#i also didnt realize i only read nonfiction or memoirs last month!!! they were all SUCH heavy books wow...
xumoonhao · 1 year
what i read in april 2023 💖
(entries marked with an * indicate favourites!)
*My Decade of Temporary Homes by Rachel Heng | Esquire
Calvinism and the American Conception of Evil by Douglas Giles, PhD | Medium
*How Snails Cross Vast Oceans by Thom van Dooren | Nautilus
J. Crew and the Paradoxes of Prep by Hua Hsu | The New Yorker
*Inside the Secret Working Group That Helped Push Anti-Trans Laws Across the Country by Madison Pauly | Mother Jones
*‘iPhones are made in hell’: 3 months inside China’s iPhone city by Viola Zhou | Rest Of World
The Giant Arcs That May Dwarf Everything In the Cosmos by Jasmin Fox-Skelly | BBC
The Unbelievable Zombie Comeback of Analog Computing by Charles Platt | WIRED
Astronomers Dig Up the Stars That Birthed the Milky Way by Lyndie Chiou | Nautilus
How a Chicago Dive Bar Exposed Corruption and Changed Journalism by Paula Mejia | Atlas Obscura
A Brief (But Complicated) History of Coffee and Tea by Michele Debczak | Mental Floss
Why the Animal Kingdom Is Full of Con Artists by Elizabeth Kolbert | The New Yorker
The Novelist Whose Inventions Went Too Far by D. T. Max | The New Yorker
America Doesn’t Know Tofu by George Stiffman | Asterisk Mag
He Spent 25 Years Infiltrating Nazis, the Klan, and Biker Gangs by Paul Solotaroff | Rolling Stone
The Pirate Radio Broadcaster Who Occupied Alcatraz and Terrified the FBI by Jacob Pagano | Narratively
The Thoughts of a Spiderweb by Joshua Sokol | Quanta Magazine
The Gambler Who Beat Roulette by By Kit Chellel | Bloomberg
How Susan Kare Designed User-Friendly Icons for the First Macintosh by David Kindy | Smithsonian Mag
A Turkish Bookshop's New Chapter On a Remote Island by Alexandra De Cramer | Courier
Nothing to Envy: Ordinary Lives in North Korea by Barbara Demick (2009)
*Beautiful Country: A Memoir of an Undocumented Childhood by Qian Julie Wang (2021)
*When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi (2016)
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