," Bailey says, coldness to his voice, "One of your son grows wings, your other finally gets to be free, and you decide to attack some kid because your head is that far up your fuckin' ass you can't look in the mirror an' realise you're the one that pushed Richy away," He knows he won't get through to her, "Enjoy your house, enjoy rotting and withering away...because soon you'll be an old, bitter, lonely women, who's kid and grandkids won't visit, because of how fucked in the head you are, and how you messed with his, and as you lay on your death bed, taking your final breath, I hope you remember this...I hope you remember it and regret it, and realise how, no, this is all your fuckin' fault, maybe if you weren't such a bitch things could be better, but sadly, you decided money mattered more than your son," Bailey turns it around on her, "I'd say see you in Hell, but you'd probably be too busy giving tours."
Melody felt as he brushed past her, speechless but not for any good reason. What he said sure she heard it but was giving the impact one would think. If anything it was more showing her where she messed up. Thomas was sure to be pissed hearing about how she just lost them those contracts through Benedict. But, at the same time she didn’t care they had many others the Alder one may be a loss but that fuck little, turning around to face them now. “Don’t go and throw your money at me you fucking f-“ Once more Richard was in between them she hadn’t even notice her son move around.
“I meant it you not say one more thing against him.” He butted in with.
“I can’t believe you! You ungrateful child! Letting that” she bit her younger, she wasn’t going t let them see her loss face here and resulting to insults she wasn’t a child herself after al she had dignity to up hold. “That spoiled rotten so called partner of yours” she would never call them Richard’s boy friend she found it ridiculous in the first place. “Speak to me your mother by the way as they have much less hit me like that?! Yet you’re going to stand there and act as if I’m in the wrong I am the victim here as he throws his wealth his farther wealth in our faces.” As if anything Bailey had done just now toward her Al’s was towards Richard, how couldn’t she was still his mother after all.
Her eyes moved to look to Richard now. Who was watching the rooster, a soft expression on his face? Worry? over them soon he went to look her way at it chanced as soon as those eyes, were on her lacking any of that worry her way. She couldn’t believe this! He was going to side with them over her?! “You are a mockery to you damn family name Richard,” She went on to cut in with.
"I kind of wish I could be here to see you try and make this up with dad, but I'm done." That was all Richard said to her. Moving to take some of the boxes from Bailey. She watched as her son ushered the rooster over to the moving truck. Placing himself between them clearly it wasn't to protect her from them. But them from her. She balled up her hand and grinded her teeth. Quick to turn on her heels as she stormed up to her front door, needing to get to the landline inside. Pausing to look over her shoulder. "Go ahead go through with this but after today Richard? that's it. You set a talon in that truck with him. And that is it you will never be welcomed back here again!" She shouted out waiting for her son to fold and listen. He didn’t, didn’t even look at her, She growled up her breath and stopped her foot. “That it I mean it! I never want to see your disrespectful face again Richard! Any claim to anything you had in this family is gone now! I didn’t just lose one I lost both my sons” aiming for some pity still one last bit to try and get Richard to see the error he was making, how could he be so cruel to his mother after sh thought.
