#he literally will not believe anything I say is wrong with a piece of equipment unless he can replicate it in person on the first try
I get tips at my job (laundromat wash/dry/fold service) which usually equate to over $40/wk for the 3 days I work.
Today, my boss came in and said he was going to start cashing out tips at 95% because he has to pay a fee on all credit card transactions.
I informed him that that's illegal, and also that with the total amount of tips processed per week he's paying less than $5 in fees on tips because Square charges a flat 2.6%, which I know because I own a Square reader.
He told me that he pays 4% for processing (blatant lie, I can verify it on the register itself in about 2 seconds) and "see what happens when you assume"
Then, he said he's going to just remove the ability to tip from all registers. Customers will now have to tip in cash, which none of them carry. According to him, it is simply to make things "fair" with his other locations since not all of them have tipping enabled on their registers (🙄).
Fuck me I guess.
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Something has been niggling at the back of my mind about Gale and his falling out with Mystra for a while now.
Before we begin, I feel the need to put a disclaimer here and say that I love Gale to pieces and even if this thing I've been thinking about turned out to be canon, I still want to drop kick Mystra. But like I said, a though occured to me about the circumstances of their break up.
In short, what if their breakup wasn't because Gale didn't listen to Mystra when she told him to not go after the piece of the weave he thought was hers? What if, instead, it was the final straw after a long history of Gale going after sources of power that Mystra repeatedly told him to leave alone?
Ignoring the fact that wizards are pushed to always aim higher anyways, we know that Gale is someone who has always sought out more power, opinions of (most) others and consequences be damned. How many terrifyingly powerful objects ended up in his tower because Mystra mentioned them and he decided to collect them? How many did she emphatically tell him to leave alone because they were too dangerous? How many times did he nearly cause a disaster because he assumed that because he was the mighty Gale of Waterdeep, it wouldn't go wrong? How many times did Mystra or Elminster have to save his ass?
To be clear, even if this is the truth it still doesn't justify her treatment of him, but to me it would make a bit more sense as to why she ghosted him after he absorbed the orb. It's still on brand for her to do that after one big disaster, but cutting off all contact is frankly a bit extreme for a first offense, regardless of the magnitude of the failure. But if the orb came after a series of situations where she told him to leave stuff be or to be more patient and he repeatedly refused to listen to her, I think even I would be pissed off enough to not want to talk to him either, at least not for a while.
No one appreciates having their knowledge and advice repeatedly ignored, especially if you are literally the primary source on all things magic. The literal Goddess of Magic told him this was neither something she wanted nor was it something that Gale was equipped to handle, and Gale thought he knew better anyways. And I know there's a million fair reasons as to why Gale is the way he is, the least of which is from going through the Gifted Person (TM) experience where you're told all your life that you're special and head and shoulders above your peers. It's still harmful to believe you know better than people objectively more qualified.
Unfortunately, this can be hard to see under how vile Mystra is to him. I'll probably write about that soon in another novel of a post, but I just wanted to throw out a potential angle that some people might have missed when it comes to Mystra and Gale's breakup. Again, it's not canon, and it's not even my own personal headcanon or anything, but it is something that's come to mind when thinking about their relationship and how it ended. I still love Gale, and if anything this just adds a really interesting potential layer to his backstory.
P.S.: It has also occured to me that Gale was extraordinarily lucky that whatever magical seal he broke when he opened the book didn't just immediately cause the Karsus weave to detonate right then and there and kill thousands of people in Waterdeep. Gale's mistake was honest, but it was an extremely foolish one and entirely preventable.
P.P.S: Editing some typos and also wholeheartedly agreeing that Gale wasn't only looking for raw power, but knowledge and pushing the boundaries of the weave! ☺️
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percontaion-points · 11 months
Firstlife prologue & chapter 1
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Bonus Chapters
From: A_P_5/23.43.2 
To: L_N_3/19.1.1 
Subject: Tenley Lockwood
I don’t know what’s happening. This is literally how the book starts: with several emails between two characters. I had to scroll through all of them (one email per page) simply to make sure that this wasn’t going to be the entire fucking book. It’s not. Chapter 1 starts after this. 
With all due respect, I’d rather fish out my internal organs with a coat hanger than stay here.
I don’t know what’s happening, but big mood. 
Your mother’s name and where to find her.
Bonus chapter/Prologue/Whatever the hell is going on here summary: So as I mentioned, we opened on a bunch of emails. The first set is between somebody named Archer Prince and his boss, General Levi Nanne. Archer has been tasked to convince the main character, Tenley Lockwood, to join their side. Archer thinks that this is a load of garbage, and complains about it. General Nanne is like “SUCK IT UP, BUTTERCUP!”
The second set is between Killian Flynn and HIS boss, Madame Pearl Bennett. It’s the same thing, but Killian 100% wants to woo Tenley over basically with seduction. He’s also way less chill about the entire thing, and is certain that Tenley would simply become “another cog in the machine”. He also wants to rip off Archer’s arms and beat Archer with his own arms. Pearl isn’t amused by Killian’s plan, and tells him to beat Archer in his own free time. 
All of this would probably be interesting… IF THE READERS KNEW WHAT THE GODDAMNED HELL WAS GOING ON. 
Chapter 1
I’ve been locked inside the Prynne Asylum—where happiness comes to die —for three hundred and seventy-eight days.
I’m suddenly having really violent flashbacks to the Shatter Me series. Opening on a girl locked in an asylum telling us how long she’s been in there? Check. 
Also, the reviews warn me that despite the fact that there’s a war going on, neither side knows why they’re fighting. Which also checks out with the Shatter Me parallels. 
I hope that these are the only parallels, but… The fates are usually never that kind to me. 
There are no windows in the building. At least, none that I’ve found. And I’ve never been allowed outside. None of the inmates have.
Last night I was caned just because. 
I see that we’re opening strong on some torture porn. 
Maybe because my name is Tenley—Ten to my friends. 
I thought that the review with the gif of “Listen up 5s, a 10 is talking” was a joke. No. It is 100% not a joke at all. This is literally her goddamned name. 
Dr. Vans, the head of the asylum, likes to taunt us.
Judging by everything told to us in literally two pages, I’m going to go ahead and say it: I don’t believe that man has ever gone to medical school. 
Something we’re never given? Razors. I keep my legs and underarms smooth with threads I’ve pulled from old uniforms.
Ah yes. Because when I’m being imprisoned and my human rights stripped, the number one thing on my mind is: are my armpits baby smooth?
The author could have written literally anything, and she gave us this dumpster fire of a line. 
“I’m Bow, your new best friend.”
I can’t even pretend to be surprised that the great mind that gave us Ten as a name is also giving us Bow. 
Yes, Bo is a name. But when you add in the w, it turns it from a human name into an adorable accessory for a little girl. 
She cups her breasts in a mimic of me and beams. “Boobs are awesome, yeah? Literal fun-bags. I don’t know what you girls are always complaining about.”
 “Don’t you mean us girls?” Her hands fall away from her fun-bags. 
“Dude. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the equipment and getting a little some-some of my own goods and services. Seriously. I’m so hot even I want a piece of me.”
If this is Killian or Archer, I’m honestly laughing so hard over either of them being put into a girl’s body. Love triangle? Forget love triangles. Give me more of whatever the hell this is. 
A rare few people, like me, have no idea which side to back. We see merits to both sets of beliefs. We also see downsides. 
We are called the Unsigned. 
For us, there are rumors of a third spirit realm, the place we’ll end up after Firstdeath. My parents used to tell me horror stories about it, stories whispered in the dark of night. The Realm of Many Ends, where nightmares come to life.
Side one: War
Side two: War
Yeah. I’m still in chapter one, and I can understand why people are like “You both suck. There should be a third option.”
I know that this is supposed to be a heaven/hell comparison, but I’m honestly seeing a lot of political parallels in this. 
I cast Bow a humorless smile. “Welcome to Prynne.”
Chapter 1 summary: Now that we’re in the actual story and not whatever the fuck was in the beginning… We’re given some measure of explanation. 
Basically, this is a world where life comes in two stages. The titular firstlife, where you’re born, and age. And then you die, and you begin your second life. However, before you die, people want you to sign an unbreakable contract with blood that you’ll join one of two factions: Myriad (aka heaven) or Troika (aka hell). There is supposed to be a third option that’s somehow worse than the two of those. But if you ask me (and our main character, apparently), being whipped for all eternity because you refused to pick heaven or hell sounds better than being forced to fight in a war that you 100% don’t support. And dying for the second and final time sooner rather than later. Because of that war. 
Anyway, so there’s a lot of torture porn in this chapter. I’m really over it, because you know that MC is going to leave soon, simply so that the actual story can start. She gets a new roommate, a girl named Bow. But I’m pretty sure that it’s Killian. She/He’s nuttier than squirrel poo, and knows way too much about life in the asylum for Ten’s comfort. 
As the girls leave their room for breakfast, they get at it with another inmate, Sloan. 
0 notes
five-rivers · 3 years
@lucifer-is-a-bag-of-dicks came up with this op!Danny/Marvel AU!
BTW I need help naming this newest proof that I can't keep anything to a short little one-shot.
Loki was not, and never had been, a good man. For that matter, whether or not he’d ever been a good boy was debatable. His mother would argue that he had, but she would very likely be the only one. Well, except for Thor, perhaps, but that was because he was an idiot who could drown in three inches of nostalgia. Like he didn’t remember every time Loki had humiliated him. Maybe he didn’t, for all that he kept falling for the same trick over and over again.
It made Loki’s late nights studying the arts of illusion, misdirection, and lying seem redundant. Almost. Not everyone was as dense as his big brother.
No. Loki had never been a good man. He had, however, been a free man.
Free to run or hide. Free to explore the nooks and crannies of Asgard, to uncover her secrets in ways few cared to do. Free to walk hidden paths between the Nine Realms and even farther flung territories, where his people did not and had never ruled, to play games, make deals, have adventures, take risks. To be. To exist as his own creature.
He had been free. He had.
But on one of those little secret excursions, he had discovered something that had made even his flippant, slippery heart clench with fear. A ravening plague, spreading across the stars. The death of half of everything on the horizon.
Loki was not a good man. What cause did he have to care for all the sundry others in the universe? There were too many. It was too much to ask.
But Asgard—His home, even though the had long ago realized the blood in his veins originated on very different soil. That was different.
Asgard, he could help. Asgard could survive.
But it had to be strong. It had to have strong allies. None of this barely-held peace, this enemy eternally at their gates. It needed strong leadership. Not his brother’s simplistic view and longing for the glory of war.
Loki was not a good man. But he was one who could get things done.
Before he knew it, he had burned all his bridges behind him. In one case, a literal bridge that was literally broken.
And he fell.
And he fell.
And he fell right into the hands of the one he had feared enough to do this. Broken enough for poison to drip into the cracks. No one knew where he was, no one could know where he was, except, perhaps, Heimdal, and Loki sincerely doubted Heimdal cared. No one was coming for him. No one was looking for him. No rescue was forthcoming.
He was alone.
Asgardians were considered gods for a reason. Their bodies and minds were much more resilient than the average mortal’s. But Thanos’s people had been titans, and there was a reason for that, too.
Thanos enjoyed breaking him.
And Loki turned his lies on himself. A skilled master of games always had one gifted opponent, even alone. Hadn’t he wanted to rule? To command? To see a world, any world, prostrate at his feet? To be given the recognition and praise of which he was so worth?
To pull something, anything, out of the fire?
(If he had spent less time learning how to spin lies and more on how to see the truth, he might not have believed it. A better, wiser, man would have. But Loki was not a good man. And he was very skilled in his craft.)
So, his new master put a weapon in his hands, and he went off to conquer a world.
Danny was used to rude awakenings. He was used to those rude awakenings being full body chills and ghosts, not someone knocking on his door.
Blearily, he pulled himself out from under the blankets. Quasi-military government facility or not, the beds were comfortable. Maybe Mom or Dad had gotten themselves locked out of their room? Or Jazz—No, not Jazz, she hadn’t come with them. She was at college, not being flown places by Mom and Dad’s suspiciously generous new consulting job.
At least it wasn’t the GIW.
He stood on tiptoe (curse his perpetually short body) to peer out the peephole. His parents’ buff, one-eyed, and incredibly imposing new boss stood in front of the door, hands on his hips, slightly sweeping back his long dark coat. If Danny listened carefully, he could hear two other people near the door, and… was that an alarm? Yes. Faint, but present, was a warning klaxon.
Okay. Danny would bet his right arm that something had gone horribly wrong with whatever his parents were consulting on. Didn’t explain why the boss was in front of his door.
Unless they’d gotten the rooms mixed up, somehow?
Ugh. Danny wasn’t paid enough to deal with this.
He opened the door. “What-?”
“Phantom,” intoned eyepatch guy with great solemnity.
Danny immediately tried to close the door. The guy stuck his foot in the jamb, and, sure, Danny could have crushed it, but that would be a jerk move. He didn’t think this guy was going for a pirate look, after all.
“We need your help.”
“I’m not sure what you think I can help you with,” yelled Danny over the beating of the helicopter blades. He’d remained stubbornly in human form. “My parents are the scientists. This sounds like a science thing. Not a punching-people thing.”
“We spoke to them earlier,” said Fury, “and we have plenty of scientists working on the theories they brought up. You’re the one with practical experience.”
“Practical experience in what?”
“Interdimensional portals,” said the woman, who had yet to introduce herself.
As if this whole thing wasn’t already giving him a bad feeling. “My parents built an interdimensional portal. Again, you should be talking to them. They’re the ones you’re paying.”
“We could pay you, too,” said Fury, “but we assumed you would want to avoid letting your parents know about this, as you’re still a minor and they have control of your bank accounts.”
Danny stared flatly. “This is blackmail.”
“We aren’t threatening you,” pointed out the woman.
“Emotional blackmail,” said Danny, glaring, daring her to challenge him on whether or not he actually knew what blackmail was.
In the meantime, the helicopter landed. Danny unbuckled and hopped out, trailing slightly awkwardly behind Fury and the woman. He didn’t want to stand out, but he suspected that, being the only kid here and being in the general vicinity of Fury, who radiated authority, that was a lost cause.
“This is Agent Coulson. Coulson, this is Phantom.”
Danny’s mouth went dry(er) at how casual the introduction was. His eyes went nervously to all the other people running around the field. With all the noise, it was unlikely anyone had heard, but still…
“Can you not? Secret identity and all? Unless you’ve told everyone herealready, which, rude.”
Fury sighed. “How bad is it?” he asked Coulson.
“We’re not sure,” said Coulson. “That’s the problem. Big fan of your work, by the way,” he added as an aside to Danny. He glanced at the woman. “Agent Hill.”
“Background?” asked Fury as he led the way into the building.
“The first energy surge was four hours ago. Dr. Selvig’s equipment picked it up – He’s the head scientist on this project.”
“Dr. Selvig isn’t authorized to test,” said Fury. “We wanted to run his plans by the Fentons.”
“He wasn’t testing. He wasn’t even in the room. He called it ‘spontaneous advancement.’”
“It turned itself on?”
“What are the energy levels?” asked Fury before Hill’s question could be answered.
“Climbing,” said Coulson.
“Mr. Fenton,” said Fury, “any comments?”
“Look, I don’t even know what this thing that you built looks like or what it’s a door to.” Danny frowned as a thought occurred to him. “You’re not expecting me to fight whatever comes out of it, are you? Because, unless you’ve got a ghost portal down there, I can’t make guarantees.”
“It’s called the Tesseract,” said Coulson. “It’s supposed to be a connection to the other side of space. A source of unlimited energy. At least,” there was a note of humor in his voice despite the evacuation taking place around them, “that’s what the scientists say.”
“A door to space?” asked Danny, firmly shoving down his excitement at the prospect. “Like, a Stargate?” It was no good, he could practically feel himself sparkling. He took a firm grip of his core and reminded himself he might need to fight before the end of the day.
“Well, no,” said Coulson. “It’s this little… cube… thing.” He made a shape with his hands.
“Oh,” said Danny, mind still whirring. “You know, if it’s really a tesseract, it isn’t a cube in just three dimensions, so bigger things could come out of it than you’d think.” He’d seen some weird portals in the Ghost Zone.
“Well, right now, we’re just getting energy.” They entered a large room with an extremely sci-fi setup. It looked like they were planning to shoot some kind of laser across the room onto a platform surrounded by strange-looking panels. There were men with guns scattered around in what was probably a well thought out formation Danny couldn’t see. There was also a dude with a bow sitting up in the rafters. He frowned down at Danny as he noticed Danny noticing him.
“Dr. Selvig!”
“What do we know?”
Danny allowed himself to be distracted by the centerpiece of the room, a piece of machinery built around what was indeed a little cube thing. He tilted his head and approached, trying to get a better view of it around the people in lab coats and protective gear currently swarming it. He caught mention of radiation a grimaced.
It was unlikely to kill him, but, really, everyone here should probably be wearing more PPE. You never knew what was going to come out of an interdimensional portal, after all. Except trouble. Trouble was a pretty safe bet.
It was pretty. Blue. Reminded him a little of a blue raspberry ice pop. Part of him wanted to lick it. Which was stupid. He didn’t want to wind up half what-ever-lived-on-the-other-side on top of his regular ghost nonsense.
“Mr. Fenton?”
Danny jumped and turned, refocusing on the adults, who had multiplied while he’d been daydreaming. The guy with the bow had joined them.
“Mr. Fenton? Like the Doctors Fenton I spoke to earlier?” asked Selvig.
“Yeah, it’s—”
This, of course, was when everything decided to explode. Sort of.
The blue cube shot out a beam of energy that had more than a little in common with the Fenton Bazooka’s portal setting. The beam terminated on the platform, a portal rapidly forming.
Danny slid into a fighting stance, and barely even noticed as blue energy washed over the room, throwing many less-prepared people back.
Something shaped like a man stepped through the portal.
Danny did not break his stance. Still. “An alien,” he whispered, eyes wide. If they were friendly, maybe they’d answer his questions about space. If they weren’t friendly, maybe they’d answer his questions about space after Danny beat them up.
