#headcanons. ★★ ᗷEᗩᔕTᔕ Iᑎ ᗰY ᗷᒪOOᗪ; GᕼOᔕTᔕ Iᑎ ᗰY ᕼEᗩᗪ; ᗩᑎᗪ ᔕTᗩᖇᔕ Iᑎ ᗰY EYEᔕ
spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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facial expressions meme !  repost. dont reblog
the face your muse makes when happy:
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the face your muse makes when sad:
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the face your muse makes when they see something they want:
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the face your muse makes when their berserk button is pushed:
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the face your muse makes when they see someone they dislike:
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Tagged By: @goyokuborn​ Tagging: YOU. (-- whoever hasn’t done this yet!)
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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My muse in a relationship meme!
deivorous said:   💚Are they prone to jealousy?
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🐾—He .... CAN BE very jealous!! He’s already possessive and very involved with his partners in the sense that, if something unexpected happens between his partner and some other person, all kinds of agitation rises to the surface. If he’s already aware that he shares his partner with another person, ie. Simon and Nia, both of whom he adores with his whole heart - and would do nearly anything for -- or, if his partner has a passion for a subject or a profession that he’s aware of when their relationship develops to a deep romance, then it brings him happiness when they are also happy.
   But, if someone or something suddenly elicits a hefty portion of his partner(s)’ attention - or worse, affection - then Viral will take great issue with the interloper! When his jealousy is stirred, it will be very apparent. He’s not got a dishonest bone in his body. He’ll be moody, sarcastic, bitey, and possibly even physically opposed to the intruder, picking fights and being all-around antagonistic. He will cause problems on purpose. If the issue is an object or a topic, then his physical demonstration might involve being extra physically clingy for his partner, or more demanding for affection than usual, he will be somewhat rougher than usual, because he’ll be lowkey mad about the competition. 
  Jealousy will persist until: 1. He comes to believe that his partner is both happier with the new addition, AND capable of keeping him included in as much of their life as possible. 2. He successfully fends off the interloper and eagerly continues to monopolize his lover’s attention. 3. He becomes convinced hat his affections have been replaced by the new focus, and that his persistent jealousy is a detriment to his lover. In the event of the third instance, Viral will detach in a very gentle way, and gradually remove himself from the picture entirely. He has a history with rejection and separation, so when those familiar pains get to his heart, he becomes quite resigned. It’s surprisingly easy to lead him to feel rejected, as he is secretly(?) very sensitive.
  So long as he thinks there’s a fight to be had, Viral is incredibly tenacious and completely hellbent on his lovers’ behalf. He might be a little petulant at first, but he also desires harmony above all else, so he can be coaxed to work with changes.
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     The above does not apply if the new arrival to the relationship happens to be A CHILD. Even if it’s a puppy or a kitten or some youngling from some other race, Viral will not become jealous of the baby. He WILL go into a full paternal mode, though, as he is incredibly weak for babey. There will be no conflict here. Only unbridled adoration and fatherly devotion. Pretty instantly. Viral loves the smols. He will only dote. Both the little one and the other parent(s) involved will receive nothing but tenderness and assistance in whatever way Viral can lend it.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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My muse in a relationship meme!
deivorous said:  👫Do they display affection in public?
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🐾—Viral is very concerned with maintaining a sense of personal decorum, and diligently upholding a warrior’s etiquette. His pride as a spiral warrior and as a captain comprise the image he designates for others to know of him. He is unlikely to make a big show of affection in the general public eye. He would rather handle his partnership with dignity and refinement, because his bonds are a huge point of dedication and joy for him.
  Physical affection has a very strong impact on him! He takes offering and receiving affection very seriously. And his gentle, vulnerable side is not for just anyone. He reserves that sentimental facet exclusively for his lovers and those identified family.
   He will offer subtle gestures of affection in public, such as: holding hands, touching his forehead to his partner’s brow - his absolute favorite loving gesture, fleeting kisses to his partner’s temple or wrist, leaning his body into theirs, and toying with their hair a bit.
