#his soulless state beats that title by simply being the most STRONGEST and powerful form-
Couldn't Prowler Just. turn into his uh- weird purple covered form and just find someone to repair his entire body with??? correct me if im wrong though but didint some of his body get restored after devouring a couple of harold's limbs when he was a infected monster still?
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“iT..... it DOeSn’t WorK LiKE thAt” he says while the others were taking a break, thinking as he huffs “It’s CaLLEd hIS SOuLleSs StaTE fOR A rEaSoN But I... thINk i CaN exPlaIN A fEw THingS...” he says as the others were getting ready back to go to the lodge. Huffing as he rubs his forehead, trying to remember exactly what he and the others really know about this form... until he finally recalled something, taking in a deep breath as he started to explain.
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“hIs SOUlEsS stAte OnLy OcCurS wHENevEr pROwLEr’S bOdy AcTUalLy gETs SUcCeSsFUlLy dEsTroYeD BUt NOT thE SOuL, It’S BEen AdAptING to PRowLEr’s OWn bODy chANgeS BuT it’S MAin PUrPosE Is StiLL clEaR, tO ReFOrM it’s BodY BaCK iNTO pROwLEr... We.. DOn’t KnOW a whOlE lot BUt thIS MUCh is TrUe, IT’S hIS MOst acTUaL ANd LIteRaL StRonGeSt fORm. suRpaSsiNg hIS.. wElL tRUe or oRigiNAl FOrm In stReNGth... BEcAuSe IT’s EVeRyTHinG thAT iS not PrOWleR. IT haS nO EMotiON. nO rEmORsE. nO MeRcY. jUST rAw. BruTAl. PowEr. IT doEsN’T caRe For A..anYtHinG eLSe BeSidEs ReForMIng IT’S bODy baCK to NormAl...”  he grumbled, rubbing his forehead, thinking for a moment “bUt IT’s MorE duRAbLE thAN ANy othEr FOrm OF proWleR. it’S prETtY Much InDeStRUcTIbLE. ONly WHen IT oPEns Up iT’s enTIrE BodY TO fuLly AbSoRb SoMEoNE iNTO hIM Is bELiEVeD TO bE it’S wEAk sPOT... bUt IT haS a Lot Of TrickS.” he paused, thinking to himself as he huffs, he still remebers this details with just vivid thoughts as he frowned, before he went back to explaining. “tREndRiLS SHaRpeR thAn oBsiDIAn. cRYstyALS aroUnd IT’S bODY. shIELdS maDe Out oF CrysTAls. anD IT’S PReTTy dAmn faST toO WHen IT REALLY wAnTs SOmeTHiNg IT kNowS it WAnTS.... Yes I aM SAyINg that FORm coUld Be a SepEraTE enTIty AlL eNITreY TOgeTHEr SIncE it... HAs shOWn to BE quITe sMArT. EaSIly able TO eSCApe THe baSEmEnt iN A MAtteR of 2 hOurs....WHeN we FOund Out How IT esCApe JUst- A damN Hole, THe sIZe OF my HAnd. IT’S abLE to gODDamN CHanGE and alTEr IT’s owN DAMn sIZE And apPEaRAncE to esacApE fROM A DAMn jaIL-CelL..!” he ranted, rubbing his own head as he grunted “aLSo eVErY PArtT oF it’S BodY IS a DifFeReNT cREAtURe. AtTEmPT to ActuALly sUCeEd In cUTtINg OFf IT’s arM? oR leG? IT wiLL LiVE oN And Just InhABit anOthEr PErsON As A WhOLE neW cREAtuRe BAsEd oFf Of PRowLEr’S FoRm eNTIreLY so... yeaH IT’s PReTtY Much UNStoPPabLE... thE OnLY kNowN WaY TO avOid it IS jUSt. hIDe. And DIsTraCT SInce IT’s kNOWn to BE atTraCteD bY lOud nOsIEs. bUT eaSily DisTraCteD By baCKgRouND nOSieS. yOu tHInk siNCe It haS nO EyeS it CAn’T sEe YoU. THat’S WHaT The DAmn taIL Is FOr.” he stated once again, grumbling softly as he sighs and glances upwards “whEN it Opens UP. A daMN Eye IS on IT. thaT FUckING eyE jUSt. SCAns aROund. LooKing FOr anYthING. wHEN it locKS on. thaT EYe TUrns A siLT ANd vANIsheS coMPleLETly. It doEsN’t maTTEr whErE ELse You HidE. If It seEs yOu... yOur PReTtY MucH DOne For.... IF iT fiNDs YoU ThaT is. THeRe is A bIT mORe OF detaIls. it’S mOutH. THe Only ActuaL ORgaNIC THing. IS tHE Only kNOwn THIng TO ACTUAlly be HArmEd. tHE rESt OF it’s Body IS jUSt... PurE soLID. nOT evEN a DAmn nucLear WARheaD OR a mEtoRitE CAn deStRoY IT UnLEsS it’S WHole bODY opENS Up lIKE a SYmbIOtE rEAdY TO bOnd wITH SOmeONe....” he huffs, rubbing his forehead “THeRe HAs aLsO BeEN SoME cASeS wHErE i’Ve SaW pROwLEr SumMoNEd a MorE ‘tAme’ vaRIAnT of IT. But THaT WAs Just Due TO hIM SepEraTing HIs SOul iNtO Two HAlvEs WHenEVeR HE NEeDeD HeLp And We WeReN’t ArOund.... bUt duE to THIs. jOEy ACtuaLly thINks THat PrOWleR coUld aCtiVaTE it MAnUAlLY.. aND EveN For A shORt TIme. COntROl it. whEn thE tiME IS riGhT... thOuGH THaT neEds TO be ObsErvEd THE... WeLL iF His Body DoeS gET bROkeN LIke THIs AGaIn.... But OthEr THaN THaT WHen THaT ForM Is AroUND. wE ALL hiDe aND STaY FAr AwaY. i CAN’T tELl yOu hOW MANy tiMEs a miSsinG PERson rEpORt cAme Up to THe Tv One DamN SaTurDaY MoRnINg...” he finishes finally sighing slightly more as he glances upwards, going ahead of the others to carefully take off the leaves covering a old gate, the others walking into the gate after he covered it back up, making sure that prowler didint fall off of him the entire way.
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“WelL... hErE We ArE.. HomE sWeEt hOme” he says, as susan was next to him, rumbling as they looked at the state the lodge was in, it looked nearly damaged but also repaired since there were different pieces from another house. and that cabin that prowler made for drago a long time ago was still there too! but something else that wasn’t there before. a barn, closed off as alpha huffs “MiGhT HAvE to CHeCK thAT oUT soOn.. bUt yEAh hOpe THat aNSwEReD YoUR cURIous MInd ABoUT hIS In ESsENcE, mOSt daNgeRouS anD MosT PowErFUl foRM iN All OF exISTenT.....” he says, sighing as he glances over to the broken body of prowler still on his shoulders, his horns drooping as he coughs a bit.
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