#hch 😌😌😌
hoodharlow · 9 months
Concept: "If I would have known that you liked _____, I would have done it a long time ago."
Jack x Renata
Combining this with an anon @harlowcomehome got 🤪🤪🤪
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Changing it to choking though 🤪
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Jack adjusted Renata’s ankle on his shoulder as he thrusts got rougher. He was beyond pissed at all the creepy men that thought they were entitled to Renata’s body. While yes it was her job to entertain people who went to the club he didn't how men circled around her like vultures when they find a carcass.
He reached down and rested his hand on her shoulder for balance. He was standing in front of the desk in her office. One of Renata’s legs was extended on his shoulder and the other was pushed against her chest.
Renata reached for the hand that was on her shoulder and she brought it to her neck. She noticed Jack slow down his movements.
"You can squeeze a little more." Renata moaned as he hit that one spot.
Jack tightened his hand a bit more. "Less?"
"No it's per-FUCK!" She dug her nails into his wrist. "Fuck me harder, Jack, please."
With that Jack drove them to completion. Renata repeated his name until her high faded. She pushed Jack a few steps back and pulled off the condom he had around his cock. Jack buried his face in her neck as she stroked his length.
"Fuck me." He groaned as he came on her hand. Jack tilted her head and claimed her lips. "If I would have known that you liked choking, I would have done it a long time ago."
"Shut up." She smacked his shoulder and kissed him. She checked the time on her phone and put it back on her robe pocket. "Okay I have to go back on stage in ten. Are you sure you're good? You usually have some self restraint and dry hump me after work."
"Yeah, I just missed you." He said, avoiding eye contact.
"I just getting used to all this." He gestured around them. "This is your job and stuff but I don't like sharing you."
"You're so corny." Renata rolled her eyes. She wrapped her arms around Jack and kissed him. "Just know they can look but you're the only one whp gets all the special privileges."
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harlowcomehome · 8 months
skully no 😭😭😭😭 no fighting 🥺🥺🥺 that goes for you too hch!!! I mean it..
you're always a true delight to talk to skully, don't worry about us! we both love as you are, whatever that looks or feels like 😌😌😌
now.. batty is going to bed. can I trust you'll still be friends tomorrow? 😭🦇
Skully is stuck with me for life. We have matching tattoos and friendship bracelets so 😇
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creme-delacreme · 2 years
Management LMFAO ur manager of HCH’s security over here the way I see it 😂 - 💀
Sho am
Jade picked out our uniforms😌
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
LMAOOO yesterDAY?? *me rushing to pack clothes, throwing random shit in the suitcase like they do in movies* alsoooo babe….I gotta agree with HCH about the Auston fic, you got me tripping, tumbling etc lmao 😂 - ⛽️
lanes must be respected👷🏽‍♀️🚦
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hoodharlow · 9 months
For Jack: House hunting! And finding the perfect place!! Any Oc
AN: I'm doing home/furniture shopping 🤭
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"What does Kentucky know about Crate&Barrel?" Miriam gasped as Jack pulled up to the store's parking lot.
"The elitist jumped out, huh." Jack sassed her playfully.
"Ya vas a empezar." She rolled her eyes.
She got out of the car and fixed her grey lounge pants. They were Jack's favorite pants for her to wear. He liked watching her ass in it when she'd strut around the house. She could ask him for anything and he'd fold. And she needed all the luck right now. They were buying a new couch for their Louisville home. The one they had didn't fit the new aesthetic for their home. Miriam was hoping Jack would give in and finally buy her a bisexual green couch. She'd been hinting at one for months. She even went out of her way to show him pinterest boards.
Miriam lifted her leg on the stepper on Jack's car. She jutted her ass out as she tied her sneakers. She turned around and found Jack zoned in on her ass.
"Is there something on my face?" She asked him innocently.
"You're a fucking tease." He groaned.
"I didn't do anything." Miriam furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.
"Mhm." He said as he led her to the store's entrance.
He held the door open for her and when she passed he gave her ass a hard smack. An odler couple looked at them with judgmental side eyes. Jack reached down for Miriam's arm and wrapped it around his waist while he placed an arm around her shoulders. Miriam pulled away and went to grab a cart.
"A couch isn't gonna fit there bro." He said.
"Yeah but the things I might wanna buy will." She shrugged.
Jack rolled his eyes. He knew taking Miriam to the store. All he wanted was to buy a couch. Knowing Miriam they were gonna get 2948299 other things as well. He walked behind her admiring her ass as she leaned against the cart to look at things.
"We don't have a juicer." She said as she inspected a SMEG one on display.
Jack looked at the price. "Since we're here we should get started on the wedding registry. 'Cause there's no way I'm spending $300 on a pink juicer."
"You won't. But I will." Miriam said putting a box in the cart.
