#honestly PLEASE read Purple Pill or BH&H like
bakatenshii · 4 years
Hey angel! You got me hooked on fics that feature drug usage, do you have any you rec/know any other writers that stories that feature it?
AHH first i wanna say sorry HAHAHA but also thank you (ಥ﹏ಥ)
first I have to, haaaave to redirect you to @thisisthehardestthing my love, my inspo, her purple pill (shinsou) & between heaven and hell (dabi + hawks) really made me feel things i never have reading anything. they got me overheating, heart palpitating, placebo high— she literally transfers u to a new dimension. I can absolutely not rec her fics enough.
no surprise bcos my blog is basically a kazooli fanblog, but her creepy stoner dabi & shig mlist is here ! there’s more in her #drugs tag also ft. drug use hehe
@vermiliren / @vermilispam ren does dark dark content and drugs! (she produces so much content tho I’m sorry I can’t go thru it all to pluck em out 👉👈) her writing is impeccable, please go binge her blog if you’re into that!
pspspsps this hawks drabble by my wife @blahkugo is fucking delicious, scrumptious, GOD IT’S SO GOOD
snack run by @lookslikeleese on ao3; shinsou, denki x reader. it’s one of my alltime favs hh
syd’s tendou weed drabble it’s tendou + weed u know it’s gna be gud shit
afton has this taichi drabble, and she posts so much everyday, just go filter thru her meticulous tagging system and u got em!
twinkle by june, soft stoner sero, made me fall in luuuurvee (⺣◡⺣)♡* it made me doki doki and giddy, it’s so cute I adore it
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