#i also think theres a lot of cool visual you could do with the patron influence in the slime... like a corrupt lava lamp effect
muttonsnacks · 8 months
I also really wanna make another slime oc because of the ☆ Slime Lore ☆ I thought of at some point
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tumblunni · 6 years
Aaaaa let me pokems...
Gonna hopefully HOPEFULLY be able to get my capture card from the post office tomorrow and be able to start playing this game a week later aaa. I hope my patience is worth it!! I hope it all works well and i can do a fun lets play that everyone enjoys!!
But man im REALLY dissappointed to learn that almost half of all the outfits for your trainer are exclusive to eevee version, like wtf? And theres not really any other alternative for like.. Half of the rainbow. The eeveelutions added some well needed options for colours like pink and purple and light blue. Aww well i know i couldnt make my character look like me anyway cos you cant choose hair colour, so i guess this is just more of a reason to make a new oc from scratch.
Oh, and what should i name my pikachu? Like i was thinking Chuppy cos thats what i called my first pika in Yellow, but he was a boy and i kinda wanna take the opportunity to have a female starter for the first time. Name idea for her: Loki? Cos yknow Loki in the original mythos was like the patron god of genderfluidity after all. Plus i just dont know any names of any female-all-the-time trickster deities that i could use instead. Aside from like.. Femme fatale types, which doesnt fit well for a lil rascal of a pet. Oh! Or maybe just call her Rascal! But for some reason that seems to fit an eevee better in my mind, so maybe i'll headcanon it as Trace's starter's nickname?
ALSO!! I'M EXCITED TO HUG TRACE!! I love this good shy boy i will protect him forever. His design is boring but his personality is actually a nice spin on the friendly rival archetype from what ive seen so far. I'm already attatched to the idea of my oc trainer being more of a grumpy ego times gary-as-a-girl character, except also what if the egos rudetime was also LOVV SHE FREMD?? She protec the weak instead of stomp them down. Big sister feels! But aaaa i dunno what to name him? Cos i'm gonna get so attatched to him and do lots of fun buddy dynamic with him and Darcy, so he needs a name that just Sounds Right As The Friend Of She. Yknow??? Like i initially wanted to call him Cedric after the beta name of Barry from gen 4, cos theyre both Soft Boys, but i dunno if "Darcy and Cedric" sounds good? Like its not similar OR different enough to sound like a matching buddy cop in an 80s movie. It works best when its like "Darcy and Barcy" or "Darcy and Fnebt" or "Darcy and Hjdhfjbkyljk". Rhymey or similar length or one short and one long or LONG AND ALSO RHYMEY HMM YEH THATS THE GOOD SHIT!!! What is a good name of that? Randomly thinking of another 5 letter name, how about Quinn? Cos that'd make them both the same length visually but one is shorter in syllables, and also they can both ne first names of normal kids or surnames of buddy cops. THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT THING
Gaaaaagh i should start doodling stuff to figure it out!! Like think about what hairstyle and outfit Darcy would have if the customization was more free. And i think maybe she'd have hair colour similar to James? Or a rusty red maybe, or another anime hair colour thats like a Soft Anime rather than super bright? Or maybe just brown hair instead of black, i dunno. OH AND MAYBE GLASSES!!! Or maybe stick those on Trace/Cedric/Quinn if i was to give him a new less Gary-ish outfit. Or maybe he has cute glasses and she has cool shades? OR MAYBE FRECKLES BOYE! Oh and if i doodle Chuppy vs ideas for other pikachu ocs, maybe itd help me figure out what i want to go with?
Hhhh im so excite for game why u no be in my heart already game
Man i need to stock up on snacks aaaa
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