It was a bright sunny day, Ginny wakes up with the sunlight falling on her face, she finds the other half of the bed empty (Harry and Ginny are in live-in relationship) and starts to worry, she searches the whole house but couldn't find him, as she still worries for him...an owl enters their house and drops a letter on the kitchen counter.
It is from Hermione, she picks the letter and reads it.
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Ginny quickly takes a parchment and starts writing back to Hermione.
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With that, Ginny relieves a bit and starts having breakfast. She reads a book and passes her time thinking of Harry. Finally it is 5:30. She goes to her room and starts dressing up to meet Hermione.
She wears a red sleeveless short and beautiful dress with a gold chain like bracelet on her left wrist. she comes to park by 5:57 and waits for Hermione, the park had no lights on the ferris wheels, roller coasters etc. She then realized that the park was still undergoing constructions so they close it by 5:00 everyday until the constructions finish.
Ginny - "Hermione must have forgotten".
She thinks and starts leaving to her home to write a letter and tell her not to come. by the time she starts leaving, the lights turn on, all of a sudden, it was like a dream.She turns around and gets mesmerized by the beauty of the park, she then feels a hand around her shoulder. She jumps and looks who it was.
It was harry!!.
Ginny - "harry why are you here? aren't you supposed to be in the ministry? and where's Hermione , she said she'll come but she didn't. And the park must be closed at the moment, but all the lights got turned on all of a sudden".
Harry says nothing but smiles broadly.
Ginny - "Idiot! I'm talking to you , say something".
she says giving a pleading look with puppy eyes.
Harry - "Forget all about it for now, let's have some fun shall we?"
He grabs her hand saying that and takes her on rides
She enjoys all of them and forgets about Hermione and the only thing she has on her mind is Harry, his cute laugh, his beautiful emerald green eyes, his dark messy hair. she loves him. More than anything in the world.
She tries to say something but before she could, she sees fireworks in the sky, forming cute hearts. Overall it looked amazing!. Ginny takes Harry's hand and runs towards a bridge too see them more clearly.
Ginny - "It's amazing isn't it?"
Hinny - "Do you like it?"
Ginny - "Yess. Is there any event today?"
She says and turns around to Harry but he's not there, she looks down and sees him sitting on his knees.
Harry - "Ginerva Molly Weasley, you know I am not so good at speeches, but please bear me for this one!. You've been my best source of comfort everyday till now, from the day I started dating you. You consoled me at my hard times, you could understand me like nobody else did. You were there for me whenever I needed you, and when nobody was there. Now it is my time to be there for you whenever you want me to! I can't imagine what life would be like without you, I want to stay with you, in your arms forever. Nothing else feels so special for me except being with you!."
Fireworks in the sky begin to form words, and Ginny looks at them it says, "Will you marry me?"
"will you" Harry says
And at this moment, Ginny is frozen, with both her hands on her mouth shocked and tears running out of her eyes.
Ginny - "Yesss"
She says, and Harry takes her hand , takes a box out of pocket, and slips the ring onto her fingers.
She pulls him up and kisses him passionately.
Meanwhile, Ron and Hermione, who made all the fireworks pop in to the sky, were looking at them from a distance, feeling happy.
- Sasrika&Lahari
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It was the day Harry Potter defeated Voldemort, The day everyone was happy like they never did before .Halls filled with cheerful laughter and happiness.
Harry walks into the great hall,
seeing Ron and Hermione linking hands
and chit chatting, He smiled and left giving them some private time
then went to the other Weasleys.
Molly- "Hi harry dear, We haven't got time to talk to you at all".
Arthur- "For a moment we thought you were dead, But you- you did an extremely ultimate job killing you know wh- uhh..Voldemort".
Harry- "Hello mr and mrs Weasley, I-I-...I am really very sorry for Fred, He died because of me...just me".
Molly- "Oh harry, It is not your fault . I as a mother am so proud what he died for".
Arthur- "Don't blame yourself Harry.It is really not your fault".
Harry sees George ,Depression,Sadness covering his face.
Harry couldn't resist his feelings, He sill blamed himself for whoever died in the war. He stopped his tears as much as he could.
Molly- "Harry dear, Go get your trunk, We will be leaving to the burrow soon".
Harry couldn't talk, So he simply nods and leaves to the common room to get his trunk and stuff.
On his way to the common room he hears someone talking
He found that voice familiar, So he went close and saw who they were.
He saw a girl with flaming red hair, Freckles on her face and chocolate brown eyes. He knew who she was in seconds and it was Ginny.
she was talking to a 3rd-year boy Harry was still there without them knowing and listening to what they were talking.
In simple words, He was eavsdropping.
Ginny- "Don't worry everything's gonna be okay!"
The boy - "No it won't!!! my parents died because of that man..Voldemort wanted him, not my parents .It is all his fault, Harry Potter's fault. I want my parents back".
hearing this, Harry's heart broke, into a million pieces.
Ginny- "Yes, Voldemort wanted Harry, not anyone else. But imagine Harry really died, You think he's gonna leave us all in peace?,He'll take over the entire Wizarding world . You will not know when you'll die.all our lives are in his hands".
The boy - "Yes bu-"
Ginny- "You're crying because you lost your parents right? well..Harry lost his parents when he was 1 , When he didn't know who he was,when he didn't know who his parents were .You are 13 now, you're at age! you know what's happening, you know why your parents died..and you should be proud of yourself for fighting underage.You have your grandparents to take care of you. you have a family, but Harry didn't he was raised in a very disturbing household, with a family who didn't care for him, He was almost tortured".
Ginny- "So be a brave man, like Harry, Harry Potter".
The boy- "hmm.. I understood, sorry I was wrong".
Ginny-*With a smile* "It's okay"
The boy -"but um...I-I-..."
Ginny-" Don't hesitate...Go on".
The boy - "Alright,When I was in my second year I saw Harry kissing you in our common room after the Quidditch match...But now ,You both are barely talking..I was just wondering what happened.."
Ginny- "*Taking a deep* breath yes, He did , We're talking, but not as much as we did earlier".
The boy- "Umm..wh-why?"
ginny - "Because we broke up *with a weak smile*"
The boy- "W-w-why?,Don't you feel He used you and then left you?"
"Ginny - "*With fury in her eyes* HE DID NOT USE ME...he left me for my safety, for me being safe..Tthe way he cared for me ,It-it's just *tears form in her eyes* I still want him, He is the perfect man I have seen till now. Now don't say another word about him".
The boy- "S-s-sorry"
Ginny- "It's okay"
The boy's grandma comes and leaves with him.
Ginny still sitting on her knees and sheds a tear.
After hearing this,Harry had tears running down his cheeks ,And with this he ran as fast as he could , lifted her up and kissed her passionately.
Ginny- "Is this your way of telling we're back together Potter?"
Harry- "yes!!!"
*Kisses her again*
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