(Danny did not go ghost. Did not even think about going ghost. There were too many people here, and the space was too open.)
Fury attempted to negotiate. Danny approved. Not everything that came through an interdimensional portal was necessarily evil.
Except this guy apparently was. Go figure. He could also deflect bullets and was very good with throwing knives, which led to Danny having to pull several of the gun guys out of their own line of fire as well as the alien’s line of knife. Who would have thought an alien’s weapon of choice would be throwing knives? The energy-blasting spear was much more in line with his expectations.
The bow guy proved to be more competent than the gun guys. This didn’t really surprise Danny. Bow guy sort of had to be competent. Otherwise, no way would they let him go around with a bow. Like, seriously. A bow.
Even so, bow guy was fighting an alien and—
“You have heart,” said the alien, raising the spear.
Danny pushed bow guy out of the way, and his mind fuzzed out.
(The human part of it, anyway.)
Loki didn’t know what a child was doing here, and he didn’t particularly care. The boy would do for a hostage, at least. He had a mission he had to fulfil, or else…
Or else.
“Please don’t,” he said turning with a shadow of his usual lazy affect, vaguely insulted that the human thought he could be sneaker that him, “I still need that.”
The human went on and on, apparently burdened with the delusion that he was on the same level as Loki.
Loki was burdened with other things. A glorious purpose. Glad tidings. Freedom. What could be better than freedom?
“A world free from what?” asked the human.
“From freedom,” said Loki, and wasn’t that what he believed, now? Wasn’t that what he’d been shown? “Freedom is life’s great lie.” He would know. He was an excellent liar. “Once you accept that, in your heart—” He batted away an arrow and tsked. “Shield me, boy,” he demanded. Had Thanos misrepresented the scepter’s powers? Or was the boy merely—
A dome of green surrounded him and the boy, thrumming with magic the likes of which he had only seen once, in a tome thrice forbidden.
“Oh,” said Loki, almost purring. “You are interesting. What are you?”
“Half human, half ghost,” replied the boy, tersely.
Loki had never heard of such a creature. No matter. He’d be sure to make good use of him.
“Grab the scientist,” he said, nodding at the balding man who had been with his brother when he’d fought the Destroyer in the desert.
Loki wanted the archer. He seemed interesting. Useful.
Fenton was under thrall. Phantom knew what that felt like. A hundred feet under red water, trying not to drown, whispers everywhere. Pulling. Pushing. Prodding.
This was different, but the principle was the same.
Neither half of him could truly ‘fight’ the other. Fenton and Phantom were a single entity. Not two in lockstep. Even so.
Fenton grabbed onto Dr. Selvig, as ordered. Phantom made sure that was all they did.
“What are you doing, boy?” snapped Loki. “Follow me! Bring the scientist.”
And so, they followed.
Loki breathed. Acquiring Barton had been the right choice. The boy was powerful, but, perhaps because of his unique biology, did not have Barton’s presence of mind, and couldn’t have led him to such wonderful allies.
These weren’t truly his allies. Nor were they subjects. They were…
Loki forced himself to breathe. He just had to follow the mission. Follow the mission, let Thanos’s army through. He’d been promised this world. He would have this world.
And then he could be… His mind stuttered over the next word, and he shook his head, trying to drive out the painful buzz of Thanos’s herald and mouthpiece trying to contact him.
He looked up at the drones bustling around, all according to his will. Except the boy, who stared at him, somehow managing to be both utterly blank and challenging at the same time.
He was alone, here.
He was alone.
But what did it matter? Bad men always wound up alone, and Loki… Loki could never be a good man.
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Twisted Wonderland Chapter 6, Parts 1-16 Review
Sorry for the wait. This post will hold a brief summary of all events taking place within the chapter, followed by my own thoughts, theories, and opinions. All of which will be placed under the cut for spoilers.
⚠️ Spoiler warning! If you have not seen the translations then I recommend watching them before reading. You have been warned!⚠️
(Note: the bingo board will or will not be featured depending on the current events. Just because the theories might not be true, I kinda want to see how off I was. For this purpose, the board stays up.)
Chapter 6 summary
So, to start off we turn to our lovely MC who is currently in the process of having another nightmare vision. The vision shows us of the first part of the Hercules movie with Hades attending Hercules's christening (it's like a birthday/baptism but it can't truly be called a baptism in this case due to this being with pagen gods). Basically, it's Zeus trashing Hades as always, and the vision ends with Hades saying that he wishes for Zeus to drop dead before leaving the party.
MC wakes up to a concerned Ace and Deuce who ask why MC was passed out. After MC gives a brief explanation of what happened, they get worried about Grim and contact Crowley. The Headmaster disregards MC trying to tell him about Mickey and commands that they lock the doors and windows. He then tells Ace and Deuce to go back to their dorm and Crowley summons the Dorm leaders for an emergency meeting.
Ace and Deuce decide that they should try and find Grim before the dorm leaders. But as they search, they overhear Crowley saying that Ortho Shroud already caught Grim. What's more is that he seems afraid of someone coming to their school (along with the reputation with Ambrose, but that's about to become another problem entirely.)
Fast forward to a few days after the capture of Grim at the end of the festival.
Vil calls the VDC group together for a meeting at Ramshackle dorm. He takes responsibly for his actions and also tells us a few interesting things :
Their final performance was flawed due the Overblot fight before hand
He told a bit about Neige's backstory which is a little sad. (He lives with his dwarf companions and has for most of his life. In other words, he's an orphan [as far as I can tell])
Rook knew the whole time when questioned by Vil.
Basically, Vil asks how the group would have voted had they known about Neige's predicament. Kalim and Deuce say maybe, but Ace holds firm to his performance because according to him, it's a competition of the stage, and not sob stories. Vil agrees with Ace.
Anyway, Vil insists on paying for the month of training that the group underwent. At first everyone refuses, but he holds firm and they all agree, and Kalim starts the act of donating the money to get the Ramshackle dorm repaired. Almost everyone else follows suit accept for Ace and Deuce. Deuce wants the money to support his mom, and Ace wants to keep the money for himself (but he does offer to get us lunch. Thank Ace!👍)
They start talking about redecorating the dorm, but then Rook is called out about their performance and his opinion on it. Epel feels betrayed because Rook said their performance was perfect, when in reality it wasn't. Rook clarifies saying that they're performance was beautiful, but not perfect. (As far as I'm able to get, but I could've gotten that wrong.) They make up in the end, and everyone is happy 😊.
And this is where the fun begins...
Immediately following a loud crash is heard from outside. Everyone is in shock as Vil quickly realizes that the magical barrier around the school has been broken by intruders. Rook tells everyone to look outside and then to get down.
The window crashes as the intruders break in to the Ramshackle dorm. They appear to be robotic looking humans, who the gang now have to face. The mysterious intruders target Vil and Jamil, and after a fierce battle manage to overpower and capture the targets. The first years try to fight them as well, but get badly injured and pass out. Ace tried to contact Riddle, but couldn't before hitting the floor.
Meanwhile at the horse riding club, the intruders are spotted coming in their direction. When they arrive, Riddle asks if they have permission to visit, and after a moment of guilty silence he deems them rule breakers and hazardous. All dorm leaders have the power to lift the magical fighting ban in the face of an emergency. Riddle does this and with Sebek and Silver, they fight the intruders together. Riddle seems to have everything under control but then gets beaten up and taken away.
Silver then notices that the intruders only took Riddle and no one else. This makes the pair believe that the intruders are targeting the dorm leaders. Sebek instantly figures that Malleus is in danger and both rush to Diasomnia.
At the dorm, they find Malleus is okay and Lilia gets a call from a distressed Kalim for an emergency meeting.
Meanwhile in the botanical gardens, Ruggie is looking for Leona but then the intruders break through the ceiling. Glass rains down but Leona saves Ruggie. The intruders show themselves and target Leona. At first the two are ready for a fight, but then Leona surrenders after figuring out two things: 1) the people are wearing a special armor made to deflect magic (or absorb it, idk) and 2) he recognizes the logo on their armor: S.T.Y.X.
Leona recognizes that they are more powerful and surrenders his pen, agrees to go with them, and tells Ruggie to look after Savannaclaw.
At another area of the school, Azul and Idia are in an intense game of Chess with Idia coming out as the winner. Then when the barrier is breached, the game gets disrupted. Azul is freaking out about the barrier but Idia seems more mad about the game. Then he asks Ortho to examine the situation. Ortho quickly gives the required info and Idia concludes that the intruders are Carrier Guards (translations vary from translations, it might be called something entirely different depending where you look. Don't take my word for it.) They break into the classroom where the club is being held.
Azul is ready to attack but Idia tells him that the best option is surrender. Ortho backs up his brother and Azul agrees to comply. The Guards then tell Idia that he's wanted at the S.T.Y.X. HQ. Idia complains about the Guards violence and asks what his parents are up to but all information is denied. Knowing that he can't win, Idia agrees to go, Ortho following him and Idia gets ready.
All subjects have been captured at this point, and at the Headmaster's office, Crowley is also being taken away by the Carrier Guards. Most of the staff are bewildered, but Professor Trein understands the situation and takes charge of the school.
The remaining students meet at the Headmaster's office for an emergency meeting and Trein gives everyone the short explanation: the Carrier Guards are from a non governmental organization called S.T.Y.X. who are known to have studied blot, and Overblots for a long time. It then makes sense as to why certain people were targeted. The veteran students then find out from Kalim and Rook that Vil Overblotted.
Meanwhile with the victims, Riddle wakes up and is greeted to the rest of the squad. They then talk in the dark as they wait to arrive to their final unknown destination. They are able to piece together that Idia might have some kind of relationship with the company. Vil later confirms that S.T.Y.X. is run by the Shroud family who a branch of the Jupiter Conglomerate (the people who own the Olympus Tech Company). The Shrouds are an important family that's just as rich if not more so than the Al-Asims but they deal in shady business and research which is why they aren't as well known. Riddle, Azul and Jamil were the most surprised by this.
They arrive on the Isles of Lamentation at S.T.Y.X. and are greeted by Idia, who as it turns out is the co-director of his family business and is currently in charge while his parents are away.
This is the end of parts 1-16
List of personal thoughts and analysis points
Firstly, I just wanna say that this chapter so far has been better than anything I could have been able to predict. Hats of to Yana for making this chapter full of pleasant surprises.
So regarding personal thoughts, a lot of people already said so much on the chapter that makes sense. I have a few things to say that no one else has said so far, but not too much.
Capturing Grim and how MC got back
Honestly, out of all the things I thought would happen but never wrote down, this is probably the biggest one. I had a feeling that Ortho, and maybe Idia would be involved with the capture of Grim, but I never said anything because I was kinda leaning towards RSA getting to him first. But basically, when and how Grim was captured did not surprise me in the slightest because I had an idea that this was what they were going to do.
Now who put MC back at Ramshackle is the real mystery. If it was Malleus, then it would make sense, but maybe he'd be worriedly and stick around until we woke up? If it was anyone from RSA, we would already be exposed, so it can't be them either, (unless... Secret RSA allie?). Ace and Deuce found us in the dorm so it can't be any of them. Ortho probably couldn't carry someone as heavy so it can't be him, plus the fact Ortho is equipped with medical supplies and could have treated MC's injury before leaving, but seeing as we were still untreated at the dorm, it definitely can't be Ortho. Anyone else from NCR would have informed a member of the staff about an injured student, and carried us to the infirmary, but Ace and Deuce had to call the Headmaster because Grim was on the lose, so Crowley would have heard sooner that something was wrong. This rules out almost everyone we can name.
So in conclusion, it could be one of three people:
It could be a mysterious RSA student who isn't involved with anything Ambrose related. (Chenya is the one that comes to mind here, but even he's still on the fence [figuratively and literally])
It could have been Mickey. Maybe he somehow left the Mirror, after all, he's the only one who knew about Grim's disappearance besides MC. And if it was Mickey, I think we would be in big trouble.
Someone else who we have not heard of or even seen before hand. A new character who we may get to see during this chapter. Namely, I'm thinking on the the visiting Fourth years we've been hearing so much about. Maybe they were in a hurry, and couldn't stick around for to long so they dropped us off at the Ramshackle dorm.
Neige's Backstory
He is based off of Snow White, so honestly, I didn't really know what to expect. It makes sense, but that raises the question: who are his parents? Why did they leave him?
There are too many questions and not enough information to figure any of this out.
As for the voting with knowledge, I still would've voted for Vil regardless of Neige's past. I simply liked Vil's work more than Neige. I get Vil explaining what happened to give us the clue that everyone carries a story, but still (yes!!! Totally nailed the first prediction).
Do I like Neige more than I did before? Not really. I'm not trying to be mean, and I understand he has one of those always-looks-on-the-bright-side kind of personalities, but I need to know more about him in order to change my opinion on him in anyway. (Personally, if the theories I've been making about him being manipulated are true then that would make him so much more interesting, but that's just me¯\_(ツ)_/¯).
The Carrier Guards (aka Charons)
This was my favorite part of start. I mean, most people were probably thinking "FBI! OPEN UP!!!" but personally, the thought going through my head at the time was "ALRIGHT!!!! WHO CALLED THE S.W.A.T TEAM??!!"
However, reactions aside, there is some interesting things we see with the guards. At first, I thought they were just people in armor, however weird little messages and scenes from the chapter suggest that these things are anything but human.
The first thing I've noticed was that with our first encounter, normally human would have more character to them. They would probably just break the door down, and even if they still did the window crash, they would try not to hurt anyone more than necessary. I'm not saying this because it's obvious, but more along the lines that, besides receiving orders and giving them, we haven't heard them say anything else. They are either lazer focused on their mission, or they were programed to follow orders.
During the second attack is where things get interesting. Did anyone else notice the animals strange behavior besides the Horse riding club? Silver said that they could be acting off due to the weather, but I think it's something else. One thing I can think of is something unnatural, otherworldly in a sense. The Charons gave off a strange aura that scared the horses, even from afar. Leona and Ruggie even knew something was off about them, with Ruggie saying that the Guards gave off a foul smell.
So that much mean that these Carrier Guards are more than just robots. Either the Isle of Lamentation have something that the Guards brought with them, or it's the Guards themselves. Are they animated for infinite power? Maybe they contain some kind of ghost? Perhaps they have people, but they under some kind of mind control? Who knows?
Idia Shroud (You absolute mad lad! 💖💖😀)
So this chapter has given us a lot of new information about Idia and his family. So let's start unpacking it by say one thing that most people haven't got yet: IDIA DIDN'T SEND THE S.T.Y.X HERE EVERYONE!!! He didn't even know they were coming!
So the next thing that I thought was interesting was Idia's reaction to the whole situation. He took it calmly regardless of how little he knew about what was going on. And there's more to his calm reaction than meets the eye.
Note that everyone else kind of panicked a little, with Azul being the most active, but Idia barley reacted at all, the only shock he experienced was the the chess board was messed up. But that had me questioning: why was Idia so calm?
Considering all the possibilities for his background, I think I've got a pretty good idea as to why. Most of which reminds me of an actual historical event that took place during WWII. The event in question is known as the Blitz.
For anyone who doesn't know, the Blitz was a time period during World War Two where the Germans bombed the city of London. Since the Germans couldn't conquer Britain on the water, they hoped to bomb the capital city into surrender (if memory serves correct). One of the things I remember reading about was the people's reaction to the Blitz, maybe during the first few weeks, everyone was panicking, but eventually for the survivers whenever they heard the siren they remained calm, and went to a bomb shelter. I'm not saying that the weren't afraid, but after it happening a lot, they learned not to be surprised, stay calm, and to do the safest thing and quickly get to safety. They had to be ready to go at anytime and they couldn't go back for anything they may have forgotten.
Now, I'm not saying Idia was alive during a war, but what I am saying is that he has been in situations like this one before. Where at the S.T.Y.X headquarters, you always have to be ready for an emergency, and you have to learn to expect anything to happen. Instead of trying to question it, you have to stay calm and do the best thing you can do in your current situation. Play your part quickly and accurately and you'll be fine. It all goes back to adapting to the situation. Regardless of how dangerous, you have to be ready for anything.
Idia has obviously been trained for situations like this due to his position. The first thing he did after getting over the brief shock was to ask Ortho to examine the situation. After he had enough information to know what was going on, he made his choices based on that knowledge. He didn't hesitate, he didn't stutter. He told Azul to stand down because as far as he could see, it was the best and safest strategy to deploy at the time. Basically, Idia's calm reaction was due to being trained for emergency situations. He was taught to not panic in times like this and to make tough decisions quickly.
Now, before I go on, just wanted to say hats off to Azul for putting the first years out of harm's way first! He has come so far since chapter 3 and we are all proud!!!😊😊
We learn about Idia's family and the position that they hold. And after the chapter, something inside me clicked with Idia. After rewatching the Chapter 6 preview at the end of Chapter 5, it hit different, in a sad way.
When Idia said that he can't go anywhere, he meant that he literally couldn't go not because he didn't want to, but because he can't. He already has a lot of responsibilities for Lamentation, to S.T.Y.X., and currently as a dorm leader. He's been piled up with different titles and talents, but that all comes with a steep price. He isn't as free as everyone else, he has a lot of things he needs to keep track of, and he feels alone because of it. No one, not even the dorm leaders to some extent can understand how much Idia has to deal with, and what that means for his life. His future is already fixed but not in the direction Idia wants it. He can't change his career easily because there is no one else who can do his job for him.
Which is why Idia cuts corners so much. He has a lot to do, so he has to simply it all or he would go insane. He already has anxiety which I'm starting to think is due to the immense amount of pressure that he deals with on a daily basis. Interacting with other people is a problem for him because of reputation, status and responsibilities. He doesn't want to make himself look bad and is afraid of slipping up in front of someone else. It's why he tries to avoid all the unnecessary troubles people bring.
Speaking of which, I've noticed a few things about him that back this up:
He doesn't Bet where he knows he has no chance (ex: Bean's Day)
He tries to simply things to where he can handle the problem (ex: Star Sending)
He will speak his mind in front of others, and not everything he has to say is nice (ex most of his interactions, namely the Ghost Marriage event)
People in general have their own problems that can't easily be examined. Unlike a machine, you can't pull apart a person a just fix them by tinkering with their brain. Idia can't easily understand others because unlike Robots, people are unpredictable.
