magonumberfive · 4 years
hcavensarrow replied to your post: ranseiuniter replied to your post: ...
i mean u also straight up said that if swordward and shieilbert didn’t look Like That they would’ve been the next submas so i assume its just haunted the back of your memory like it has me
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archersmight · 5 years
@hcavensarrow replied to your post: (LOOK WHAT WAS RELEASED)
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campkeeper-archive · 5 years
❛ those who go, they don’t come back. ❜
Hadestown Starters || Accepting
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     When she voices it like that, it feels just so…against the grain, despite it being similar to what he tells himself in the instance he remembers the number one rule: No Camper Goes Alone in the Woods After Dark (without adult supervision). He realizes that rule has become narrower to him lately, restricting not only campers, but fellow co-counselors as well. Perhaps he’s become more and more afraid of the exact possibility that they won’t come back. Is fear really affecting his trust?
     What an unfortunate thing to develop, he hopes it doesn’t continue to weed its way into him.
     “Why are you here, then? Sorry if that sounded rude, but you know what’s here and you’re…still..here…? I-I’m not saying you CAN’T be, I just don’t understand WHY.”
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heinretic · 5 years
“Ok, I mean, I did detective good enough to see through your horseshit, so I can’t be too bad.”
@ilianquisition insert meme tag link here Anyways
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“I wouldn’t say that, considering the answer’s been under your nose the entire time.”
It had been almost two months without any real work- the longest dry spell of their entire partnership. Usually by this point, Heinwald would have dragged them out on some sort of excursion, but between false reports or petty squabbles dragging Curran away and his obligations as a lord, neither of them had a chance to relax. 
Then again, neither of them liked milling about and relaxing either. 
Two days of proper rest before Heinwald was at Curran’s door. 
While most of Heinwald’s hunts had been for cryptids or curiosities rumored along the countryside, the proposition he posed was quite unusual- conservation effort. 
“It's been a rather illusive species as of late, which is concerning, considering it's overabundance mere months ago. I believe it's been poached to near extinction. It drives out vermin, you see, much like a cat in some regards, but a little more brutish. Given a lack of proper care and simulation, however, it's been known to wither and die, as it's a very social creature who does not fair well under the constant strenuous conditions.”
Curran, naturally, asked what it was called. Heinwald had already left to pack. 
Whatever it was (the anonymity was more concerning than anything, given some of the other creatures Heinwald suggested they seek out), it could most naturally be found at dawn and dusk and near quieter settlements, which left them time for errands before they headed out into the woods. 
Or, rather, it left Heinwald time to peruse the local bookstore and apothecaries, as the town had an orphanage in need of a big brother to play with. 
As the sun dipped, they rendezvoused at the town’s end, hiking into the thicket just as the sky began to shift in color. 
It was only then that Curran really got any description: shaggy maned, omnivorous, a strong hunter- a rather large animal, but not to the point of intimidating. A curious creature, it tended to seek out non threatening humans that entered its territory in order to investigate them, which is when they were most often captured and exploited. 
Their stroll proved rather fruitless, besides the rather stunning view of the sunset, which left them with a nice dinner, drinks, and rest. 
And then dawn. Ungodly, early dawn. 
Curran was already up, as usual, acting as Heinwald’s morning rooster. It was obvious he gave the creature a lot of thought in the hours between, suddenly aware that he’d never encountered, or heard of such a creature before. 
Even if Hein insisted it was rather common, the inquisitor had, well, inquired at the bar, apparently, which turned up just as fruitless as their walk. 
“We’ll find it this morning,” Hein said between yawns, “I’m sure of it.”
He insisted that the afternoon walk was to allow the creature to become familiar with them- judge them as friend, not foe. Surely it would reveal itself now.
But while the birds sang, as the sun rose, and as breakfast was consumed out in the familiar clearing, it struck him. 
“There isn’t anything out here,” Curran stated, but gave his partner the benefit of the doubt with a question anyways, “is there?”
“Would I endeavor to send us on a wild goose-chase without reason?”
“No, but there isn’t anything out here. You couldn’t even be bothered to give it a made up name- or you knew I’d ask people, so you made me describe it to people instead, but what you did give me was vague enough that someone could have said they thought they saw something.”
“An astute observation, for an assistant.”
The corner of Curran’s mouth twitched. It always did when he was complimented, whether he realized it or not. “Ok, I mean, I did detective good enough to see through your horseshit, so I can’t be too bad.”
“I wouldn’t say that, considering the answer’s been under your nose the entire time.”
That made his brow furrow, the scar on his forehead twitching in irritation, “So then what the hell are we looking for?”
Heinwald’s voice was monotonous, “Your smile.”
One of the best things about Curran, in the detective’s not so humble opinion, was that one could watch every thought pass through his mind if they were familiar with him. At first it seemed as though the inquisitor wasn’t sure he even heard Heinwald right (it was commonplace), but when he offered no explanation, everything fell into place behind his eyes.
Illusive as of late, overabundance mere months ago, drives out vermin,much like a-
“You called me a brute cat!”
