#his resilience has always been the strongest and also saddest thing about him
ruporas · 1 year
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post ep 11
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regrettablewritings · 7 years
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Newt Scamander is next!
who is more likely to hurt the other?: You never mean to, but sometimes you may make a comment to Newt about how odd he is. However, this doesn’t necessarily hurt him, as he’s been called much worse before. But besides that, neither of you would ever dream of hurting the other.
who is emotionally stronger?: If anything, Newt is more emotionally hardened or intelligent to his sense of empathy. He’s better at it with creatures than humans, obviously, but it’s just present enough for him to get by. He’s obtained a different approach to life as a result of his experiences with the unkindness of others, so to speak.
who is physically stronger?: It’s more like he’s just physically more resilient than strong, per se. Newt’s taken some heavy hits, though, and always managed to bounce back. So that’s gotta count for something.
who is more likely to break a bone?: Like I said, Newt has taken some heavy hits.
who knows best what to say to upset the other?: Say a bad thing about any of his creatures or disobey him when caring for them and you’ll sooner find yourself in a path of absolute, unadulterated rage.
who is most likely to apologize first after an argument?: The both of you don’t like arguing with each other one bit and are generally a fine, balanced couple. But whenever a problem is on the horizon, either side is ready and willing to fix it immediately.
who treats who’s wounds more often?: The first time you saw Newt’s scars, it was when he’d asked you if you wouldn’t mind tending to the newest one. The sheer amount of the marks practically tattooing his entire torso left you in shock and worry. From then on, you became a lot more insistent that you tend to his injuries, assuring that everything was alright on him, hoping that the newest one isn’t the newest addition to the gallery.
who is in constant need of comfort?: Neither side, really. Newt may be socially awkward but the human friends he does have are true and loyal, and he’s found his calling. And you? You’re happy to be by his side and go adventuring to all these unique places. Often times, you’re both too excited for the task at hand to wonder if anything is missing.
who gets more jealous?: Newt is a quiet, defeated jealous-type. he knows he isn’t Theseus, that he’s considered the black sheep of the Scamander family. He knows he’s not the most handsome or the strongest and is awful with interacting with others.So if he sees someone stronger, more social, and all-around decidedly better than he is, interacting with you, he sort of grows quieter than usual and begins to worry when it’ll be that you, like Leta, leave him behind as well.
who’s most likely to walk out on the other?: Newt is devoted to you and so long as you don’t hurt his creatures or endanger them, he’s happy by your side. If anything, he fears that you’re the one who has a reason to leave, what with his self-esteem issues mingling with the fact that he can’t exactly offer you a sable home for the time being as he goes adventuring. (Not helping is the fact that he’s given you so many near-heart attacks with his antics.)
who will propose?: Newt wants to give you a ring so badly, but he fears the niffler will swipe it.But he also knows that it’s bad enough how he keeps going against convention by being a bit of an oddball. He isn’t sure what to do and thinks about it for weeks, only for some form of a proposal to slip out during an impromptu calm-down session after nearly being killed by a dragon. He just nervously laughs and goes, “I don’t suppose you’d want to come back to Hungary for your honeymoon?” By the time he realizes what he’s said, you’ve processed it with wide eyes. He winds up making you a ring made of wood so that it is not only unique to your relationship, but also so that the niffler would be less tempted to steal it.
who has the most difficult parents?: Neither. Even though they do consider their youngest son’s activities to be a bit worrying, given how chaotic they tend to be, Newt doesn’t consider his parents difficult at all.
who initiates hand-holding when they’re out in public?: Neither. Newt adores you but PDA just simply isn’t his thing. He prefers to show his love for you by other actions like cooking for you, using magic to entertain, and sharing with you all that he knows about certain beasts, particularly the ones he’s noticed you enjoying the presence of the most.
who hogs the blankets?: Neither. Even if you both fall asleep in separate directions, you almost always find each other in the night and wind up too warm to part, rendering blanket hogging unnecessary.
who gets more sad?: You suspect Newt may be the saddest between the two of you, but it’s quite hidden. It’s got a little to do with his inability to connect when it really matters but almost everything to do with Leta.
who is better at cheering the other up?: When you’re sad, newt will often take you down into the suitcase and let you relax in the moon calves’ gazing field. It’s peaceful, dark, and serene with the cooing of moon calves, who then come to sniff their little noses at you as you fall into a state of relaxation.
who’s the one that playfully slaps the other all the time after they make silly jokes?: Neither. You’re both a keeling over with laughter type of individual.
who is more streetwise?: Well, he’s worldly in a sense so probably Newt.
who is more wise?: Who knows? newt knows some things, but refuses to acknowledge others, so who really does know?
who’s the shyest?: Newt. He’s really only in his element when it concerns animals. When it comes to most people, he’s at a complete loss. Even with you, he can be a quiet, stuttering mess.
who boasts about the other more?: You think that Newt is delightful and can’t wait to tell your friends about all the amazing things he’s done this week. “Keep your eyes peeled: My Newt is publishing a field guide this week!” “But who wants to learn how to care for nundus!?” “DON’T BE RUDE, TRISHA, NUNDU CARE IS IMPORTANT OKAY!?”
who sits on who’s lap?: Neither. Newt is never sure where to put his hands on you more than half of the time, and you look at this ginger stick of a man and worry about snapping him into two because a puff of wind could shatter your precious cinnaginger.
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