Everyone else on the other hand don't know what Idia goes through so they don't understand why he is the way he is.
Realizing this has made me love and appreciate Idia even more. Not only is he relatable to me, but he does a good job of taking responsibility and preforming his tasks without complaining. He understands purpose and does everything he can to live up to what people need him to be.
But that also makes me feel sorry for him. I hope that during this chapter, we'll find a way for him to be able to do more of what he likes and find a future where he can be happy, though I have a feeling that he might have to learn to accept the future he currently has before him.
Ortho wants Idia to be happy, and maybe this is why. Ortho had done a lot to try and get Idia to enjoy himself. Even though Idia doesn't always want to do what Ortho thinks will help him, Idia does it anyway for the love of his brother. And seeing Ortho happy makes Idia feel good, because to him, Ortho is the one that truly matters to him. And they both love each other and are willing to go out of their way to keep each other safe. Ortho wants a future where Idia can be happy, and Idia only wants Ortho with him because he is the only one who truly cares.
Honestly, their relationship so sweet and I hope nothing bad happens to Ortho because it would affect both of them. Badly.
Okay, that's all I have for this part. Please see the pinned post for context.
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See you next chapter part!!!🤗🤗🤗
Side note: Vil has a lot of experience with responsibilities so maybe he's the only one who might be able to get to Idia, even though Vil's responsibilities are more optional in his favor, so...🤷
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seodami · 3 years
Gym surprises | KTH
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Genre: Fluff, simping, (((suggestive???no?)))
Warning: thirsting over muscles, being awkward, mentioning of sweat
Word count: 1376
Pairing: Kang Taehyun x reader (gn)
Note: so so I just imagined going to the same gym as Taehyun after watching talk x today and he would honestly be a great gym buddy fr love his determination! Go go Taehyun!✨ anyways please don’t sexualise him I just think he has been working great on himself and has great physics! He is really working hard!
Main Masterlist
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Sweat was dripping down your forehead, over the bridge of your nose onto your fitted red sport shirt. You quickly let go of the handles, belonging to the hanging leg raise workout equipment of your local gym. You tried standing.
Your feet were still wobbly from the previous exercise, now having to mainly focus on the intense pain in your abdominal muscles. With a quick movement you grabbed your small towel and dabbed away the fresh sweat on your face. A long sip of water closely followed.
Still with heavy breathing, trying to calm yourself down, you took a glance around the almost vacant gym. There were not many people around at this hour. Most people decided to come near the afternoon.
There was an older woman running on the track mill, humming softly to the tunes played from her headphones you believed. She obviously tried to block out the fast energizing sounds from the gyms speakers. You never minded them, being too occupied with your own thoughts anyway.
Further on the side, there was a very muscular man, working further on his biceps and triceps, even though they probably already had the size of your head. There were some actual gym monsters here. You and your noodle arms couldn’t even dare to compare. But you still wanted to keep fit and sporty, not being the next bodybuilder.
Your eyes moved towards the fully mirrored wall. Your eyes froze upon a head full of reddish hair. And an extremely attractive backside of a young man, probably around your age. Instead of being the decent human being, you should probably be, your eyes watched attentively how his muscles tensed at the impact of the weightlifting. His arms were smaller than the guy before but they looked just right on him. You already admired his hard working spirit.
To put it into words: this guy was absolutely goddamn attractive in your eyes. He had a determined look on his face, his dyed sweaty hair was sticking to his forehead. Besides that, his facial features were just heavenly. Eyes as big as coins and a defined jawline, sharp nose.
When your eyes met his suddenly in the mirror, it struck to you how long you must’ve stared at the stranger. You immediately averted your gaze, anywhere else. Oh look, what a nice water dispenser and wow, nice sweat stain on your shirt. The incoming blush on your face didn’t make it any easier.
Suddenly remembering you still haven’t finished your set, you moved up your recently used machine, propping your back up against the backside and started moving your legs upwards. You just prayed that he didn’t just catch you staring at him so obviously and that wasn’t looking at you now. Why was your life so humiliating sometimes?
When you finished your set, you quickly moved machines, just thinking about moving out of his eye sight radius. To your disadvantage, you didn’t think clearly about where to go next, resulting in you awkwardly trying to find out how to work this machine in particular, you never happened to use before. Really humiliating Y/N, actually!
No matter how hard you tried to move it, it didn’t budge by the impact. Not even an inch. This was just your lucky day. You were on the verge of quitting this unexplainable weird machine and moving on, when you suddenly heard a voice next to you.
“Do you maybe need help with this?” Your head whipped in lightning speed towards the source of the soft voice, to your shock swing the blond haired attractive guy in front of you. He now had a grey towel hanging from his shoulder and a water bottle in his hand. The strands of his hair were still sticking on his damp forehead. You nearly choked from pure air, being in such close proximity to him. From up close, he looked even more handsome.
Your eyes went wide, struggling to say anything. Your head was like cotton candy, nothing wise seemed to come out. You remembered faintly croaking out a strained and way too high ‘yes please’, when he started to explain you what you did wrong. You subconsciously held your breath, having him bend over to the front of the machine to adjust the settings more fitting to you.
“It’s a tricky machine, honestly. I wouldn’t have understood it either without a coaches help.” He explained, his hand now resting on his hip bone. You noticed the thick veins along his strong muscular arm, making you literally wanna hold onto them.
You looked up to him again. He had a gentle smile on his face. “Is it now better? You need to move this up in order to begin- yes just like that - perfect” he watched you finally being able to move on your own. You sighted in relieve, giggling slightly in embarrassment.
“Thank you, oh god I must’ve looked so embarrassing.” He looked down swiftly on the ground before shaking his head laughing lightly. “No it’s all good. Not many people use this machine in the first place. I’m glad to help.”
“You didn’t say it wasn’t embarrassing.” You chuckled, nervously trying to avert your gaze onto his shoes. He giggled childlike, not fitting to his first impression exactly, but still making you feel giddy. “Well, it looked a bit funny but it was cute.” He grinned cheekily. You flushed even harder, trying to persuade yourself that it was only looking like you just had finished a heavy workout.
“Hey, if you have any more questions about equipment or else wise, I’m right over there. Don’t feel shy to ask.” He pointed pack to the place in front of the mirror, he was standing before. His other hand reached for his neck as he send you a last smile, seeing as you nod and thank him again.
You couldn’t help but smile to yourself, feeling the typical symptoms of an incoming crush. In the corner of your eye you saw him get into position again. Your eyes met again for a swift moment before you both looked away. Were you really that easy to be swooned? Yes you were.
Half an hour and three more exercises machines later, you finally figured out a plan inside your tiny head. You couldn’t just let this chance slip away like the other ones. You were a goddamn strong woman who can pursue her own desires. And you were feeling surprisingly bold after this small encounter, so why not giving it a shot? The worst thing could happen was that you need to change gyms. You could live with that.
So after finally collecting all your courage you possibly could have, you went to the counter, asking for a piece of paper and a pen, quickly writing your phone number and name in large letters.
With a last deep breath, your feet carried you over to the other end of the gym, where the attractive boy was now working hard on the lat pulldown machine. Standing in front of him, you suddenly felt shy again, twiddling with your fingers.
He stopped to greet you again with a bright smile. Without much overthinking, you pressed the small piece of paper in his sweaty hand. He looked up to you with big sparkling eyes as if you should elaborate.
“Just...just you know, if I need anymore advices.” You managed to say, feeling your cheeks warm up once again. Before he could reply anything, you already muttered out a high pitched ‘bye’ and turned around to head towards the changing cabins. You gathered your belongings and left without making a scene or embarrassing you even further. Your whole car ride home was filled with doubtful discussions with yourself.
What you didn’t saw, was his relieved gentle smile after he opened the folded piece of paper, finding your phone number and name on it. Y/N...
So instead of having a shower on top of his priority to do list after going to the gym today, it changed to texting your number with the best feeling of confidence in his system.
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sevendeadlymorons · 4 years
Could I request the brothers reacting to MC who procrastinates a lot?
Absolutely, I’ll get right on that :)
MC Who Procrastinates
Watches you from the doorway of your room as you drum your fingers on the table with your earphones in
Shakes his head because he knew damn well he asked you to finish up on your missed class work only 5 minutes ago
Walks up behind you, takes out your earphones and gives you a stern look
Mom style hands on his hips
Decides to sit on your bed behind you to make sure you’re doing your work this time
Gets out some work of his own to do while he watches over you
You get on with your work... for about 2 minutes
Twiddles your pen between your fingers
Stares at your work for about 10 minutes, head empty
Lucifer just ends up sitting next to you helping you go through it and keep focus
Very very close to just doing it for you
He procrastinates a lot himself
He was told by Lucifer to sit with you and do your work together
Terrible decision really
Didn’t think much of it when you started rocking on your chair, completely ignoring your work
Had to save you when you rocked on your chair too far and you almost fell back
Kept moving your focus further and further away from your work by showing you funny shit he finds on his phone
You two are the worst people to leave alone in a room to get on with their work
Keeps asking you to do something else, of course you agree. Anything to get out of doing work
In the end, you two get in trouble with Lucifer
He had to watch over you two to make sure you do your work
He’d asked you if you could help him clear away some boxes from his recent Akuzon spree
You’d agreed and followed him to his room, beginning to pack away the boxes that lay scattered on the floor
The last time Levi saw you, you were happily folding up boxes into a pile, but when he turned around, he saw you’d gotten distracted by some bubble wrapping...
He honestly didn’t blame you or stop you for that matter, he’d do the same
Went back to his boxes, listening to you popping all the bubbles on the sheet
Eventually turned around and told you to speed it up because he wanted to play the new game he bought
You got back to packing away the boxes for around 30 seconds before you got out your phone and started responding to texts
He looked at you in disbelief, walking over to your side of the pile to pack away your boxes for you
You swatted him away, telling him you got it
Rolls his eyes, believing you, but not for long as he heard you rustling through boxes
Completely just shoos you to the side telling you he’ll do it himself
Comes in to ask you to fill in for him as he can’t do cooking duty today since he’s busy with some book project he’s been working on
You agree and say you’ll get right to it
He smiles and leaves the room, letting you finish off what you were doing
Goes into the kitchen 10 minutes later to see you not there
Walks to your room to actually find you on the bed with your head dangling over the side, phone in hand
Asks you why you aren’t preparing dinner, giving you a confused look
You tell him you’ll get to it, standing up and putting your phone down on the bed, giving him a smile
Gives you the benefit of the doubt and walks out
Immediately sits back down, back to the game you were playing on your phone
Don’t get MC wrong, they did actually think about doing it, just... not yet
In the end, after a long 45 minutes had passed, Belphie and Beel had to do it since nothing was prepared for everybody
Rushes into your room to ask you for help in cleaning his room, as he had company round last night and they left a mess
You immediately knew nothing would get cleaned
Accepted anyway and walked with him to his room
Just the state of the room made you want to do something else
You can hardly clean your own room, how are you supposed to clean his?
Starts to pick up empty cans amd put them in the bin, and pick up and fold about 2 pieces of clothing before immediately sitting on his bed and getting out your phone
Asmo tries to encourage you to help but who in hell willingly wants to clean a room
He eventually takes your phone out of your hand and shifts his weight onto one of his legs
Points to the bed indicating you to help sort it out
You do the bare minimum of making his bed and then straight back on his bed
He honestly can’t believe you and decides to just clean it himself, but at least you’re with him while he does it
Dragged you to the gym with him so you could help him with his form and he could teach you some cardio
Started off fine, telling him how he looked and he even offered you a few dumbbells to use if you wanted
About 5 minutes in, and several different exercises later, you were on your phone, playing a game you recently got
Beel kept asking you if you were watching and you told him you were, but you honestly were too engrossed in the game to focus
Came over every now and again to offer you a different piece of equipment which you took but honestly didn’t use
Exercise can wait. You’ll do it later
He dragged you to your feet so you could help him a couple times and it worked.. for about 20 seconds
Could see you getting distracted by everything around you and whatever was on your phone so brought over some food to motivate you to exercise
Now you were too busy eating to exercise. Such a shame
He decides to end it there and continue another day
Barges into your room with a stack of work he missed from class because of all the times he just didn’t wake up to go to RAD
Asks you to keep him company while he works and maybe even help him study some of the material a bit
You agree and pick up a piece of paper with some questions on, asking him some of them back and forth for maybe 10 minutes
He asks for the next one but all he gets is a little “hm?” from you as you play with a pen
He honestly wants to do the same and procrastinate himself out of this situation but he knew he couldn’t if he didn’t want Lucifer up his ass
Takes away the pen and asks for the next question
You try to focus but you really couldn’t be bothered to revise when you could be doing literally anything else
You offer to take a little nap break with him
How could he turn that offer down
Very little revising was done that day
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smol-jinyoungie96 · 3 years
The Devil Judge - Kang Yohan and Kim Ga On
Four episodes in and their connection to each other somehow keeps getting complicated no?
There’s been a lot of foreshadowing starting from the first episode itself especially during the scene where the bus explodes, the shot of Kang Yohan’s face during the explosion or more specifically! The fire that erupts sort of shows that his facial expressions changed from cocky to blank,
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And right before that scene when Ga On runs inside a bus that could explode any second you could see the split second reaction of worry on his face,
May be because he has a strong dislike towards the idea of fire because of what happened.
And then comes the obvious bug in the office situation and the explosion inside his office and him taking Ga On to his house for his safety of utmost “importance”
The bomb wasn’t meant for Ga On. It was for Yohan and Ga On was just at the wrong place at the wrong time so why was he being so secretive about where Ga On is? To his best friend who is a cop no less?
Third and the fourth episode made me realise that there’s so much to Kang Yohan that we haven’t seen yet. Yes they told about his heart breaking backstory but it’s only the fourth episode and I keep thinking there’s definitely something wrong there
Either Yohan made it up or he altered it or something! Because there is absolutely no way the real story behind the fire comes out in the fourth episode.
And the other reason why I think something is off about the fire story is,
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Also because in the trailer there is a part where Ga On says “how do you expect me to believe you?” So it could be because Ga On being the nosy little shit he is finds something out about the fire story that Yohan either lied to him about or didn’t tell him about.
Coming to the SRF event in episode 4!
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While Yohan absolutely had zero reason to drag Ga On to this event, like at all! Why did he? Definitely not because “i have to introduce him to a lot of people today”
My guess is that all of those people in that fancy rich group was there during the fire, each and every single one of them knows what Kang Issac looks like and yet none of them seem to be weirded out about the fact that the youngest associate judge in the show is a complete replica of Issac meaning they have all forgotten about the fire and about Kang Issac.
Also because the homeless firefighter, he stole Issac’s watch and ran away without helping him or seeing if he was alive and Yohan saw that. This man legit waited for 10 years to find that guy and take the watch back and walked away when he was dying, just like the man did to Issac.
So may be, just may be Yohan took Ga On to that event because he wanted to see if they remembered Issac and now he knows they don’t. That’s more than enough reason to activate his crazy side.
May be also because he wanted to show Ga On how cruel the real world actually is. Ga On in no way is blind to the social power of the society but god damn that kid is naive af. Yohan was right when he said that Ga On is like a baby deer.
Because first he believes the creepy nanny and goes straight to his boss and gets himself choked and thrown across the floor because the idiot asks him “did you kill your brother?”
Second instance when he came out of the washroom in that horrible horrible event, he immediately goes “is there anything you want to tell me? I can keep it a secret”
I get that he wants to get to the bottom of the whole Yohan mystery but i do think he is getting involved too deep in it because obviously now Jung Sun ah knows that Ga On means something to Yohan and even for Yohan, it seems that Ga On is a pawn in his own game.
Odds are, Yohan already knows all about Ga On’s adventures when Yohan is not at home. Ga On himself tells that “he has fancy security equipment installed” so the man probably already knows what Ga On is up to.
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This contrast between them is so good. Ga On in white and Yohan in black. I feel like it represents their characters in a way.
I don’t think Yohan is a bad guy. But i do think he has his own twisted game for getting revenge from everyone who was involved in the accident and he is not above using Ga On to achieve it.
But there is some part of him that genuinely does care about Ga On, a side that feels protective over him because one, he is a literal reincarnation of his brother and two, that boy is so so so naive when it comes to people.
At a certain point i feel like Yohan is getting Ga On too involved in this whole mess because Jung Sun ah already puts the pieces together that Ga On definitely means something to Yohan and at some point others will too.
I will literally throw hands if Ga On gets himself targeted by the rich hypocrites for them to get to Yohan.
In conclusion, four episodes in and i’m already losing my mind because all i’ve gathered so far is that Kang Yohan is a very mysterious character who has a very colourful sense of justice and that,
Kim Ga On has all the grace of Bambi learning how to walk among wolves.
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Send help
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averykedavra · 4 years
30. “I can’t talk to cute people, okay? I don’t know how to flirt!” with analogical if ur still doing the prompts?
Logan was used to the other sides coming to him for advice. Patton often asked for recipes, Roman liked to bounce ideas off him, Janus enjoyed irritating him into debates, and Remus often needed knowledge on the particulars of human anatomy.
The only side who never came seeking advice was Virgil--Virgil told him it was because he didn’t need anything, he just liked talking to Logan.  Logan wished he fully believed that, but he appreciated the sentiment nonetheless.
That was why Logan was a bit alarmed when Virgil tapped on his door and asked for some help.
“So there’s this guy,” Virgil burst out when Logan had seated him on the bed. “And he’s--he’s really cute, and nice, and smart, and--I really, really like him. What do I do?”
“Um--” Logan bit his lip. “Virgil, as much as I’d like to assist, I think this isn’t really my area of expertise? Perhaps Roman, or--”
“Roman’d be all weird about it,” Virgil complained. “He’d be trying to get me to serenade him from the rooftops.”
“Fair enough.” Logan shifted in his chair. “Patton?”
“Eh, he’s sweet but not the practical type.”
“Don’t finish that sentence.”