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hoodharlow · 1 year
For Jack : “now I didn’t say that!”
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"What do we think?" Miriam asked, giving Jack a little spin to show off her outfit as she made her way to his car.
"Mhm," he nodded unenthusiastically when he gave her a quick glance.
"Oh so I look bad. Got it thanks." She frowned, slamming the door shut.
“Now, I didn’t say that!” Jack argued.
"You might as well have." She crossed her arms, pouting.
"What did you want me to say that that tiny ass skirt is making me wanna cancel our plans and spend the night fucking you from behind?"
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hoodharlow · 1 year
For Jack: “you really like my freckles?”
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Miriam carefully placed some of her unrelased undereye patches under her eyes and made her way back downstairs. She laid her head on Jack's tummy and motioned him to resume the movie. Not even five minutes into the movie she felt Jack staring at her.
"What's up?" She looked up at him.
"Your freckles are showing." He pointed out.
"Ugh, I hate them." Miriam frowned.
She'd always felt insecure about them because when she was younger she would always get teased and people say she wasn't really Mexican since there weren't many with freckles. It was one of the reasons why she disliked summer, her freckles stood out more.
"I like them, they suit you." He said, adoringly.
"You really like my freckles?" She asked him softly.
"Why do you think I said 'I like all your beauty marks and blemishes' in Poison?" Jack asked her amused.
"Because you couldn't say you like your pp juice running down my face like you wanted originally."
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hoodharlow · 9 months
For Joe: Showing up to practice with his favorite protein shake. 🤪
Combing these two <3 and it's not a FIGHT fight, mkre like 2 grown men rough housing 🤭
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Alana closed the door with her hip and made her way to the practice stadium. She finished her errands faster than she expected and she decided to go see Joe. He was still sitting out training from his injury a few weeks back so she knew he wasn't doing any strenuous activity. She picked up lunch from an upscale version of Panera and even got Joe a smoothie with all the fixins that he gets.
She flashed her pass at security and they gave her instructions on how to get to the field. She's been here multiple times and knew her way, but she didn't want to seem rude so thanked them for the directions. She spotted Joe sitting on a golf cart. She took a double take at the sunglasses he wore. It was gloomy and cloudy. Not single ray of sunshine went through the dark clouds. And when it was sunny, he rarely wore sunglasses.
"Hey," she said leaning in to kiss his cheek.
That was when she noticed the slight bruising starting to form around his eyes.
"Joseph Lee Burrow, what the hell happened to your eye." Alana said, clutching his face.
She carefully removed his shades. Her mouth dropped seeing the bruise around his eye, reaching his nose.
"Who's mother am I sending a strongly worded email to? How fucked you up?" She asked, pulling out her phone.
"Al it.was my fault–"
"No tell me who it was. They can't get away for hurting you." Alana frowned.
"Alana, I fucking swear it was my fault. Sam and I were tossing a ball and tried to get creative with the tosses and I accidentally hit my face." Joe said, pulling her to his lap.
"Are you sure? 'Cause you can tell me if the guys are mean to you." She said reassuringly.
"I promise," he held out his pinky.
"Okay, here put the smoothie in your eye." She said carefully putting the cup on his eye.
"You do care about me, huh."
"Nah, I'm just making sure your bring home those $275 million."
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hoodharlow · 1 year
Miriam and Jack stay up talking while everyone else on the PJ is sleeping.
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"They weren't playing when they put this in the classics." Jack said as the credits rolled.
"It was okay." Miriam said standing up to stretch.
They were enroute to Perth from Dubai in a private jet. Apparently the fastest flight from Paris to Perth was taking a flight to Dubai then another to Perth. Miriam thought they were going to go through LA, but according to Chris that took twice as long.
Jack and Miriam were the only ones awake while the rest of Jack's team, Urban, and PG were sleeping.
"What should we do now?" Miriam asked Jack.
"Fuck?" He suggested smirking.
"You would suggest that." She playfully rolled her eyes.
"What else is there to watch?" He went through the movie catalog.
"Stop, they have have Speed." Miriam said. "I saw it when I was like 16 and I just knew I was bisexual."
"What's it about?" He asked, maneuvering himself so Miriam can lay with her back to him.
"It's so ridiculous, but good. Basically Keanu plays this FBI agent and he anf Uncle Joey from full house are stopping a bomb in an elevator and it goes off but they saved the people. Then the bomber fakes his death, unbeknownst to Keanu and Uncle Joey. Then the next morning Keanu sees a bus explode and he answers a call from a public phone, right, it's the bomber. Then he’s all 'you gotta find my bus and give however millions' or the bus explodes. He finds the bus and its on the freeway. When he gets in the bus–"
"The synopsis is right there, bro." Jack chuckled. Miriam's rundown reminded him of Luis from Antman with how he'd talk a million words a minute.