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  However! If his partner IS a fan of publicly demonstrative affection, let it be known that Viral will never resent their display, no matter how profoundly it seems to raise his hackles. He WILL express embarrassment and make a huge fuss about it, but he won’t forbid them from doing so, nor will he truly reject their affection. He WILL look like a bigass tsundere about it, though, but if his partner is insistent about it and maintains the behavior, he will settle for grumbling and enduring it. Because in the end, even though his pride may get a little frazzled, he’s actually a soft boi who really loves being loved on.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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┖  MOUTH OF THE BEAST : facets of a shark ┚ 
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🚀—Viral’s mouth runs very hot - there’s a lot of heat and moisture involved, and the one contributes more to the other. He was created from DNA samples of two apex predators of both land and sea: sharks run hot for the standards of their species, and tigers are no different - often spending a great deal of time in water to cool off.  
  Aside from looking like a beartrap, his mouth is his most expressive feature.  An upside-down crescent grimace, a very pointy grin, and countless variations between. In most circumstances, his teeth are at least partially visible.  His teeth are reflections of the shark DNA hosted within his genome. Just like a Great White, if one tooth is knocked out or damaged, there is always another tooth ready to spin forward from a coil-like tooth reservoir of backup teeth in his jaw to replace it.  While Viral’s hominid-shaped skull disallows for the very unique, shark-only ability to open and close both an upper and lower jaw, he still possesses the characteristic force of a shark’s bite. The particular hinge-angle of his jaw allows for a much wider bite than a Human, as well - fitting, for all of those teeth.  
 His back teeth, (molars, in Humans) are sharp fangs called carnassial teeth; they’re unattached to his jaw, and are retractable! They behave in the same way that a shark’s extra rows of teeth function, moving into place when his jaw opens wide. These teeth rotate on their own axis, moving outward when the jaw is opened up, and inward when his jaw closes more narrowly. This helpful trait derived straight from Great White biology keeps him from accidentally chewing up the inside of his cheeks when he’s talking.
  Connected to Viral’s teeth are pressure-sensing and contact-sensitive nerve cells, just as those found in a Great White, which give his teeth great tactile sensitivity. This gives him absolute finesse in using his teeth. Conversely, such a sensitive mouth steeped in so many nerve endings can be a weakness, too. You’ve heard “BOOP THE SNOOT,” as a shark’s muzzle is a highly tactile, sensory region and the same is true for Viral’s lips, teeth, and gumline. No news yet on whether you can make him go away by pressing on his nose. I don’t think it worked for Adiane, tho.
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┖  MOUTH OF THE BEAST : facets of a tiger ┚
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   🚀—Divergent from the expressions of shark DNA, the characteristics of Viral’s tongue are derived from the Tiger DNA sampled in his genetic composition! The upper surface of a tiger’s tongue is full of sharp little pointy protrusions that face backwards, towards the throat. They’re called papillae, and they are what gives the tongue a rough, raspy texture. Viral possesses a mild expression of this characteristic, due to the interfering hominid design of his skull, jaw, and throat. His tongue is still several times rougher than that of a Human, and it would still offer him an advantage when it comes to chowing down on the gamey, wild prey he was expected to hunt for himself, on patrols in the wild. But just that slightly roughed texture isn’t nearly caustic enough to do harm to a person’s skin from just a lick or two.
 That’s a plus, because he shares another characteristic with tigers: antiseptic saliva. He might reflexively and literally, lick his wounds at times, as a result. Not that I recommend that anyone shove a grisly wound in his face, because Viral’s going to knock them over the head and then taken them to a hospital - BUT. If the situation was DIRE, there’s a probable chance that he would put it to use for someone else, in order to save their life.
  Vocally, tigers are known to hiss like housecats. They do not purr - but they do make a low, rumbling sound that ruffles in the throat. Viral is also capable of both, albeit it could sound more like a purr because the way his throat is shaped. Although if you ever catch him hissing, purring or chuffing, he will not suffer it well upon his pride so pretend not to notice.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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What tarot card do you all associate your muses with?
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    “Judgement represents a call from a higher place to a higher ground. Your life’s journey is onwards and upwards. This means leaving the past behind you, letting go of old grudges, failings and resentments, and moving forwards to embrace your destiny. If you follow your path fearlessly you will be led towards your true purpose, and it will mean that you will have to show great courage and perseverance to embrace all of the possibilities that will unfold. But this card promises that, no matter how hard it may look, this path is yours to walk and that you will receive divine protection.”
   Viral’s journey can be encapsulated by a progression of three cards: the onset of the DEATH card, an inner, isolated healing process through the themes of THE HERMIT card, so that he can rise at last through JUDGEMENT. 