“Fine.” Logan swallowed his apprehension at coaching Virgil through feelings--and worse, Virgil’s feelings for someone else. “I suppose I can try to help. Are you interested in telling him?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Virgil said. “I dunno if he likes me back.”
“He’d be foolish not to,” Logan said. “And either way, you’ll never know until you ask, right?”
“Right.” Virgil paused and shuddered. “Still. It’s like--the idea of asking him outright is really--intimidating. No offense. Is there any way to ask, like, without asking?”
“Ask without asking,” Logan repeated, staring at him. “Are you sure you don’t want Roman’s help?”
“Positive.” Virgil looked up at him, and Logan was surprised by the amount of vulnerability in his eyes. He must have been quite nervous to come here. Logan, despite himself, softened.
“Okay,” Logan said slowly. “We’ll take this slowly. How are you hoping to ask-without-asking, as it were? Are you trying to figure out whether he has feelings for you without sharing your own? Because that’s a bit counterproductive--”
“I just want to--” Virgil waved a hand. “I wanna, like, tell him I’m maybe interested but like in a way that I can easily deny if it makes him uncomfortable? Like I could say I was joking or we were just having fun but also if he returns it then maybe he likes me--”
“Flirting,” Logan said. “You’re talking about flirting.”
“What?” Virgil flushed. “No, I’m not! I can’t flirt!”
“You literally defined flirting, at least to my knowledge.” Logan tilted his head. “What do you mean, you ‘can’t’ flirt?”
“I can’t talk to cute people, okay?” Virgil waved his hands frantically. “I don’t know how to flirt!”
“It’s simple,” Logan said. “You telegraph interest in someone, typically through horrible puns and comments about their appearance, and await reciprocation. If it comes, you talk-talk until eventual marriage.”
“Marriage?” Virgil repeated.
“Or an emotionally-charged breakup, one of the two.”
“Reassuring.” Virgil flopped back on Logan’s bed and stared at the ceiling. “Ugh. This is all ugh. He doesn’t even like me back.”
“You don’t know that.” Logan sighed and attempted, once again, to reason with Virgil. “Quite honestly, I still think you should just tell them.”
“I’ll practice flirting.”
“Help me practice.” Virgil sat up, eyes determined. “Like--show me how.”
“You think I know?” Logan gestured at himself. “I’m not equipped in matters of the romantic area.”
“Do you like people that way?”
“I--er--” Logan coughed and hoped it hid his blush. “Yes, but that is irrelevant. I do not flirt any more than you do.”
“Huh.” Virgil blinked, and then the determination came back. Logan almost scooted back from the intensity of Virgil’s eye contact. “C’mon. Dude. We can practice together, and you can, like, woo someone in the future.”
“I do not ‘woo.’”
“Well, you will now.” Virgil paused. “So--how do people flirt?”
“As I said, horrendous puns.” Logan shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Um--” Virgil looked like he was thinking. “Um, are you from Tennessee?”
“What?” Logan blinked. “No, we’re all from Florida.”
“‘Cause you’re the only...” Virgil trailed off. “Yeah. That one’s--not good.”
“I don’t get it.”
“You wouldn’t.” Virgil sighed. “Um...are you copper and tellurium?”
“What?” Logan looked down at himself. “No?”
“‘Cause you’re--forget it.” Virgil sighed. “Um, did it hurt--never mind.”
“Did what hurt?”
“My terrible flirting, apparently.” Virgil fell back onto the bed again with a groan. “This is hopeless.”
“Be more direct about it,” Logan said. Again. “Just--say how you feel.”
“I feel like a piece of dirt who can’t communicate to save his life.”
“Something productive.” Logan’s voice softened. “And truthful, Virgil.”
“Oh. Yeah. Um, I guess--” Virgil sat up and stared at his feet, running a hand along his hoodie seams. “I...yeah. I guess it’s pointless to psych myself out over cheap tactics, not to mention you don’t, like, get it--so. Um.”
Virgil looked up. “I like you, L. A lot.”
“Good!” Logan said. “Like that. That’s perfect.”
“What? No. I--” Virgil suddenly looked very red. “Um--I didn’t mean--”
Logan stared at him as he curled into himself. “What did you--”
“Nothing!” Virgil almost yelped. “Nothing. Forget it.” He jumped up. “I’m gonna be--going now? Yeah. Going--places. Places that are very much not here.”
Virgil almost ran out the door. Logan stared after him in utter confusion and not a small bit of guilt. Had he done something wrong? Virgil had seemed comfortable, until--
Logan shot to his feet. “Wait--”
The door banged open as he threw it to the side and ran out into the hallway. The noise had surely woken everyone else in the area, but Logan found he didn’t care--since he’d finally caught on, and wasn’t about to waste another moment.
Give me a prompt, and I’ll write a short drabble!
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Out of Time [Epilogue]: Steve x Reader
Series Masterlist
Summary:  After Steve gets injected with a mysterious substance during a mission gone wrong, you come to find out that the only thing that can save his life is a pure sample of Dr. Erskine’s Super Soldier Serum. Unwilling to let the love of your life die without a fighting chance, you travel through the quantum realm back to 1943. Equipped with little more than your knowledge of past events, you have to figure out just how exactly you’re going to get your hands on that serum. Not only that, but with the infinity stones no longer protecting the reality you’ve come from, there is now a chance that your presence in the past can change the future you’ll return to. Can you succeed without messing things up? And if things go wrong, can you fix it before it’s too late? Or will you run out of time…
Word Count: 4614
Warnings: You might die from cuteness
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When you land back in the future, your entire body is shaking. You have just enough strength to hit the button on the time watch to dissolve your quantum suit before you collapse to your knees.
“Vic!” Bucky vaults onto the platform. He kneels in front of you, taking your face into his hands. “Vic, what’s wrong?”
“Did you get the serum?” You can hear Bruce’s voice.
Your breaths come out in sputtering gasps, but you try to fight through it and nod your head. “Yes,” you choke out. “I have it.” Your hands are shaking as you reach for the internal pocket on your coat and hand it over to Bucky. “Dr. Erskine said that the components will begin to degrade the longer it’s left unused. I don’t know how much time we have left.”
Bucky takes the vial and quickly hands it off to Bruce, before returning to you. He places a comforting hand on your shoulder. “What happened?” he coaxes gently.
Tears well up in your eyes when you look back at him. “I think I messed up.”
He gently helps you to your feet and takes you to your bedroom to get cleaned up and changed into something more comfortable as you begin to divulge in full detail what exactly happened when you traveled back in time. He sits patiently on the corner of your bed as you pace up and down the room. You talk until your voice is raw and then you keep going.
“But then he threatened to drop the vial if I didn’t tell him who I worked for! I didn’t know what else to do, so I told him the truth…”
“And he believed you,” Bucky surmises, already putting the pieces together.
“He did,” you confirm, going a little soft as you recall his reasoning for believing you. “But Bucky…” you begin to shake your head fervently. “I broke every rule! I changed everything! None of that was supposed to happen!” You gesture wildly off to the side in a vague attempt at pointing toward the past. “And now, it’s too late to fix any of it,” you say brokenly.
Bucky releases a long breath, his mind spinning after everything you’ve just revealed. “Look, I’m not the science expert here and my only experience with time travel is getting shoved into an icebox every few years,” his lame attempt at a joke makes you scoff at best. “But I’m pretty sure that if anything got changed from this, you would be the only one that knows any different. So, let’s start small.”
You tilt your head as you look back at him, not understanding where he’s going with this.
“Look around your room. Is anything different here?” he asks.
As soon as you realize what he’s getting at, you start to walk around the room. Everything is exactly as you had left it. There’s a picture frame on the nightstand on your side of the bed. You’re tucked under Steve’s arm and smiling brightly at the camera. You remember that the photo was taken during one of Tony’s parties. Steve is wearing that tight blue button-up shirt that always drives you crazy and you’re decked out in a pretty red dress. Not even ten minutes after this photo was taken, you and Steve had snuck off for a quickie in the bathroom, because you just couldn’t handle how sexy he was in that damn shirt.
You smile fondly at the picture and move around the rest of the room. The books on your bookshelf are all the same. Half of them are yours, half are Steve’s. The closet is still divided between both of your things, but it’s all the same outfits you’ve seen hundreds of times. The bathroom still has both of your toothbrushes in the cup by the sink. A few different makeup products are scattered over the counter from when you’d been trying to figure out what you were going to take with you to 1943.
You make your way back over to Bucky, shaking your head and shrugging your shoulders. “It’s all the same.”
“Okay,” Bucky nods. “And I assume that I’m not any different, right?” He asks. “Now be careful with what you say, because if you tell me I didn’t have to lose my arm, I may just pull this one off and throw it at you,” he jokes again, pointing to his metal arm.
That one manages to successfully pull a laugh out of you, even if it’s a small one. “No, you’re the same. Metal arm included.”
“Alright…” Bucky grunts quietly as he pushes off the bed to stand up. “Then let’s widen our scope. While we’re at it, let’s head to the kitchen and get some food in you.”
You’re not very hungry, but you know that Bucky is just trying to take care of you in Steve’s absence, so you don’t argue. The two of you leave the living quarters and head for the shared kitchen. It’s strange being back. Not only because of the abundance of technology, that you had seriously taken for granted, but also because that feeling of uselessness was beginning to sink back in.
You’d completed your part. You got the serum. Now all that’s left is to wait and see if it paid off. You’re of no use at this point and that is really starting to weigh on you. “Bucky… what if it doesn’t work?” you ask, your voice sounding hollow.
“Don’t say that, Vic. Don’t even think it,” he responds swiftly. “You busted your ass to get us that serum. It’s going to work.”
You have to bite your lip to keep it from trembling, your eyes are already so raw from how much you’ve been crying that it physically hurts to tear up. “How can you be so sure?”
His gaze softens when he looks back at you. “You said it perfectly yourself. I have faith.”
Bucky was lucky enough to get some food in you but was wholly unsuccessful in getting you to rest. So here you are, 24 hours after arriving back from the past and you’re sitting at Steve’s bedside, desperately scrolling through a tablet reading through as many historical events as you can from the last century, trying to figure out what’s changed. So far, you’ve come up empty.
Bruce showed up at about 3 in the morning to tell you they had a breakthrough with the serum and had been able to synthesize a cure. He had even reached out to Shuri in Wakanda to have her double-check their work before preparing the antidote to administer into Steve’s IV. You gave her a quick phone call to let her know how grateful you were for her help and to tell her how handy her healing gel had been during your travels. When you asked how you could ever repay her, she’d laughed and told you to take her to Disneyland, because T’Challa still refused to take her himself. That made you crack a smile and you quickly agreed to get a trip planned.
Everyone else had, for the most part, left you alone to be with Steve. You are completely exhausted, both physically and mentally, but you can’t seem to let your mind rest. You can’t help but feel in your gut that your presence in the past had to have changed something. You just can’t for the life of you figure out what.
The rough voice has your head snapping up so fast, you get whiplash. “Steve!” You quickly place the tablet down and scramble to your feet.
He blinks heavily, and he looks groggy as all hell, but he’s definitely awake.
“Oh, you big idiot. You scared the shit out of me!” You’re already crying again, just from the relief of seeing him awake.
“Sorry,” he grimaces. “What happened?”
“Those Hydra scientists injected you with some type of anti-serum poison. It almost killed you.”
“Would explain why I feel like shit…” he mumbles.
You scoff out a wet laugh. Reaching up, you push his bangs off his forehead then curl your fingers down his temple and over his smooth cheek. “Jerk,” you tell him affectionately.
His lips tilt into a half-grin before immediately falling into a frown. He grips your arm to stop you from pulling it back. “Vic, what is this?” he questions, looking at the bruise around your wrist. Figures he would notice that in mere seconds of being awake. You hadn’t even gotten a chance to have anyone else look at it yet.
“Oh, it’s nothing…” you try to brush it off and take your arm back, but his grip is surprisingly firm for someone that had literally been just steps away from death. Damn Super Soldier.
“It’s not nothing,” he insists. “That’s a handprint! Vic, who did-” he cuts himself off, gaze flickering down to where his fingers are wrapped around the middle of your arm and then back up to the bruise. Slowly, almost hesitantly, his hand travels up the length of your arm until he’s circling your wrist. He’s gentle and doesn’t press on the bruise at all, just hovers over it enough to see the exact match. “I did this,” he states upon the realization. His brows then furrow in confusion. “Why don’t I remember…?” He inhales sharply, his grip going slack, causing his hand to drop into his lap. In the next moment, his head whips around you meet your startled gaze. “You went back!” he exclaims.
“What-” your jaw drops as you stare back at him, wide-eyed. Your heart begins to pound in your chest. “How…”
“Vic, honey, this is serious. Did you go back to 1943?” Steve questions insistently. He looks just about ready to jump out of the hospital bed if you don’t answer immediately.
You release a shaky breath. “How did you know that?” you question, your mind racing to come up with an explanation for whatever seems to be happening here. You jolt when the medical equipment hooked up to Steve starts beeping because of his elevated heart rate. He pulls the heart monitor clip off of his finger and tries to push himself into an upright position. “Whoa, Steve!” you place your hands on his chest to make him lie back again. “Hon, you need to take it easy. Your body is still trying to fight off the poison and you haven’t received the full dose of the antidote, yet.” You hit the button on the side of the bed to lift him up into a seated position.
“Vic, where’s my suit?” he asks urgently.
“Your suit?” you question, not understanding why he’s asking about it. “It’s right here,” you point to where it’s neatly folded on a table behind you. He’d been stripped out of it so they could work on him, but you hadn’t had the time or mental capacity to put it away, yet.
“Look under the chest plate, on the inside of the suit,” he instructs. “There’s a hidden pocket on the left.”
You give him a perplexed look before slowly turning to move toward the table. You slip your hand under the collar of his uniform and feel around under the chest plate. Sure enough, your fingers brush against the small pull tab of an invisible zipper. Pinching it between two fingers, you open the pocket and try to feel for what could be inside. Your fingers brush against some kind of paper. The beat of your heart fills your ears as you slowly pull the paper out and carefully unfold it.
“Oh my god…” all the air rushes out of your lungs at once.
It’s you. Drawn out in charcoal. Asleep on the cot in the barracks at Camp Lehigh. The drawing is unmistakable. You just saw it yesterday morning, so you can recognize it instantly. But the version you hold now is faded and smudged. The paper is soft and worn, the edges have turned yellow. The one you hold now didn’t come through the quantum realm. This one passed through the passage of time one single day at a time.
“You said I should carry you in my heart,” Steve’s words pierce straight through your scattered thoughts, making you gasp. “So, I did.”
Your hands begin to shake. You quickly set down the sketch, afraid that you might damage the delicate paper. “I…” you huff, your mind racing faster than you have the strength to comprehend. “I don’t understand.” Your breath hitches and you cup your hands over your mouth.
“Vic,” Steve calls for you gently.
When you turn to face him, he’s got his hand stretched out, beckoning you closer. You feel dizzy as you walk on unsteady legs over to him, taking his hand and letting him pull you closer until you’re sitting on the side of his bed. “Steve… I don’t- What does this mean?”
He gives you a small smile, squeezing your hand gently for comfort. “You just spent the last two weeks in 1943, right?” You swallow thickly and nod your head. “Vic… those two weeks happened 80 years ago for me.”
You choke on your next breath when his words confirm what your brain is trying to grasp at. “So, that means that I did mess up the timeline, then. Oh, God. Bruce warned me that-”
“Honey, you didn’t mess up anything,” Steve cuts you off, using a soothing tone. 
He runs his fingers over your hand, tracing out the lines on your palm in a calming gesture. “Do you remember when you were trying to figure out my Ma’s potato soup recipe?” he asks. “You would get so sad whenever it didn’t turn out quite right.”
You release a shaky breath watching how his fingers trace over your palm again and again. “I almost gave up.”
“I know. But then I begged you to try again. Just one more time. I told you that I knew you would get it right and what happened next?” he prompts.
You huff out a laugh at the memory, “The next one was perfect.”
Steve nods in confirmation. “I knew you would get the recipe right because you’d already made it for me once…” He stops the ministration of his fingers on your hand and waits for your gaze to lift to his. “In 1943,” he finishes.
You hold his gaze and let that sink in. “So… These last two weeks… That was always supposed to happen?”
“Yes,” he confirms with a breath.
“But…” you shake your head trying to wrap your head around this new concept. “You never said anything… Why wouldn’t you tell me?”
He fixes you with a sad look, “For the same reason you were terrified to tell me the truth,” He explains. “I wanted to tell you. In fact, there were several times when I almost did. But I was scared that if I told you before it had a chance to happen, then it wouldn’t happen at all.” He’s gone back to fiddling with your hand, now that he’s the one that needs comfort from the contact. “Vic, look at me,” he implores. “Why do I make you dance with me whenever Taking a Chance on Love comes on?”
He’s never given you a reason before, which means there’s only one answer. “Because I made you dance with me to it in your apartment,” you answer.
He smiles. “Why do I always ask to make sure you’ve checked the expiration date on your emergency inhaler?”
Your breath catches in your throat. “Because I had to give it to you during your asthma attack.”
“Why do I kiss you on your stomach and on your back where you now have a set of scars underneath that t-shirt?”
Your press your free hand to the side of your stomach absentmindedly. “Because you helped me patch up the gunshot wound.”
“See?” he asks. “You didn’t change the timeline, Vic. You completed it.”
The words have no sooner left his mouth before you’re promptly bursting into tears. However, these tears aren’t coming from a place of sadness or fear, they instead stem from pure relief. You crumple forward against his chest, openly sobbing as he wraps an arm around you. “I was so scared that I had messed things up!”
“I know, Honey. But it’s okay. Everything’s okay.” He places a kiss to the top of your head and rubs soothingly at your back. He holds you close as you cry out the last of the stress and tension out of your body.
When you’re no longer racked with sob you push yourself off of him and rise off the bed. You grab a few tissues from the side table to blow your nose and dry your eyes before tossing them into the trash. You release a long sigh, feeling the last of the tension leave you. This, however, allows pure exhaustion to settle over you in its place.
“Vic, I mean this in the most loving way, but you look like crap.”
You release a dry scoff, shooting Steve with a light glare. “Gee, thanks.”