“Brutish.” Heinwald corrected, “Loveable nonetheless.”
And just as Hein said. Curran smiled.
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origcmibird-aa · 5 years
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    OH, HE’S IN TROUBLE. Crime is not the sparsest within his country, and that much he knows. There are kind souls who live poverty and cruel souls that live in wealth, and then there are those this way and that way. At the very least, he’s glad that his disguise has not been figured out.
    To the thieves who had snatched him, he was just a peasant boy with a handful of yen that he had earned from playing his SHAMISEN on the streets. Kubo figured that he would be in a much bigger pickle if they learned he was anything more. The boy had been lifted off of his feet and scruffed by the back of the worn red kimono he adorned. Despite his flailings, the prince in disguise did not have the strength to break free. “ HEY! Let go of me! Let me go! ” He protests.
     He might as well be a ragdoll in a child’s arm. “ Is this seriously all you’ve got?! I know I saw more in those pockets of yours, kid! Where is it? ” One of the thieves hissed. “ You’re making this a lot harder than it has to be ... ” // @hcavensarrow
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libergrimortis · 5 years
                 "What in blazes is a yokai??”
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                 "Whatever it is, I’m afraid you’re gravely mistaken. This is clearly the work of fiends. Only they could wreak such havoc on such a guarded village.”
                 The sweet scent of the magnolias blossoming to herald the late spring perfumed the air to the point that each breath he took outright tasted sweet on his tongue, but the atmosphere was still nothing if not oppressive. Heinwald reached out and rested a bony, blackened hand against the unnatural grooves left in the side of what had once been a stone home. For a pack of fiends to have such powerful claws as to rake through granite as though it were butter... They were particularly ferocious fiends, perhaps, but fiends nonetheless. He could recognise the shape and girth of the claw marks anywhere.
                 "Tell me, are you a native to this village?? Or are you a traveller??”
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rawnderer · 5 years
The balance of the forest had shifted. Fiends were making their way through the area- scattered enough that most of the local inhabitants could easily avoid them, but often enough that feeding grounds were getting harder and harder to graze within safely. Friends were growing weak and  easier to hunt. Fiends were eating more and getting stronger. 
Strong enough to pick fights with humans. 
Commotion from the wood’s end sent the birds up in a panic and sent Rawn towards the cause in a flash. Leaving his last kill unattended was wasteful, but if a friend was in trouble, a little spoiled meat was better than death. 
While the critter in question (and the human who was with them) was not an inhabitant of his woods, he wouldn’t let any more of them be hurt. 
Six arrows flew from the treeline, found their mark and fell the beast. 
One giddy boy flew down after them, landing on a roll in front of the fox with a piece of meat in his hand. 
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“Not hurt? Here!”
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chatoyisou · 5 years
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“ & what ’ s a little girl like you doing , wandering about ? ” is this what she ’ s reduced herself to , hiding away until defenseless strangers would come ? to be the idle prey , to be weak ? bar jaw nearly tighten in the moonlight , yet she composes herself enough to cast a steely grin to her .
“ night time is for monsters , you know . you should run along before something catches you . ”
@hcavensarrow she’s being extra i swear ( s . c . ; a . )
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kinshiking · 5 years
hcavensarrow replied to your post: sweetestest-ninja replied to your post: ...
i mean if you get a high enough friendship w/ another player’s my castle area by visiting them enough u can literally get a fucking magic earth baby pseudo-corrin unit born of ur “strong bonds” or some shit, so like.
GOD I REMEMBER THIS SHIT LFKAKJHEJWKLAHEJaw it was so wild ...IM OKAY without weird magical baby stuff i think LMAOOO fates is already so cursed with the deep realms aging the children to near adulthood as it is
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sundoggess-blog · 5 years
Dark eyes stared at the girl in silence before a predatory grin spread across her features. However in her defense all of her expressions tended to take on a predatory look, such were the downfalls of a wolf’s appearance.
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“No, even then, it will not have been for nothing,” her voice echoed with a breathy chuckle, “Because it was not for them, but for you. Regardless of what has or will happen, you are the one standing here.”
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magonumberfive · 4 years
hcavensarrow replied to your post: Can Mago ever go home ��
the cap from the convo with olli really just makes it, tbh
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[I knew the answer was ‘absolutely not’ considering the implications and backlash on the Oda regime if they fucking pardoned this anarchist asshole and the ripple effect it could have on the foundations of peace in the already unstable region
but knew the screencap would be funny 
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archersmight · 5 years
“Well that’s an interesting predicament…” - ilianquisition
“Don’t just stand there! Help me get 'em back!”
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Something had taken off with the sylvan’s clothes. Likely not a fiend since it would be rather hard for one to get into the baths. Maybe someone trying to get revenge? Or an animal that had wandered where it should not be. 
Regardless of the culprit, Luca is just wearing a towel as he frantically searches for his missing clothes.
