#hao jia watching zhao fangru walk away with tears in her eyes
My School President: I finally caved and watched the first four episodes of this. It is delightful. The friend group is the definition of one braincell and no one is using it, the romance is delightful, I love the POV switches between episodes and both the leads being stupid over each other is just what I like. It hasn’t quite hooked me like Bad Buddy, mostly because I need just a little extra conflict (external or internal), but the potential is definitely there.
Between Us: Mmmm, past trauma, literal sleeping together, all the friends being delightful and hilarious and we get to see Win’s heart break again in real time! Seriously that whole hallway scene is just an exercise in watching Win just go ‘screw fear, Team was hurting and I wasn’t there’. Five episodes left and I really hope they stick the landing, but so far I adore it.
GAP the series: God, this series is pretty. The clothes, the people, the surroundings. They really went colourful for everything and I adore it. I was not expecting Mon to also seemingly be oblivious to her growing feelings for Sam (Sam I absolutely expected). I continue to not like Nop at all and love how Mon stood up to him and how she didn’t apologise or make excuses. Also kiss!
On a small note, I do appreciate a series which gives an explanation on why they go to sleep with the light on.
New Life Begins: I’m on Ep 34 now and continue to love it. I suddenly found myself really shipping Hao Jia and Zhao Fangru so I was sad to see the latter go. Yuan Ying also left the main cast and so that was sad as well, though they gave her a delightful send-off (and continued to play it like Li Wei was the one both Yuan Ying and Yin Zheng were in love with). I still absolutely love this show and unless they do something drastic in the last six episodes, I think it’ll be a new favourite.
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