He looks back with concern. “When was the last time you slept?”
Your gaze softens up. “In 1943,” you tell him honestly.
“Come here,” he lifts his arm in invitation.
“Steve, you’re still recovering,” you protest.
“I’ll recover a whole lot faster if you don’t make me get up and come after you.”
You huff out a laugh, but relent and move back toward the bed. “Stubborn jerk,” you mumble. You kick off your shoes and raise the thin blanket covering his legs to tuck yourself in close next to him. You lay on your side, with your head on his chest and a leg thrown over his. You shift around a bit until you find the most comfortable spot. “You were easier to spoon when you were smaller.”
Steve releases a low chuckle, settling his arm over your shoulders and resting his hand at your back. “At least you never called my penis adorable when I was this size.”
“Oh my God,” you grumble. “I never said that, but I can certainly start!”
He snickers when you slap his chest. His hand slips beneath the hem of your shirt and crawls back up until his fingers touch the scar on your back. He releases a low hum. “As soon as I get out of this hospital bed, we’re having crazy hot reunion sex.”
You snort in amusement. “I’m sorry, we’re having what?”
“Hey, you got some like two days ago, but I haven’t had sex in like a month,” he protests.
“Are you seriously jealous of yourself?” you ask dubiously.
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” he admits, continuing to run his fingers over your scar. “Usually whenever I missed you enough to make my chest ache. It happened a lot when you first left, but it would also creep up on me whenever things got slow on the war front. It always made me think about how there was a version of myself somewhere out there in another time that got to spend every night wrapped up in your arms. A version of me that got to touch you whenever he wanted. Kiss you whenever he pleased. It killed me not knowing when or if I’d ever see you again.”
You rub your cheek against his chest and listen to him talk. “When I was in the Valkyrie while it was going down and had to decide what to do… You were my first thought. If I crashed the plane and died, then I’d never get to see you again. And that thought scared me more than anything else. But then I remembered what you told me the day you left.  Don’t make your choices based on what you think will bring you back to me. Make the choice because you know it’s the right thing to do. And I knew at that moment that this was exactly what you had been talking about. So… I grabbed onto my faith and plunged into the ice.
“When I woke up in 2012… I was terrified that I had overshot the timeline and missed my opportunity to be with you. Then the battle of New York happened and suddenly I had bigger problems to deal with. When I got assigned to the DC SHIELD office, as soon as I got my credentials, you were the first thing I looked up. Imagine my surprise when I found out you’d actually been in New York with me.”
“Like two ships passing in the night,” you comment, watching your fingers draw random patterns against his chest. “I was re-assigned to the LA office after New York.”
“I know. I purchased a plane ticket to California.”
Your heart skips a beat at his admission. “What?”
“Yeah. I flew out there to find you. When I got to the SHIELD base, the director made a big deal about my arrival and wanted to give me a grand tour of the facility. You were training when I first saw you.” You shift up onto your elbow, so you can look down and meet his gaze, eager to hear what he’ll say next. “You were with a guy. Sparring. I could tell you both were pretty friendly with each other. The way you fought was more teasing than actual combat training and whenever he pinned you to the mat, you would laugh. From where I was standing, it looked like you were flirting.”
You rack your brain, trying to figure out who he could be talking about. “Was that my old partner?” you question. “The one that was already married?”
Steve purses his lips and scrunches his nose. “And gay… It would take me a few years before figuring that one out.”
“Ugh, Steve!” you groan and flop back down onto his chest. To think you could have been with him even earlier if he hadn’t jumped to conclusions.
“I know,” he agrees with a sigh. “I really shot myself in the foot with that one. But you’d also been younger than I remembered you, so I was pretty sure I hadn’t missed our chance. I flew back to DC and then waited for you to come to me.”
“How the hell did you manage to keep all of this a secret? You suck at lying.” You ask in disbelief.
That gets a laugh out of him. “I honestly have no idea, but I am so glad that I can talk about it with you now.”
“Well, then I guess while we’re on the subject of clearing the air, I also have a confession to make.” Steve looks at you curiously. “I kind of had a ‘klepto’ moment,” you admit.
His brows pull together, “What does that mean?”
You bite your bottom lip and grimace, “I took something that doesn’t belong to me and brought it back through the quantum realm.”
He raises a brow, unsure if he should be amused or disapproving of your actions. “What did you take?”
Pushing yourself back up, you crawl halfway over his body and stretch an arm out to the wheeling table by his bed where all of your friends have put flowers and little trinkets to express their well wishes. Steve grabs onto your hips to make sure you don’t fall out of the bed as you drag the table a little closer. Plucking an object off the table, you settle back against Steve’s side and hand it to him.
“Vic…” even with just the one syllable, you can hear him choking up.
“Our last morning at the camp, you left to take a shower and your suitcase was just sitting there. Open. I saw where you had tucked it, and I don’t really know why, but I took it. I knew that when you woke up in 2012, anything that hadn’t been with you on that plane had been lost forever. I just… I wanted you to have them back.”
He stares down at the picture frame for a long time, unblinking.
“Are you mad…?” you ask hesitantly.
He finally blinks and a single tear travels down his cheek. “I never thought I’d see this again,” he says quietly. As you reach to wipe away his tear, his gaze lifts to yours. “Thank you,” he tells you, his voice filled with so much love you can feel it.
You smile tenderly back, rubbing your thumb gently against his cheek. “They would have been so proud of you.”
He swallows thickly and you have to wipe another tear from his cheek. “My Ma would have loved you.”
You lean your head down to rest your forehead against his. He takes a moment to process through his emotions before tilting his face forward to capture your lips in a sweet kiss. You release a content hum and fall into the kiss. This kiss feels a little different somehow. It’s pure and clarifying. It wipes away all the pain and stress you’ve felt over the last two weeks. It mends the cracks in your heart that formed when you had to leave him in 1943. You made it back. The serum worked. He’s alive and speeding down the road to recovery.
When you pull back, you’re crying again, because your heart is just so full that there’s nowhere left for your emotions to go. “I love you,” you whisper wetly against his lips.
He looks back and gives you the sweetest smile, “I love you too, Vic.” You help him put the picture of his parents back on the side table before settling against his side once again. “Okay, reunion sex first, but then we’re getting married like immediately after,” he comments.
You grin wide and release a laugh at his words. “Do I get a say in any of this?”
His arm tightens where it’s wrapped around your waist. “Only if you plan on saying yes.”
“Normally you’re supposed to ask these kinds of things,” you tease. As if there was any other option.
“I am way past the point of asking,” he huffs. “Would have done it years ago, if someone hadn’t told me in 1943 that we weren’t married yet!”
“What was I supposed to say?!” You ask, wanting to laugh again. You can’t believe that this is your first argument after coming back.
“You were supposed to say that I married the shit out of you the second I saw you again! Maybe then, I would have tossed you over my shoulder and taken you for myself in California.”
“You’re being ridiculous,” you giggle at his pouting face.
“Say you’ll marry me, or things are about to get a whole lot more ridiculous. I will toss you over my shoulder and go right now,” he threatens, but the twitch at the corner of his mouth is giving him away. 
“Yes, you stubborn idiot. I will let you marry the shit out of me.”
He shoots you a smug grin before his laughter starts to break through. “What happened to stubborn jerk?”
“You’ve been promoted for suggesting we should get married while you’re still hooked into an IV bag and I haven’t slept in 80 years.”
He looks over his shoulder up at the IV that’s still slowly administering fluids and the antidote into his system. “I can bring the IV stand with us and you can nap on the way. It’ll be great.”
You laugh at the goofy grin plastered across his mouth. “Good luck with that.”
If possible, his grin widens even further. “I don’t need luck. All I need is my Victory.”
The End
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deexchanel · 3 years
Part 2
Word Count:
Pairing: Sebastian Stan x BlackFem!OC
Summary: Euphoria reaches out.
Warnings: Smut, angst I think
A/N: ehh
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-4 days later-
I've been having so much fun working with them. It's always something new with them. I found a modeling job that would take me as a model but I had to take pictures before they could accept me.
The problem was I didn't have the equipment because of money problems. I did not want to ask my parents because I already owe them so much. So today I was quieter than usual.
"Hey beautiful," Seb said from behind me. Him and I have gotten closer these past 3 days along with Tom Holland. I could feel that it was some sexual tension between me and Seb but I ignored it.
"Hi Seb." I said softly fumbling with my fingers. I gestured to the door." I have to go tell them food is ready."
"Wait a minute. Normally you say 'hey handsome' but today you didn't. What's wrong?" Seb asked standing in front of me so I couldn't walk out the door. He was much taller than me just like the others.
"Nothing Sebastian. I really need to go tell them the food is ready." I lie not wanting to tell him. I didn't want to seem like a charity case to them.
"Now you're using my actual name? Euphoria tell me what's wrong. Trust me please, I won't judge." Seb reassured grabbing my hands. I bit my lip thinking if I should tell him. a closed mouth doesn't get fed.
"I got a modeling job." Seb cuts me off.
"That's great Euphoria! What's wrong with that?"
"I need to send them pictures before they could fully accept me but I don't have none of the equipment. I can't ask my parents because I owe them too much, I didn't want to seem like a charity case to you guys. I'm so stressed because I don't have the money for it right now."I cried out placing my hands on my face and Seb pulls me into his arms. He kissed my forehead, rubbing my back.
"It's okay Euphoria, I'm here to help."
"Seb they're- What happened with Euphoria? Who ass I gotta beat." I heard Tom speak. He then calls for everyone to come in the room."Guys come here!"
"Everything okay?"
"When is the food ready?"
"Where's Euphoria? She is so quiet today."
I pull back from Seb's chest to see Chris E, Hemmy, and Mackie.
Anthony noticed me in Sebastian's arms and checked on me, "What's wrong Euphoria?"
"Nothing Anthony, I'm fine!" I lie again, cuddled up to Sebastian. I don't want to put my problems on someone else.
"You really think we're going to believe that Euphoria? Everyone in this room trust loves, and would do anything for you." Chris said hitting my arm softly to get my attention. "Now trust us please."
"We're going to be there for you regardless of the situation," Hemmy reassured rubbing my back. Everyone agreed with him. I tried to speak but I broke down in Seb's chest again.
"She got the modeling job but she doesn't have the equipment to get accepted. She's stressed." Sebastian explained to everyone. "I was going to take her to best buy after the set was over today."
" Aww Euphoria, we're your family now. I don't mind helping you out! I have a hundred on me right now." Tom said going through his pocket for his wallet. "Anyone else?"
"Here ya go!"Chris E said happily pulling a hundred out.
"Yup Yup I do." Hemmy chimed in, opening his wallet. I pull back from Seb's chest. I wasn't going to take their money. I'm not like that. I kept my hands closed, shaking my head. Tom knew me too well and he opens my hand placing the 100 in it.
"I'm not taking no for an answer."
They really cared about me, no one really has in the past. I fan my face to keep from crying more but it didn't help. I hug Sebastian's chest as it felt like a safe place.
"T-Thank you. Really, it means so much."
"Awww group hug!" Chris E. beamed holding out his arms and everyone hugs me.
they mean so much to me.
I picked up a little bit around the house as I waited for Sebastian and the movers to come with my stuff. He literally bought every piece of equipment I needed. Which was so sweet of him.
-2 hours later-
Every piece of equipment was set up, ready to go. Since this weekend was going to be a break from set. I was going to put it to use.
Sebastian was laying on the couch swiping on his phone.
"Handsome do you want anything to eat or drink?" I asked grabbing a water bottle from on top of the refrigerator. I was struggling hard as fuck even though I'm 5'5.
"No, I'm good." I heard him raise his voice from the couch."Need some help?" Sebastian questioned getting up from the couch. Obviously!! I wanted some water plus I had no clue of where my little step stool went.
"Yes Sebastian, you see my ass struggling." I said still reaching up. I heard him walk into the kitchen then I felt his friend against my butt. His breath hit my neck.
"Is that all beautiful?"His deep voice said from behind me. I turn around to look him in his blue eyes. I'm a woman that doesn't wait for anything. I get what I want.
Fuck the water bottle. I grab Sebastian's face pulling him into a kiss. He picks me up and my legs wrapping around his waist. Should I stop? Is it going too fast? I mean I am a virgin but I trust him.
He carried me all the way to the bedroom. Sebastian places me down on the bed attacking my neck with hickies. I lift his shirt off slowly guiding my hands down his abs. He takes off the oversized sweatshirt that I had on.
I unbuckle his pants pulling the boxers down too. I'm scared, he's so big!
I stand up so Sebastian could slide my panties down as well. His big hands smack against my ass, I jumped a bit. I slid my left hand down, stroking his dick while my right hand held his face. Sebastian trailed kisses down my neck, placing hickies there too. We continued kissing until I spoke up.
"Seb...I'm a virgin."
"Are sure you want to?"
"I mean our clothes are off Sebastian so of course, I want to."
"No Euphoria do you really want to too?"
"I'm positive I want to."
"Do you trust me?"
"Yes Seb I trust you and I want to."
"Good because I'm the one for you."
He picks me up like I was a feather placing me on my back. Sebastian opened my legs kissing down them.
My breath hitches as I felt my core getting wet. He hovers over me giving hickies on the top of my breast. I felt him rub his dick on my core before slowly sticking in. I gasp gripping on his back, he stops looking at me worried.
"You want me to stop?"
"No daddy don't stop."
Sebastian's eyes filled with lust when I moaned those words. I moaned out in pleasure, scratching his back with every thrust. His thrusts began to quicken and my moans went to screams of pleasure. We stared into each other eyes, I was loving every second of this.
"fuck Euphoria you're so wet!"
I gripped around his dick and I could hear him moan. He wraps his hands around my neck fucking the shit out of me.
"oh, daddy faster.”
"Okay baby girl." Sebastian groaned going full speed. I felt as if I had to cum and we both released together. His strokes got sloppier, pulling out seeing his dick was covered. After we straighten ourselves up we laid together naked.
"I'm sleepy Sebastian," I whined as my eyes felt heavy. He kisses my forehead holding me close.
"Go to sleep baby girl. I'll be here when you wake up."
ahhh good smut.
Part 1
Part 3
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skyholders · 3 years
Victor: Ice Rink Date [Translation]
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Translations under the cut!
(I picked up this translation project because I love skating, but unfortunately I’m not very good with translating Victor. Apologies in advance if it’s OOC. I did not beta read this as well.)
[Section Zero]
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MC: “It’s here.”
Finally reaching the peak of a summit, I held Victor as I guided him to an outdoor ice-skating rink, gesturing towards it proudly.
MC: “Welcome, Mr. Li to the ice-skating rink we’ve contracted!”
Not long ago the company has made a documentary with ice as the theme, and this ice rink was one of the places we’ve been contacted to build. It’s open to the public as well. Today’s the last the ice rink would be open for business, so I took the opportunity to invite Victor out to try and relax.
Victor: “Looks like this documentary of yours has given you a win-win situation. Not only did it win an award, this ice-skating ‘business’ is popular as well.”
MC: “The success of the show has to be credited to Mr. Li’s strict guidance to, though I never thought so many people would visit this sort of outdoor rink. Maybe despite the cold weather, everyone still wants to chase the happy atmosphere that only belongs to this season.”
Victor: “You’ve put in a lot of effort in decorating it, everyone must’ve naturally felt your passion for the project.”
Hearing the rarity that were the direct praises coming from Victor himself, I giddily smiled, and pulled him towards the ticket counter.
MC: “Two adult tickets, thank you.”
Staff: “Do you need a coach?”
MC: “No, we don’t.”
I’ve given the staff an answer without a thought, and after taking the tickets, Victor looked at me with a bit of shock.
Victor: “You know how to skate?”
MC: “I’ve learned a little while filming, so I can already skate on the ice by myself. So I won’t need you to give me any guidance this time.”
I placed one of the tickets into Victor’s hand, yet he reacted with a slight jolt.
Victor: “..I don’t know how to skate.”
MC: “Ah?”
Then it was my turn to be shocked. It’s rare for me to hear Victor saying he isn’t skilled in something, to the point where I’ve silently admitted that he probably knows everything.. I never thought he’d not know how to skate, and, after being in a shock for a moment, my concerns quickly turned into excitement – didn’t that meant that I can teach Victor how to skate, and be his “teacher” for the first time in my life?
The thought brought an uncontrollable smile onto my face, as I promptly pulled him to the service counter.
MC: “No worries, I’m here, I won’t let you fall!”
[Section One]
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The worker handed us pieces of equipment, and Victor stared into the things in his hands, his brows furrowed.
Victor: “Does ice skating require this much of equipment?”
MC: “This is for your safety’s sake, because you’re a beginner.”
Victor: “Then why do you need it too?”
MC: “Uhh.. this is for me to give you a good demonstration.”
Victor eyed me suspiciously.
Victor: “Could it be that you..”
MC: “No no! I’ve really learned it before, you have to believe me!”
Seeing my face spilling with honesty, Victor sighed lightly.
Victor: “Can’t I only believe in you in this situation? But since you’ve said it, then you’re responsible in mentoring me now.”
After finishing our warm-ups, and lacing into our skates, I took my first stride into the rink, and turned back to hold Victor’s hands.
MC: “Just take your time, step into the rink.”
Victor took a very careful step, the blade of his skate sliding shakily on the ice, only fully stepping into the rink completely after a moment later. Yet before he’d even gained his balance, his body leaned, and he looked as if he’s going to fall backwards.Feeling the grip on my hands getting heavier and tighter, I immediately pulled him up with both of my hands.
MC: “Don’t be scared! Hold onto the side of the rink!”
Victor: “.. I’m not scared.”
Victor purposefully held onto the wall and pretended to be calm, and as I look as his furrowed brows, I couldn’t help but laugh.
Victor: “Why are you laughing?”
MC: “Can’t believe President Li will slip backwards his first time on the ice.”
Victor: “What’s so interesting about this?”
MC: “Since the Victor I know is already a master of most things.. Seeing you as a ‘beginner’ in something makes me feel a bit.. new.”
Victor: “I am not used to ‘having lessons’ with a certain someone here as well.”
Victor: “So, how will you be teaching me now?”