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campkeeper-archive · 5 years
David's little fox friend is sitting at the edge of camp, just over the proverbial border created by the wards--although something seems wrong. He whimpers, as if troubled by something, but refuses to move any closer. ( your headcanon about the wards Inspired me ;) )
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     “Wh–” David stares at it with furrowed brows, his hands wave confusedly at the small critter who seemed to be acting oddly by the treeline. He recognized the little silver fox who would occasionally join him on a walk or fishing trip, it was a sweet thing, little bit of a troublemaker but nothing overbearing.
     David approaches the border and crouches before it, his body still squat on the opposite side of the invisible wall. “Hey little guy, what’s wrong? Are you hurt?”
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heinretic · 5 years
“I don’t want this… I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die…” hey bitch gimme angst
Some meme I dunno 
Heinwald’s hands were slick with crimson, desperately holding his coat against the oozing gash on Curran’s side. 
They were too late to prevent the hatching- a dragon egg, snatched, incubated in a cauldron of darkness. Black mana. Even a dragon eggshell could only keep out so much, and it’d been marinating in it far too long. Whatever the drake was meant to be, it would never realize, tainted beyond saving, twisted into what could have been considered by anyone as a fiend. 
Heinwald told Curran that. By Ilia, he told him it was too late. 
Ever the optimist, ever the idiot, he hadn’t listened. He didn’t want to listen. Everything could be saved.... No, that wasn’t it. The drake couldn’t be beyond saving because that meant Curran didn’t save it. That he was too late. That he’d failed. 
Not everything could be saved, but Curran could be. 
At the cost of the dragon. 
Heinwald had already exhausted his energy trying to keep the damn dragon at bay enough for Curran to try....whatever it was he was doing. Most dragons possessed by black mana could free themselves if they burned through it’s power, releasing their mind from the shackles of madness and returning to their natural state. He told him the baby was too far gone, he told him. So Curran danced around the little devil, coaxing it’s attacks, narrowly avoiding most and being pulled by hands of darkness out of the way of others. 
But a dragon was still a dragon, even if it’d just hatched. It recognized that the hands were a problem. Magic could only survive so long under fire from wyrm’s breath. 
Curran could only run for so long before claws met flesh. 
Heinwald watched it now, snarling and lapping at the strange new sensation on it’s claw. A taste for blood. It seemed pleased. 
He took his staff in hand, but he felt a hand move over his. 
“I don’t want this…“
He couldn’t take his eyes off of that thing, but he did, glancing between the blooded grip on his wrist and Curran’s face. Bloodied face. Fading face. 
“I don’t want to die-”
“You won’t.”
Even his dead arm had enough power behind it to pull away from his fingers, standing tall to face the fiend. The dragon. A little monster. 
There wasn’t any way that he contain that much mana, but there wasn’t any way he could protect them both if he didn’t wring the life from the beast’s body. There wasn’t any way he could filter the mana before directing it to Curran’s wounds either. 
He supposed they would both be a little purple around the gills when they got home. 
Darkness consumed his eyes, staff outstretched and directed at his target. The incantation was second nature to him, calling from the veil beyond the hands of destruction. Limbs of shadow jutted from the floor around the dragon, encasing it in a cell of writhing blackness. They ascended, turned towards their target, outstretched their greedy fingers and began their feast. 
The baby cried, and was snuffed out.
Heinwald convulsed under the power they consumed, enough to send him down on his good knee. It rushed through him in waves, washing through the fatigue and the rot and the recesses of his soul with an unmatched vigor that made his head spin. That made him laugh, basked in a euphoric sea of sensation. Of power-
“....I don’t want to die.”
His arm jut out again, now towards his partner, channeling the flow from the infant to his body to the wound on the man’s side. It was nothing for the might of a dragon, the steady flow of his life force stopping in it’s tracks. It would not be a pretty scar, but it would be a scar. He would live. He will live. 
As the flow ceased, the stain of darkness in Curran’s soul grew. Under his hands, black mana could heal, but not without consequence. 
For Curran or himself. 
The head rush passed as the dark hands retreated back into the shadows, leaving the extinguished body of the drake behind. Now all that remained was the wave of nausea, a bone rattling shiver along his spine and frantic pounding in his chest. It was enough to make the world spin. He teetered for a moment on his knee, bracing against his staff in a foolish attempt to stand. 
It slipped. He tumbled forward, face landing against the welcoming cold stone of the lair’s floor. 
The last thing he heard was Curran calling for him. 
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aethe-als · 5 years
‹   sc.    –    @hcavensarrow   ⁝
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❛     are you alright ?     ❜     lucina heaves lightly ,  as falchion is returned to it’s sheath ;  she’ll have to clean it when she returns to camp .     ❛     as the days grow grim ,  bandits become more common .   you’ll be safer traveling in a group .   may i ask your name ?     ❜
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avalxblade-a · 5 years
Continued from here.
She’s seen it.
He tears his eyes away from her, hoping he wouldn’t see any signs of Lance. Upon (thankfully) finding that the room only had the two of them in it, Iversen brings his focus back to her, at least for the moment.
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“You think I don’t know that?”  Once again his eyes leaves Hiroko’s face, this time falling to the ground beneath her as he collects his thoughts.
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