#he's an out of state landlord and the epitome of Condescending White Guy
I get tips at my job (laundromat wash/dry/fold service) which usually equate to over $40/wk for the 3 days I work.
Today, my boss came in and said he was going to start cashing out tips at 95% because he has to pay a fee on all credit card transactions.
I informed him that that's illegal, and also that with the total amount of tips processed per week he's paying less than $5 in fees on tips because Square charges a flat 2.6%, which I know because I own a Square reader.
He told me that he pays 4% for processing (blatant lie, I can verify it on the register itself in about 2 seconds) and "see what happens when you assume"
Then, he said he's going to just remove the ability to tip from all registers. Customers will now have to tip in cash, which none of them carry. According to him, it is simply to make things "fair" with his other locations since not all of them have tipping enabled on their registers (🙄).
Fuck me I guess.
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