I looked at Victor’s hands, gripping tightly onto the rail, and asked curiously,
MC: “Do you want me to bring you to skate around, see how you feel about it?”
Victor glanced at me, as if he didn’t trust me.
Victor: “Like what we did just now?”
MC: “You’ll have to give me both of your hands, and try your best to relax a bit.”
I held out my hands, and Victor, after a moment of hesitation, held my hands as well.
Victor: “And then?”
MC: “And then you don’t look at your feet, you’ll only have to look at me.”
I held him as I skated backwards slowly, correcting his posture as we go.
MC: “Your leg needs to be further apart, your knees shouldn’t be too straight..”
Victor listened to me and carefully adjusted himself, clenching onto my hands even tighter. I wanted to remind him to not be so nervous, yet as I looked up, my eyes met his.
MC: “What’s wrong?”
Victor: “Didn’t you tell me to look at you?”
MC: “Pfft..”
I was just joking back then, only wanting him to look forward, yet I never expected him to take my words to the literal sense. I couldn’t help but smile. The person in front of me had a calm and serious face, but his tight grip and his frozen body betrayed his facade.
So that’s what Victor looks like when he’s nervous?
Victor: “Why are you smiling?”
MC: “Ahem, nothing much, Student Li has been listening to my instructions, so that’s a praiseworthy thing..”
Victor didn’t ridicule my words – which was a rarity in of itself. I looked at his lips, slightly thinned, and suddenly had the urge to prank him. I made sure there wasn’t anyone behind me, and I rubbed on his fingers.
MC: “Student Li, I’ll have to tell you now, although being attentive is nice, being too obedient isn’t exactly a good thing at times.”
Victor: “What are you saying?”
I did not answer, instead, I used my leg to take a big stride on the ice, taking him with me as I sped up my skates.
Victor: “Wait..!”
MC: “No need to wait, you’ll be steadier if you go faster!”
Victor looked as if he was terrified, yet he didn’t dare letting go of my hands. I feel his knuckles tightly locking my fingers. The sound of blades gliding through the ice was crisp and audible, and Victor could only follow me as we went forwards.I didn’t know if he was following my advices, or some other reason, but his eyes never once left mine. It honestly made me a bit flustered. After finishing our first lap, the strength on his hands seemed to have relaxed, and his movements became more natural. I looked up to glance at him.
MC: “How’s that? Isn’t it better if we skate faster?”
Victor: “Mm.”
MC: “Then let us learn the next move.”
Victor: “Now?”
MC: “Better now than never-“
As soon as I’ve finished saying that, I let go of his hands. The speed remained on his skates, and Victor tilted left and right, his face revealing a moment of panic as he quickly held onto the railing by the side of the rink.
Victor: “You..”
I smiled as I skated towards him, patting his shoulder.
MC: “Student Li’s performance is not bad! He can already stand steadily on his own now!”
Victor: “It seems as if you’ve done it in purpose.”
MC: “No I wasn’t! This was a trick I’ve learned from you.”
I cleared my face, and imitated Victor’s speech and demeanour.
MC: “If I keep helping you, how can you possibly grow on your own?”
MC: “A certain person’s said that while they’re teaching me how to swim, and I still remember it.”
Victor seemed to have choked for one split second, and his gaze left mine awkwardly. I smiled as I held his hands once again, standing right by his side.
MC: “But Student Li is a smart student after all, so I think I can be gentler.”
MC: “If you’re scared of falling, just hold on tight onto my hand.”
Victor looked at our intertwined hands, and sighed lightly.
Victor: “I never thought I’d find a teacher with so many excuses..”
MC: “Eh? What did you say just now?”
Victor: “We should go forward.”
Without answering my question, Victor quickly changed the conversation topic. I couldn’t do anything but press down on a moment of remorse, and quickly pulled him as we skated forwards.
[Section Two]
As I’ve expected, the speed of learning for intelligent people are faster than I’ve imagined. Even without any ‘professional’ coaching, Victor was quick to getting used to skating. Maybe it’s because he’s taller than average, but his movements were even more graceful than mine.
MC: “I’m so envious..”
Victor: “What are you mumbling about?”
MC: “Nothing, just a bit amazed at the difference between one person and the other.”
Victor: “Being even more dazed than the person having the lessons, looks like someone doesn’t want their ‘coaching fees’ anymore.”
Seeing Victor’s purposefully frowning face, I consciously straightened myself.
MC: “I was just thinking about how I can teach you even better.”
Victor: “Then have you thought about it now?”
MC: “I think theoretical teaching isn’t impressionable enough, so how about I show you a demonstration?”
I spun around, and sped through a lap around the rink, stopping right in front of him triumphantly.
MC: “How was that?”
Victor: “It’s rather proficient. But as your first time being a teacher, is this really all that you’re going to be teaching me?”
I��was puzzled for a while, before he held onto my arm, his brow raised.
Victor: “Except for an increase in speed, what you were doing then isn’t as different as what I’m practicing right now. If I’ve learned this, what will you be teaching me next?”
His words provoked a strong competitive urge deep inside of me, as I unwillingly looked up at him.
MC: “Of course there are other tricks! Ice skating has many details to it. For example, when you’d like to stop when you’re skating very quickly, you’ll have to learn how to do a quick stop. Even though it may seem like an easy move, it can protect you when you need it the most.”
Victor looked at me, calm and composed as always. I let out a small ‘Hmph’ as I skated a distance away from him, deciding to give him a demonstration.
MC: “This distance should be enough?”
I muttered to myself quietly, considering the space between the two of us, my feet hitting the ice, getting rid of the ice chips on my blades. As I was adjusting myself for the right angle to stride forwards, I saw Victor’s panicked expression as he hurriedly came close to me.
Victor: “Careful-!”
MC: “What?”
Without a thought, I turned back to look at what’s behind me, but before I’ve even gained my balance, I could only see a black figure dashing towards me, and at the very next second, they’d crashed heavily onto me.
MC: “Ah!”
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My feet followed the sudden sweep of strength as I slipped, my whole body uncontrollably falling backwards.
I didn’t have the time to reposition my fall, instead, I shut my eyes close, waiting for the moment I fall onto the surface. Yet the expected pain never came crashing onto me, and the feeling do falling disappeared mid-air. A familiar warmth embraced me from my back, and along with it a panicking voice.
Victor: “Hold onto me!”
I opened my eyes, and in my slanted vision I saw the technicolour lights, and Victor’s eyes – those dark, profound eyes had nervousness written all over them, yet they were different from the sort of nervousness he held as a beginner a while ago.
Victor hurriedly grabbed onto my waist, yet my feet continued to glide along, and so I was unable to balance myself at all.
MC: “Let go, quick-“
Realising that I was about to drag Victor down with me, I quickly let go of him, yet his grasp grew even stronger. Before I could even finish saying what I wanted to say, our blades collided, and we tumbled straight onto the ice together.
Victor: “Ah..”
MC: “Hurts..”
I sat on the ice for a while, and as I wanted to bring myself up, a little boy skated to my side, and held out his hand to help me up.
Boy: “I’m so sorry big sister, I didn’t mean to crash into you!”
MC: “It’s alright.. were you injured?”
The boy shook his head, and went to Victor’s side, using all of his strength to pull him up as well. After seeing that we’ve gained our balance back, the boy apologised again, and quickly skated away.
I circled around Victor and checked on him, patting away bits of ice chips and snow.
MC: “Are you okay? We’re you hurt?”
Victor: “Bringing a person’s weight down with me as we crash is indeed a bit painful.”
After hearing that, I quickly held out my hand to support him, checking him anxiously once more.
MC: “Sorry, I didn’t think that it’ll..”
MC: “But I’ll still have to thank you for catching me.”
Victor: “Dummy, why’re you apologising and thanking me? No need to look further, I’m fine.”
Victor: “It’s not as if it’s your first time falling, I’ve gotten used to it.”
MC: “...”
I avoided Victor’s stare, and changed the topic swiftly.
MC: “The distance between us were quite far apart just now, I never thought you’d be able to skate to me so quickly.”
Victor: “I never expected that a lesson will have its dangers as well. The student even had to go save his teacher.”
MC: “..Then it must be because that little boy has never learned how to stop quickly, causing this sort of outcome.. So let us learn how to stop right now!”
Standing up on our feet once again, it was glaringly obvious that we were more worn out than before. Although falling on the ice is a pretty typical thing, for two grown adults, falling and crashing can be pretty draining.
The ice surface around us was filled with scars, and both of our knee guards had loosened. I swept away the bits of ice on my body, and put on a serious act as I looked at Victor.
MC: “Victor Li, did you trip on me just now?”
Victor: “I did not.”
MC: “Then why did you fell with me?”
Victor: “Why don’t you ask yourself why you have to pull me along everytime you fall.”
I looked at our still intertwined hands, and softly cleared my throat.
MC: “Actually you don’t have to hold me everytime..”
Victor: “I thought a certain someone just did not have passable skills, never thought that they’re memories are bad, too.”
Victor sighed, and gave me a slight smile.
Victor: “Didn’t you tell me to hold onto the other’s hands when you’re afraid you’ll fall?”
The multi-coloured lights in the night brightened his smile, and in the chilling winds, I felt my cheeks heating up. To cover that up, I quickly pulled him and skated towards the exit.
Victor: “Where are we going now?”
MC: “Exercise needs to be balanced with rest as well, it’s time for a break!”
[Section Three]
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After coming out of the ice rink, I rushed to a food cart nearby and bought two cups of hot drinks, and took Victor as we hurriedly went to a bench nearby. Victor sat down wordlessly, and took one of the cups of drinks from my hands.
Victor: “What are you rushing for?”
MC: “This bench faces the rink directly, and it’s the seat with the best view compared to the others. The seats can easily be taken. Though these hot chocolates aren’t the best sellers here, I feel like they’re the tastiest. Try it.”
Victor took a small sip, and nodded lightly.
Victor: “It’s very rich, a bit better than I’ve expected.”
MC: “I knew you’d like it~”
Victor placed his cup down, and turned to look at me.
Victor: “Looks like you’ve had some good experiences filming here.”
MC: “Mm, because everyone who’s been here were very happy. When I look at them, I’ll feel their happiness as well.”
There were joyous laughter coming from the rink. I looked at the colourful little wonderland from afar, as I asked Victor,
MC: “Did you have fun today?”
Victor: “Because of a certain producer, it felt quite pleasant.”
MC: “Being able to invite you here for the last day to take care of the business, I think it’s worth it!”
Victor: “You sell the tickets yourself, why’re you calling me to take care of the business?”
MC: “Because to me, leaving traces of you in special places is more meaningful.”
Victor smiled softly, and lifted my scarf up a little.
Victor: “I still remember the amount of times you’d changed the things about this documentary.”
Victor: “And after that, to set a filming location, you’ve travelled a lot as well.”
I rewinded back to those moments, and sighed.
MC: “Even though everyday was stressful, they were motivational too. Because I really wanted to win the award, to prove myself.”
MC: “But it’s strange. The moment I’ve received the award, I didn’t feel the thrill that I’ve felt before.”
Victor: “Think you’ve been awarded too many times?”
MC: “Absolutely not. Who’ll complain about winning too much?”
MC: “It’s just that I didn’t know where to take the next step. Just like ice skating, it isn’t for competition’s sake. I never thought of challenging myself to do difficult jumps as well. I just wanted to skate steadily on ice, but after I’ve done that, what do I do next?”
I looked at the ice with melancholy. People fell, and climbed up again, skating lap after lap around the rink, and it looked like a repeating cycle.
Victor’s voice torn the silence away, and it was only then when I stopped staring.
Victor: “But I’ve heard you’ve been talking about a new project lately. You said you’re feeling lost, but in reality, you haven’t stopped.”
MC: “Because you don’t stop.”
MC: “When I can’t find my own goal, you are my goal.”
Victor turned back to look at me, the steam from his drink softening the distinct edges of his silhouette.
Victor: “When we were on the ice a while ago, you were my goal too.”
MC: “That goal was too easily achievable wasn’t it..”
Victor: “It wasn’t, because you got better the more we skated.”
Victor: “But as long as you’re not stopping, I will always chase after you.”
I looked back at him, surprised.
MC: “Victor.. in my eyes, you're the same as well.”
Victor: “I know, so I won’t stop. If you can’t find your directions, just walk towards me.”
His voice was calm and collected, like it’s always been. But it was as if my heart’s been lifted by his gentleness, because I followed his words, and I said,
MC: “I’m guessing you’ll tell me to keep making more good films, and become an even better manager?”
Victor: “And be hardworking. Sleep early and wake up early.”
MC: “How does that count..”
Victor smiled, and held my hand.
Victor: “Goals are meant to push you further, not for you to give yourself an ending. This world is limitless after all.”
Cheers of glee erupted from the rink, and so we turned to looked.
A little girl had caught up with her friend, the two of them skating speedily forwards as they held each other’s hand joyfully.
I smiled, rubbing Victor’s fingers lightly.
MC: “Doesn’t that look like us a while ago?”
Victor: “She did not fall.”
As soon as he stopped, the two children on the ice tilted suddenly, and fell onto the ice together.
I glanced at Victor, not being able to contain my laughter.
MC: “No matter what, thank you Teacher Li for always walking in front of me. Now that I think of it, the road ahead is still very long, and maybe I’ll still have to stumble and fall many more.”
Victor: “You’re just not familiar with standing yet.”
Victor: “Someday this certain someone won’t even have to ask for my help whenever she falls. Only time can tell.”
MC: “Don’t you worry, I’ve always been able to climb up on my own!”
MC: “But.. you’re really not going to save me?”
He was reaction-less when he saw my anticipating face, instead, his hand leaned into my palm a bit more.
Victor: “What do you think? You’re the teacher today, I’ll listen only to you.”
MC: “Then.. I hope I’ll be able to hold your hand through it all. Be it stumbling or running, I’d not like to let go.”
Victor: “As you wish.”
The winter winds swam by, and he laced our hands together even tighter. The clear sky was decorated with countless twinkling stars, and this star that I’m holding in between my hand, has always been the star above me all along.
Be it running forwards, be it turning back occasionally, on this path, there’s always a coat of light that he’d painted for me. 
Hope you’ve enjoyed the date! I’m hungry now so I’ll make myself some midnight cup noodles, I’ll be busy with science exams for the coming week, so I won’t be posting much, so Happy Lunar New Year in advance!
Stay safe, and enjoy your day!
(Lmao for the title I accidentally typed Victoe instead of Victor and I really did not want to fix that-)
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Soulmarks, Part 13
First part
She heard a knock on her balcony door and opened it. He stood outside, his hands stuffed in his pockets. She glanced him over. He was definitely more prepared than she was, he looked like he’d just walked out of a spy movie with all his equipment.
She looked it over with envy. Ah, the power of money.
Marinette waved him inside. “I’ve still got to get some stuff out.”
She dug through her room. Unsurprisingly, her parents weren’t exactly aware of this particular ‘hobby’ of hers… which meant that she’d had to hide everything pretty well. They didn’t exactly go through her room, but they still came up to talk to her often enough that having stuff out in the open was a terrible idea.
She scooped up the last piece of equipment and turned around.
He was also poking around her room, though the reason why was probably less innocent than ‘looking for spy equipment’... which already isn’t all that innocent, so take that how you will.
Her face flushed as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Find anything interesting?”
His shoulders froze and he dropped the tiny Chat Noir plush he’d found. “Your room… it’s... uh… very… pink.” He coughed into his hand awkwardly. “Yep. Got everything? Good, let’s go.”
He made to leave and she grabbed his arm.
Tim paused and looked back at her, giving her his most innocent smile. He was probably anxious that she was mad at him for snooping around her room (she wasn’t, she’d do the same thing in his room if he had actually lived there).
She hesitated slightly and let go, pulling out her yoyo to mess with. Now for the part of the night that she’d been dreading most: “We need a backup plan in case we get caught.”
“I doubt we will,” he said with a cocky grin.
Marinette shrugged. “I hope not, but in case… you’ll need to have some kind of suit so we can say it’s superhero business.”
He winced and looked at the floor. “I don’t want to get back in the Robin suit,” he admitted, his voice little more than a whisper.
She nodded slightly. She’d predicted that. He hadn’t once mentioned wanting to get back into the Robin suit, nor had the soulmark made a reappearance. She held up a finger for him to wait and then walked over to her desk, picking up a tiny box.
She’d thought for a long time about what to give him. She had wanted to give him the fox miraculous originally, it was the most in line with what they were doing; Trixx would give them extra cover and they could get closer to Lila without her detecting them. On the other hand, giving the fox miraculous to anyone besides Alya was risky. There was a risk of her becoming akumatized. They really didn’t need that right now.
And, so, she handed over the horse miraculous. It would give them a quick out when needed.
Also, she thought he’d look cute with glasses. Sue her.
He raised his eyebrows slightly and pulled them on.
She was right!
He frowned slightly and started squinting through the glasses. “Oh, crap, do I actually need glasses these are helpi -- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!”
“Shhhhh! My parents are going to hear us!”
He pointed at Kaalki, who crossed her arms (? hooves? legs?) over her chest.
“Who is that,” she corrected, then turned to Marinette with a sigh. “Is he at least famous?”
“Yep. Tim Drake-Wayne. Rich and famous, just how you like them.”
Kaalki beamed. “Finally, someone who actually deserves me.”
Marinette rolled her eyes and turned to Tim, who was slowly backing away from the tiny god. “She’s not going to hurt you.”
“Well, yeah, I can and will punt her.”
She rolled her eyes. “She’s literally a god, but okay.”
“A WHAT?!”
Marinette heard a knock on the bottom of her trapdoor and cursed, quickly diving onto it before her mom could come in. Her hands and knees were scraped, but it was much easier than explaining why there was a guy and a god hanging out in her room.
“Marinette? Is everything okay in there?” Her mom pushed up on the door and she threw all her weight into holding it closed. “Who’s over?”
“Yes, mom, everything’s fine! This is just…” She floundered. “A new superhero?”
“How do you know superheroes?”
“I have an amazing personality.” She caught Tim’s eyes and mouthed that he needed to take off all the equipment and then transform.
He looked reluctant, but he complied.
