#i also love to compare cc!Martyn's take on things versus the narrative as a whole
ani-craft · 1 year
"Martyn is loyal" this and "Martyn isn't loyal" that
Loyal or not, this man loves. No matter what he might say. Calls himself selfish, or a wanderer, or a wildcard, or whatever else he'll readily claim to seem unanchored. And sure, he is highly driven by self-interest, that is undeniable especially after Lim Life's ending. Yet every season he gets attached to people, finds a fondness in someone. To Scott, to Cleo, to the Southlands (especially Mumbo), to Ren--and to an extent he is loyal, or devoted, or whatever other word you want to use for it. As loyal as he can be up until he can't be anymore. Looks at every alliance with the idea that they'll make it to the finale together, even if what happens after is unsavory. He knows too much for his own good, knows that every life will end as him versus everyone he's allied with. It's inevitable, given the nature of his lore and his role in the grand scheme of things. It's an always present truth that backs every plan he has. An audience is Watching, and we need a grand finale, after all.
But until then:
"That's it, they're dead."
"I'm more than happy for you to link back up with me, and we can be real proper soulmates."
"You said, 'You and your allies will see the end.' You said I could bring them all!"
"I'm with you. This is us, now. This is us."
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