#he'll teach erik to dance if erik teaches him some stage magic or how to use the punjab lasso
ladystormcrow · 1 year
My Phantom OT3 brainrot is not going away, and now, against my will, I’ve come up with something resembling a (very sappy and ridiculous) short story idea. I’m writing it here to vent it: 
I have a headcanon that, despite his many other musical talents, Erik is not good at dancing -- he knows it in theory just fine, but actually practicing it requires a partner who’s willing to touch you, and he’s never had that. 
So in my vaguely-imagined AU where Christine and Raoul take him with them at the end (and the three of them leave France for a time while they all heal and Figure Things Out), Raoul decides to teach him. The book (which I have read, though my vague AU is kind of a mishmash of that and the musical) describes that Raoul was mostly raised by his older sisters and other female relatives, so I like to imagine that they taught him ballroom dancing when he was a kid, and he just copies their methods exactly when teaching another man to dance:
Raoul: Just put your hand on my waist. Erik: We are not doing this. Raoul: Come on, lead me!
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