#how fast to 100% ares and then save the litte fox boy
sofibeth · 2 years
Frontiers progress
100% Kronos Island and I’m like halfway through Ares I think
Alot of neat things happen so let’s roll it down. (def Spoilers if u haven’t gone ahead now)
- Its only the first island and the Koco lore already gone dark I honestly didn’t expect that so soon mannn.
- Like I did get the Egg Memo beforehand which talk bout the Ancients being related Chaos which of course made more intridge considering he’s a muntated chao so it leaning further on the Chao and Koco being linked in that sense.
- Mama and child Koco dying and Sonic and Amy being like wut was me too.
- It does lead to a really good scene for Amy at the end tho I like how they handled her and her interaction with Sonic. They are wholesome hedgehogs who support each other.
- I will say compare to how huge Ares is, Kronos is def a good start island to go through, big euongh to explore and search every nook but small euongh to not be overwhelming. Plus the OST is soothing.
- Also mann the lost ssay child memes regarding Sage, its just more amusing of Sonic trying wrangle any infomation from her and she’s like “my dad said I’m not allow to talk to strangers”
- Her reasonings of going after Sonic are so petty but in character for eggman to program a AI to be like that.
- I also never expect Eggman becoming a dad arc for this game but I kinda luv how in the memos he’s slowly having a parental instinct for Sage. I appreciate finally stating his Maria so that’s cool.
- lowkey wish Sage is kinda mainstay and doesn’t die or something this dynamic too amusing to past up.
- Anywho Ares is the reason u wanna cram that speed setting to the max cause wwoow its huge.
- I would say I like Shark more than Squid since it was easier to beat down but also kinda takes soo long, I think Sumo is the better boss with the cool wall mechanic. (the tanks can screw it tho)
- I miade jokes how long it took me to find and save knuckles cause I get distracted of every new thing I find here lol.
- Knuckles is great btw at the rate the main core 4 def been getting the best characterization this generation.
- I saw the jokes but yea their first interaction really screams bisexual energy. thr Sonamy and Sonknux fans are gonna get so much food this game lol.
- still pretty whatever on cyberspace, I can get the needed keys just fine but not in a hurry to S rank them.
- Btw it took me way too long to get Soap shoes but i got it and I’m not removing them.
But yea enjoying the game, I’ve heard Chaos Island def had some sort of difficutly spike so we’ll see.
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