Was Richard surprised Melody spoke like that? No. Did he hate what she did about Opal? Of course. No Richard was far more surprised by Bailey as he went and set the last of the boxes inside everything was gone and set away now. Reaching up to pull the door closed as he jump back so it would shut fast and quick. He snuck one last look at his house to watch Melody walk away, he heard her when she last spoke but...it didn't affect him the way she may think. When he was younger he would fall in line sure but that was before what happened to his brother. "Goodbye," he whispers under his breath. He wasn't sad or even mad he didn't feel anything close to remorse. Richard didn't know how to place these emotions in him. He did feel free though, "Let's go," he simply said to Bailey grabbing thier hand to look at the fingers with the missing nails, he shouldn't but a slight smile crossed his beak for a second. Richard didn't know how to explain it he knew it was for Opal but the things Bailey said. There was a bit for him there too, it was weird he was leaving this house finally he was free from everything he been keeping to himself. Bailey he picked Bailey and that burned any last string she hand on Richard to tug and pull on him to do as she wanted
A night at a motel and they were back on the road, half way to new things. Richard thought as he held his hand out t Bailey, another on the passages door. “Doesn’t seem right to stick you to driving the whole way.” He said as he went to offer to help them up to the seat taking a moment to look at Bailey had look over the missing nails. He was going to say sorry…anymore at least he spent a lot of the trip yesterday doing that and even again last night. He wasn’t feeling as guilty as before he opted to leave that a something t deal with later. Instead as he turned bailey’s hand around in his own he couldn’t help the laugh that came out of his beak recalling her face the sound even. His laugh kind of grew how she could do nothing but yell and make empty threats. “Sorry I know I shouldn’t be laughing but man you smacked her so fucking hard your nails popped right off, I’m surprised they didn’t get stuck in her face or scratch her even. You swore someone did worse then slap her” okay was it wrong he found some humor in it? Maybe. But not everyone dealt with a parent or parents like Richard did so in part? He could help but enjoy it. Enjoy watching someone give her what he felt she had coming and to put her in her place. Holding Baily’s hand firmly in his own as he laughed more “Why did you go and throw the money at her you dork. I take it back I think that expression was the best one the way you slammed into to her chest I wonder if she took it or if still sitting there.” He couldn’t explain why he was laughing so hard right now or why tears pickled at his eyes.
Emotions were a whirlwind fr the eagle they weren’t in St. Canard just yet. Yet, Richard felt free already. No longer under their roof they weren’t going to be able to make use of their doll and have him play the part they set up for him. He had been to catch up in what his mother said about Opal..he knew what Bailey said but he wasn’t at that point yet. Reaching up with his free hand to push up his glasses to wipe the tear from his eyes. Laughter and tears just coming nonstop he couldn’t explain it the odd sensation “Cheap lipstick beak though?” He soon question needing to pull his glass off by the arm as he gave a better wipe at his eyes just looking at his idiot. “You’re a dork you know that?” Settled down once getting that cry and laugh out he leaned in to rest his forehead against Bailey’s own. It just felt good to let so much of that out, a slightly chuckle escaping him still. “I didn’t think anyone would talk to her like that, I’m still impressed by that slap I was on the end of the drive way, out side and could still hear it.” Richard said to Bailey, pulling back enough to place his glasses back over his face. Lifting up Bailey’s hand for a better look.
“I feel you have earned some spoiling and having your nails redone. Which I am paying for.” Richard claimed he wasn’t gonna take a no, seeing how Bailey did break those nails slapping Melody across her face. So Richard wanted to reward them a bit for it. Bailey did however float the idea of Richard getting his nails done with them though. “Hmm fine if it means you won’t fight me on paying on it. Come on lets..lets go home.”
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ducknotinarow · 2 years
[BaileyRichard] 👩 [or send mother if no emjoi] 
| Send 👩 to talk to my muses mother
Melody clicked her tongue against her teeth, annoyed was far from the word of how she was feeling right now. as she had the end of her nail resting between her teeth doing all she could to not bite into and ruin them from doing as such. Eyeing the moving truck outside her home. As if it were mocking her and to her, it may as well have been she could feel the feathers on the back of her neck and start to lift and raise ready to flare out. She took a moment to breathe and smooth those feathers down as she looked at brown taped boxes all label different to tell what was in each one that was sent into the trailer of the truck. As she pounded her heels against payment making her way over, of course, she knew Richard had spoken about it. But She never once thought he would go through with this? Moving out like this. If she hadn't come home early he would have fully disappeared without a word. "I can't believe you, leaving like this without a word" That was true Richard had given a few words about this. She went on to plea, a hand to her face as she went to look as in distress as she could muster "Zane hasn't even been gone that long and now you are just up and leaving, yet here you are going to just up and leave your family?" Zane's death was still fresh in the Evans home and now? Now Richard was just leaving as well? Melody was furious over this how could he just up and leave like this did he not hold any loyalty to thier family? They raised him, such an ungrateful child for all the years they gave him the best. The best schooling and whatever else. Richard didn't seem to care about the guilt trip she was trying to book her simply walking past rolling his eyes as he did it. Figures second they get that taste of freedom. "Zane would never do this to your mother." she still tried to add. Richard just huffed and muttered something under his breath. Another click of her tongue as she turned to see Bailey now.