[EPISODE 3 - 15/16]
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 In DEATH, Viral’s world is shaped by transformation and rebirth; the ascent of his Human rivals, and the subsequent losses he suffered at their power. He experienced the literal deaths of his Generals, one by one, and each loss, though potent, nonetheless guided him through transformations of his own. He even lost his greatest rival without having realized it, and thus, without any affirmation for his own self-worth. His world, began to end. He began as a ferocious, remorseless soldier. He progressed as an anguished survivor, wracked with self-recrimination and a desperation to prove his mentality and dedication to the Spiral King as superior. And towards the finale of the DEATH card’s influence, Viral finally relinquishes his struggle with subservience, and inquires about the true purpose and nature of his so-called enemies. For this, he, himself is transformed into an immortal chronicler. And with his creator-king’s fall, Viral has no choice but to let go of all that he had ever known. He completes his walk with DEATH’s influence - and moves beyond its reach.  
[EPISODE 17 - 20]
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 Under the guidance of THE HERMIT, Viral becomes isolated and introspective. He is left with nothing in the world except his questions, and himself. From there, he begins to develop his own inner wisdom, and cultivate his sense of self, apart and outside of the indoctrination of his creator, the late Spiral King. He turns his own light onto his path, and becomes a protector of the very race and settlements he once hunted - with no compensation, save for the meaning it offers to his endless existence. From decorated military leader, to a wasteland rebel, Viral’s efforts to understand himself and the significance of his autonomy soon leads to a reunion with Simon the Digger. And, in a kind of newfound personal serenity, he even seeks to kindle the spirit within his once-opponent, dispensing advice, and some tough encouragement. He also demonstrates a selfless acceptance of his immortality, in attempting to intercept harm on Simon’s behalf. The Hermit’s journey of isolation and self-actualization led the slayer to become a protector.  
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 JUDGEMENT’S influence takes the helm the moment that Simon invites Viral to pilot the Gurren, as his partner in arms, in the battle against the Anti-Spiral. Viral forfeited his old grievances against the man who had once piloted the Gurren, and placed his destiny in the decisive clash against the entity who concocted millennia worth of suffering for the Spiral Races. Viral accepted the call to the heavens, to fight as a comrade to his previous foes. He lamented the necessity for battle, as in his innermost heart, he yearned for peace. And though he was not born a Spiral Being, during the strenuous conflict, JUDGEMENT witnessed, as Viral transcended himself, and reached heights far beyond his original purpose. Evolution touched his existence, as it had for others of artificial design, and he reached exaltation for himself, even as a Beastman. His spirit now as indomitable as his immortal body, Viral would be among those who, with Simon, defeated the Anti-Spiral’s regime. He would continue to ascend, and become captain of the Chouginga Daigurren - a ship that belonged to his creator-king, millennia ago, that was revitalized by his partner, Simon. He moved forward, assuring peace throughout the galaxy,
    - and, in this blog’s canon, he has also forged a reunion and revitalization of the Chou Dai-Gurren Dan, in order to create a haven for those like Simon - who possess a light too bright for their reality to withstand. Viral continues to utilize the strengths and overcome the challenges offered by JUDGEMENT’S theme. For him, the bold destinies of others are just as worthy of protecting as his own.      
TAGGED BY: @thesealovesme && @acherys​ recently mentioned the tarot cards associated with their muses.
TAGGING:  Whoever feels like it/likes tarot, honestly!
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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My muse in a relationship meme!
 Anonymous said: It was hard to ignore temptation to direct questions at Viral - honestly, the wind was too curious a rogue not to at least give it a go. So, he scribbled his suggestions anonymously, threw it into the pile that would eventually find its way to the host and then pretended (very believably) to not give a care when this Q&A game would be answered.  ⚔️ Are they protective of their partner?   💭 Do they tend to sleep better (Doze better) when in bed with their partner?  ❤ Do they fall in love easy?
  Viral found the questionnaire mixed into the pile of sketches of various places, journal entries, and letters he wrote out of sentiment - all forged upon the outdated but comforting medium of physical paper. The inquiries surprised him, but then, the East Wind was like that, slipping into orderly affairs and making pleasant (most of the time) ripples through otherwise calm waters. The Beastman acquiesced, but he worded his replies within a short visual recording. He would have it ferried straight to the rogue’s personal handheld device, to be accessed whenever he liked, and saved for as long as he wished. 
┖ ”Are you protective of your partner?"  ┚ 
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🐾—❝And why wouldn’t I be?
