#i also think thats why every attempt at just straight up making tumblr sextmen in shows now just doesnt work
typheus ยท 8 months
so tired of ppl that werent actually on tumblr back in the day trying to say what tumblr sexymen are ๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„
tumblr sexymen started as ppl complaining that a majority of tumblr userbase Only cared about Skinny Tall White Guy to the point that if a show they liked didnt have one. they would just. make one.
the act of turning a character into a skinny tall white guy was what made a character a TUMBLR sexyman :/ characters like the onceler got added to the sexyman roster as the term grew in popularity and its definition became All Skinny Tall White Guys, not just the ones that tumblr users created
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