#hiiro said saki can you please help me w making the most craziest song ever?
caramelmochacrow · 5 months
rondo: oh yeahhhhhhhh you know how you'll slowly fall in love and get fucked up with stories involving timeloops especially one called madoka magica? yeahhhh our lore is actually similar to it yeahhh..... which part of those stories you ask? oh, you know...... the part where two people love each other so much but because their world is fated for ruin theyre are always meant to be separated and this cycle is forever repeated because of this stubborness, self sacrificing nature and desire to change that fate. oh yeah, one of them is or is turned into a monster but the other still loves or falls in love them, even though said "monster" hates that part of themself the other still loves them...... aint that wack?
me: why.!?!?!?
rondo: why not? :)
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