    Lovers, kin, friendships -- they aren’t gifts I can say have come easily during my lifetime. I’ve been better acquainted with solitude and loneliness than I’ve ever desired.  To that end, I have every reason and every intention of treating those bonds as gold. I’ll gladly sink all teeth and every claw into the effort of preserving what I have. To live without taking our loved ones for granted... doesn’t it make sense to be protective of what brings you joy?❞
┖ ”Do you sleep or doze better when in bed with your partner?"  ┚ 
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🐾—❝Ah, yes and to no small degree. Without someone nested comfortably in bed to tempt me, I don’t even have an impetus for dozing off. My body doesn’t require sleep, and so I tend to find something productive to do without the need for rest. If someone dear to me insists, however, that I curl up next to them -- you won’t catch me turning them down unless there’s an urgent matter that I must attend. The indescribable comfort of feeling someone resting against me, their breathing, the warmth, there’s no better lullaby in the universe. Keh. Maybe the elaborate and plush design of my bed is designed to tempt my partner, who can then do their part and beckon me.❞
┖ ”Do you fall in love easily?"  ┚  
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🐾—❝...no. I’ll deny it or avoid the feelings, first. For as long as I can.  Why? Even if the sentiment is mutual, a life together - and I would desire that - is a difficult premise. I have a place and a purpose - as would the one I love. If we can’t find a way to bring theirs to the stars with me, then... our paths won’t converge for long, I fear. That fact doesn’t invalidate our bond, but it becomes a bittersweet thing. Dreamlike. Ephemeral. Fleeting.  No less precious to me, but all the more potent in the grief I’ll bear for it, if I’m disallowed from preserving it within my means.
   I would not utter words of love lightly. And saying goodbye is... I’ve spent a lot of time beneath the weight of those words, left on the lonely side of those shores. How many goodbyes would I like to issue, for how many hearts I was not permitted to keep? How often will I choose to invest my mind, body, and spirit into kindling a tomorrow meant for myself and this dream of a family of mine? It asks such courage of me, to embrace the risk of losing it all, over and over.
  And I’m allowed to die as many times as I like.❞
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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My muse in a relationship meme!
godlivesonthemoon said:  🎶Do they have a type?  / 💚Are they prone to jealousy? / ⚔️ Are they protective of their partner? (don't mind me, I'm so intrusive dfddfqdtf)
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🐾—Viral can be a lot to handle. He’s wholeheartedly dedicated to his place as a captain and an ambassador. He will not recognize a personal happiness that exists outside of his commitments, because being a part of those lives and that mission is part of his personal happiness. His partner must be willing to join in on the altruistic vision of the Chou Dai-Gurren Dan, or at the very least, agree to let Viral do what he does without threatening what he works for, or becoming threatened by it. It goes without saying, if he does become enamored with a person, then he will, without hesitation, create a place for them on his vessel. Otherwise, at some point, for some duration, there will be a separation and both parties will have to contend with that.
   He’s also immortal. And if his partner won’t reside on the Chouginga with him, and they aren’t immortal by some means, either, then he’ll have to acknowledge that one day, he might come to visit their world/reality, and they may have died while he was gone. It’s a very solemn cause for his hesitation to get involved. 
  Characteristics of adventurousness, compassion, and loyalty are a must in his partners. The opposing traits, while he can understand and even accept them in someone, will obviously hinder the bonding process.
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   For all of his faults, and for all of his shortcomings, Viral is at the very least, capable of being completely selfless. His desire to see his loved ones and comrades thrive far exceeds any personal misgivings or jealousy. He chooses polyamorous arrangements, demonstrates unconditional love, and absolutely does his best to ensure a harmonious unity between himself and his loved ones. If they are happy, then he feels as though he has done his part. He may playfully affect an air of jealousy - or demand affection once he’s good and comfortable (like any feline worth their catnip, fufu) but at heart, he really does desire the best for his loved ones and he will put them first in a lot of ways. 
  There are very, very few individuals or subjects that he would consider his enough to exercise a possessive or jealous force over them. That being said, he feels that if he does demonstrate acts of jealousy or possessiveness, he is thus presuming that he ought to have an exclusive right to their attention or application. And that tendency stems from a very feral, very predatory state of mind that he does his best to rise above. If a circumstance happens to elicit his jealous ire, or merit a possessive intervention, that carefully metered passion of his will absolutely make itself known, and anyone who recalls the vicious enthusiasm of Viral’s youth can attest to that being a bad idea™.
