#i also don't really like how people act like shattered glass megastar is the acceptable megastar
bucketwingthoughts · 4 months
What are your opinions on shattered glass Megastar? I know you're into AUs and I find the concept of them meeting differently very interesting.
okay this may be an upopular opinion.
This is so funny because I've actually been talking about this on my twitter but eh....I do not like shattered glass megastar because i don't really like nor care that much about shattered glass starscream. i love aus, but to me, shattered glass megastar doesn't feel like megastar. in extension, shattered glass starscream is not starscream to meee. the qualities i love in starscream and the reason i am drawn to and like him as a character do not exist in shattered glass starscream. and in my MY MY personal opinion, a lot of fans tend to project shattered glass starscream's personality and stuff onto canon starscream and that's when we get like the soft boy starscream that i kinda don't really like or vibe with.
maybe if i read shattered glass in depth then i'd think differently but now, no not really. like i see it as a ship but just not megastar if that makes sense.
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