#i also think part of it is them wanting to establish deetxrian in season 1
skekteksfurby · 4 years
ok hear me out: the romance in aor season 1 really wasn’t necessary or well-written.
so we start out the series pretty simple okay? one of our main heroes has a gf, gf dies, he sad. Due to all the hectics going on, he doesn’t get the time to properly process her death (or his father’s for that matter).
Yet the second romance we get (him x deet) already rears its head when they meet for like the second time or something and I’m like... dude. you’re in the middle of a war, your dad AND gelfriend just died. Why are you already thirsting after this random green cave lady.
they kept saying in the behind the scenes docu how the romance between rian and deet was central, but, honestly, to me it felt more like an afterthought. They don’t have much chemistry, their crushes on one another felt really rushed, and it just doesn’t feel appropriate with Mira having been drained only moments before. 
Not saying I’m not totally open to them becoming a thing. If we were to have gotten a hypothetical three seasons, I’d be fine with the crush being only subtly hinted at in season one, then finally explore more in later seasons. But we don’t have that, and, as it is, it just feels horribly rushed and just unneeded. We keep taking focus away from our main story for this puppy love that takes place way too soon after Mira’s death.
aside from deet and rian, I also really don’t get how people ship so much with this show, when a lot of the characters only barely interacted. Anyone can ship everything, dgmw, but when I ship something I want to see the characters have at least a few clear and meaningful interactions that go deeper than just the average one. That’s just my personal pref, though! Do what you want, just not my thing. 
tee el dee ar i really love this show with all my heart and my being but by the gods, they could’ve put more thought into the romance.
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