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  He will try to abide by the pride of his partner, and refrain from shortchanging their strengths with his own doubts or fears on their behalf. He will recognize their power, and support their potential first. But in a situation where none of that matters - because his partner is at grave risk, Viral will not hesitate to remind the opposition that he was engineered to be a hunter, a killer, and a destroyer, and that peace is a choice he makes. Viral is ruthlessly protective of his loved ones. He worked too hard to become someone that he felt to be worthy of the bonds he harbors, now. He lost too many comrades in his youth, and has gained too much power since - not to invest his full capacity to protecting someone he loves. He has a body that can soak up as much damage as necessary, and survive, and he will gladly place himself on the line if it means he can protect someone precious.
   When Viral commits to someone, whatever their state of relationship - he commits to them while knowing that he will carry their story, and the events that transpire under his witness, for all of eternity. That’s a long time to regret any one single moment. That’s the pressure he acknowledges his decisions under, and eternity is the scope of his dedication to his loved ones. 
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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My muse in a relationship meme!
bucketfullofocs said:  🎶 Do they have a type?
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🐾—Not specifically. Viral tends towards the ace spectrum at first, because of the ‘hands off’ and ‘heart away‘ design and indoctrination of the Beastman Army -- as well as his own sense of dignity and decorum. So he can be a little stunted when it comes to realizing that he really likes someone. He absolutely appreciates beauty, handsomeness, winsome physical traits, etc. but more on an intellectual level than a way of identifying types of habitual attractions. As far as attractive components go, his attention is drawn towards experience, rather than appearance. He doesn’t really value one archetype over another in that sense.
   For example, if he spends a lot of time with someone, and they share some trials and some good times - tests of trust are rewarded, and a kinship is created, then he’ll 100% begin to explore other facets of the person’s nature and disposition from a perspective of possible romantic attraction. After feeling romantically drawn, and finding some reciprocation there, he might become invested in broaching a sexual relationship. It takes time, every time. There’s not a certain combination of characteristics or behaviors that would make an individual exempt from the time-tested process of building familiarity and comfortability with him. He’s a case-by-case basis kind of person.
   He doesn’t have a type per se, but he does tend to recognize the best in a person, from even early interactions. And because of all of that, Viral can foster a love with just about any type of being, regardless of their physical traits, history, or personality -- so long as in the going along, they’ve been getting along - even if it’s from a standpoint of rivalry. He doesn’t think of it as chemistry, he just perceives when a frequent interaction becomes synergistic in some way.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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What is your throne made of?
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The leader who sits on a throne of glass values honesty and integrity. They rule their kingdom democratically and will uphold justice at any cost. Their intelligence and perception is unrivaled in any of the surrounding lands. They will always be transparent with their views and be true to their people and what they stand for. However, it is unwise to lie to a ruler of glass - they can see right through any deception and believe dishonesty to be the most severe of crimes.
Tagged by: @seraphiixa​ (Thank you, dearest!) Tagging: @maskedmuses​, @glxtzy​, @whatliveson​, @acherys​, @necroarchy​, @deivorous​, && you.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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repost and fill in the words you most associate with your character !!
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ANIMAL :  Wolf. COLOR :  Gold. MONTH :  October. SONG : Don’t Get in My Way by Zack Hemsey; or Believe by The Score NUMBER :  2, 7, or 14 DAY OR NIGHT :  Dawn or Night PLANT :  Marigold SMELL :  Space SEASON :  Autumn FOOD : Strawberries DRINK :  Oolong Tea ELEMENT :  Earth
TAGGED BY : @seraphiixa (thank you, as always!) tagging: @glxtzy, @acherys​, @thesealovesme​, @bloominghands​, @overflowingspirit​, @maskedmuses​, @lxvendevxtixn​, @drillborn​, @orekasai​, @centuryolddoctor​, @godsnaturalenemy​, @deivorous​, @bookofaion​, @luckyrabbithunter​, @gritthoseteeth​, @spiralglitch​, @kuumas, @mightyxsproutandco​ && whoever else feels like it!
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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┖ SCENT; in various settings  ┚
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 The smell of outer space pervades all others; it has been described as a warm, metallic, almost-sweet scent. And those rich tones remain laced at all times, throughout Viral’s skin and hair. He smells of stardust and ozone, notes of scorched metals with an underlying burst of sweet warmth comparable to berries, bergamot, almonds, and citrus. His applied fragrance of choice includes a cologne blended of patchouli, sandalwood, rose, cedar, and sage - from botanical elements harvested from the sprawling gardens aboard the Chouginga. 