Eyes narrowed as she zoned in on the rooster, "You." She said it with a hiss as she turned to face him. She started off to get thier attention, Thomas would have told her not to and to keep her calm however he wasn't here and frankly she didn't care anymore far as she was concerned it was this damn child's fault. "I'm sure you put this idea into my son's head, just like everything else, I can only imagine what your poor mother is thinking" she went on to spew out soon only to scoff afterward. "all of this is your fault!" she said setting the blame for everything on to thier shoulders, as her brow scrunched up. The usual worry about it creating wrinkles on her face was thrown out the window as she stared at Bailey.
"I knew that if anything went wrong it would be because of you! Richard was such a perfect child until he started mingling with you more and more! now he's going to throw everything out to the fucking bin and it's all because of you! you and your sick mother!" she had spoken on impulse at that moment but as soon as the words left her it made sense to her. Of course that made sense! Sure Thomas had the connection with Benedict, once having to blame him for this mess. Richard for being so disobedient, Bailey for nothing in truth just to cast it on to them. But no it was clearly Opal's to blame for it all, she got sick, and since she married Benedict who had the ties in with Thomas.
Yes! that made sense. Yes, she was blaming a sick woman for this, well a sick woman and her child. " If it wasn't for that mother of yours I wouldn't have had to put up with you! you're just like her! head up in the clouds acting as if you're better than everyone else sticking her beak into matters that she had no business in like how to hand discipline, my own child! and here you are doing the same! getting involved where you have no fucking bussniess!" She ranted on about "Acting as if she was so perfect, that women was as fake as they come, as bitter as what she really drank all the damn time" "That's enough!"
Melody stopped her ranting when hearing Richard's voice just now, her son walking over and purposely standing between her and Bailey. No as she looked he was protectively standing in front of the rooster. Gritting her teeth as she looked her son in the face.
"You don't get to talk to him like that! and you absolutely do not get to attack Opal like that!"
Melody just grew annoyed, the feathers on the back of her neck flared out to form the crest around her head as she went raise her voice once more "oh so you'll stand up for them but-"
"Yes." it was a firm answer to cut his mother off with. "His name is Bailey for one, her Opal addresses them properly" Melody's eyes widen having an old lecture thrown into her face. " You will not talk to Bailey or about Opal like that. Like it or not I am going to marry him and that makes them my family and I'm not letting you talk like that about my family." She just gruffed and turned her head, soothing the feather down on the back of her head once again before glancing back to the rooster. Her eyes are near slits as she glared at Bailey. Then shifting her attention to glance back to Richard "Fine I guess I'm the bad guy here now," she went on to say as she started to walk away muttering under her breath. "I hope you are happy, how you tore a family apart." She knew her words were heard she wanted them to be turned her back towards the two of them. She couldn't believe all of this, "Go leave your poor grieving mother all by herself, since you allow him to go and sink his claws into you like this and run off away from all your problems once again. I did my best for you Richard but you have made your choice don't even think you can come crawling back when it all blows up in your face like it will. When your little so-called love" she laughed "falls apart on you. Well unlike you I'll be kind and let you back" looking over her shoulder back to Bailey who sees still had a few choice words. " Just know if it weren’t for the fact you came from money I NEVER would have allowed you near my son, so keep that in mind as you think you have this wonderful love story between. It came down to you just coming from a family I allowed to interact with mine. Clearly poor judgment on my side in the end.” ____ ((just so I link but Meldoy is a crested egale and they do this when mad XD))
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