She waited until he was fine and then finally pushed herself off the door, giving her mother an awkward smile as the trapdoor opened.
“Hi, mom, meet…” She looked at Tim and shrugged. “Horse-guy?”
Tim raised his eyebrows. “Horse-guy? Seriously?”
She shrugged. “Do you have anything better?”
“Uh…” He looked down at himself. “Cheval Brun?”
“Should’ve gone with Horse-guy.” She smiled and waved at her mom. “Great, now that you know nothing is going on, can you… go? I love you!”
“Love you… too?” Said her mom, her eyebrows knitting together. She slowly closed the trapdoor.
Marinette breathed a sigh of relief and laid back.
“Tikki, spots on,” she mumbled.
Tim grinned and offered her a hand up. “Ready to go?”
She took it and smiled as he helped her to her feet.
“Of course.”
She pulled her night-vision goggles to her eyes. Lila was… on her bed, scrolling through her phone. Threatening.
“Y’know, it feels weird to stalk someone I don’t like,” she said with a pout.
“Right?” Said Tim, frowning as he set up his camera. “Stalking is for obsessions only.”
She heard her comm click. “You guys are really weird,” said Adrien, sounding exhausted. “Just… in the future, can you stick to only stalking each other?”
“Sounds romantic,” said Marinette.
“No,” said Dick. “No, it’s not.”
Tim grinned. “It could be.”
“No --.”
“I say we let them. At least it’s not us anymore,” said Barbara.
Marinette laughed. “Exactly. Be glad.”
She felt Tim lace his fingers through hers and she was lucky it was dark because her face was quickly getting warm.
“We’re turning off comms to listen. We’ll turn them back on if we need to.”
Everyone mumbled a bye (and Dick warned that they would pick up the conversation later) and the soulmates turned their comms off in sync.
They waited there for a long time, their ears pressed to the devices Tim had brought to help listen in. But… it was almost like Lila was being intentionally boring. They didn’t have to peek over the side to make sure that she was still there, because they could hear her shift around on the bed or laugh occasionally, she just seemed to be very interested in her phone.
“Christ, she’s more boring than Adrien. At least Adrien sometimes played piano,” she joked quietly, resting her head back against the wall with a tiny sigh.
Maybe they were wrong about Lila. They’d been going off of shaky evidence at best. Still, something in her told her that they were right.
The thing telling her this was definitely fuelled by spite, but she was going to pretend that it wasn’t.
So she continued to listen in. There was a lot of waiting involved in stalking someone if you’re looking for something.
Her eyes found their way to Tim, who gave her a tiny smile.
Well, she might as well kill time.
“So, we going to talk about Lila?”
His smile dropped and he tried not to tense up too much.
“Thought we already did?” He said.
She shrugged. “A little, but I’d like to know why you were so convinced. Yeah, Lila is like that, but you seemed pretty determined to believe her over me.”
He hesitated, looking down at their interlocked hands. He’d hoped that her history with Lila would be enough to convince her that was all, but he supposed he should have known she’d be smarter than that.
Man, why couldn’t he just lie? He wanted to lie, it should have been so easy to say ‘oh, no, she’s just really convincing, you know that’ but he couldn’t bring himself to. Not when he’d seen how hurt she’d looked at the cafe, not when she was giving him that smile that said she’d understand no matter what.
Tim sighed and closed his eyes.
“It’s just… you’re so… good, Nette.”
She raised her eyebrows.
“No, really. Like, yes, you’re probably more revenge motivated than you should be, and you can be a bit of a pushover, and you rival Bruce in the bad coping mechanism olympics, but… you’re also a heroine, you’re sweet, and it feels like you were made for me but…”
She ran her thumb over the back of his hand. She looked like she was going to argue for a second, but ultimately just prompted him to continue with a: “But…?”
“But... that’s just not how things go in my life. There’s always some kind of downside, some huge ‘oh fuck’. So you being some sort of terrible person underneath really would have just been par for the course.”
He felt tears form in the back of his eyes. Venting always feels good after the fact, even if it opens old wounds while you’re doing it. Damn. He couldn’t really afford to do this in Paris, but here he was, and now that he’d started he couldn’t bring himself to stop. If he did, he doubted he’d ever be able to bring himself to tell her, and he wasn’t fond of that, either.
“And, I’ve never really told anyone about this, but… I don’t really… talk to a lot of people.”
“I know.”
His head shot up to look at her. “Huh?”
“You’re my soulmate. It took you until fourteen to get a single person’s name. I kinda guessed.”
Oh. Right.
He sighed and closed his eyes. “Well, yeah, my parents sucked and every person who ever tried to talk to me did it because they were rich. I ended up just never talking to people. The whole ‘friends’ thing is still kinda new to me, let alone getting a possible girlfriend.”
He gave a short, somewhat bitter laugh. “Not that you want to date me. I’m a bit of a mess. So is my life. You’d be better off if we were just friends, and even better if you stopped talking to me entirely.”
He felt her head rest on his shoulder and opened his eyes to look at her. She gave him a slight smile, but her eyes were locked on a place over his shoulder.
A frown made its way across his face and he started to turn to see what she was looking at, only to feel her cup his cheek and pull his face until he was looking at her again.
She met his gaze and her smile dropped into a serious look. “Listen: I like being around you. A lot. I’m not nearly as perfect as you seem to think I am, but I still want to be something good in your life. Please, let me.”
He let himself relax, resting his hand over hers and turning his head to press a tiny kiss to her palm.
“I know you only said that because there was an akuma, but… I’d like that.”
She blushed faintly and relaxed a little bit as well. “I still meant it.”
He looked at her for a minute, expecting to see some hint of a lie, but there wasn’t one. She met his gaze and smiled, leaning up slightly to press a kiss to his cheek.
He couldn’t help it. He turned his head and his lips brushed against hers.
She blinked in surprise.
He looked at her wide eyes and paled. Shit. “Sorry! I don’t know what --!”
She kissed him again and he felt himself smile as he kissed back. It was both of their first kisses, so they were, admittedly, a little awkward, but he could definitely tell why people liked it so much. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d ever felt so energized.
But, eventually, they pulled away. His eyes fluttered open to see she was blushing like mad, and the warmth in his cheeks told him that he was likely just as red. She smiled at him and he felt his heart do a tiny flip in his chest.
Eventually, though, Lila laughed at something on her phone and he was pulled back to reality.
He blinked a few times and looked away. They were here for a reason other than kissing. They had a job. “Did you see where the akuma came from?” He asked after a few seconds.
She snapped out of it as well, pulling her hand from his cheek to point over his shoulder. “Back that way --.”
They both looked at where she was pointing, where the akuma was slowly disappearing on the horizon.
“What are the chances it’s going back to Hawkmoth?”
“Worth a shot, don’t you think?”
They followed after it.
Next part
A lot of people wait to do kisses until the end but idk I like writing people in relationships too much to
@pawsitivelymiraculous @golden-promises @salty-fang @kitsunebell @sassakitty @octobitch @glastwime859 @miyla-lokidottir @onlyabatfan @ira-sairain @2confused-2doanything @ultimatetornshipper @ladybug-182 @laurcad123 @we-want-mini-mini @roguishredaxion @just-reblogs-by-h @futursworld @magic-miraculous @nathleigh @smolplantmum @vroomtaka  @emimar7 @toodaloo-kangaroo @charme-de-malchan @spicybelladonna @fusser90 @indecisive-mess-named-me @rosesgonerogue @celestialsiren @bluesimani @loysydark
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jpegjade · 4 years
Physical Therapy - Ch. 1 (Spencer)
WELCOME TO PHYSICAL THERAPY!! in honor of this bish starting physical therapy in real life (and missing it bc i can’t drive and my mom and i’s schedules not being synched on google calendar all the time) i’ve decided to write a fic about it. it will be a little series with a goal (yes, an end game) and it’ll be cute. some of it is based on actual things that happen and some is literally just the story. ENJOY.
gender: neutral
tw: nothing that i can think of
genre: fluff | angst
Description: After getting shot in the leg, spencer goes through physical therapy before he can get back in the field completely. What happens when he starts to fall for his physical therapy assistant? 
Two honks at 6am meant that it was time for Spencer to get going. Derek was downstairs, in the car, waiting on boy wonder to crutch his way out of the apartment complex. Derek wasn’t sure how to feel about this trip considering he missed his early morning run for this but he knew how nervous Spencer was for his evaluation today so he didn’t mind as much as he could have minded. 
Spencer was patiently waiting in a pair of very short shorts, mismatched socks, and running shoes. He threw on a t-shirt and looked in the mirror, noting how tired he looked. He hadn’t been sleeping well lately for some reason but he couldn’t be sure why. He combed out his hair one more time before he and his crutches headed to the elevators. 
“Ready, kid?” Derek said, opening the front door for Spencer like a world class chauffeur would if Spencer was a celebrity. 
“Ready as I’ll ever be,” Spencer mumbled.
In truth, Spencer was more than ready to get started on his physical therapy journey. He wanted to get back in the field full time, adrenaline pumping, connecting with victims, walking again. He didn’t mind the assisted mobility but it was hard for him to know that the best he could do sometimes was stay back in the office or hang out in Garcia’s batcave. 
The car ride was filled with a comfortable silence between the two men. Derek was thinking about how he could make up his missed morning run by doing another type of high cardio workout while Spencer was just trying to figure out why it had to be him. He wouldn’t wish the frustration of his recovery process on anyone else on the team but the frustration of the recovery process just got to him on some days. Today was one of those days. 
Derek pulled up to the physical therapy clinic sooner than Spencer hoped. Part of that was because Derek was a very fast driver while the other part was because Spencer wasn’t paying attention for most of the drive. 
“You owe me one.” Derek said, completely joking. Well… Partially. That morning run was what kept him awake during the day, energizing him for work. 
“Do you want to come in?” Spencer said, looking down at his hands in his lap. 
Spencer’s hands were tapping his leg as he awaited Derek’s answer. He was nothing short of a nervous wreck on the inside. All he could think about was how much pain he would be in once the evaluation was over and the physical therapist had finished poking and prodding at his knee. He hated to think that it would be worse than everything else going on. Plus he still had to go to work today. 
“Sure, kid.” Derek said. 
Derek wasn’t going to sit in the car and do nothing the whole time so he might as well support his friend. 
Climbing out of the car, the boys slowly made it to the sliding glass doors of the physical therapy clinic. Much to Spencer’s surprise, it was nothing like he originally imagined it to be. Some part of him thought it would somewhat resemble the clinic where his mother resided but it was completely different. There were floor to ceiling walls for over half of the first floor building. High tech equipment was stationed everywhere from anti gravity treadmills to hand bike motors, medicine balls and so much more. Spencer stood in the doorway, leaning on his crutches, while he took everything in. There was so much light in the air, it was almost like the feeling of recovery was airy and not meant to bog him down. This was a strange feeling for him to comprehend...
“You coming, pretty boy?” Derek called, taking a break from chatting with the pretty receptionist. 
Spencer and his crutches walked over to the front desk and grabbed the paperwork that covered how much pain he was in today. He filled it out quickly, hoping to get everything over with sooner than later. He was already here so he might as well just finish everything quickly so he could get out of the place. 
When he finished writing everything down, he returned the paperwork to the receptionist who slipped him a piece of paper and pointed to Derek. Spencer already knew it was the receptionist’s personal phone number and he didn’t even need to look at the paper. Sitting down, Spencer handed Derek to a very confused Derek before it hit him what it was. Derek winked at the receptionist, who blushed before answering the phone. 
“Spencer?” A voice called his name shortly after he sat down. 
It was nice to know that here, he didn’t have to be a doctor. He was just another person healing. He didn’t have to be smart, he could just exist. 
“Good luck.” Derek said, noticing that Spencer’s hand was shaking in the slightest bit. 
“My name is Nora and I will be your lead physical therapist.” The woman said, walking Spencer to a vacant padded table. It reminded Spencer of the types of tables you lay on when you get a massage. 
He only got a massage once when Garcia got stood up on a couples’ massage date. He spent half of his part of the massage giving the masseuse facts about how their job could actually give them an infection from the amount of germs in the air and on the table. His delivery of facts caused the room to be incredibly uncomfortable and bleach the table very thoroughly. By the time he and the masseuse finished, only 5 minutes were left in the massage and Garcia was left horrified and amused at the same time. 
“Don’t worry. We bleach the tables every time someone finishes a session.” Nora said, noticing the look on Spencer’s face. Spencer visibly relaxed and sat on the table. 
“So, Spencer, tell me a little bit about yourself.” Nora followed up, pulling up a backless roller chair. 
“Well, I was on a case and the unsub, unknown subject, shot at a dad but it ended up hitting me in the leg instead and…” Spencer paused, looking at Nora’s amused face. 
“No, I mean tell me about you. Your hobbies, what you do for fun, things like that. I need to do a complete profile for you so I know how your quality of life has been affected and which exercises you can do at home so we aren’t pushing too fast.” Nora smiled at Spencer. 
“I work.” Spencer said in a matter-of-fact tone. He didn’t really have anything else to say. 
“Okay. So you’re a workaholic.” Nora wrote. She was about to ask a new question when you came quickly walking to Nora. 
Spencer was left dumbfounded. There seemed to be a halo of light radiating around you, making you glow. He knew it was the sun finally rising but his brain short circuited as he continued to gaze at you. 
“Hey Nora?” You said, looking down at your boss. “Mrs. Gillespi wants to know why you haven’t come back to check her form. She doesn’t trust me because, her words here, I ‘look like a child who doesn’t know their left foot from the color orange.’” 
“Sure. Here, you can take over Spencer’s evaluation.” She handed you her clipboard.
You looked at the detailed notes on the paper and then up at Spencer, who looked like one of the youngest people here. 
“It’s not often we get cute guys in this place. Other than Kyle. But Kyle’s an asshole who could almost be my dad.” You blurted, not realizing you said it outloud as soon as Nora left. 
You noticed that he started blushing and looking at his converse and you realized that you said something. You usually spoke your thoughts out loud but the people you worked with were used to it so no one bothered to say anything.
“What?” You asked, confused. 
“You called me cute.” Spencer said. “Which is fine. I don’t understand the appeal but I do believe that your blurting of what you perceive as a fact is a coping mechanism. It can also be tied to ADHD, which is a common mental disorder that causes your brain to impulsively say things.” Spencer paused, looking at your face. 
“What?” You asked, again, confused. 
“I’m not saying you have ADHD. I’m a doctor but not that kind of doctor. Although I could get another Ph. D. Prove my father wrong. And…” Spencer realized he was rambling. 
“Cute and a talker.” You said, writing that down. 
You wrote something down on the paper that Spencer couldn’t see but he was curious about. 
“Let’s check out that leg.” You said, pulling out an instrument that looked like a compass. 
You asked Spencer to move his knee certain ways and it wasn’t as bad as Spencer thought. You were gentle, soft even. Your hands were delicate and you ended the session massaging his leg and smiling at him. 
“You were a good patient today, doctor Spencer.” You said, smiling at him. 
Spencer blushed, unable to meet your eyes. 
“You… I mean… I enjoyed our session.” Spencer said. “Which I don’t normally enjoy. Not that I’ve been shot before. Or had physical therapy. Or been here. Or even worked out really.”
“You’re funny, doc.” You smiled. “Your next appointment is Tuesday of next week according to the schedule so I guess I’ll see you then. I can’t wait.” 
Spencer stared at you as he wondered why you were so excited. 
“Why?” Spencer asked. 
“It’s not every day I get the case for a cute guy who is smart and awkward. It’s almost like the heavens have answered my hopes and prayers.” You joked, looking up at the ceiling and putting your hand on your heart. 
“I believe in science.” Spencer stated, grabbing his crutches. 
“A man of science. Does it get any better? What’s your star sign?” You joked. 
“Scorpio.” Spencer stated. 
“Oop. All the scorpios I know have been some hoes. You better not be a hoe, doc.” 
“I’m definitely not a gardening tool, if that’s what you’re referring to. Otherwise, I’d like to thing my lack of dating skills doesn’t qualify as being a… hoe? Although, I don’t believe in the use of the word to describe someone who enjoys spending time with multiple people. I’d like to think the use of the word is meant in jest and fun for a term of endearment.” Spencer stood up, balancing on his crutches. 
“I’ll be the judge of that.” You said, walking slowly with Spencer to the front desk. 
“What’s your name?” Spencer asked, turning to you. He realized that he never got your name.
“Y/n.” You smiled. 
The clouds must have parted again because as soon as you turned to walk away from him, towards Nora, you were covered in another halo. And just like that, you were gone again.
Future tag list: 
@ellvswriting @sageandberries-png @l0ve-0f-my-life @rexorangecouny @kennedywxlsh
Want to be added? Tell me!
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yadds · 4 years
Heyyyy so guess who’s not dead!  Anyway, for anyone that’s interested, I’ve decided that I’m not posting ongoing works until I’m done with them then will post as I’m editing.  Sorry!  However, I do have an excerpt that I like a bit that can stand alone, so here it is!  Also, despite the sexual nature of the initial conversation, this is pre-starker and isn’t really much about sex.
Minor background info: Tony has come back from the dead and is still with Pepper but they’re having issues.  Meanwhile, the Starker bromance is developing and they hang out quite a bit.  
“Spit or swallow?” Peter asked out of the blue as they sat on the couch watching reality tv. 
Tony’s eyebrows were about to climb right into his hairline. “Excuse me?”
“Spit or swallow?” he repeated, over enunciating. “What are your thoughts?”
“Just to be clear, we’re talking about…” Tony trailed off slowly. 
“You know, bjs. Blowies. I’m sure you’ve gotten one once or twice,” Peter said with a roll of his eyes, tossing several pieces of popcorn into his mouth. 
“Yeah, might have happened on a rare occasion,” Tony responded dryly. “Well, honestly I can take it or leave it on the receiving end, doesn’t make that much of a difference to me.”
Peter’s head tilted back and forth, considering, before shrugging. 
“When giving though, I generally don’t like either. Don’t get me wrong, I love going down on people and making them feel good, but I prefer if they don’t finish in my mouth. Obviously I’ve done it before and may very well do it again so I guess I’d probably say swallow? It’s already there, so why make a mess?”