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  While sailing upon the briny blues in his OnePiece xover, his natural scent gains new complexities of the seafaring life - amber notes from his hair and hide being beneath so much sunlight, a faint and airy natural musk from the hot days and demanding activities intrinsic to sailing a vessel, and a mineral sharpness of saltwater. 
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    In all instances - though the potency of which depends on the individual’s strength of perception - Viral will always smell decidedly inhuman, among other notes and fragrances. He may even have an uncanny presence to the discerning nose - as a chimera, Viral’s scent will never avail an identity congruent to any known or recognizable race of beings. It isn’t likely possible to decipher the nature of his artificially engineered biology through that sense alone.
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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BOLD - applies always. italic - applies sometimes. STRIKETHROUGH - never applies.
Viral :: Teppelin
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tagged by : No one on purpose I assure you tagging : @THE SINDAY CROWD. Get up on it!
is submissive | is dominant | prefers to top | prefers to bottom | likes to switch | identifies as heterosexual | identifies as homosexual | identifies as bisexual | identifies as pansexual | identifies as demisexual | identifies as asexual | enjoys sex with men | enjoys sex with women | enjoys sex with multiple people at one time | initiates | waits for partner to initiate | baits partner into initiating | spits | swallows | prefers sex in the morning | prefers sex at night  | prefers sex any time | no sex drive | lower sex drive | average sex drive | high sex drive | hypersexual
small build | medium build | athletic build | muscular build | curvy build | voluptuous build | wears boxers | wears lingerie | goes ‘commando’ | shaves / waxes | doesn’t shave / wax | cup size a-c | cup size d-f | 1-5" in length | 6-9" in length | 10" or over in length
is silent / makes little to no sounds | is very quiet | is very loud | grows in volume over time |bites hand / partner / pillow to muffle themselves | calls out partner’s name | curses | fakes / exaggerates | prefers a quiet partner | prefers a loud partner | is turned on by dirty talk of a menacing or challenging nature | is turned off by dirty talk
having their hands pinned | pinning their partner’s hands | having their hair pulled | pulling their partner’s hair | being watched (by their partner) | being watched (by a third party) | watching their partner | receiving oral | giving oral | calling their partner ‘daddy’ |being called ‘daddy’ | giving praise | receiving praise | biting / marking | being bitten / marked | spanking | being spanked | teasing | being teased | having toys used on them | using toys on their partner | giving anal | receiving anal | choking | being choked | using dirty talk | being tied up | tying their partner up | being worshiped | worshiping their partner | humiliating | being humiliated | degrading | being degraded | knife play | blood play | being pegged | pegging
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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                                                 REPOST   DO  NOT  REBLOG
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Name:   Viral Teppelin. Aliases/Nicknames:   Captain/Kanchou, Teppe (Koya)  Furry, (Avant), Fuzzball (Kamina), Mr. Teppelin (Lyra), Sashimi Lad && Kitty boyo (Maveric), Vee (Zoen) Gender:   Cis Male. Species:   Beastman; hybridized with DNA from Selachimorpha (Great White Shark) and Panthera tigris tigris (Golden Tabby Bengal Tiger).   D.O.B.:   Reached incubation threshold on 10.31  (also celebrates evolving into a Spiral lifeform on 10.15.) Age:   Immortal; perpetual physical young adult.     **much of Viral’s infancy and youth were abbreviated by a process of accelerated aging. In less than one year, Viral traversed creation to young adulthood, and was inducted to the Human Eradication Army. His mental and physical performance were equivalent to that of a 18-20 year old Human male at the time. (+7 year year timeskip, +20 year to Epilogue, +7 year post-Epilogue; so he’s physically equivalent to 34-35; mental potential upwards of 54-ish.  )     Hometown:   The Capital, Teppelin City (later renamed Kamina City). Nationality:   Teppelin-born, Space-travelling. Sexual Orientation:   Demisexual; Demiromantic. Relationship Status:   Complicated.
Eye Color:   Bright topaz; light gold, with green undertones. Hair:   Platinum blond. Skin:   Pale, with a fine, darker hide along his hands and forearms. Birthmarks/Tattoos:  Randomized striations of dark tan pigmentation, expressions of his tiger DNA. Very thin markings are present on each cheek, three or so lines of pigmentation arguably resembling whiskers. The first thick stripe is located on left trapezius span, one stripe on the right deltoid, two stripes on the left bicep, one on the right tricep, a stripe on each hip, and one stripe on the left thigh.