"Since now."
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hoodharlow · 10 months
For Jack: “do you want to go to the show tonight?”
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miriam finished fastening her heels when jack emerged from the shower. it was a rare moment in which shew as ready before him. she watched him from the vanity as he begrudgingly got dressed. they were going to an art gallery for one of jack's friends in brooklyn. they had gone to the gallery opening the night before, but it got really hectic with people wanting to get pictures of them and not jack's friend's art pieces so they left early. to they were going after dinner to actually look at the art.
“do you want to go to the show tonight?” miriam asked jack, watching him change from one pair of black pants to another.
"honestly? not really. i just don't want us to overshadow him you know? the art gallery is about him not us." he said.
"we can stay in if you want. we'll be here for a few more days." she said, kissing his cheek. she saw the gears on his head turn in hesitation. "tell him my cramps are fucking me up."
"you don't get your period because of your birth control."
"i know but he doesn't know that."
jack nodded and texted his friend to let him know they won't be able to make it. his friend replied back that it was okay and that they could go to the gallery whenever they could.
"it's a waste of heels though." miriam said, showing off her blue metallic miumiu heels.
"not if your get naked and keep the on." jack smirked.
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hoodharlow · 1 year
For Jack: “It’s freezing in here!”
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"You're not funny." Miriam side eyed Jack.
He thought it would be funny for him to also wear his puffer jacket.
"I'm just matching you." He said fixing his turtle neck sweater that was under his jacket. "It's not even that xold but digress."
"It's freezing in here! You're from Kentucky obviously you don't know."
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hoodharlow · 1 year
Jack and Ren: Jack buys her some new outfits/shoes for work.
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"I was joking when I said you can bring me back shoes." Renata said, eyes widened at the boots.
"You said you needed new boots for work." He shrugged, biting into an apple.
"Yeah, but that didn't mean you had to buy them. I was just talking."
"Should I return them?"
"I mean you brought them from far away, pos ya que."
Jack smirked. "Maybe I can help you break them in." He reached for another box, this one from a French lingerie brand, and handed it to her.
Renata opened it, taking out a light blue mesh bodysuit that was completely see through. "Oh I'm gonna get hella tips with this."
Jack pulled her to his lap. "This is for my eyes only, and I'll give you more than a tip."
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hoodharlow · 9 months
For Jack: He’s having a day where he feels unmotivated and just wants to stay in bed. Do you embrace it or try to motivate him to be busy? 🤭 Any OC!
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Jack reached over to Monse and plopped himself on top of her when he heard her alarm go off.
"Stay." He grumbled.
"The girls are with my parents until Monday; we don't have have to get up now." He reminded her. "We can stay here."
"And do what?" She asked him.
"We can practice making a fourth kid." He smirked suggestively.
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hoodharlow · 10 months
For Jack: “I don’t remember what life was like without you.”
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jack placed a bagel sandwich in front of miriam. she picked it up and sniffed it, moaning. she unwrapped it and added some hot sauce to it. she took a huge bite, sighing contently.
"I don’t remember what life was like without you.” she told the bagel sandwich before talking another bite.
jack looked at daisy and rolled his eyes.
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hoodharlow · 10 months
For Jack: “That’s not very nice!”
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Jack regretted wanting eight daughters. He could barely handle three. The twins were twelve and Liliana was fifteen, right where everything meant life or death to them. Even the types of cereal to get for the house.
"You're so stupid Ana Leticia. Can'tyou read is says that right there." Liliana rolled her eyes.
"That's not very nice." Ana Lucia crossed her arms.
"Whatever." The oldest rolled her eyes.
"Lily, apologize. You know better than to insult people, let alone your little sister." Jack crossed his arms.
"But she–"
"It doesn't matter. You don't go around being mean to people. Everyone gets treated with respect." He said, cutting her off.
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hoodharlow · 1 year
Jack has a sore throat so Ren makes him sopita so he can still perform later.
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"i'm dying." jack said in a scratchy voice.
"hopefully," clay rolled his eyes. "this is what you get for being a sore winner. why the fuck did you run out in a tanktop after beating us at nba2k."
"just give me a me a few minutes and the sopita will be ready." renata said, as she added one sliced serrano chile.
she remembered her abuela would say that chile or any spicy food helps with clearing up throats and sinuses. renata knew jack was a it stressed because he had a show later in the evening. he hated canceling shows esp. with how rude and entitled his fans would get sometimes. fortunately, he's been listneing to her and did almost every mexican remedy she could think of, except for the vapo-rub on his chest.
a few minutes later the sopita was ready and renata served everyone a bowl. jack sat next to her and made a face at the bowl.
"what's wrong?" she asked.
"i don't like the one with letters."
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