#historic Ibizan critiques
doginprogress · 10 months
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Ibizan Hound AKC Standard
For my first historic critique, we have Claerwen Golden Puma or “Sixpence”
Sixpence was born in the UK in 1974 to Eridu Rojissimo and Ivicen Snow Leopard and has a 5 gen COI of 15.38 (though she has an incomplete pedigree). It appears she was bred once to Sin’s Late Night Extra and had four offspring, two male, two female. One of her sons went on to be bred 4 times, resulting in 30 grand-puppies.
At the time she was born, Ibizans had not yet even been added to the AKC, but it’s the standard I’m familiar with and will be breeding to, so I’ll evaluate using it.
Overall she looks like an Ibizan Hound. Breed type is important and it sounds silly to type out that first sentence, but it is such a big part of evaluations. She’s got substance without appearing too heavy, though her neck does seem rather thick where it meets her head. It’s possibly also a bit ewe necked.
From what I can see of her head, I do like it. It seems to have parallel planes and be in proportion. I do think I’d like a bit more underjaw. Ears seem appropriately sized and positioned.
She’s not stacked beautifully, so I will have to make some inferences and educated guesses about her front. I believe her topline would be nice if she were stacked squarely. The breastbone is prominent, but not protruding, which is perfect. I would like more layback on her shoulder. But her legs look nice and sturdy, her pasterns are great and her feet appear to be well arched.
Proportionally I do think her chest to loin ratio is excellent. I would suggest a prefer her chest be a smidge less deep. Her croup is good, but could be steeper. Her tail set appears nice, though the tail itself could be longer imo. Her rear is nice and moderate, something modern Ibizans can struggle with, as overly angled rears tend to be popular in the show ring.
She looks well muscled and well fed (possibly a bit too much 😅) and I prefer my Ibizans a bit closer to hunting fit, but there’s also no telling how old she is in this photo or how she looked throughout her life. This is but one snapshot of a second in this dog’s life. A beautiful girl who I’m sure made her owner’s life a little bit more joyful.
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