  In addition to those natural striations, an assortment of scars litter his skin. The first is a broader mark across the left cheek, mixed into the natural striations, where Kamina sliced the skin with an arrowhead. The second is a heavy, X-shaped marring across his chest, paired to the exit wound scar at the center of his back, a smaller x shape -- from a near-fatal wound sustained during the battle for the Daii-Gurren/Gunzan. His right thigh bears another x-shaped scar, presumably sustained around the same time. Height:   5′10″ ( 177.8cm) Weight:   Mesomorph. Ethnicity:  Just Beastmen Things. Scent:   The smell of outer space pervades all others; a warm, metallic, almost-sweet scent remains laced at all times, throughout his skin and hair. He smells of stardust and ozone, notes of scorched metals with an underlying burst of sweet warmth comparable to berries, bergamot, or citrus. His fragrance of choice includes a blend of patchouli, sandalwood, rose, cedar, and sage. 
Parents: Lordgenome, the Spiral King, by creation. Siblings: Loosely includes other Beastmen, by timeline of creation and genetic similarity. Also loosely includes “brothers in arms” within the Dai-Gurren Dan. Children: None. To his great angst. Pets: As many as he finds on new worlds and can fit on the Chouginga.
                                                           MENTAL STATE.
Mental/Physical Disabilities:   None; granted an ageless body capable of omitting sleep and sustenance, rapid regeneration. His body is in peak condition, and save for a pinch of feral tendencies, he’s a good stronk space shark. Bad Habits:   Curious to a fault, excitable monologues, occasionally still calls humans ‘NINGEN’, especially if he’s comfortable with them, gets caught up easily in another person’s emotional wavelength, showing his teeth when he’s irate instead of using his words, working too much, being obstinate….
Tagged by:   Old blog entry. Tagging:  @anyone who wants to help me out with another at-a-glance reference sheet
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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Repost and tag away!   Bold all that applies to your muse. Italicized: Applicable sometimes.
EYES   :   blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other HAIR   :   blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other BODY  TYPE   :   skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight SKIN   :   pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored GENDER   :   male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way SEXUALITY   :   heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | unsure | doesn’t like labels ROMANTIC  ORIENTATION   :   homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels SPECIES   :   human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | warlock/sorcerer | dragon | chimera EDUCATION   :   high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other I’VE  BEEN   :   in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot
POSITIVE  TRAITS   :   affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm
NEGATIVE  TRAITS   :   aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | OVERLY DRAMATIC | argumentative LIVING  SITUATION   :   lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other (lives in a giant man-faced spaceship full of a bunch of space cowboys heyyy) PARENTS  /  GUARDIANS   :   mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather | other SIBLING(S)   :   sister(s) | brother(s) | none | other RELATIONSHIP   :   single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated I  HAVE  A(N)   :   learning disorder | personality disorder (BPD) | mental / mood disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability THINGS  I’VE  DONE  BEFORE   :   had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
TAGGED BY:  Just a repost from the previous blog. It needs to be here, too.
TAGGING: Whoever passes by!
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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facial expressions meme !  repost. dont reblog
the face your muse makes when happy:
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the face your muse makes when sad:
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the face your muse makes when they see something they want:
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the face your muse makes when their berserk button is pushed:
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the face your muse makes when they see someone they dislike:
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Tagged By: @thesealovesme​. Tagging: @anyone who hasn’t done this yet!
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spiral-chronicler · 4 years
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“ what body part are you ? ”
Your Result: Tongue
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     A tricky part. Seemingly built for one purpose, but capable of so much more. It’s not just pure lust or gluttonous intentions that define the tongue, but joyous laughter that rolls off, catching a snowflake, talking so fast you can barely keep up. Sometimes you can get carried away, lost to the flavours and sensations of new, always itching to try more, and sometimes you forget when to hold yourself back and restrain your eagerness. The tongue is passion, of every good and negative connotation implicit in that, exemplified. In their kiss, you can taste revolution. Chase it, lose yourself to the sensations and wallow in it until everything else can fade away to nothing. It’s the one luxury you can allow for yourself, after all that you’ve endured. Stop biting down, be free.
tagged by: @clippingwings​ tagging: YOU.
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