Peter’s attention was now fully on Tony, the TV forgotten in the background. Tony glanced over and smiled wryly when he saw his gaping mouth and red cheeks. “What’s with the stunned mullet impression? Did you not literally just ask that question? Am I going senile already?”
Peter cleared his throat and turned back to face the tv again. “Uh, yeah, I uh I did ask. But I was thinking more on the receiving end - I wasn’t expecting you to talk about giving.”
One of Tony’s brows crept back up. “Oh? And why is that? Because you think I’m a selfish asshole in bed as well or because you think I’m shy?”
Peter shook his head quickly, not catching the amused tilt of Tony’s lips. “No, no of course not! I just didn’t know that you, uh, you know, partake, in partners of the, uh, male persuasion?” If Peter shoveled any more popcorn into his mouth after the desperate handful he just shoved in there, he was going to suffocate. 
“Huh,” Tony said thoughtfully. Had they really never talked about this before? “Well, weird phrasing aside (because that was weird, kid, what’s up with that?), I thought it was pretty common knowledge that I was bisexual.”
Peter shook his head again, glancing back Tony’s way. “Nope, definitely not. At least not in any of the articles or interviews online. I mean, yeah, there are a few sources that mention the possibility of you not being completely straight, but they all sound like speculation.” 
Tony was speechless for a minute. He watched Peter notice the extended silence and seem to realize what he just said, curling forward and burying his face in his hands, ears bright red.
 He finally gathered enough wits to say, “Well, then I guess it was just common knowledge among people who actually know me. SI probably paid off the men I slept with - because heaven forbid the infamous playboy figurehead be seen with a man back in the day. I honestly never paid attention to what exactly was in the press, just made sure I was in it. If I’d known, I definitely would have been more blatantly obvious.” 
He was quiet again for about five seconds before he pulled his leg up on the couch and fully turned towards Peter. “I’m sorry, I tried, but I can’t just let this go. I knew you were a big fan, but sounds like you’ve really done your research, Pete.” He couldn’t drop the shit-eating grin on his face. 
Peter flopped all the way forward, shoving his face into his knees, groaning. “Can we not do this?” he whined. It only took another ten seconds of pointed silence before Peter broke. “Ugh, okay, so I may have had a crush on you when I was younger,” he admitted. “A teeny tiny, definitely not life-consuming, crush.”
Tony laughed. “And when was this?” 
“I don’t know, it started when I was like 13 probably.”
“And you thought you should google my sexuality to see if, what, you had a chance with the guy four times your age that you’d never meet?” Tony didn’t think he’d been this amused in a long time.  
Peter sat back up and peeked at him just to throw him a glare. “Yes, because thirteen year olds are so logical, especially when it comes to hormonal urges.”
“Never would have pegged you for being into older men.”
“Really? Because most people aren’t surprised - I apparently just radiate ‘twink with a daddy kink’,” Peter said matter-of-factly. 
Tony choked, coughing loudly. “I’m sorry, did you just, in a roundabout way, call me a Daddy? In a way that has nothing to do with my daughter?”
“I- can we talk about something else now?” Peter squeaked. 
“That...is probably a good idea,” Tony agreed, feeling his own cheeks heat. 
They both stared very intently at the TV, trying to think of anything else. 
After a while, Peter spoke up. “Why would you do it again?”
“What?” Tony asked, confused. 
“Sorry, I’m back on the spit or swallow question,” Peter explained. 
Now it was Tony’s turn to groan. “I thought we were talking about something else.”
“Yeah, something that’s not my personal and very embarrassing past. Now that I have the question, I can’t think of anything else.”
Tony rolled his eyes. “Fine. So why would I do what again, exactly? Give a blow job?”
“Well, I mean, that too, considering that you’re still with Pepper and I’m 99.9999% sure she doesn’t have the right equipment for that. But I was talking about spitting or swallowing. Why would you do either? You said you don’t like it.”
“Relationships are about compromise Pete, even in the bedroom. And I don’t hate it when I’m in the mood for it.”
“What a ringing endorsement,” Peter said flatly. “Yeah, there’s gotta be some compromise, but that should be more along the lines of maybe trying new things that you may not have done on your own but are open to. Doing something you definitively, straight up don’t like in bed should not be one of them.”
Tony looked at Peter, perplexed. “I...don’t even know what to say to that. When did you become an expert in this?”
Peter shrugged. “You’d be surprised how much of my time as Spiderman is spent just lending an ear when people are having a hard time. And sex and relationships come up a lot because I guess it’s easier to talk to a random person in a mask than to someone you know. I try to just listen and not to give advice most of the time, since I’m not an expert and everyone’s situation is different, but sometimes people are in circumstances that are dangerous, emotionally and mentally. So I took a couple relationship health and psychology classes my freshman year in college and read up on some of these things to know what to say.”
Tony’s heart warmed, hearing how earnestly Peter wanted to help people. He smiled softly. “Never thought you’d use that on Tony Stark, did you?” he joked. 
Peter scoffed. “Please, you were like, the poster child for a lot of these issues. I like to think you’ve finally gotten wiser in your ‘old age’, but I’ve mentally given you several high-handed pep talks.”
Tony was taken aback. “Oh? And what was the subject of these pep talks?”
“Mostly self-worth and your complete lack of it.”
Tony chuckled again. “Well maybe you haven’t heard, but I actually have an unrealistically high opinion of myself, kid.”
“Yeah, do you think that if you keep talking about it loudly enough, you might start believing it?” Peter asked, eyebrow raised.
“Excuse me?  I am one of the richest, smartest people on the damn planet.  I single-handedly created a superhero while a prisoner in a cave.  I created clean energy that can power the planet and I’m pretty sure I’m damn close to being able to end poverty,” Tony rebuked, getting irritated.
“I know, so why do you still feel like it’s not enough?” Peter asked with a shrug, pointedly not looking at him.  “All those amazing accomplishments, things no one else would be able to do, but how often do you think about that instead of the few mistakes you’ve made?”
Tony crossed his arms.  “Get out of my fucking head, kid,” he grunted.
Peter turned to him with a grin.  “You think I should change my degree plan and become a shrink?”
“Definitely not.  You’re pretty much done anyway and I need you in my labs, not consoling lunatics like me.”
Peter reeled back exaggeratedly.  “You’re quite presumptuous, Mr. Stark, assuming I’ll be working for you.”
“You’d better,” Tony insisted.
“Is that a threat?” Peter asked cheekily.
Laughing, Peter settled back into the cushions and resumed his popcorn eating.
After several minutes of watching TV in silence, Peter turned back to Tony.  “You know I still think you’re just as amazing as you try to say you are, right?”
Glancing at Peter out of the corner of his eye, he shook his head at Peter’s earnest expression.  “No clue why,” he said wryly.  “But yeah, I know.  Thanks, kid,” Tony said, smile soft as his hand came up to grip the back of Peter’s neck before pulling him into a hug.
Tony cleared his throat and sat back before saying gruffly, “Now shut up and watch...whatever the hell it is you’re making me watch.”
Peter snorted but kept his mouth shut.  And as he settled more comfortably under Tony’s arm, his back pressed up against Tony’s side as Tony’s arm draped across Peter’s chest, Tony had to wonder if this is one of the things Pepper had been talking about.
But as he felt the warmth of Peter pressed against him, felt the soft rise and fall of his breathing, felt the proof that Peter was alive and safe, Tony shook away the thought.
So I’m starting to see a pattern - I tend to write like hell during the fall and winter and not during the summer at all. So apparently I have an off-season lol.  Hopefully the pattern continues for the next few months and I can get a few projects finished!
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id-never-letyoudown · 3 years
Rare pair hell below (plz work readmore) part 2
Henry Hidgens didn't have the best childhood. Being shipped off to live with his aunt and uncle after coming out to his parents and then disowned does not make for a happy nor healthy mind. He was sixteen when it happened. His only light in those trying times were his aunt and uncle. They supported him. No matter what he wished to do.
He wanted to learn an instrument? Sure. He wanted to take up songwriting? Absolutely. Shoot a gun? You bet. And Henry was quite ambitious to say the least. He dabbled in a little bit of everything while he lived with them. It had been the first time he'd been allowed to truly express himself.
And they accepted him. Sure they had to get used to a few things, they'd sometimes use the wrong name-but they were always quick to correct themselves. And that was all he could ask for. His parents never bothered to try. Last he heard they were telling people that their only daughter had died and they had no sons.
Henry wanted to do big things, make a name for himself doing what he loved. And he just happened to love many things-and if you asked him he excelled at them all. Of course.
It took some string pulling and a lot of extra credit and the like, but Henry had managed to get himself accepted into a nice college outside of Hatchetfield. He never could decide on what he wanted to do, so again he tried a bit of everything that tickled his fancy.
He was particularly gifted in biology. Anything to do with the human body. And had a special interest in things that had adverse effects on them as well. Diseases, plagues-you name it.
His presentations drew a lot of attention. Attention that brought him to the door of the P.E.I.P. Not literally to their door, of course. Especially when he moved back and resumed his studies in Hatchetfield. They were interested in him. His intellect. And thought he could help them. The fact that he called Hatchetfield his home was another point of interest. And the fact that his last remaining family had died in a freak accident months prior made him stand out. A smart man who knew how to handle a gun and who wouldn't be missed if he should disappear? He was practically made for their organization.
Henry declined their initial offer, having just landed a position on a team of scientists currently studying a disease he was very curious about-and just so happened to be immune to.
He had made a lot of friends at Hatchetfield Community College-a few of which became his lovers. They would all go to the football field at five o'clock to catch up every day. Always. Henry had been a little impatient and wasn't as thorough as he should have been during his decontamination procedure one day, eager to see his boys.
He infected every one of them. And had to watch them each die, one by one. Comforting them while searching for a cure. He still visits that campus in the anniversary of the start of their collective deaths, because having to go back days in a row would have been too much for him.
He ended up joining P.E.I.P shortly after that. He wasn't at the top of their ranks, sure. But he was known as a good marksman and the person you wanted to see if you needed some special equipment. But his speciality was theorizing. Because he had this uncanny ability of almost always being right.
It was discovered that he had foresight. Not the most powerful they've seen, but a good asset nonetheless. This is what made him a valuable member of P.E.I.P.
It should be noted that Henry, though preferring very much to work alone, had grown incredibly fond of a certain general. The two had even-and continue to-hooked up on several occasions. Henry had gotten a little attached and was hurt when he discovered McNamara was marrying his good friend Xander-but he supported them both fully. The three do still fool around together and Henry even became the surrogate for their son, in exchange for "a bottle of brandy for every stretchmark" and "never ask me for anything ever again".
His time at P.E.I.P was filled with adventure and excitement. He loved every minute of it.
And then the fatal day happened.
Henry was well aware that they had lost an agent to the Black and White. But that didn't stop his curiosity. He swore it was like it was calling to him. The portal. He'd dream about it. Sometimes he found himself passing by the lab it was kept in and stopping for no reason other than to gaze longingly at it.
He didn't have the clearance to venture into the Black and White, and no matter how hard he tried he couldn't come up with a good enough reason for he himself to go.
And then one day he just so happened to find the masterkey card just... lying on his desk. Like it was waiting for him. And when he grabbed it it felt as though someone was standing right over him. Just this great, overwhelming presence. But a... welcomed one. Which wouldn't make sense to him until later.
He had to sneak in when everyone else had gone. But once he made it, once he stepped into the Black and White for the very first time-he fucking ate the primordial pavement and cracked his helmet.
And just as the panic was about to set in he heard it. A man's voice. One he's heard before but could only now make out.
It'd felt like he'd been wandering around that great expanse of nothingness for days-it had only been minutes-but seeing this stranger, and knowing he must have so much to tell him, made it all worth it.
"Was wondering when you were gonna get the hints, Dove." The man spoke, wearing far too much denim for Henry's tastes-but somehow he made it work. "Bet you got a lotta questions."
"You have no idea-" where did he go-oh!
Henry's helmet was gone now. And he could feel the man's warm breath against his ear. And feel him right behind him. Practically touching. "Oh but I do." When he turned around the man was gone. Henry only had to look back to find him in his original position. "And I can answer them all."
".... There's a catch, isn't there." It wasn't a question. Henry knew he needed to leave through the portal soon, unless he wanted to stay there trapped forever. "What do you want?"
"Smart, Dove. See, that's why I like you. Straight to the point. You know exactly what you want." Oh please, it took him years to settle on a major- "It just wasn't plain to see. Power."
"Power. Fame. Recognition. And everything in between. I can give you it all. All you have to do is shake my hand."
"I shake your hand and I become a pawn for one of your lords, is that right?" Henry eyes him skeptically, but the offer was tempting. After all-
"You know apotheosis is already upon us. Might as well rig the show while there still is one."
Henry stares at the stretched out hand, his own twitching at his side. It was true. He's seen it. Several Its, actually. So many outcomes. So many branching realities. Lost when he woke up. But coming back to the surface the longer he stayed here.
"I..." He reached for his hand, eyes finding bright, apple green. He saw a promise. A promise for power. For the ability to set the pieces wherever he wished and watch them fall. For everything he could ever wish for and... more? More.
Henry wanted so much more than what he'd been given. What he worked for.
And just as he was about to lay his palm down he was yanked back. Something had pulled on his lifeline, sending him stumbling back.
"Henry!" The general shouted behind him, and just as he looked back, to give the stranger one more look, he was gone. "Henry what were you thinking?!"
"No..." Henry had to be dragged back through the portal, kicking and screaming. "No-let me go! Let me-" and then the crying began. He couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his cheeks. When he finally stopped resisting McNamara let him sink to the floor, in front of the deactivated portal. And the promises it held.
"You should have let me go." His voice cracked, slumping foward. Black strands of hair fell in his face, obscuring his vision. Not that the tears weren't already doing that. "You should have-" he hiccupped.
A hush fell over the room. An odd tingling sensation ran over him. Similar to walking out into the heat after spending hours in a cold theater. His hair, strand by strand. From root to tip. Began to turn a silvery white.
Needless to say P.E.I.P didn't let him go for a long while after that. They interrogated him. Poked and prodded. Took samples of his hair. Something told Henry he needed them to think he was just slightly unhinged. Just a bit. Just enough to get them to believe he wasn't a threat.
And when they did let him go, they called it 'retirement' and gave him a new identity. And a job as a professor. Just to be safe. So no one would ask questions. He wasn't particularly happy about it. And stormed out of the facility in a huff. During a big storm.
McNamara was right on his heels. "This is just a precaution, Henry-"
"A precaution?! Putting foam on sharp corners in a precaution-this is just-u g h!" Henry threw his hands up, already soaked to the bone. White hair sticking to his face. Damn he needed a haircut. "This is wrong and you know it!"
"You entered the portal without permission-do you know what could have happened if I didn't come back?!" He had to shout just to be heard over the sound of pouring rain.
"This place was like home to me, you know that-and I make one mistake and that's it?! Poof! How fair is that?!"
"I'm trying to convince them to let you back on, I just need you to lay low-"
"Lay low?!" He laughed bitterly, pushing his hair out of his eyes. You couldn't even tell the difference between the rain and his tears. "I'm Henry 'Hidgens' now! What the fuck kind of name is that? And sixty-three?! R e a l l y?! I don't even look that old! Who's going to believe that?!"
He spread his arms out in a wide arc, "You're all going to regret not having me here, just you wait and see. You're going to come crawling to ol' Henry Hidgens, Biology professor at Hatchetfield Community College for help one day and you know what he's going to say? Fuck y-"
Thunder shook the area, lightning lighting up the sky in a crooked arc. And then, in the blink of an eye, Henry was struck.
That's what he got for ranting in the middle of a storm.
Anyways, when he was given the okay to return home he spent months crafting his new life. Hey, if he was going to be given a new identity he might as well have fun with itm and he still had to heal from that lightning strike.
He bore a scar that branched like veins all down across his body. Staring from the left side of his neck, and down to his right ankle. He liked to play up the 'unhinged and questionable professor' bit a lot. And loved to pepper in the very real fact that he'd been struck by lightning.
Hell of a thing to brag about.
It had been nearly half a year now since then. He's settled into his new life nicely. Becoming Hatchetfield's known hermit of a whacky professor.
Lately he'd been having a feeling he was being watched. And sometimes, sometimes, he'd see him. The man he now knew as Wilbur Cross. The agent P.E.I.P had lost. They never told him what actually happened though.
He had just come in from his garden one day when he felt it. That familiar presence.
Henry set his basket of apples down. His aunt and uncle had owned this house before, and planted a nice garden-which had been neglected after their passing, but Henry was tending it now. They had a few apple trees as well. Henry planned on making a pie.
That presence was still there. Bearing over him. He didn't know if he was just being paranoid or hopeful or what. Regardless-he went behind his bar, took up his shotgun, and returned shortly after.
And when he did he froze. Because there he was, sitting on the counter. Eating one of the apples. At first the shock was enough to make his jump and aim right at him-not that it bothered this man to have a gun trained on him.
"Wilbur..." Henry didn't know what he felt exactly when he saw him, but suffice to say he was overwhelmed. He lowered his shotgun.
"Hey there, Dove. Ya miss me-"
"I accept."
"Whoa now-at least let me do the pitch!"
"You already did that, remember? And I accept, on one condition."
Wilbur's brow cocked, "Who said you could make conditions?"
"I did. It's an easy thing, really." He came closer, just as Wilbur hopped down from the counter. He grabbed a bottle of whiskey, sliding it over to himself. "Every promise you make to me, you have to keep. And, we seal the deal with a drink."
"You trying to butter me up with booze and apples?"
"The apples are a coincidence."
"A n d you're making demands of me? On top of pulling a g u n on me?.... You know, I think this might be the start of a great partnership. Pass me a shot glass-" he saw Henry pop the lid off the bottle and take a drink with hardly a grimace. His heart would have skipped. If it still beat. "... damn, Dove."
"So, we got a deal or what?"
"First of all, my line." Wilbur grabs the bottle from him, fingers lingering a few seconds too long. "Second, you bet your sweet ass."
They drank together. And thus started their partnership.
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