#honorable mention to sookie stackhouse (books NOT the show oh god) and linda belcher
puppycheesecake · 4 months
What are your top 10 favourit fictional characters? :D
Oh man, that's a hard one. Uhh in no particular order: (broken down by media type because I got overwhelmed, lol)
1. Wilhelmina "Mina" Harker (née Murray) from Dracula
2. Helen Graham from The Tenant of Wildfell Hall
3. Holden Caulfield from The Catcher in the Rye
4. Carmilla from Carmilla
TV & Movies:
5. Dana Scully from The X-Files
6. Dee Reynolds from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
7. Laszlo Cravensworth from What We Do In The Shadows
8. Leslie Knope from Parks & Recreation
9. Buffy Summers from Buffy the Vampire Slayer
10. Wendy Torrance from The Shining (specifically the movie version, not the book)
I'm probably leaving off a ton of obvious ones BUT...! Those are 10 favorites that immediately came to mind, if not top 10.
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